A/n: Hi guys! I'm back in action! This time. With a SPN fic! YAY! Hide your boos because we barely even started yet. I want to thank my very good friend Delia! For helping me find motivation to create another Fanfiction and help me create this! Last time I was a little more stressed because someone wrote a very heartbreaking thing about my Techno Organic fanfic. I just needed a break due to the fact they just wrote 5 paragraphs Criticizing on how my story shouldn't even be published online… But anywho. I'm back with a whole new attitude and I hope you all enjoy! This time my chapters will be shorter and less time consuming for me and all of you viewers!
Thank you to my good friend Delia for helping me write this!
Disclaimer: I do not own SPN or any characters from the Netflix series.
(Correct me if I'm wrong)
Enjoy and don't forget to leave review on how I did!
Chapter one: The Beginning
It was a dreary night of October, the trees were turning color, the days began to get colder, as it inched toward my favorite holiday of the year. Halloween.
Spooktacular decorations were already put up, my neighborhood always had this competition on who's house looked the most festive. The Johnson's always won.. Why? Oh because they're rich and they always buy the best of the best stuff online, no biggy. I never really cared for the decorations. Me. I loved to dress up and scare the living daylights out of people. Sometimes people call me: "The Princess Of Hell", you will find out soon. I am Carly James, and you're going to figure out why I earned this name.
"Carly! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" A feminine voice yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming mom!" I yelled as I jumped out of my bed and scrambled to get clothes on. This was no ordinary day, it was Hallow's Eve. The night where I can plot out my plans to scare people, scaring them SO BAD, that they faint. The screams were always joy to my ears.
"Where is it… Where is it?" I muttered to myself as I moved a strand of my raven black hair from my face so I can see in my drawers. In doing so, I found my book. "Halloween Plots and Disasters", the book where I always put my ideas into play, all of my genius ideas for Halloween pranks are in this book, and it was almost filled within a couple days since I got it. I grinned to myself as I put it in my bag, readying myself to start the day, with some Hallow's Eve pranks.
My family is small. It was just my mom and I since my dad left when I was three, I barely remembered the bastard. From what mom says, he spoke with a British accent, and had the same colored hair and eyes as I do, from what I can tell. I must have gotten his attitude and personality as well. Another thing which I find myself cursed with. I always somehow found myself getting into trouble just because I almost cut someone's arm off. But hey, that was in 2nd grade.
"Bye mom! I'm off to school!" I yelled as I grabbed a piece of toast and bound out the door. "Bye honey! Don't get into tro-" and I shut the door before I could hear the rest. It was almost Halloween, I couldn't risk a little fun? Could I? Too late. Bye the time I got to school, there was police tape around the front door, blood trails leading up the steps and occasional pieces of body parts. Like flesh, hair, nails, teeth, Etc.
There was a big crowd of my classmates there watching as well, as a Black 67' Chevy Impala rolled into the parking lot. Once I saw the license plate, I was confused why it said Kansas in the front. Nobody from Kansas lived here in this town of Nevada. I was broke from my thoughts when two men in suits exited the car. FEDS. Why would the FEDS be here? I thought, and at that very moment, the shorter man made eye contact with me. Chills ran down my back as I looked at my friend who had just arrived, Tessa. She looked just as confused as I was. "What was it? What's going on?" She asked as she pushed through to me. "Oh nothing, just a murder" I said bluntly.
What a nice start to the day, "It was just a murder. Nothing new around here' I thought as the day went on. It seemed like the strange looking FEDS were somehow always around the corner. I made sure not to run into them. I figured, if I didn't do anything wrong, they wouldn't question me.
"CARLY JAMES! REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" The announcer boomed. 'Too late' I thought as I held a smug grin and walked to the principal's office. I may or may not have put an airhorn under the principal's chair last night. Wait….. They don't think I murdered someone….. Did they?
I casually walked into the office and I saw the two agents "Shit.." I muttered under my breath as I approached the strange men, and the principal. "So… What'd I do this time?" I asked raising a brow, "These two men would like to ask you a few questions, so if you don't mind. Take a seat." The principal says as he left the room to give them privacy in the 'interrogation'. The shorter man looked at the taller one with gorgeous hair. 'Man I wish mine was as good as his' I thought as they shorter one spoke "I'm agent Hanson and this is my partner Blick. If it's ok with you we'd like to ask you a few questions." I furrowed my brows as I sat down in a chair.
"Well shoot." I said, trying not to sound so bored or annoyed that I was yet again in the Principal's office for the 15th time this week. Agent Hanson looked at Agent Blick then back to Carly " has anything been strange like anything smelling like rotten eggs or cold spots?" he asked carefully. I just looked confused "Yes. But I think it's because you two aren't wearing deodorant" I fought a snicker and put my hair into a ponytail real quick. Agent Blick just had a slightly confused look and sniffed his armpit "uhhh…." He said under his breath. "You two aren't really agents are you?" I asked. Agent Hanson looked at Agent Blick and gave him a look like saying 'You're an idiot.' Agent Hanson shook his head and stood quiet before slightly moving his head to Agent Blick to answer. "Uh.. No. We aren't Carly. We're trying to get to the bottom of this strange murder." Agent Blick says.
"Then, who ARE you really?" I asked skeptically looking between the two. The man who I thought was Agent Hanson sighed a bit "My name is Dean Winchester and this is my brother Sam. We hunt ghost and other supernatural things." I grinned to myself, 'I knew those two weren't FEDS' I thought to myself before saying "Well.. Now that I think about it…" I trailed off. "I might have been here last night… But I didn't see anything strange.. You probably heard of th-" I was interrupted by Sam "The airhorn under the principal's desk, we know. You're getting a detention from that by the way." I inwardly groaned in annoyance "Great.."
Dean chuckled "Dammit, you should've not said anything so this bitch can sit on it." I grinned, I liked his enthusiasm of pranks "Well.. If you say this 'Interrogation' Is done, you'll find out!" I laughed a little. Dean got up "What was your name again?" he asked. "Carly, Carly James" I said getting up and grabbing my bag, not knowing that my book had slipped out while we were talking. It lay hidden under the desk on the floor.
Dean saw it and waited till I left, he took a mental note of my name. "Stay out of trouble, between you and me.. Continue the pranks…" he winked and chuckled. I laughed "No promises, and of course! I'm not called the Princess Of Hell for nothing!" I said leaving the room after waving a goodbye. "Princess of Hell?" Sam asked as soon as I had gone. Dean nodded and grabbed her book "Damn right.. Do you think she's Crowley's kid?" he asked Sam. "I don't know for sure, but, the way she speaks and her personality… No doubt that she may be his daughter" he says getting up getting ready to leave. Dean thinks "Hmm… well you're the nerd so research bitch." he grabbed his keys and walked out.
"Have a good rest of the day gentleman" The principal says as they left and he went back into his office. As if on cue.. HONKKKKKKKKK! The airhorn erupts through the air and the principal yells "CARLYYY!" I laughed as I quickly ran my next class, as I was halfway down the hall when I heard my principle yell. Dean held in a laugh as he walked out.
A/N: Well this is the first official chapter of this little fanfic! YAY! Thank you to my special friend Delia! Who helped me out! We got this done within an hour! Go team!
"I have hacked my friends story :D, ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh" ~ Delia