Over twenty years had passed since the start of the Wizarding war. Now, it had ended at the hands of his best friend's son, his own godson, Harry Potter, along with his friends and classmates.
Sirius looked around the Great Hall, his gaze passing over the students and adults that were injured. His gaze then took in all the deceased students and adults. As his eyes passed over covered bodies, he noticed someone watching him.
Looking over, he saw it was his cousin, Narcissa. She was sitting calmly next to her son, Draco, who looked like he was about to pass out.
Sirius sighed before making his way to her.
Narcissa's eyes widened slightly when she noticed Sirius was heading her way. She gripped her son's hand in her own softly.
"Mother, what's wrong?" Draco asked her, looking around for a threat.
"Nothing, Draco. Just wait here, please?" She pleaded with her son, who nodded his assent. She gave his hand a squeeze before standing carefully to face her cousin.
Sirius stopped in front of Narcissa as she seemed to lose her nerve in facing him.
"Narcissa," he began. "What are you doing here still?"
Sighing, she squared her shoulders and lifted her head slightly. "My son and I have nowhere to go at the moment."
"What do you mean?" He asked her.
"Well for starters, Draco is a marked Death Eater. He is going to tried. There is no way around it. I don't think we should go around it. People need to know that he was forced by his father." Narcissa stated.
Sirius' eyes widened in shock, "You mean to tell me that he didn't beg to be marked by that madman?"
Her mouth tipped up, "You sound shocked. Believe it or not, there are a few Death Eaters that didn't want it. There also a few that changed their minds after witnessing what that bigoted sadist was doing, what he wanted for our world."
"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all." Sirius explained to her.
"Reggie was one of them." She stated.
"Wh-what?" Sirius stammered, eyes filling with tears.
"In the end. He changed. From my understanding, he helped defeat him." She told him, her own eyes burning with tears she didn't want to shed.
"That- that's good." He told her, his voice cracking with emotion.
Narcissa nodded. She opened her mouth to continue but was interrupted by an anguished cry from further in the Great Hall.
Eyes widening, Sirius looked around frantically, eyes searching for the person that made such a cry.
"Sirius, what's wrong? Who is that?" Narcissa asked as she watched him searching.
"Remus." He told her, without stopping his search.
He finally came across a vision that took his breath away. The tears he held back earlier, now flowing from his eyes freely as he saw his best friend.
"Moony." He whispered.
Remus was hunched over the body of his wife. Tears falling from his eyes, harsh sobs coming from his chest.
Sirius looked to his cousin, Narcissa and told her, "Andy is going to be here." He then ran to his best friend, who was now cradling Tonks' head in his lap.
"Hey, Moony." Sirius announced himself.
Remus didn't even acknowledge his friend. He just kept holding his wife, sobbing and rocking back and forth.
"Remus, I'm gonna call Andromeda, yeah?" He told his grieving friend. He still wasn't acknowledged.
Slowly, Sirius backed away just in case the grieving werewolf snapped for some reason. He turned around when he was far enough away, noticing that Narcissa was watching the scene play out with a certain sadness in her eyes.
"Are you going to call my sister?" She asked him softly.
"I have to. Andy's daughter," he stopped to take a deep breath, "her daughter didn't survive."
Narcissa gasped, hand coming up to cover her mouth. "No." She whispered.
"Yes!" Sirius snarled at her. "It was your fucking demented sister that did it. 'Pruning the family tree' is what she said at one point."
Tears were falling rapidly down Narcissa's cheeks. "I-I didn't want this. I didn't want this to happen." She cried. "I lied, you know."
"Huh? About what?" Sirius wondered.
"I lied to him about Harry being dead." She took a breath. "I lied to everyone that was there. That he had died."
Eyes narrowed, Sirius scrutinized his cousin. "Why?"
"I wanted to find my son. I also figured if a boy, the age of seventeen, willingly faced with death for the greater good, he's worth a lie. No matter how small or large." She explained.
Sirius awestruck with Narcissa just stared at her before speaking.
"Saved by a mother's love once again."
Narcissa blinked. "You should call Andromeda. She needs to be here." With that she turned and walked to sit back down with her son, who just watched unblinking.
"Is everything okay, mother?" Draco asked her.
"I don't think so, dear." She looked at him, unshed tears glimmering in her eyes.
Draco stiffened, "What is it?"
Narcissa looked at her son, a saddened look in her eyes. "Your cousin, Nymphadora, she didn't make it."
"Who did it?" He asked her.
Taking a deep breath, she told him, "We are almost positive it was Bellatrix."
Draco shivered as his deceased aunt's name was spoken. "She killed her niece?"
Narcissa nodded, "Yes. She wasn't all right in the head. Believed blood purity was more important than anything. Even family."
"Would she have killed me also?" He asked her in what he hoped was a calm voice.
Looking at him, she marvelled at his handsome features, even covered in dirty and debris. "Yes."
"Wow. She honestly didn't have any qualms at eradicating her family, did she?" Draco questioned.
His mother shook her head.
"Is your sister, the one that was disowned, is she going to be coming?"
Narcissa nodded as she watched Sirius debate with himself.
Draco followed her line of sight and murmured, "What's he doing?"
Sirius soon figured out what he was doing. He disappeared with a CRACK. People around him emitted small shrieks of fright before realizing it was someone on their side appeared out of there.
"He went to get Andromeda." Narcissa stated, her insides twisting around, making her nauseous.
"Are you going to be okay, Mother?" Draco asked her as he noticed her continue to fret.
Narcissa sighed, "I hope so, Draco. I hope so."