This story was just inspired by my dream about this dark and cruel city lighted to it's heart with bustling evening activities such as shopping, clubbing, eating out, and having fun. I have to say, the part where a someone in his mysterious Hydroplane (cars with jet airliner wings) tried to hunt me down. It was a close shot so at that moment I had to disconnect my call for that wild assassination and immediately write this story down.
I had in mind planned to do Smash Bros. starring Shulk, but then I quickly switched characters to MFB where it would star Chao-Xin instead because I just had a feeling to like and use him all of a sudden.
And after about 3 years of not posting or updating any stories on this site, I finally return.
Part 1: Divine Lady Virgo
Horoscoped for Virgo and born to be a womanizer.
Chao-Xin Mao was accounted for this once he left Little Leaf village when he was 9 and was trained on the grounds of Beylin Temple at age 11, the confidence of taking his step higher in Beyblading was worth to lose once his sweet feminine fans came into mind.
Lust was his weakest shot on girls, thus he didn't see them strolling around the city of Hua Luxe.
'Majestic China' was governed by the laws of Da Xiang but ruled mercilessly by his cruel father, Xue.
The Virgo wielder wasn't much used to much city life since he was raised in a village and trained in a Temple surrounded by lushing bamboo forested nature.
It was the sweet song that hit his mind into a state of meditation, the sudden thought of breaking from his short nap right into his fancy apartment.
Feeling cold and alone, Chao-Xin took in his deep moment of his teammates being contracted under Xue's city, for only outsiders not submitted to Hua Luxe's physical and mental slavery were to be placed to death in matter of minutes.
Life at stake, Chao-Xin scoped at how rich he was living. Wall mounted TV just above the glass table holding his electronic gaming consoles: an navy blue FE Awakening 3DS, stark white Wii sitting horizontally, an orange Gamecube, a purple GBA, a Xenoblade Chronicles X skinned Wii U, and finally a brand new Switch lying infront of him, waiting for it to be played.
All of those consoles deeply moved his love for Fire Emblem and any other Nintendo game he ever adored for. All of them stationed with lavish knick-knacks as decoration themed in with his safe haven.
Scanning the line of Amiibos as he picked up his Wii U gamepad, he suddenly remembered the newest Fire Emblem release avaliable as Pre-Order from Gamestop.
Deeply staring at his Star idol Amiibo, Chao-Xin timidly picked up Marth and smiled.
Don't worry. I'll come back for you.
Setting the figure softly back to it's line, Chao's smile disappeared as the Ike Amiibo stared back as if offended.
"Alright. Sheesh. You have him back now." Turning around on his heels as if grinding the carpet blue, Chao-Xin blinked towards a replica of Virgo's falchions hung on the wall just above his couch. A little memory began to play in his mind, absentmindedly staring into his bey held in his hands.
"Tag! Your it!" an 8 year old Chao-Xin laughed among a group of 7 year old children, his curved wooden swords deeming him to become the best knight ever.
Perched at the entrance of their clay bricked adobe snuggled with straw and hay as the gleaming roof top, sat Mr. Mao, the Virgo Blader's father.
A smile of re-union laced his ever frail face, a strict figurehead of the village always laid his heart for his only child.
Chao-Xin continued to laugh in joy as the village kids threw him in the air and back down as if they were his personal trampoline, the hilt of his wooden swords stitched with a mahogany colored rug he carefully weaved last night.
The best knight in weaving and harvesting could accomplish the village's survival from deep poverty.
A sudden knock interrupted his day dreams as Chao-Xin turned his head towards the ocean blue door embedded into the white wall.
Feeling stunned with guilt to his heart, he gladly invited in the only female blader he knew as his speech impended teammate.
"Greetings from the Aquario spa, Chao. I hope your attuning into the shitty life?" Mei- Mei gladly took her sweeping turn on the couch, her bun ties flaring blue in sync to her laid back attitude.
Chao merely sighed and accepted her speech mistake, bothering himself not to correct it with an annoyed tone, "I'll be dead in both places."
"If my father finds out that I've been living here in this studious apartment instead of my tiny little hut, you know what happens next." With a worried gulp, he pointed at Virgo's falchions on the wall. "Forget it. They won't even understand forgiveness in both places."
Mei- Mei studied both Koi fish darting around Chao's glass aquarium, gulping at nothing in particular.
Wang Hu Zhong completely knew of his daily job at the Virgo Night club sandwiched between a computer repair store and her Spatorium on Little China Avenue. With his huge wads of income, this was how he managed to live such a imperfect life, albeit being an EDM DJ.
His Pioneer turntable should have told it all.
"I mean you're the only one who doesn't seem to be contracted under the city's cruel system. Whatever I earn, I try my best to spend it on distractions other than feeding it to the city. Plus, I can't get another chance to abandon you guys and flee back to Little Leaf village. It's just too complicated. Girls everywhere stick to me like glue. As if they idol me as a successful star in pop singing."
They both inhaled the tranquility creeping across the white walls, starker than the whitest shells that he used to collect when he was younger back in the village.
By coincidence, Mei-Mei spotted a beautiful sapphire shell shaped into a glorious wave, stationed on the glass table right next to the Shulk amiibo.
A second guess on the figures might drown away Chao-Xin's sorrow on his current situation.
Timidly picking up Marth, she held the figure infront of his face as if Chao-Xin was a little boy, "Garth should cheer you up. Besides, I wasn't intending you to run away. Beylin Temple is our home and there is a way to fight through this."
Once again, Chao-Xin's sniffles were replaced by an invisible feeling of fur against his legs. Stiffened at the sudden sight, he yelped softly at the thought of his cat, Miyoko, the ginger and white feline gazing up at him with a sparkle of meows on her light green iris.
"Th-thanks, and besides it's Marth- not Garth." Chao-Xin stood up with a heavy exhale, his legs tensed from sitting for too long.
Gliding across to the kitchen counter, he brought up his homemade piggy bank: a tiny little leaf weaved from straw. Many times he used to hoggle onto Dashan for his piece of income from IT just to get himself his exalted FE Awakening 3DS bundle box, the Qilin blader remarked in stern annoyance about his own job.
Mei-Mei silently understood his feelings as she got up, her signal of dismissing herself out of sight should get her teammate into having his personal time alone. But dueling with troubled thoughts in his mind wasn't going to wager a war against his team or his self.
"Farewell Mei-Mei, I'm going to Game Stop to-" Chao-Xin halted his silent respires as he found the Aquario blader absent from his apartment. "Mei-Mei?"
But the tranquility of his own call caused him to flick the lights off, leaving a dim strip of bi-fluorescent beam to softly radiate the dark.
The creaking door dispersed into a quiet locking click as Chao-Xin slung his shoulder bag by his side and used his invisible cane out the public's prying eyes, feeling consent that any action of limping would occur.
With the rain splattering the windshield to his mahogany red Honda Accord Euro, the headlights beamed down Little China Avenue where his personal club was waiting for him.
Right upon stumbling beside the computer store, Chao-Xin managed to spot out a dark silhouetted shadow behind the counter, happily whistling to his own as if he just accomplished his sales on newly made SSDs. Absent about the 5th teammate noted to his mind, Chao-Xin slapped his thoughts away, the light turning green through the steady shower.
He almost felt bad for Mei-Mei feeling stressed through her work as a therupatic Spa massager, but that's what everybody was forced to do under the contract of the city. A plan was set forth by the Aquario blader but it wasn't yet established in clear terms whether it was going to work or not in regards of dethroning Xue.
Plus, Dashan would not be of complete fault if he was working with his father to create a 'safer' and more 'secure' enviorment around the city of Hua Luxe. More like 'poilitical propoganda' to the citizens of Hua Luxe.
Little Leaf was on the safest side regarding Mr. Mao doing his best to aid the village out it's struggling poverty.
The traffic light swayed lightly in sync to the cold drizzling wind as green flooded his vision. On the brink of the Accord Euro's command, Chao-Xin turned sharply towards the parking garage that held the mall's stationary parking spots.
With the rustle of his rain jacket now stripped on, he hurried towards the entrance of the mall, the vivid sliding doors greeting him with warm air that insulated the whole shopping area.
Spotting out Game Stop on the third floor, he excused himself as he pushed through the crowd, his stomach churning in hunger for his only pre-order.
Right upon entrance, Chao halted in front of the wall where the usual Amiibos were supposed to be. Instead, a large window perimetered the wall, displaying a backdrop of other buildings and the streets below.
Feeling hay wired towards the Amiibos now hung from the wall to his right, Chao-Xin snapped a few DLC fighters with his mind before noting himself in reminder about his pre-order.
Approaching the counter in confidence, he reported his shopping list. It was not long before the young man turned around, greeting him down with a glare and a whistle.
Faltering at the sight of a brown haired rug weaver turned EDM DJ, the young man raised his Mario hat and gave out a dull stare, "Greetings peasant blood, what's on your list today?"
Chao-Xin hesitantly wondered what in the world was going on here. Dashan had an IT term in Networking called Packet sniffing where hackers tend to dig out personal information on random people.
And today he wasn't going to get Packet Sniffed by this guy. Not even in Beylin Temple.
"Listen, before I report of my pre-order, cut the talk right here. What do you mean by-"
"It says here you purchased the Switch on Jiǔ yuè, 13th, 2016." Teng Ru smirked as if being politically correct over gaming knowledge... or he had to improve his customer satisfaction even more.
Chao-Xin felt like he was pulling Virgo right out of his heart. He tried again with a different approach, "Not possible. That was the release date for Smash Bros. Wii U. Again, what did you mean by-"
"And you're on the brink of arguing with me unless I close Gamestop for the rest of the night, Peasant blood."
"Look, I only came for one game only." Chao-Xin furiously remarked as he pointed at the poster full of pre-order games. Teng Ru's wicked smile turned into a silent chuckle of mockery as the Virgo blader ripped the poster into two, his furious rage held inside his rapid aspires. "Fire Emblem-"
In a millisecond or two, the glass to the window bursted into a million shards followed by a cloud of flames billowing in. Both of them coughed with difficulty, the easy amount of damage caused a majority of glass punctured through their skin like a thin play ball.
The plastic to the packaged Amiibos sustained a hazy ash colored smear but the cardboard was thankfully unscathed.
Shaking his head from the dizzy stench of smoke, Chao-Xin felt drool lining the lower part of his lip, ignoring the intense stings to his reddened hands. This was his second chance of survival that every villager in Little Leaf was to be taught for their life safety. Through gritted teeth, Chao-Xin could spot the culprit that caused the damage to the third floor of the building: An intruder to his life. Some dangerous gang member coming to end his life in ruins. The little golden colored Dodge Journey flew away from the catastrophic scene, an immediate news report were to cast live throughout Hua Luxe in a matter of minutes. Unknown of who caused the damage to Game Stop, Chao-Xin's anger died down as he muttered through gritted teeth to finish the game's title.
Head hung low while parked near one of Little China Avenue's late evening stores, Chao-Xin deeply wondered who could possibly target his location and attempt to assassinate him in seconds. The hydroplane had to give out a hint.
A golden Dodge Journey.
The only CUV was owned by his boss of a teammate, Dashan!
The Virgo blader's anger died down while glancing at the cover art of FE Warriors.
Marth, Chrom, Corrin, Ryoma, Xander and the two new blonde haired protagonists, Rowan and Liana posed heroically as if wagering a fight against his troubled thoughts.
A little distraction should be good enough for my mind.
With the light turned green, Chao's initial instinct caused his Accord Euro to screech to a halt, the beaming headlights now focused on an orange haired stranger.
"Watch it, peasant blood!" the stranger continued to bicker with a unsatisfied pout, efficiently shaking his umbrella over the hood.
What was with everybody calling him peasant blood as his newly assigned nickname?
This was the second time he encountered a blonde brat stranger calling him by the name of peasant blood.
Ignoring the fact that it worthless to orally duel against this 10 year old boy, not all citizens of Hua Luxe were that friendly!
The boy patiently waited for his reply, tapping his foot in boredom while gloggling an uncaring expression on his uncanny face.
Door opened, Chao-Xin got out with a stern tone and squared up on him, the immediate height differences put to play. "Isn't it your duty to at least cross the street with a parent or guardian by your side?"
"Parents? Who says I'm 10?" the boy snorted in light laughter as if he found Chao-Xin to be an older brother figure of his. "My name's Yu Tendo. 21 year old working at Libra's Sweet Confections down the street. If you're busy, I have work to do."
Dismissing him with a chuckle, Yu walked around the corner to his store, still opened after midnight.
Feeling cold and drops of rain trickling down his coat, Chao-Xin felt intimidated to follow him down in hot pursuit.
"Alright, let's cut the age. I got that wrong. If I'm not correct, do you even have anyone looking after you?" Chao-Xin swore he didn't run into this boy.
"I DON'T HAVE ANY PARENTS! DO YOU THINK I'M A 10 YEAR OLD?" Yu yelled in sheer fury as the lights to the whole city flickered erratically.
Chao-Xin, scarred for life, absentmindedly watched the city power back on with a tiny spark infused from the neon colored signs. Never did he witness in his life about the city people here gaining strange powers such as sonic waves from ear-piercing shrieks from a 21 year old blonde brat.
Cautiously following him down the puddled curbs, Yu proceeded to unlock the doors, causing Chao-Xin to agape through the store entrance.
Candies of all kinds flooded the ailes. It was a sweet dream heaven for any kid... including the 21 year old.
Chao-Xin slowly poured over a rack of licorice lollipops, the sudden reminder of Gaius from FE Awakening caught his character features to Yu Tendo.
The little boy was seated behind the counter, his mouth busy sucking on a lollipop while listing down a stock check on new flavored candy.
"I still can't believe your 21 and your into candy." Chao-Xin pickered his gaze onto a red yoyo filled with tiny jellybeans.
Yu raised his attention on his new visitor, a smark expression on his annoyed attitude, "I still can't believe your 24, stupid enough to NOT look where he's going."
Chao glared at the boy as if feeling offended but nevertheless bothered to comment further about his snarky tone.
"Besides, my faviourite guardian is working at the Eagle bookstore. Tsubasa Ootori. You should check him out. Oops or should I say you should check his books out. Tee Hee Hee." Yu Tendo fell back into a bubbles of chuckles.
Chao-Xin couldn't take his attitude and with enough strength from his daily jogs, he successfully managed to pin the 21 year old against the wall, a set of candy lists leafing down to the floor, "Listen, why in the world is everyone calling me a peasant blood? What makes me different from the other city people? True to the fact that I was raised in a poor village doesn't mean brats like you and that Game Stop fag can rightfully call me 'peasant blood'!"
Writhing lightly while chuckling at the Virgo Blader's demands, Yu flapped his hand as if there was nothing to worry about, "Cool it off, Peasant blood! I wasn't being serious about it."
Thumping to the floor, Yu painfully stood up but quickly recovered from the fall, "Besides, it's important for us to differentiate which blood is which. Me and Tsubasa were born of Hua blood, controlled under the minds of Xue, our rightful king of Hua Luxe. There's nothing you can do about it. It's all in our royal heritage. I'm born a Galaxy royal. What's yours?"
Face to face, Chao-Xin merely sighed and pushed Yu's silly grin away from his proximity, "Little Leaf royal. Plus, it's past midnight. Gotta go home."
Turning around, Chao winked at Yu Tendo but the blonde brat seems once again to be hypnotized by his candy list. Deciding to get his attention one more time, he called out, "Besides, I'll stop by at the Eagle Bookstore for my Fire Emblem Warriors Official Prima Strategy Guide."
"Thanks a ton, Chao-Chao! You're the best!"
The ramming hug of joy was worth a million.
12!16 a.m.
Chao-Xin groggily snoozed off his Fire Emblem alarm clock, the FE melody beeping repeatedly while Chrom's/Lucina's Falchion as the minute hand crossed over Robin's Levin Sword as the Hour hand.
Waking up with a loud groan while stretching as if catching stars on the ceiling, Chao-Xin started his morning by flooding his mind once again with yesterday's mishap discussion.
Eagle bookstore. Right.
Grabbing the game case off of the glass table, he realized that he didn't have time to play the Premonition chapters of FE Warriors.
But living in this strange city seemed worth solving strange little kids with ungodly powers.
He wondered if Tsubasa was the same height as Yu, and probably the same age, too.
Setting his distractions aside, Chao-Xin fetched his jacket from the bar stool beside the island kitchen table and hurried out the front door to his Accord Euro.
Settling in the driver's seat, he calmed himself down from any futher antics of this city over populated with Hua bloods.
Even if he was constantly named 'Peasant blood', there was no chance he was getting evicted by anyone threatening to kill him.
Besides, he was on the safe lane thanks to Yu.
The Eagle Bookstore was located opposite of Aquario Spa, the fancy little cocoa colored entrance floored the rest of the area.
Right upon entering, a studious gray haired man with the goldest of gold rodded eyes stood towering over him, pointed towards the purple ticket machine beside the door. "Ticket please."
"Ticket?" Chao-Xin's forehead bore an anime tear while feeling highly hesitant. Obliging at the bookeeper's command, he timidly approached the counter with a confident gaze.
"Hey, I'm here to-"
"Shh!" the man merely pointed to his name tag which read 'Tsubasa Ootori'.
Chao-Xin facepalmed at his mistake and tried again with respect, "Hello Tsubasa Ootori, I'm here to-"
"Shh!" Tsubasa pointed at a cage hung from the ceiling beside staircase door, holding a large bald eagle currently fast asleep.
Chao-Xin took that fast with a sigh and cautiously lowered his voice into a whisper, "I'm looking for-"
"Shh!" Tsubasa drilled down a glare as the library filled dead silence.
Are all Libraries or bookstores supposed to be THAT QUIET!? Chao-Xin spoke inaudibly, feeling idiotic about Tsubasa's phonophobia.
"Now you may talk." Tsubasa smirked, crossing his arms while patiently waiting for Chao-Xin to report his book title.
"Dude, can't you at least let me finish?" Hands spread out like an eagle, Chao-Xin hollered out of annoyance, causing his major mistake.
The sleeping bald eagle suddenly jolted awake with startled screech, talons rapping against steel while beak gnawed onto the handle of the cage.
"Now look what you did!" Tsubasa welled out in frantic annoyance, giving Chao-Xin to counter the blame. Luckily the Eagle blader's tone respitely switched to more laid back, "Actually, you successfully awoke Eagle after 2!000 years! You're free to buy any book you like at no cost!"
"Aquila aside." Chao-Xin felt like he was weirded out by this bird man guy nevertheless he took out his game case and set it down the counter for Tsubasa too see. "I was wondering if you have the official strategy guide to this game."
"Fire Emblem Warriors. A pre-order release just gotten yesterday at Gamestop after a mysterious blast to the third floor of the mall. I say it's on Aisle B to your right." Tsubasa sarcastically returned to his pocket book, dismissing him with a uncaring wave.
Chao-Xin sighed inwardly while dealing with weird people that either yelled too loudly or didn't give a shit about anything else.
Passing by Gaming Magazines (all of them tilted in an awkward angle), Chao-Xin carefully scanned them until he saw a thick spined paperback book wedged between two Nintendo Power magazines.
As soon as he pulled the book, the floor underneath him flapped open, his endless scream through a portal brought him freshly into the world of a toystore.
"Tsubasa? Yu? Mei-Mei?" Chao-Xin felt like he was brought into another world. The 3 second journey through time dunked off his mind that teleporting was not possible in the real-world unless it was crazy as this city.
Just like Yu's candy store and Tsubasa's library, this store had tons and tons of toys everywhere. Yo yos, water guns, playing cards, magic props, hula hoops, wooden pull trains, Bounce balls, and action figures littered every corner of his vision.
No way.
Chao-Xin's heart skipped a beat as he astonishingly poured over a line of amiibos and rare Fire Emblem Neodroid and Max Factory figures raging from Marth, Chrom, Robin, Lucina, Tharja, Cordelia, and Corrin.
Now he had to get these for his next step after the book.
Reaching out into his shoulder bag, his heart faltered at the sight of it...
Not there!?
"Looking for this?" a light male voice sounded behind the shadowed counter. A spiky black haired boy dressed in a green hoodie, brown pants and lightning sneakers revealed himself with kick of his legs over the counter. He proudly held the FE Warriors game guide over his head, feeling consent that no one would steal it except for him.
"How in the world? Listen kid, there's no way you need that book. I deserve it the most." Chao-Xin pointed an accusing finger at Mr. Know it all.
The boy in return stood up on the counter, this time returning his smirked glare, "And why would I? That portal was built by us Galaxy Royals in order to traverse through any shop that's owned by us. So in that case, I get the free right to read this book whenever I want to."
So that's what the portal was supposed to be. Chao-Xin hesitantly glared at the amiibos. "Let's make a deal. I'll trade you those figures with the book I badly need. What do you say about it?"
The intriguing plead caused the lightning haired stranger to scrutinize his confusion all over Virgo boy. He then huffed with a light smirk, "Deal. First ya buy it, then ya try it."
"What a minute. Dude, you promised to hand over the book by it's word. Besides, you have tons of toys to play with, I just need that book for my game!"
The boy shook his head while tongue clicking in sympathy, "Won't work like that according to my deal. Besides aren't the figures more important to the game than the book? Reading a game sounds boring. You should be fighting the game instead- with these babies by your side!"
He brought out a Chrom and Tiki amiibo along with Alm and Celica, new in box priced for 29!99 each.
Amiibos weren't supposed to be that expensive but according to Chao's income as EDM DJ, it was worth a shot.
"Deal." Chao-Xin sighed as he gave it in and took the bag of Amiibos instead.
Darn, now I have to train extra units which is completely unnecessary!
"Have a good day!" the boy waved in farewell while dancing around with a hula hoop around his waist.
Chao-Xin turned around, absently catching his name through their whole deal talk, "Hey, what's your name again?"
"Masamune Kadoya." Taking off his oversized shades, he revealed his signature smirk again, "Make sure you tell Gingka I said Pop Tarts and Marshmallows to him!"
"Who?" Chao-Xin tweaked his ear but was immediately cut off by his yelp as the floor once again slid down towards a dusty room full of...
"Furniture?" Chao-Xin coughed in difficulty as he dusted himself clean from the squeaking dust.
Whipping out his I-Phone 5s, dust motes danced through the beam from the smartphone's lens as Chao-Xin carefully waded through a sea of leather couches, glass tables, and pristine marble sinks.
With his heart beating alone in dreading fear, Chao-Xin mustered up his courage and stumbled upon an expensive purple queen bed decorated with gold ivy leaves.
Sitting up indignantly after the harsh fall (on his nose), the Virgo blader carefully nursed his sense of smell and sniffled in astonishing confusion.
A brand new piece of Ylissean furniture sitting all lonely around other furniture strewn in random places.
By his luck, Chao-Xin cautiously looked around and spotted it's price tag.
At least Hua Luxe were best known for it's unknown currency. An exclamation point that stood for a bargaining sale or rather a symbol that funds it's owners into spending for the cruel system.
By his best guess, Chao-Xin swore that it must have belonged to Chrom and Sumia back in FE Awakening.
Ditching off the bed, he focused the beam around the warehouse until it landed on a smirky grin. The surprise heart attack caught Chao-Xin shortly hyper ventilating at the new stranger, presumably the owner of the furniture store.
"Welcome to Pegasus... Luxury at Hand. How may I be of assistance today?" the boy's spiky hair flared like flames rising towards the sky. Bound by a blue bandanna sporting a yellow horse with a single rising wing on the right of it's head, an orange shirt layered with a blue jacket and white scarf told Chao-Xin that he was some kind of weirdo with no life skills at all. Accompanied by his light black pants with cross belts were his red mahogany sneakers.
A name tag was absent from his impressive outfit.
Chao-Xin relaxed at his humble attitude, lucky enough to match his in a matter of minutes. Clasping a hand to his chest, he exhaled in relief, "Thank Virgo, you're not one of those freaks that call me Peasant blood."
"I'm a Galaxy Royal, but not born of Hua blood." Gingka winked as he walked over to pristine faucet, shutting the current of water with a smooth click.
That caught Chao-Xin's interest.
"Wait, do you happen to fall under my blood as a Little Leaf Royal?"
Gingka stared at him as if he just found his perfect plan, "That's for you to find out. I'm off the grid like you. I was born in the city but I'm not part of the city. Like you are with your village. It's as simple as counting furniture in stock. Lucky for me, I found my only customer who is willing to turn things back to normal."
Chao-Xin crossed his arms, unsatisfied with his reasoning, "You do happen to be a Fire Emblem fan, do you?"
"If you're living off the grid like me then we must have something in common. Like this for instance."
Chao-Xin pulled out the game case and Amiibo bag to Fire Emblem Warriors.
Gingka dumbfoundedly stared at the strange items as if they came from another planet.
Shaking his head in utter dismay, he lowered Chao-Xin's arms down with a chuckle, "Actually, games are not my thing. But we can play one if you have time."
That caught the French Virgo freak to yap out his excitement, "Seriously? You have a Nintendo Switch right now?"
"That critical attack on the third floor of the mall, the media tries to manipulate and believe that it was a false flag. Chao? I think it's time that we have something in common together."
Gingka beckoned him to follow towards a large silver plated door decorated with strange futuristic rune like symbols hued in laser blue.
"Plans start somewhere and they start here right now. Just like your figures in your strategy game, I think we can build up an army and fight this together. With the Galaxy royals on your side, it's time we start breaking in through this cruel system full of mental slavery and physical torture. It's time to dethrone Xue and his son... with this."
Clicking the blue circular button on the wall, a futuristic pulse echoed through out the room. Lines of endless cyber data flourished through the door until a circle of flares outstretched infront of them.
With the symbols decoded, steam flared infront of them as the door began to slowly tear apart, the sight of the workshop gave Chao-Xin an ultimate vibe to hurl in a waste basket.
Out of every table filled with maps, tools, and blue prints, a majestic object stood in the middle.
Posed as if heroically proud was a massive Pegasus automaton, wings raised for glory while it's LED lights for it's agile vision were currently off. Extra armor shielded it's forelegs and hind legs, the unbelievable light weighted plates could sustain numerous protection from enemy projectiles and weather damage.
Right on the saddle, was it's activation chip.
Mouth hung agape, Chao-Xin swore that the remaining members of the Galaxy royals also owned their unique Automaton.
Yu Tendo and his bat, the Libra F spotted on the ceiling just below a tray of Skittles.
Tsubasa Ootori and his eagle, the Aquila E napping downstairs beside Aisle B.
And finally Masamune and his unicorn, the Striker Z:G:X, hidden between a set of pinatas on the top shelf.
Chao-Xin carefully noted his findings in mind and slowly glided his fingers over the pegasus.
Tenma X
That's it for part 1!
It was long but I guess there will be however many parts to this MFB AU story.
Few Explanations:
This is an AU story, so assigning weird personalities such as Chao-Xin loving Fire Emblem, the rest of Gan Gan Galaxy owning a unique store and Dashan and his father, Xue ruling over a mind controlled city... This was just came off the top of my head along with the idea of Automatons.
Inspired by Xenoblade Chronicles X, I suggest you play out some of the tracks from it's OST. They sound sooo good!
Also a few translations:
Jiǔ yuè is September in Traditional Chinese.
Not to mention Tenma is Pegasus in Japanese.
I can't wait for the Xenoblade style action next chapter!
It's gonna be sick!
Additional Info: Wrote and completed this before 2 o'clock in the evening in Switzerland. Chocolate for me! :D
Falco276 out!