This is the last chapter, thanks for those who stuck with it but I decided to make it short because this idea absolutely flopped. I do hope someone has enjoyed this and if you have favorite, follow and review to let me know:)

Lydia could stay in that moment forever, and she wouldn't mind it at all. Stiles had her against a wall as he gently trailed butterfly kisses down her neck as she scratched one hand through his hair.

They'd been making out for what felt like years, but probably only ten minutes, and the only clothing that was on the floor was Stiles' hoodie. Lydia couldn't contain herself much longer.

Lydia had become hyper-aware of how labored her breaths were and how her body had coated itself in a light sweat because she couldn't stop thinking about Stiles inside her, or having his mouth to her, or his fingers. Hell, just anything he had to offer. She can't even remember the last time she had sex, she knew it had to be verging on a year, and her own hand couldn't reach herself to orgasm, so she was practically dying.

Their lips met again, his tongue tried to nudge its way into her mouth, she smiled against him and so did he.

"I can't believe we're here," Stiles muttered against her and she nodded, her lips latched onto a spot on Stiles' jaw. "After everything we've been through I can't believe we're here."

"I can't believe we're alive." Lydia sighed, their lips brushed when she spoke.

"It wasn't easy." Stiles reminded her, and she had to take a moment to think about it.

It wasn't easy in the sense of surviving, there was too many threats all the time. Peter, the Kanima, Gerard, the Darach, the Nogistune, the Benefactor, the Dread Doctors, the Wild Hunt. Everything was out to get them, it seemed the world wanted them dead. But they had survived, somehow, in the midst of everything.

It also wasn't easy for the two to realize they loved one another. Well, that Lydia loved Stiles. She thought she loved Jackson, cared for Aiden and Jordan, but when she figured out that the only person who made her jelly-kneed and cared for her thoroughly was Stiles, he saw Malia.

So no, it wasn't easy.

"It never is." Lydia told him, her voice unsteady when his hands rode up her skirt.

She grinded against him, involuntarily which made them both moan into the others skin. They stopped for a moment, reveled in the way that that had felt after such tension had been built.

Carefully, Stiles tugged Lydia's top over her head, he revealed her baby blue bra with pretty lace edges and a bow in the middle.

"Jesus." Stiles whispered as his head dipped between her breasts, he wetly kissed down her chest as he hiked her higher up the wall.

Her head was thrown back, every touch and kiss sent fire through her and her hands were tangled in his hair. When his eyes found hers again they were hooded, glazed over with lust and desire. She imagined hers looked the same.


"Bed." Stiles agreed, he lifted her, grabbed her under her ass and carried over to his bed, waiting to be used.

She pulled his shirt over his head as he took them to the single bed, and threw it in the corner of his room. They hadn't turned on any lights, the only light that they were getting was the dazzling moon streaming in through the window. His curtains still open.

His chest was broad, hard from years of playing lacrosse. His stomach was toned, probably from running with wolves since he was sixteen, but they all created a lovely V shape.

He sat down, Lydia straddled him and kissed him and when they broke apart a hand grazed her side and he kissed each breast as they strained against the cup of the bra. Her heart was beating a million times faster than it should be, but she couldn't help it, she actually wished she was ashamed that she was this worked up over it. But it was Stiles. Nothing embarrassing to it.

He shifted so that he swung both his legs on the bed and laid down, and as Lydia loomed over him, he started kissing against the lace of her bra, working her up painfully slowly. She sighed and bit her lip, rocked her hips against his erection until he had started thrusting his hips into hers without realizing it.

He flipped them over, so he was on top, he shadowed her and Lydia couldn't help but cant her hips up so she felt him right up against her.

Could she wait for all the teasing to start and finish?

She released a moan, something that didn't sound like her, because she just wanted him. She'd never allowed herself to want this much.

"Stiles," She sighed as his lips left a trail of wet down to her belly button. "I need something, anything."

"I'm so on it," The words tumbled from his mouth and he was tugging her skirt down her legs and throwing them on the floor.

Her legs were porcelain, even so more the tops of her thighs where they didn't see the sun.

She had a matching pair of baby-blue panties, that lifted high onto her hips, revealing her bare skin to him. It was all his for the taking, she needed him to know that. She was biting her lip, wriggling under him impatiently because he couldn't tear his eyes away from her skin. He'd saw scars that he'd never seen before, he ran his fingers along the patches that had gone pink.

He pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh, like he was giving her a teaser of what was about to come.

Slowly, his fingers latched onto the waist band of her panties and he bought them down, over her legs. The action made her shiver.

"Holy shit." Stiles whispered to himself, seeing her was like art. He tugged at her legs, spreading her open like a flower blossoming.

He used his hands to spread her open, they dipped into folds and it almost tickled. But it felt so nice and gentle that Lydia liked it.

His first lick was tentative, like he was unsure. His tongue darted out to take a swipe at her clit, she gasped and hooked a leg around his back. He took it as a good sign, so the bastard smirked.

Lydia pushed her head into the pillow as she smoothed a hand through his hair, her breath was painfully labored, she'd never lost it this much before. But then, no-one she'd been with before was this good.

He created a rhythm with his tongue, as he stroked from left to right and up then down, occasionally sucked on her clit or swirled his tongue around her labia. She loved it, couldn't get enough of it and so she pushed her face into him, let him do his worse.

She was unfolding beneath him, as every flick of his tongue sent a shiver down her spine, and she knew that when she let go she wouldn't be able to stop it. She could tell she wasn't just going to orgasm, but she was about to come. He did everything he could with with his mouth, and she wasn't sure she was going to last much longer because her body was quacking, the need to come was making her body go mad. She was desperate to let go, and when Stiles purposely grazed his teeth slightly over her clit she fell over the edge.

She moaned loudly, and he brought her back down from the high expertly, and she felt almost weak because she didn't expect him to be that good.

He watched her with fascination, as her eyes fluttered shut and her body went limp against his once clean sheets. He knew it was a sight he could get used to.

"Stiles," Lydia slurred as he trailed kisses back up to her mouth. When their mouths met, he tasted of her, and at the back of her mind she was able to think that she still wanted more. She wanted him. Skin on skin. "I want you."

He nodded quickly, so he reached over to his bedside cabinet and pulled out a condom. Lydia watched him intently as he shrugged his jeans and boxer briefs off. His legs were toned, as well was his bum. Him being fully naked in front of her felt new, exciting for both of them. They saw scars they'd never seen before, everything about his body was beautiful, and he thought the same about her.

He lined himself up with her once she'd helped rolled the condom on, and she joined their hands together as he supported his weight. He was hovered above her, he admired the way she looked so undone underneath him, her strawberry blonde hair formed a halo around her head.

The way she could feel the pressure of him up against her made her toes curl around the sheets, he kissed her lips slowly, he stole the breath from her.

She cants her hips up again, and he slowly entered her, not all the way because Lydia felt her walls clench and she had a trouble breathing.

"Is it okay?" He asked, his voice tight. "Do you need a minute?"

She shook her head, licked her lips and pecked him. "Keep going."

He sunk all the way in and Lydia's eyes fluttered shut at the sensation of being filled. She couldn't believe this was happening, when at one point, she thought she'd lost him for good.

Lydia rolled her hips into him, matching the rhythm he created, she felt so good like this and so full. She felt loved, and she'd never felt like that during sex. But she supposed, this wasn't just sex, they made love.

Her hand that wasn't linked with his ran up his back, scratched when he hit a spot she never knew existed. His body was new, different. It dipped in ways she hadn't known, with moles scattered randomly across his pale skin.

He lifted her hips up, and plunged deeper. Automatically Lydia's legs tightened around his waist and her nails dug a little in his back.

She breathed a gasp into his ear, which made him nudge his lips against hers and capture her in a kiss.

He untangled one of his hands from her, and reached it down to rub slow circles with the rough pad of his thumb onto her clit, and then she started to pant desperately. Everything inside her body was burning, tingling with the sensation of being fucked by Stiles. She chased after it, held onto the tug of the orgasm like it was going to save her, and let go.

Stiles came too, his eyes squeezed shut and his hips twitched as he slammed into her, took her down from that high like he did just moments before. He clutched at her ribs when he came, he needed to have a purchase, and Lydia didn't mind if he left the tell-tale of a bruise. It would be a reminder of this night when she was alone at college.

When he stopped moving he stayed inside her for a while, and they just breathed into one anthers mouths because they were still living up in the clouds.

He pulled out of her and flushed the condom down the toilet, and when he got back into bed he pulled Lydia's arm over him so that she was nestled gently, safely under his arm.

"I love you." Stiles whispered to Lydia, and he kissed the top of her head. Her insides flip-flopped at how sincere he sounded, it was something so pure and innocent she wasn't used to from men.

She turned so she could see him, her bare chest squashed to him. "I love you too."

The smile that he gave her was worth a million dollars, it was something so full of happiness and right that she actually smiled too. He pulled her on top of him, so her arms were folded over his chest and their naked bodies were pressed against one another.

"Say that again." He smiled, she kissed his nose sweetly and looked him in the eye.

Emerald burned into Amber.

"Mieczyslaw Stilinski, I love you with every beat of my heart." She whispered, she pressed her lips to him, and it felt like this was how they kissed for the first time. Puckered lips wanting to explore, tongues slipping into one another and teeth clashing because they were smiling.

"Wha- How did you find out about my real name?" Stiles' mouth was hanging open when she pulled away and she just grinned at him. "I'm gonna kill my dad."

Of course he'd work it out in 0.2 seconds.

Stiles flipped them, so he loomed over her once more, and tickled at her sides until she started kicking him as she laughed until her lungs burned for air.

It was early, Lydia knew that much because she always woke up early. She was adorably wrapped up in Stiles' arms, they're bare chest to bare chest with one of his arms rested underneath Lydia's body, the other loosely rested at her hip.

She didn't know why she woke up, this was like being in a dream, but she thought it had something to do with the fact she had to leave him today.

She ran a hand through the back of his hair, she scratched gently at his scalp, it made him nudge his nose into the crook of her neck. She sighed as something as simple as his touch made her shiver.

"Stiles," She whispered, she wanted to talk to him while she was still here. She didn't want to spend the time they had sleeping, unaware of one another. "Wake up."

"Mmm," Stiles hummed, he pushed his head into the pillow more, his grip tightened on her hip. "Too early..."

Lydia sighed, and tried to shake him awake, to no avail. "I know you're awake," She said in a soft tone, she thought she saw the tell-tale of a smile. "I'm naked."

He slowly peeled an eye open to survey what was in front of him. She was right, all but the panties she had on last night, she was naked.

"You're gonna ruin me." He murmured, his lips chased hers for a kiss, she chuckled lightly and searched his tired eyes.

He pulled her on top of her, so she laid on his torso with her arms folded on his chest, like they laid last night. It was now her favorite place to be, her favorite spot on Stiles.

"What time is it?" He asked, his eyes gradually becoming more wide as he woke up. She thought she could get used to this, seeing him early in the morning, half-asleep and so himself that he hadn't had time to brush his hair or shower or dress. This was Stiles. This was the Stiles she wanted to wake up to every morning.

Lydia reached over Stiles to get her phone from the night-stand, it read 6:03. Her eyes widened. She hadn't expected it to be that early.

"Just remember we only have today left," She told him sweetly, he frowned at her. "It's 6AM."

"Lydia Martin are you trying to kill me?"

"C'mon, let's talk." Lydia sighed, he closed his eyes again, she pinched his side. "You've slept so much in your life, I'm pretty sure you will live after one early morning."

"Not true-"

"Please, I've never known you not to sleep." Lydia laughed quietly, but Stiles just squinted at her.

"Still not true." He said, he smiled at her, but Lydia wondered if this was getting darker. She supposed he didn't get much sleep when he was possessed. So her face softened, and it was like he knew that she wanted to listen to him.

She wanted to know the dark side of him.

"I couldn't sleep for months after I killed Donavan. The guilt, it was too much." He spoke quietly and shut his eyes as if the image of Donavan dead was still painted on his eyelids. She pressed a kiss to his chest, she wanted to make sure he knew that it was okay. Even if he thought it was murder, everyone knew it was self-defense.

"Is it bad that I slept perfectly knowing Valack was dead? I wasn't as afraid as I used to be." Lydia's voice was small, something she never talked about was killing Valack, she felt guilty for killing. Innocent or not. It took everything who she was to live with herself, probably the same for Stiles.

"Valack hurt you," Stiles soothingly ran a hand up and down her arm, he comforted her. "He hurt every banshee he came across, he hurt people in Eichen House. But Donavan? He'd never hurt anyone."

His face was slack, not showing emotion, but Lydia could see the hollowness in his eyes. It hurt him to know he took someones life, what if he was the one they could've saved? And he didn't give him the chance.

"He threatened you and you're dad." Lydia deadpanned, and Stiles rolled his eyes but attempted to smile softly at her.

"Lyds, you threaten me but do you see me trying to kill you?" Stiles exclaimed, and Lydia allowed herself a light laugh despite the conversation.

"Not the point, it was self-defense. I know it took everything that you are to live with it, and I wouldn't expect you to forgive yourself yet." She told him, she kissed his lips. "But I want to be there when you finally do."

He nodded, his eyes hooded and dark with lust. She held his gaze and smiled shyly, then his lips met hers. Their kiss was soft and wanting, she sat up on his lap, straddled him as his hands began roaming up her bare torso. She shivered.

"You used to frustrate me." Lydia murmured against his lips, he pulled back eyebrows raised.

"Sexually?" He squeezed her thigh.

She grinded on him and it sent a shot of pleasure through her core.

"I mean it," She said as she bit his lower lip. "I hated you, especially when the Dread Doctors were in town."


"You're welcome."

"But why?" He pulled away from her and sat up, she followed suit and sat on his lap.

She chuckled to herself. "You loved Malia, and I couldn't accept the fact that you weren't chasing after me anymore."

Stiles held her chin, forced her to look at him. She felt stupid and needy, Stiles was finally hers anyway so what did it matter if he loved Malia back then? But her heart still broke when she thought about how abandoned she felt when they used to go to the library for their study period and Lydia would sit by herself, out on a picnic table.

"You were chasing after Parrish." Stiles said, she couldn't understand if he was annoyed at her or if he was trying to make her feel better.

"I was trying to distract myself."

"I never stopped loving you, thought that was obvious when we saved you from Eichen." He told her softly. When he was so gentle with her it made her want to cry, made her want to run away and not feel things. She wasn't used to gentle.

So, she pressed her lips to him and got lost in him and the sheets.

It took them up until the early afternoon to get themselves sorted. They fell back asleep in bed after talking and when they woke up they showered together, had a quickie against the tiled wall of the small shower and then Lydia had tried to get ready as slow as possible. She had tried her best to bottle up the fact she was leaving Stiles, the boy she loved, and who knows when they would see one another again.

It made her soul ache.

But she plaited her hair with pursued lips, stared determinedly at the mirror making sure she didn't cry. She thought Stiles sensed it too, because he trailed kisses down her neck which left her weakly stood against the rickety sink of his bathroom.

"I don't wanna leave you." Lydia croaked out, it was the first thing she'd really said since after their shower but she could feel her throat tighten and her eyes sting with tears.

"Hey, hey, c'mere." Stiles said lowly, he opened his arms out to her, she stepped in them, tried to savor the way he smelt and felt wrapped around her. "We'll be fine, I promise." She fiddled with her ring.

"We don't even know when we'll see each other again." Lydia sniffed, her voice muffled by Stiles' top.

"As soon as you get your timetable at MIT we can figure out what weekend we can visit each other." Lydia isn't sure why she believed him, she thought it was because he sounded so confident in what he said, but it might just be because she'd really given herself to him, but she did believe him.

"I love you so much," Lydia whispered, she pulled back to meet his eyes, which were equally as teary as hers. "I'm so sorry that I never figured it out sooner."

She wished they got together sooner, they would've had months of dates and loving one another, and maybe there wouldn't be so much regret in the air as there is now if they would've. But they didn't. Lydia was awkward, she couldn't admit her feelings, so now she had to live with her choices of only showing him love for a few weeks.

"Never apologize to me, especially not for that." He told her, he bit his lip as he said it, to stop the tears.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to leave you."

"We're gonna kiss goodbye and I'll text you in an hour or so, we'll FaceTime and then once you've gone to college you'll tell me about your classes, and we can talk about visiting one another. We'll have days where we miss each other more than others, where we won't be able to breathe, but the thing that'll get us through is that we'll visit each other, as much as we can. That's how you're going to leave."

"I'm not sure it'll be as easy as that."

"Who said it would be easy?" Stiles gave a watery grin, and Lydia enveloped him in a hug.

She wasn't sure what she'd miss most about him. His smell? His warmth? Maybe it was the fact that he comforted her, better than anyone else could, because he knew her just that bit extra than anyone else did.

He walked her to her car, hand in hand. Lydia could feel her heart tug to the pit of her stomach, she wasn't sure why she was this upset, they were going to make long distance work after all.

"Text me when you're home." Stiles told her, she lent against her car with his hands rested at her waist.

"I will."

"I love you, don't you ever forget that." He whispered, she nodded and their lips latched together in one last perfect dance.

"I love you too."

He kissed her again, this time it was more passionate and Lydia somewhere found a flicker of hope that maybe they would see each other sooner than they thought. Maybe they would be bought back together by some bizarre reason. So Lydia would hold onto that hope, for as long as she could.

He squeezed her hand as she said bye and then she got in her car, sadly smiled at him and then drove off, left him stood there.

She was sad, a sobbing mess as she drove for the first hour but later she convinced herself that she was Lydia Martin. Would she let anyone know how much she ached for Stiles? How much she missed him despite it all?

The answer was no.

She kind of knew that they would reunite again, quicker than they expected, in a few weeks actually. That they would fight to save Beacon Hills one last time because it was someones home. Just like her home was him. She knew they'd love more than they'd ever had.

By time she got home she had fixed her tear smudged make-up and wore a dazzling Lydia Martin smile.

Her soul throbbed for him, but her smile told you otherwise.