Seventy Five: If you can dream…

Time sped past and Finals came and went. Berk Valkyries had scored a 4-1 victory over Freya's Boarding School because Astrid and her team had been very determined to avenge their treatment at the hands of the team on their visit earlier in the season. The presence of the neutral referee in the Championship match had meant that Cameron was sent off in the first half and Freya's Boarding School had never recovered. And after she had lifted the Archipelago Cup in front of half of Berk High-as well as a cheering Marta, Hiccup, Gobber, Fishlegs, Anna, Kristof and Heather-she had been approached by a scout from Archipelago University who had offered her a Soccer Scholarship with the opportunity to study Sports Psychology as well. Knowing that Hiccup was planning to go to that school as well, she had accepted-and the look of fury on Cameron's face had been priceless as well.

Hiccup had joined the Board of the Stoick Haddock Memorial Park Foundation, along with Hoark, Alvin, Marta and Boarlegs Ingerman, who had been hired as Architect to the Project. Their first jobs were to undo the damage wrought by Viggo's developers and they had hired a lot of local labourers to remove the tarmac road and disassemble the huts and other intrusions in the park. The twins had applied for jobs already and Hiccup had made sure they were hired on decent wages, since they were supporting their mother as well as themselves. Snotlout was also offered a job but he had turned it down when he realised that he was, in effect, working for Hiccup. It seemed that his pride was larger than his pragmatism…though Hoark confirmed that Hiccup's $5000 cheque had been cashed and the family were living in a neat but small apartment on the very unfashionable side of town.

Heather had reported that her father, Chief Oswaldson, had resigned from the Police Force. He had told her quietly that he had taken a few bribes over the last year to allow Hunter Developments to get away with breaking a few bylaws, but he had been shocked and appalled at the level of corruption in the Berk Force. His second-in-command, Vorg, had bribed and subverted about a third of the force and the ABI had swooped in, cleaning out the Berk PD for good. Oswald wasn't complicit in any major criminality but he accepted that he had been asleep on watch and allowed it to happen-and had done the honourable thing. All that was left now was ensuring his son got the best care that was available.

Less than three weeks after his brother had tried to kill Hiccup, Viggo Grimborn was convicted of corruption, bribery of public officials and planning and organising the murder of Valka and Stoick Haddock and Ulf Oddvarson, the Senior Priest of Odin on Berk. He was sentenced to life in the maximum security jail on Freezing-to-Death. Krogan was similarly sentenced to life in the same jail and Stefan 'Spitelout' Jorgensen, the former Mayor of Berk, was convicted of being an accessory to the murder of his brother and predecessor as Mayor as well as a large number of charges of corruption. He was sent to Freezing-to-Death for twenty years.

As Graduation Day dawned, Hiccup felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. It was the day for families, the day for parents to exult in their children's success and congratulate them on their completion of High School. And while he had enjoyed the Prom with Astrid and their friends, this was a more serious day so that even the sight of Gobber turning puce as he was trying to squeeze himself into his good suit couldn't lighten his mood. The two limbed mechanic looked up and down the tall, lean shape, his tousled auburn hair and sparkling green eyes framing a pensive face. Hiccup was smart in his dark suit with pale green shirt and deep crimson tie and Gobber sighed, resting his real hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Yer know, laddie, yer parents would ha' been proud of ye," he assured the boy and Hiccup smiled, patting Toothless and feeding the dog some of his bacon.

"I know-I really do," he admitted. "But sometimes…I just miss them. I wish I could apologise and hold them and hear them say 'I love you' once more…" And he shrugged. "But you're right as well. This is a day to celebrate-and I will-with my friends!"

"And yer Godfathers-both of them!" Gobber reminded him. "You wanna drive? I think meh heap o' junk may not make it!" Hiccup grinned.

"I think's it's just held together by its bad attitude!" he chuckled, knowing a new truck would be waiting outside for Gobber once they returned from the Graduation. "I'll drive-since I want to get there in one piece-and because I only have the car because you and Astrid got it for me." He checked and picked up the present he had bought for Astrid for her graduation. Then he stared at Toothless and sighed: the dog was at his cutest, all big green eyes, fresh from a bath the previous night that had left him fluffy and proudly wearing a new brown leather collar with his name on it. "Okay-come on, boy. I hope Al can control you because we already know Gobber can't…"

Giving a happy bark, the dog galloped out of the house and was in the back seat before you could say 'Get in, bud!' Gobber strapped himself in-he knew Hiccup was a stickler for safety belts-and they pulled off, heading down to the school for the last time. Hiccup was quiet as he drove, recalling all the times he had been driven by his parents, the laughs and jokes and sulks and tantrums. And how grateful he was that he had such good parents.

They parked up at the school and Hiccup collected his deep crimson cap and gown, made a vain attempt to tame his hair and finally jammed the cap on his head.

"I'm sure I can do better than that," Astrid said, smiling. She looked divine in a turquoise sleeveless fitted dress, her eyes glittering and hair braided over her shoulder. Tenderly, she ran her fingers through his hair and adjusted his cap, smiling at his self-conscious look. "There, babe. You look so handsome."

"While you are the most beautiful woman on Berk," he breathed, kissing her cheek gently. She smiled smugly.

"While I have the best boyfriend," she reminded him. "Shall we go, Mr Haddock?"

"Indeed we shall, Miss Hofferson," he replied, taking her hand and leading her to their seats. Next to each other in the alphabet and in the seating plan, the pair were waiting as they saw a self-conscious Fishlegs take his seat while Anna and Kristof settled down in good time. Heather was at the front, as Class President but the way her eyes strayed to the husky boy reminded Hiccup and Astrid that the pair had been dating for two months. And Hiccup had never seen Fishlegs happier.

Of course, not everyone was happy. Eret and Thuggory had graduated but had lost their scholarships and were going to have to go through College on their own merits, though they had rich parents to ease the pain of paying their own fees. Both young men were determined and were fine Football players-so Hiccup secretly guessed that they could still have a good career and may be better people for the struggle. Anna and Kristof were going into Teacher training together in Archi College on Dragon Isle and Heather was joining them at the branch of Archipelago University for Veterinary Studies. Dagur was being treated in the nearby Blessed Freya Forensic Psychiatric Unit and was responding well to antipsychotics and intensive counselling. In fact, Heather had confided in Astrid that there was a possibility he would be allowed out in a few months-once he was considered sane-and would face a compassionate version of justice for his actions in attempting to kill her and Hiccup. Though uncomfortable, Astrid had been glad for the other girl and had agreed to support her when she spoke up for her brother.

Hiccup was planning to combine Engineering with a Business course so he could follow his love of tinkering with the knowledge he needed to ensure he could meet needs of the Project while Fishlegs had turned down that coveted place at an Ivy League School to everyone's shock. Instead, he planned to take the Archi University BSc in Botany on the Dragon Isle Campus-with Heather. Snotlout was already expelled and Dogsbreath and the twins failed to graduate, because their marks were so low they would have to redo the year in order to accrue enough credits.

Behind them, Marta was sitting with Gobber, Alvin, Hoark, Toothless, Throk, Atali Gustav, Petter, Hendrick and their other friends' parents. Snatching a look back at his godfathers-and reminding himself that Alvin, who had vanished when he was five was also his godfather and would stand by him-Hiccup smiled and watched as Principal Wing, resplendent in a black academic gown, walked up onto the stage and called the ceremony to order. The whole thing was a blur as the Diplomas were handed out and finally, everyone was seated. Mala Wing swept her cool green gaze over the assembled school and guests and smiled.

"Usually, it is the duty of the Senior Class President to speak at the end of this ceremony in Berk High," she announced in her low voice as her gaze swept across the audience. "But I have received a special request from Heather Oswalddottir, that another gives the speech. And understanding her reasoning, I have acceded to her request. So, to deliver the Class Speech, I invite Hiccup Haddock up to speak!"

She gestured to the lectern and Hiccup froze, his green eyes wide and shocked.

"Me?" he mouthed and Astrid nudged him, grinning.

"I have faith," she told him with absolute conviction. "You will be amazing, babe." He swallowed, then reluctantly got up and walked up onto the stage. Astrid and his friends were all clapping as the tall, anxious looking shape stood behind the lectern. His limp-which was still obvious when he was tired-had been a little more pronounced. And then he looked up.

"I was surprised to be called on-because I have been on a difficult journey throughout the year," he began. "I started the year as a person blessed with what I thought were good friends, wealth, privilege and the most fantastic parents. And I took all of them for granted. I was unkind to people who weren't my close friends. I was admired by some, envied by others and disliked by many because I wasn't a terribly nice person. My father knew I had better in me…and was disappointed that I seemed to be wasting my life."

His gaze swept candidly across the audience. Astrid nodded, smiling and he decided it would be easier to talk to her than focus on the hundreds of pairs of eyes inspecting him intently.

"But then life changed. My parents were murdered. I lost everything-including the friends I relied on. I was lost, bereft, broken. But through this, the last people I thought would be friends sympathised, helped me out and supported me. They were amazing. And with their help, I protected the girl I love, the town my father served and his dream. I became a person I would never have recognised at the start of the year, a man who has faced the worst and come out with the best friends, the cutest dog and the most awesome girlfriend ever."

He licked his lips.

"At the start of the year, we studied poems of the great Poets," he continued. "And Astrid Hofferson chose 'If'. It was one of my Father's favourites and I am reminded of some of the words today…

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same.

So I have dreamed and made dreams my purpose, my legacy, my gift to my parents and town. I have thought about what happened and put all my efforts into ensuring those responsible didn't get away. And my year has been a mix of Triumph and Disaster, a mishmash of attempts on my life and rejection by friends, of loss and grief and despair…and then joy and hope and victory. And I have lost the people I loved most…and gained another that I think I will love forever. Maybe one day, I can serve my home town as well and completely as my father-but in the mean time, I will ensure that my father's dream of making a reality of the Stoick Haddock Memorial Park on Raven Point a resource for all for ever."

He smiled.

"I guess what I think I'm saying is…be decent and kind because you never know when you may need other people…often the people you least expect. Never give up and never believe that anything is impossible. Always work hard and give your best because hard work brings great rewards. When you are wrong or you have wronged someone, do not be scared to apologise. It takes courage to stand up and admit your faults-but it is something you should always try to do. And when you find people you love-family, friends, lovers-make sure you let them know every single day and never waste a chance to be with them…because when they are gone, you should never regret the times you should have shared but squandered!"

Marta's face was streaked with tears-as was Gobber's-and Astrid was blinking as well. Fishlegs was wiping his cheeks as the heartfelt words rang out across the silent audience. Hiccup lifted his emerald eyes, briefly searching the sky and seeing the sun emerge from behind a cloud. For a second, he almost felt as if his parents' arms were round him once more.

"If you can do all that, then yours is the Earth and the possibilities are limitless. Good luck to you all and congratulations, Graduates of Berk High!" And then he dipped his head and stood back from the lectern as the applause began-loud and long and heartfelt. Kristof whistled and Astrid was whooping. Toothless was barking excitedly though no one minded-and Astrid was up out of her seat, running to meet him and hug him as he headed back towards her.

"That was awesome," she whispered as she kissed him. There was a cheer and they all threw their caps in the air. Astrid grabbed Hiccup's and tossed it up into the air, then he snatched hers and tossed it up skywards. Then both stared into each other's eyes and smiled as Hiccup fumbled in his pocket. His eyes drifted to look at her and he realised that she was wearing the pendant he gave her at Christmas that had been his mother's. He smiled.

"You wore it," he whispered. Her eyes widened and she smiled, self-consciously touching the metal pendant.

"It's my most treasured possession," she admitted. "Besides, I thought it was a sort-of-almost proposal…" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.

"Umm…I wasn't sure that was enough on it's own…and as I want to make sure you know I love you and would really like to spend the rest of my life with you…" he said quickly then handed her a small blue leather box. "So…um…yeah…" Eyes wide, Astrid held the little blue leather box as if it would explode. Heather swatted Fishlegs' arm and Anna and Kristof held one another, scarcely daring to breathe. Fingers fumbling, she flipped the little box open-to reveal a gold ring with a diamond solitaire. She took a sharp breath as Marta arrived, followed by Gobber and Alvin.

"Is this?" she whispered and he nodded.

"This is a proper proposal," he said and lowered himself to one knee. "If you would see me not as the asshole I was but as someone who has grown up and loves you with all my heart; if you would give me the chance to love and respect and be with you, then I would be the happiest person on Midgard." He looked up into her eyes. "If…"

She looked at him, into the hopeful emerald eyes. At the start of the year, Hiccup Haddock had been a vain, selfish, cruel individual who she wouldn't have given the time of day to. But since he changed, who he had become was a person she valued, wanted to be with…loved. And she wasn't sure how long it took to find your soul mate…but she knew she had found him in the young man Hiccup had become. She couldn't imagine her world without Hiccup being an integral part of it.

She leaned forward and kissed him tenderly.

"Yes," she said.

The End.

A/N: …and I'll leave the rest to your imaginations (but, small clue-they lived happily ever after…)

For those of you who noticed, all the chapters from 62 on have been named with phrases from Rudyard Kipling's 'If'

Thanks to everyone who read, reviewed, followed and favourited. I did read all the comments. Especially thanks to those who commented on every or almost every chapter!

I will be returning to writing my other stories now so I hope you enjoyed 'If'. Best wishes-harrypanther :)