Dance of the Adventurous

So last month, the 2017 DuckTales aired and wow, pretty decent I must say. And some idea came into me and it will be converted into this story...

Note: Of course, I don't own the reboot. Remember that.

Chapter 1: House Meeting

This is Duckburg. Not just a home for ducks but for everyone living in this great city. You can see the skyscrapers, many random shops and Glomgold Industries run by Flintheart Glomgold. Second richest duck in the world one rank below...(Oh wait, we'll come to that later)

Now among the grand places, one place can be seen slightly located far from the city and it's none other than McDuck Manor. Home to a family of ducks which was established ever since an underwater adventure.

And now, 3 questions. Who's the richest duck in the world? First before Flintheart Glomgold who owns his own firm, Glomgold Industries? And was known to be a seasoned "adventure-capitalist"?

One answer...











The one and only, Scrooge McDuck!

Yes! He made fortune through his adventures, he owns his own business firm and even has his own money bin where he stores up his wealth! And now, enough of those exciting intros. Let's head to the main story.

One, sunny morning...

Yeah, yeah, it has risen and right in front of McDuck Manor, Scrooge just woke up from his bed, put on his slippers and bathrobe and drew the curtains. He then opened the window enjoying the fresh air. While he's enjoying it, a knocking sound can be heard. "Come in!" Scrooge called out as entering the room is Mrs Beakly, the housekeeper of the manor. "Good morning sir. Your breakfast and morning paper is set."

"Okay then. Dust the artefacts in my office and then, do the laundry."

"Very well sir. Enjoy your morning." With respect, Mrs Beakly went to do the chores as Scrooge sat down in front of the window enjoying the view while having his breakfast and at the same time reading the papers. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Glomgold got hacked and slashed at the bottom!" The picture shows Flintheart Glomgold getting pantsed in public by Hack and Slash Smashnikov. 2 twin wolves who once worked for him but got ditched by him. Now, revenge is sweet. "Definitely. How embarrassing can it be for him?" Scrooge asked himself as he got up and left the room.

It now cuts to the bathroom where Scrooge is in a bathtub full of gold coins. He even had 2 pieces covering his eyes. "Oh one day, I'll have a luxurious, golden spa built in Duckburg!" He spoke to himself while relaxing in gold.

While he's enjoying himself, outside, "Ready guys?"

"Ready!" At the yard, Huey has a baseball and Dewey is swinging his baseball bat a bit. Louie is beside him wearing some baseball gear and Webby is watching them as Huey threw the ball and, "WHACK!"

"Aw yeah! 5 in a row!" Dewey started breakdancing as Louie looked up and caught the ball. "Heh, just a lucky shot like the others before him."

"That's because I got skill! Even for adventure!" Dewey cheered as he turned to Webby. "Wanna give it a swing?"

"You sure about this?" asked Huey. "Oh come on! It'll be a piece of cake if you see it." Dewey assured to him. "And eat it." Finished Louie. All laughed as Webby got ready. Huey smiled as he threw a fastball! Webby swung it but, "Strike 1!" Louie declared. After that, Huey used the same shot and, "Strike 2!"

"Give me a break already..." Webby groaned as, "Go for it Webby!" Dewey cheered as Huey got ready for another shot and then, "HYAH!" Huey threw the ball and this time...







"Oh my gosh! I did it! My first homerun!" Webby cheered.

"And I wonder where the ball will land onto." Louie wondered as all heard a hit and then, some angry temper thrown. "Only one duck will do that." said Huey.

It cuts to the pool as the ducklings arrived to see the large boat and there, Donald Duck was waiting for them. "Care to explain this?" He was holding the baseball. "Oh hi Uncle Donald! I guess my swing was too...strong?" Webby answered sheepishly. "Oh...okay. Just maintain your style and try not to send the ball too far like what Louie did." Louie said nothing as Huey and Dewey laughed at him and as Donald threw the ball to Webby and she caught it and asked. "What accident did Louie put up?"

"Well you see, one time in the park-MMMMMF!"

"Save it for later Huey." Louie suggested as the ducklings headed back to their spot. As they left, Donald turned to a grill full of hot dogs and he smiled as he cooked them.

As some have their own fun outside, Mrs Beakly continued doing the household chores. So far, she finished the polishing and had just collected the tray she set for Scrooge earlier. As she made her way to the kitchen, she heard something. "It sounded like someone's at the gate ringing for attention." So she made her way to the front gate.

Outside, a mailman is waiting and she arrived. He handed a letter without saying anything and left via bicycle. "Strange. Those delivering the mail would always tell me where it's delivered to." Well, it's very surprising as Mrs Beakly looked at the letter and is speechless

Back inside the manor, Scrooge finished his relaxation and is dressed in his daily attire. As he came out of his bedroom, "Ah Beakly. What news did you come here?"

"Here's your answer." She handed him the letter. "Funny...Is this a joke? Hmmm..." Scrooge looked at the letter for a few minutes and then, "House meeting...




"At once!"

"Sir, I recommend after lunch hour."

"Oh...okay if you say so Beakly."

So after lunch...

At the rectangular table, Donald, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby are chatting about when Scrooge and Mrs Beakly arrived and to start the house meeting, "WHACK!"

All stopped upon hearing the cane strike the table as the house meeting began. "This, has just arrived. A letter, for you my dear Webby." Scrooge took it out as Webby walked to him. "A letter for me? What does it say? Is it a lottery win or a membership of some random club?" Webby asked excitedly. "Why don't you read it to see for yourself my dear." So Webby opened the letter and read it herself.

"The Duckburg Community Centre is pleased to invite Miss Webbigail Vanderquack to the Annual Starlight Dance. As it's our custom, girls aged 12 and above are to attend this event. Be sure to be here around 7:30pm on Thursday and pick a date to accompany you in this formal event. Don't forget to bring the tickets of admission to the event or you'll not be permitted to attend."

By the time Webby finished reading it, she was speechless as her eyes went wide and she dropped the letter and the envelope which revealed 2 tickets. "Uh guys? Is Webby alright?" asked Dewey. "Why don't you check on her Dewford." Louie suggested. So Dewey went to Webby and looked at her for a moment. Then, he put his hand on her left cheek and, "OH MY GOSH!" Webby exclaimed causing Dewey to stumble and she's all worried and panicky. Surprised at her reaction, Huey picked up the letter and read it. "Whoa! A dance! Wow Webby, this is going to be good for you."

"Huey, it is NOT! I am not ready for some event where I have to wear a dress and dance with a boy!" Webby exclaimed. Behind them, "I never knew she's 12." Donald whispered to Beakly. "Well, your nephews and my niece are all growing up." She whispered back as Scrooge made his move by snatching the letter from Huey and reading it. "Interesting...So Webby, have any interest in any guy in and out of Duckburg? Or has anyone ever saw your beauty and been smitten by you?"

Funny joke from Scrooge but he did bring up a good point. Webby is attractive. (More attractive than her 1987 counterpart. I really find the reboot one cute. Ha. Ha. Ha)And that's why, "No answer? Well, you'll have to pick one from among the triplets." Scrooge suggested. "WHAT!?" All 3 boys exclaimed together. "Yes boys. One of you will be Webby's date. So, which of you will take her to the dance and enjoy the night?" Scrooge asked. All 3 looked at each other for a moment. Then, "I suggest our evil triplet should go." Huey stated pointing at Louie. "No way! Dewey should go! He's hot enough for Webby!" Louie protested pointing at Dewey. "Louie's just making an excuse but I recommend Huey! He's smart and learns quick and easy!" Dewey argued pointing at Huey. The 3 boys then continued making excuses to pinpoint each other until they began wrestling and it only last for 30 seconds due to, "WHACK!"

"Alright! If you can't decide, then I suggest Webby will do her choosing!" Scrooge declared as he turned to Webby. "Now my dear, who do you want to go out with? Is it Huey? Dewey? Or Louie? Make your choice. Time is ticking." Webby was indecisive about this as the 3 boys pointed at one another for Webby. Donald and Beakly stared at the scene in anxiety and Scrooge just smiled as he whistled and waited and even picked up the tickets that dropped out of the envelope. "Hmmm...this is going be pressurizing..." Webby thought as she continued on her decision.

Okay, let's end here and so, which one from the triplets will go with Webby to the dance? I'm still deciding and if you want to 'help' in the choosing. The simple thing to do is to put your answer on the reviews and there, I'll check each one of them and there, the ultimate answer will help Webby decide. So, good luck on that! Woo-oo!