
Chapter 1: You Can't Hug a Pregnant Woman, Apparently!

Disclaimer: We don't own Percy Jackson!

Note: This is in Percy's POV!

Another Note: This is a Percy Jackson fanfiction! (Written by Padma)

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing.

"Oh! Shut up!" I say pressing the button to snooze it.

Then I look next to my alarm clock where a letter is there. Of course! Today is the day I get to go back to Manhattan. I'll be seeing my mom for the first time after the war with Gaea. I quickly pack up my stuff and head out the door of Cabin Three.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain! I was just about to wake you up! Didn't want the harpies to eat you," Annabeth says.

"Hey, Wise Girl," I say giving her a kiss. "So, are you going back to San Francisco?"

"Most likely. If there is a monster attack, I can always go to Camp Jupiter. I miss Frank, Hazel, and Reyna."

"Me too. But what if I run out of drachmas to Iris-message you?"

"I'm not staying in California the entire summer! I'm coming to New York in July to see you and the baby."


"You're going to be a big brother!"

"Oh, yeah!" Now I'm even more excited to see my mom now.

"Your brain really is full of seaweed."

"Did I hear seaweed?" Leo says, jumping out of nowhere.

"Leo, I swear if you keep acting like Nico, jumping out of nowhere…," I say.

"Man, Nico creeps me out sometimes. One time he shadow-traveled to my cabin at 1 in the morning. I nearly died!" Leo says, making a Boo! face

"Percy!" Jason yells, running towards me "Are you leaving today?"

"Yeah, man. Are you…" I trail off as I remember about what happened to Jason's mom.

"I'll going back and forth between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. But I'll be visiting you in July to see you and your sis," he replies.

"And me," Piper says. "Has your mom named her yet?"

"Uh, not that I know of."

Suddenly a bus pulled up near Thalia's Pine.

"Well, we'd better go. You coming, Piper?" Annabeth asks.

"Yeah, course I am." She gives Jason a peck on the lips and says bye to him.

Leo gives me a bear hug and Annabeth and Piper a normal one.

We all board the bus.

"So is your sister a demigod or what?" Piper asks.

"Oh, no. She's my step-dad and mom's daughter. So not a demigod. Technically, she's my half-sister."

"But can't your mom see through the Mist?"

"Yeah, so she might have the ability to see through it as well but she can live a normal life as long as I'm not around."

"Percy, I know what you're thinking. As demigods, we can never get a quiet life. Your sister, as a mortal will lead a normal life and I know you'll become jealous of her. But we are demigods! We save the world! Think about that." Piper explains.

As a daughter of Aphrodite, Piper can read emotions really well. Sometimes even better than satyrs (don't tell Grover I said that).

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I mumble. Annabeth takes my hand.

"Percy," she squeezes my hand "You'll love your sister. I know it. She'll-"

"FIRST STOP! MANHATTAN!" the bus driver yells.

"Well, my stop is here."

"Bye, Percy, and think about what I said. Have a good summer." Piper hugs me.

"Bye, Seaweed Brain, I love you."

"I love you too, Wise Girl." I kiss her goodbye and get off the bus. Piper and Annabeth are going to the airport and flying to California together and the thought just makes me wanna jump on the bus and go with them. But…well, home sweet home. I walk to my mom's apartment and knock on the door. Paul opens the door.

"Percy, man! Where have you been? Come in!" Paul says, giving me a manly hug.

"Well, you know, saving the world," I reply, stepping inside.

"What was it this time?"

"Gaea trying to wake from her sleep and destroy Olympus."

"Oh! Well, speaking of sleep, your mom is. So just be quiet and-"

"You don't have to, Paul!"

There is my mother standing at the door of her room with a big belly and a blue dress on. She looks pretty tired with bags under her eyes but in my opinion, she'll always be pretty.

"Mom!" I say, running over to give her a hug but then realizing that you can't really hug a pregnant woman.

"How have you been?" she asks.

"Just trying to keep Olympus from getting destroyed."

"And Annabeth?"

"She's fine. She's so excited to come in July and see the baby."

"Not the baby, Percy, Sierra."


"Yep, that's her name." my mom says rubbing her belly.

"So…how's Sierra doing?"

"Oh, she's nothing. You were far more trouble. Always kicking me day and night. And don't get me started on the puking. And the cravings I had. If you ever meet your dad, he'll tell you all about my pregnancy with you."

"I guess demigods are just like that. Sorry, mom." I reply.

She started laughing. But that turned into a yawn.

"You know Sierra has been kicking me a lot more often lately." she tells Paul.

"Maybe you should take a nap, honey," Paul says.

I glance at the microwave clock. It's already nine in the night!

"I think I'll sleep as well."

"Okay, night, Percy." My mom kisses me and I head to my room.

I throw myself onto the bed and instantly fall asleep.

I fee like it's only been two minutes when I wake up. I get out of bed and go to Paul and mom's room. It's empty. Then I go back to my room and see a familiar man standing there. He has a Hawaiian t-shirt, khaki shorts and beach sandals. His beard is neatly trimmed and his sea-green eyes are sparkling at me.

It's my dad.


What's Poseidon doing in Percy's room? Comment #cliffhanger to find out. Also make sure to add a review to your hashtag and make sure fav and follow the story.

