A/N: Sorry about poor grammar this chapter is currently in beta checked. When it is beta check it will be updated and replaced. All rights to respectful owners. Hope you enjoy.

The next day when Harry awoke Draco had appeared to already have gone to breakfast. Then came a knock at his door. He went over to answer it and saw a smiling Delphi at the door.

"Morning Harry may I come in?"

"Sure lets sit over by the window."

She nodded and went over to one of the squashy army chairs by it. Harry closed the door behind her. He knew the room had a chess set and Delphi loved it, so got it out.

"Chess Delphi?"

"That would be most enjoyable." She smiled.

As they played she finally spoke.

"So Harry please tell me everything."

Harry nodded. "Well I was raised by mother mothers sister, and her walrus of a husband. Two say they were vile is putting it lightly. They made me do everything they hardly fed me nor did they care. They never gave me anything their idea of a birthday present for me was a coat hanger or a pair of mouldy socks. But I don't want any sympathy for that. I was always given cast offs of my pig of a cousin. Why do you think my Muggle clothes don't fit. I did luckily by a decent pair of pyjamas tho. But I'm getting off topic. They beat me for accidental magic. Or anything that was out of the ordinary or so called ordinary. When ever I did better in school then their precious sun who is as dumb as soup, they would beat me more saying I must have cheated. I never had any friends either before coming to school. My cousin and his gang made sure of that. They also use to play a game called Harry hunting. It where they would spin me they I was to dizzy and make me run. When they caught me they would hold my arms behind my back and kick and punch me. I had nightmares a lot when I was younger still did tell I learnt the truth of who I was. But when I was really young I use to wet the bed because of it and they beat me more for that. When I first started school I was humiliated because I thought my name was freak. Yeah that's what they called me. The school questioned them and I got a whipping for that one. When I told the school about the abuse they confronted them and said I was quick to make things up. I got beat worse. Every time I told the school they told them and the beatings got worse. My bed room was the cupboard under the stairs. I got locked in their for weeks at a time at one point. Whenever they got carried a away with the beatings they shoved me under their so they were not to get caught. Tell I healed up. I told people and the beatings always got worse. They wanted to beat the magic out of me. Make me in their words normal. When my Hogwarts letter came and they saw it said the cupboard under the stairs they panicked and moved me into my cousins second bedroom. That was his greatest tantrum ever. But they persisted in giving me a room. Only because they were scared they were being watched. But yeah that's the simplified version of what my life was like tell I came to Hogwrts."

Delphi had a combination of disgust and heart break on her face. As she rushed round to embrace Harry. Who did not flinch away.

"Harry I'm so sorry no one and I mean no one should ever have to go through that. I changed the past for selfish reasons. You were going to be friends with Weasley and Granger and be a Gryffindor even tho the hat wanted to put you in Slytherin. I'm sorry you should never had to have gone though any of that. There gonna die this summer." It weren't a question it was a fact. Her eyes were flooding with tears.

"Delphi as you said I was meant to be here so it's no big deal. As for Weasley I seen how he treats me because I'm a Slytherin and expects me to be his best friend. I don't need a friend like that. My best friend is the beautiful girl hugging me right now. As for killing the Dursley's if you must I want to be by your side. Your reasons for coming here and changing things were not selfish okay. Your the girl with the power to change it all. You changed me and I already can tell it will be for the better."

Delphi slowly stopped crying, and they broke apart. "Thank you Harry thank you. As for killing them together I would not have it any other way. Also your my best friend to Harry." She blushed slightly.




She looked at the board and laughed.

The next week passed un-eventfully. Well Professor Quiral had vanished and only Harry and Delphi knew the full truth. For that week all DADA lessons were canceld.

The flying class was eventful to say the least Weasley was being a prat, and fell and broke both his legs. After Madam Hootch had told them to stay on the ground, why she took Longbottom to the hospital wing. The threat of being expelled did not stick tho. Flint however had saw Harry flying and got the first year rule beant, and Harry to all his friends excitement became the Slytherin seeker. Their group of four also became good friends with the rest of the Slytherin's in their year group.

In the weeks that followed that Harry won his first Qudditch match on the Nimbus 2000 Snape had gotten for him. Beating Gryffindor 550 - 40 points. Dumbledore had taken over as the DADA teacher and was hard on the Slytherin classes. He also seemed to be regarding Harry with distrust, but Harry shook it off. Very soon came December Harry was going to Delphi family for Christmas he was slightly nervous about it, but trust Delphi to no end. He had just finished sending out an owl order order for what he wanted to get his friends for Christams. When he was coming back into the dungeons. He saw Draco in an argument with Weasley, Finegan and Thomas. Draco was with Vince and Greg. But Snape soon stepped in to the Slytherin's aid. Hagrid tried to back Weasley up but Snape said fighting was still against school rules no matter what and took 15 points from Gryffindor. Draco with the other two scattered needles from the tree everywhere leaving a rather bare patch. Weasley and his cronies moved on, and Hagrid caught sight of Harry. He gave Harry a rather disappointed look. But Harry ignored him and went into the Dungeons. Soon came the journey home for Christmas and Harry, Delphi, Draco and Daphne were in a compartment together chatting excitedly. They found it funny how Weasley mocked people having to stay at Hogwarts for having no one who wants them home, not realising Harry was off to Delphi house. When they heard Weasley's mother, father and little sister had gone away. They laughed them selfs silly string him. Harry had learnt something about Delphi mother that she was accused but cleared of torturing Longbottom's parents into madness. Delphi told Harry the truth. But if he could accept bring back the Dark Lord he could accept that.

They train soon pulled into Kings Cross station. Harry and Delphi hugged Draco and Daphne goodbye saying they would see them at the New Year's Eve party. They started looking for Delphi mother who was towards the back of the crowds. She was a tall woman with long black hair.

"Mrs Riddle I can see where Delphi gets her looks from." Delphi have telling her that her mother had married the Dark Lord in a private ceremony. Of just them a four others. The Lestrange thing was just a cover.

She chuckled. "Harry Potter a pleasure to meet me and such an enigma, I must thank you for your actions as my beloved it back with me now."

"Is father home mother?" Delphi asked quietly.

"No my dear he will be back on Boxing Day." Delphi looked slightly disappointed. But pleased to technically meet her mother for the first time. Her mother soon apperated them to Riddle manor in Little Hangelton. Delphi mother explained it was the Dark Lords filthy muggle family's home tell he killed them. The manor was then sold many times tell he came to take it. A few simple charms and it was like the manor had never been seen in the Muggle area.

Harry had been given a room next to Delphi room. It was already late after Dinner so the pair decided to get an early night. Delphi mother saying she'd take them to Diagon Alley tomorrow. So Harry could get some better clothing and so he could check what was rightfully his. That night is his room that was very similar to his Slytherin dorm room, minus it being underground and the fire place as it was warm enough with out it Harry was soon sound asleep.

A/N: Well hope you enjoyed that one even with the time skip.