So, here's my take on the secondary version of the Challenge Story I posted. If anyone wants to take a crack at either version of the challenge, let me know through review or PM me. I hope you like my take on this story, because I spent a LOT of time working on it.

*I don't own How To Train Your Dragon or RWBY!*

"Gronckle." = Normal Speech

'Zippleback.' = Thoughts

"Boneknapper." = Yelling

"Whispering Death." = Dragon Speech (This chapter only.)

The Exiled Dragons and their Search for One!

Flying across the ocean to an unknown destination were four different dragons. Three of them were native to the northernmost region of the archipelago, but there's one that doesn't fit the bill. He's not the leader, but he sees himself as more of a mediator than anything else, and only fights when he absolutely has to.

This dragon species is part of the Sharp Class of dragons. He's known as a Stormcutter. And he's very proud if his heritage.

Stormcutters are known for their large size and two pairs of wings. They have owl mannerisms and a second set of wings under their main ones that can split and become an "X". Stormcutter dragons walk on this second set of wings and their hind legs. The wings can also come close together so they can be like one main pair. They have a very muscular and sturdy build. Their face has two long spines that branch off their brow to the side and they have a "smashed" face, kind of like an owl. You could also call them brachycephalic. They have a three-finned tail and also have many spines down their back and a large "crown" on their head that makes them look even more menacing.

This particular Stormcutter is colored blue with black spots and has shades of pink and white on his wings, head and tail.

The next dragon is a Stoker Class dragon known as a Monstrous Nightmare. He's fiercely protective of the rest of the group, and will do anything in his power to make sure they aren't harmed. Unlike some other breeds of dragon, it has no forelegs, and its ground-based locomotion is similar to that of Pterosaurs, except that it has a lower profile due to its sprawled wings; it can use its claw-tipped wings to "crawl" along the floor. Their horns might be used as a visual display and in defense, but the swept back position of the horns means it is unlikely to use them in combat. Its stripe skin patterns seem to mimic that of a tiger's.

This particular Monstrous Nightmare is mostly orange with yellow and green on its wings. It has brown spots on its wings. The spikes on his back and tail are red. Its legs are cyan. The edges of its wings are dark red.

The third dragon in the group is a tough, rock eating Boulder Class Dragon known as a Gronckle. Like all Gronckles, this big fella is a stout dragon with wings that are very small in proportion to his body. He flies by beating these wings at high speeds like a hummingbird or a bee. His stout and plump body looks more like someone took four different sized boulders and decided to superglue them together, and he has a large mouth full of sharp teeth and small limbs. He's purple in color and his body is covered in light blue bumps.

The final dragon amongst these beasts is a two headed dragon known as a Hideous Zippleback. The Hideous Zippleback is often described as one of the most unusual dragons in the world. This dragon has two long, serpentine necks with spikes on it. These spikes can 'zip' together, in order to create the illusion of one neck. At the end of the necks, are two short heads. The Zippleback has a large horn on its nose, and two thinner horns on top of its head. Like most dragons, they have yellow reptile-like eyes. The teeth in their lower jaw seem to be longer than the one's in the upper jaw, sticking out. They also have two tails, which can also 'zip' together. The end of the tail posses a fin-like structure on its tails. Their bodies possess short, but strong legs with four sharp claws. The Zippleback is probably one of the longest of the medium-sized dragons, if not the biggest. This big fella is mostly lilac with shades of purple and blue. He has a cream colored belly.

However, the one thing that all of these dragons have in common is that they've all been exiled from their homes. They don't even know why they were exiled, and yet here they are. But they weren't without a mission.

You see, soon after they met after being exiled and formed their pack, the Allfather Odin sent them a vision. It said seek the help of a gentle viking. It even gave them a description of the viking in question. And he's as gentle as they come! And in serious need of friends and love, too. Together, them and this viking child, they can form a family and really save their kind from cruel rulers like the Red Death and the Corrupted Bewilderbeast, before it's too late!

Which at the rate things are going, it very well might happen soon.

"Brother Stormcutter, how much farther is it to this 'Bark' island?" asked the Gronckle.

"It's pronounced 'Berk', my friend. And it's not much farther now. From what Odin has told me, most of the warriors on the island are leaving in search of the Red Death's nest before the ice sets in for winter. That will be our most opportune moment to retrieve the boy and tell him why we seek his help." the Stormcutter replied.

"It's pretty exciting, ain't it?" asked the Monstrous Nightmare before he added "And after we make peace with the boy, we'll be able to get riders of our very own and find ourselves a new island to call home!"

The Hideous Zippleback couldn't help but snort in agreement.

"Yeah, I like this idea! Move away from Zippleback Island, get our own place… away from 'you know who'." said the Gas head.

And the Spark head was all too eager to put his own input, as he knows exactly who his brother is talking about.

"You're telling me, bro! I am so sick of 'you know who'. He never knows when to shut up and leave you alone; I want him out of here!"

"Guys, please! Stay focused on the task at hand. Remember, the Night Fury is the young lad's partner and friend chosen for him by the gods himself. He's healing well after Thor and his father brought him to Asgard to regenerate his lost tailfin, but we need to tread carefully while in viking territory." said the Stormcutter.

And the Nightmare was close to flaming up due to his annoyance at the constant warnings being given. He may love the members of his pack like brothers, but all of these repeatative warnings were beginning to grate on his nerves.

"Blah, blah, blah! How many more times do we have to hear that?!" demanded the Nightmare.

The Stormcutter rolled his eyes and responded with "Until we complete our assignment and actually get the boy off of Berk without being seen. Besides, once we get to the designated area after that, Odin will have arrived with our new riders."

"I hear that he's actually going to choose four people from another world entirely! A universe completely parallel to our own!" said the Gronckle.

"Is that even possible?" asked the Gas Head of the Zippleback.

"I have no idea." replied the Spark Head.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's pick up the pace and find the boy at sundown. We'll have better cover if we search at night." instructed the Stormcutter.

And so, the dragons sped up on their journey and began to fly as fast as they could in their search for the island of Berk. And by the look of everything, this is going to be a heck of an adventure for whoever it is they're looking for.

*To Be Continued…*

Like I said before, this is my take on the secondary version of the challenge I posted. Anyone else who wants to take a crack at it can write their own version however they want to write it; so long as they follow the stationary guidelines that I have given. Remember, if you want to try and take up the challenge, just PM me or let me know in a review and we'll talk.