Chapter Eight: A Potion and a Party

A/N I'm both excited and sad to say that this is the last chapter. I'd like to thank all of you who've taken the time to read this, and hope you enjoy the last chapter.

Sunday rolled around much faster than Rob had been expecting. Now firmly lodged in the second-floor bathroom, Rob was just adding one of the last ingredients, and the potion turned an attractive shade of green.

"Right what does the book say now?"

"Let the potion stew for ten minutes, then stir nine times counter-clockwise."

"Nine times?"

"Nine times."

"I don't remember it being nine times."

"Well that's what it says!"

"Fine! Frank, please set the timer."

"You got it man."

Rob stood and walked over to where Myrtle was, greeting her and asking how her day was going. Frank took a moment to reflect on the fact, that most Slytherins weren't the bullies that Gryffindor make them out to be, but could actually be just as kind as a Hufflepuff.

Rob returned and sat next to Frank.

"How much longer?"

"Five more minutes."

Charles paced nervously.

"Charles, mate, could you not pace? It's making me worried that the potion is going to spill."

Charles shot a scathing look.

"I don't like it. We're going to get caught."

"We've got a good reason."

"Then why did we need to come here in the first place?"

"You suggested it man!"

As Rob and Charles began to argue more and more heatedly, Frank did the nine stirs, and then added the final ingredient, causing the potion to turn black as night, and emit several loud bangs.

Attracted by all of the noise, Argus Filch turned up, his beloved Victoria following as she had for years. Filch examined the finished potion and the recipe book.

"Brewing a banned potion, were we?"

"Mr. Filch!" Rob exclaimed, "We can explain."

"ENOUGH!" Filch hollered, "I told you about my Vicki and you promised to help her, and now all I find you doing is making Sembando!"

"Give us all detention if you like, Mr. Filch. Just give some of the potion to Victoria."

"Give Vicki that! Are you insane!"

Filch glowered as he began to think of all the horrible punishments he could inflict.

Victoria Norris however, walked over to the cauldron and lapped up some of the black liquid it contained. She began to shudder.

Filch's eyes bugged out of his head.

"Are you trying to kill her?" he screeched.

Victoria trembled as the potion did its work. However, she did not return to a human form once the potion had asserted itself.

Charles was racking his brains, trying to figure out what went wrong, when Frank spoke.

"Victoria? Could you try to use you Animagus powers?"

Mrs. Norris tilted her head, as if in deep thought, and then he body elongated into a human form.

Victoria Norris looked as though she had once been quite a careless beauty, but now her age had caught up with her. Her face was now lined, giving her a matronly appearance, which was exaggerated by the streaks of grey in her hair.

She wore robes of a deep red, with a hat to match.

Filch stared at her with a great love, and she stared right back.

"Forgive me Argus!" she cried in a rich, vibrant voice.

"Aye, I will."

Argus grinned, happier than the three students had ever seen him.

*The Department of Mysteries Time Room is now terminating their contract with the author*

The scene was set. Professor Slughorn was throwing his annual Christmas Party, and this time, everyone was invited. Rob went alone, as well as Frank. Charles had already graduated.

Rob sat at a table, drinking a glass of eggnog, and waiting for Frank to return with his enormous tray of desserts, so he could berate him and steal several of them.

Several people were still arriving, the party having started only ten minutes before. Rob watched as Argus and Victoria Filch entered.

They were both looking quite elegant, and Filch was giving candy canes to anyone below fourth year he met. Rob was reminded of Ebenezer Scrooge as he looked at the sight. It warmed his heart.

Over the crowd he could see Frank coming, and he grinned at his best friend, happy that he had managed to make Filch change for the better.

Right so this is finished, and once again thank you all for reading How Filch Became a Decent Human Being. I've been putting some thought into this, and I've decided that I'm going to start a nice, sweet Wolfstar fic next. Expect to see that sometime after Christmas. It somewhat saddens me that no one dropped any reviews on this, but I suppose we can't have everything we want out of life.

I now officially declare this fanfic complete, and hope that people keep finding it and reading it.