My Pov

Episode 13

I was so relieved. After a while of wondering if the others were okay, I had come across TK and Patamon.

"TK!" I called out.

"Patamon!" Coronamon and Lunamon called. They both turned and saw us. They ran to us. TK and I hugged while our Digimon gathered in a big group hug.

"Rainie! You're okay!" TK said.

"You are too." I said. We both talked about what we had gone through since we had gotten separated.

"Rainie, come see Primary Village. It's where all the Digimon are born." TK said. I followed him and saw many baby Digimon. There were Botamon, YukimiBotamon, Punimon, Poyomon, Nyokimon, Pabumon, Pichimon, Yuramon, MetalKoromon and Pupumon. They were all so cute. That's when they all started squeaking and shaking.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked

"Up there!" Coronamon said. We turned and saw Leomon standing on a ledge above us. He jumped off it and started running toward his.

"Boom Bubble!" Patamon exclaimed.

"Corona Flame!" Coronamon exclaimed.

"Lop-ear Ripple!" Lunamon exclaimed. Leomon defended himself and the attacks just seem to bounce off him.

"TK, Rainie, this way!" Patamon said. We followed him into the small forest and hid. I could hear Leomon coming closer.

"What do we do?" I asked, terrified as Leomon's steps grew closer. Patamon, Coronamon and Lunamon all seemed to be thinking.

"Hey, brats!" a voice called. I saw it was Ogremon. He was holding a Poyomon and YukimiBotamon in his hand. "Come out now or these little runts get it!" He held his club dangerously over the two baby Digimon. No. I couldn't let them get hurt. That's when Leomon appeared behind us.

"I must... eliminate the DigiDestined!" Leomon said. He lifted his weapon up, ready to strike us.

"Howling Blaster!" A blue stream of fire came from our right, causing Leomon to jump.

"Akinake!" A large sword was shot toward Leomon, who barely managed to block it. We looked and saw Matt riding on Garurumon's back and Tyler riding on Dinohyumon's shoulder.

"TK!" Matt exclaimed.

"Rainie, hold on!" Tyler yelled.

"Matt, Tyler, you found us." TK said. Garurumon and Dinohyumon began fighting Leomon while Greymon and Waspmon, who had shown up with Tai and Emma, fought Ogremon. Everything seemed to be going okay until several Black Gears went into Leomon, making him grow bigger and stronger. He easily beat the others. He started toward me and TK.

"Coronamon digivolve to... Firamon!"

Firamon lunged at Leomon and they fought for little before he tossed to the side too.

"Firamon!" I cried. Patamon and Lunamon tried attacking Leomon, but he grabbed both of them.

"Patamon! Lunamon!" TK cried. I started to think it was hopeless when Togemon and Kabuterimon, along with Mimi and Izzy, showed up. Izzy told us to hold our Digivices, which were the small devices we had, up to Leomon. Tai and Matt did and the light from the Digivices pushed the Black Gears from Leomon's body and changed him back to normal. Ogremon fled just as everyone reverted back to Rookie. Leomon then told all of us about a prophecy involving children who could help Digimon digivolve and how they would defeat Devimon. We all traveled to where Devimon was hiding, only to see him emerge. He was huge!

"I didn't think Devimon would be that tall!" Lunamon said.

"It's the Black Gears! Devimon has absorbed many of them into his body to make himself stronger." Leomon said. Devimon then attacked us and kept all of us pinned down. I thought were down for when both Ikkakumon and Birdramon, along with Joe and Sora, showed up to help. Everyone but Patamon and Lunamon digivolved to Champion and battled Devimon. Even with all of them, it still wasn't enough. Devimon easily tossed everyone to the side before turning to me and TK.

"They say the youngest will defeat me. Therefore, you both must be destroyed!" Devimon said. He then slowly reached out to grab us.

"Boom Bubble!" Patamon exclaimed.

"Lop-ear Ripple!" Lunamon exclaimed. Their attacks didn't even faze Devimon. They kept attacking but it did nothing. Right as Devimon's hand engulfed around us, Patamon and Lunamon jumped and were caught instead.

"Patamon!" TK cried.

"Lunamon!" I cried.

No one's Pov

At that moment, Both TK and Rainie's Digivices glowed. This triggered their partners evolutions.

"Patamon digivolves to... Angemon!"

"Lunamon digivolves to... Lekismon!"

My Pov

I gawked at Patamon and Lunamon. They both finally digivolved.

"Devimon, your dark powers have gotten too out of control." Angemon said.

"You have terrorized the Digimon of File Island and the Digital World for far too long." Lekismon said. Devimon went to grab Angemon and Lekismon but they in turn attack him.

"Hand of Fate!" Angemon exclaimed. Light formed around Angemon's hand and he shot it toward Devimon

"Tear Arrow!" Lekismon exclaimed. She pulled an arrow of ice from the protrusions on her back and threw it at Devimon. The attacks combined and destroyed him. That's when I saw Lekismon was fading away.

"Lekismon!" I cried. She looked at me. She gave me a small, sad smile.

"Rainie..." Lekismon said. Her voice... it was different. It was softer and more gentle. It was also... so familiar. "This isn't goodbye. I'll return someday as long as you keep your faith." With that she vanished along with Angemon. In their places were two large eggs. They were DigiEggs.

"As long as you two take care of those eggs, Lunamon and Patamon will come back." Coronamon said. I will. I'll protect her far as long as it takes. That's when some rubble was pushed out of the way, revealing some kind of device. A projection appeared of an old man who said his name was Gennai. He explained to us what was needed for us to return home and where to go next. We all then decided to head out at once.