Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely for recreational purposes.

AN: Ok, so, first of all, I just want to say that I'm not abandoning my other story. However, I've hit a roadblock and decided to take a step back, try writing something else before coming back to it further down the line.

Anyway, this story is something I started after discovering the wonderful world of Palladium Books and got hooked on the lore and background of Rifts and Splicer. For that reason, I decided to give it a shot with that and this was the result. Hope you enjoy it as I've a bit of a backlog of this stuff.

Anyway, on with the story!


"... Oh, my fucking head...!" I groaned as I felt wakefulness return to me after what seemed like, and probably was, one hell of a night out on the town. Slowly, I forced myself to sit up from where I felt myself slouching against a hard surface with my head resting on something that felt wet and mildly slimy. Absently, I couldn't help but wipe a hand down my face to get rid of that feeling of dampness against my cheeks, wiping away whatever it was as I cracked my eyes open a tad to look down at my hands as my mind came to its senses. Still, as my eyes opened, the first thing I saw was the light blue liquid that was covering my hand.

"Huh... Blue Milk..." I muttered to myself as the words came to mind without a conscious thought as my brain kicked into gear and I froze at that as I was suddenly fully awake. My body went rigid as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on as I suddenly glanced down at myself, a frown slipping on to my face as I took note of my clothes, having been changed at some point before I woke up as I looked to be wearing a suit of armor made from grey and black metal plates with a dark brown duster over the top while I saw more of the 'Blue Milk' dripping down between my armored fingers. By my side, I saw a helmet with what looked like a cowboy hat attached to the top, a dull silver face plate and made from the same grey and black armor plating as the rest of my suit. I caught a glimpse of two holsters on my legs, both were empty as I quickly glanced around for any weapons or anything, only to find nothing, though it did give me a chance to see exactly where I had turned up.

In short, I was in a rubbish filled alleyway in a backstreet in God-alone-knows-where.

Glancing one way, I saw light and figures in the distance, absently noting how my vision, which had always been shit at seeing over long distances, was better than ever. In the distance, I could make out a dozen figures moving around in, what I believed to be, the night as they were illuminated by the by, what I assumed, to be a dozen different street signs. However, what really got my attention was that, in the background, I could faintly make out what seemed like faint whispers in the back of my mind, images flashing through my head that made me stop for a moment as I picked out a few words.

"Nar Shaddaa..." I muttered to myself as my eyes went wide with a bizarre mixture of surprise, shock, horror and excitement as I quickly grabbed my helmet and slapped it on to my head, intent on finding out what the hell was going on as I moved purposefully towards the source of the various voices even as other things started coming to the forefront of my mind. I pushed those to one side, not wishing to be bothered by absent thoughts while I moved forwards, wanting to know what the hell had happened and wanting to figure out what my next course of action should be beyond 'figuring out where the hell I had been dumped'.

Turning another corner, I couldn't help but pause as I saw what was beyond me.

Around me, I watched as a dozen beings of hundreds of races all wondered around in vast markets as they looked from store to store on multiple different levels of a massive complex of metal and glass that stretched for as far as the eye could see. In the air, I watched as lines of flying cars and trucks formed into weaving lines of traffic as I spotted ships freely coming and going from landing pads scattered around the area along with a dozen other little details that told me one thing for certain...

"Well... I sure as shit ain't in Kansas anymore..." I muttered faintly as I glanced to either side, taking in the crowd before merging with it without a second thought, seemingly disappearing into the sea of people despite my attire.

It was only later that I would notice doing this so subconsciously even as tried to work through the shock that: A, I was no longer on Earth and was, in fact, in a work of fiction made real; B, that said work of fiction was fucking Star Wars! And C, that I was probably never going to see my friends or family ever again.

All in all, I felt that I should have drank a shitload more, especially if I really did have a night out on the town...


It took me over three hours of mindless wondering before I managed to force down my shock, long enough for my body to run on autopilot and get me seated at the back of a cantina with a large glass of some kind of beer in front of me while my Holsters were now filled with a pair of Heavy Blaster pistols of some kind. DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistols, that was the name whispered into the back of my mind as I mentally did a count of the power packs I had as I ran my hand over the belt around my waist in what felt like a completely natural action as I leaned back, my helmet off and one hand near my newly acquired weapons even as I thought about what was going on.

"Ok... Now... I've got time, I've got space and I've got some measure of peace to myself to see about figuring out what I've been dropped into..." I muttered to myself as I considered what had happened while thinking back to what I had experienced so far. The fact I was in Star Wars was rather self-evident at this point, just looking around told me as much as I saw Twi'leks, Rodians, Humans and a few dozen other races all wondering around, enjoying their drinks... Though, I thought I saw the beginnings of a bar fight between a pair of Transdoshans, a Wookie and what looked like a rather drunk midget that was trying to drain an empty bottle while the walking lizards tried to 'subtly' laugh at the midget.

They weren't doing a very good job.

Shaking my head, I took a long pull from my drink, enjoying the burn as it crawled down my throat before sighing in contentment while I also noted the lack of effect it had on me. I knew I wasn't a heavy drinker, but I still knew the effect that a drink had on me. Either way, it didn't matter as I turned my attention to more important things, such as what the hell was going on, who did this and what kind of armor was I wearing. The first question was answered rather swiftly for me as the name and details popped right into the forefront of my brain like so many other things before it, all of which I could remember with perfect clarity.

"Wrangler Rider Body Armor..." I went silent for a moment at that as my lips twitched before I let out a small chuckle and gave a shake of the head as I considered it.

Rifts, an RPG game made by Palladium Books, something I had known about for a long time, but had only recently started investigating in any major amount of detail, mostly out of interest in the background after finding it online. Taking another sip of my drink, I looked at the information that had already sprung up in my mind and felt myself mentally gawk at it as I saw designs for a number of weapons and suits of armor, vehicles, even lore about magic, Faeries, Daemons and monsters, Magic and Psionics. The last of which immediately grabbed my attention as I delved deeper into it before finding out that I was, in fact, Psionically active. That fact was shown when, after skimming over some of the details, I felt a connection forming to this... Pool of energy, for lack of a better word, that was floating around the back of my head, not only that, but the new information that had been crammed into my head happily supplied that I was unconsciously using Telepathy to help me figure out what the hell was going on, hence why I was hearing voices.

It was a subconscious scan of people's thoughts, not really doing multiple people at the same time since that was, apparently, impossible, but I was just switching targets quickly enough that it gave the illusion of such. I smiled at that, already considering a few of the possibilities of using it in the future for things like card games and the like, I could already tell that such things would give me one hell of an advantage. Though, as I thought about it, I also considered the fact that I also knew about Magic, something that, quite honestly, would have been an even bigger force multiplier for me if I could figure out how to do it. According to my information, Magic itself, with a few exceptions, was something that anyone could use so long as they had the knowledge and training to use it, not to mention the ability to channel the needed energy. Though why I had that knowledge I had no idea, mainly because I was pretty sure that a fair number of those spells were Class specific, like how Elemental magic was limited to Warlocks and the like. Then again, I honestly wasn't sure as to how a RPG pen-and-paper game would translate if turned into real life so I couldn't really say much either way.

"Hey! What do ya think yer doing at our table!?" I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts as I glanced up to see a pair of non-humans approaching me, a Rodian and a Weequay, both had blasters on their hips and both didn't look like the brightest bulbs in the lot, especially given the thoughts I was picking up.

"Well Kirff... Looks like I'm going to need to clean up two more bodies today... Great..." Came the thoughts of a male Duros by the bar, probably a member of staff.

"About time those two did something stupid enough to get themselves killed... Here's hoping this will be a good show at least..." Were the thoughts of a Twi'lek dancer that glanced my way, I saw a half-smirk on her face as felt her vindictiveness as thoughts of being harassed by these two idiots flashed through her brain.

"Ah! Nothing like drinks and free entertainment... Especially when that free entertainment is going to be getting rid of a bunch of idiots..." I almost snorted at that as I glanced to the left, spotting the source of those thoughts coming from a Human female, who also appeared to be wearing a full suit of Orange Mandalorian armor, her helmet was on the table in front of her while head was half shadowed behind a pillar in a booth, but I got a feeling of gleeful bloodlust and anticipation coming from her.

"Hey! We're talking to yah here!" The Rodian shouted as I brought myself back to reality just as the Rodian leaned down and slapped my drink to one side, smashing the glass and spraying the contents of the rather nice drink down the seat on the other side of my booth while it dripped on to the ground. I glanced back at the remains of the glass before looking back at the Rodian, then at the Weequay before looking back at the Rodian again, noticing that the Weequay had not-so-subtly placed his hand by his Blaster pistol. Truthfully, it only made them look weak with such a heavy handed attempt to intimidate me, which failed rather drastically as I reacted.

Faster than either of the idiots could react, I lashed out, grabbed the Rodian by the hair and slammed him down to the table twice as I stood up in turn, drawing one of my Pistols in the process and firing it at the Weequay's pistol as he tried to draw it, blasting it straight out of his hand as I moved automatically, ignoring the voice in the back of my head saying not to kill them.

At this point, I was well beyond caring about letting a pair of idiots live or die, hell, at this point I was at the end of my tether since I had just been dropped into a work of fiction with some, admittedly very useful and interesting, info being dumped into my head, probably for some jackass's entertainment. I was well and truly, beyond caring.

With that in mind, I didn't wait as I moved forwards, holstering my pistol again as I took three steps as the Weequay drew a knife and tried to go for an overhead stab with the knife in a reverse grip, I rolled my eyes at that as he screamed a wordless battle cry. I had known Krav Maga before I had been yanked, and the knowledge in my head only aided me as I found myself with a more complete knowledge of the martial art, along with a few others. As such, I blocked the knife with my wrist connection with his, moving forwards and wrapping my arm around his own at the elbow before putting my other hand around his throat, a quick lift and yank and the idiot's shoulder was suddenly dislocated as I punched him in the throat with my off-hand before pulling him closer and kicking his leg out from under him. He fell flat on his ass as his friend recovered enough to try and ambush me, a step to the side stopped that as I spun in place and my elbow connected with his temple only to be caught by an M.D.C plated boot on the way down, connecting with his stomach. The hit was strong enough that the poor bastard started coughing and looking as though he was about to puke, something that I figured would make a fair bit of a mess, so I just decided to end it where things stood.

A raised foot quickly came down and slammed into the neck of the lizard-like creature with a snapping sound reverberating through the Cantina as I made sure to add a little extra pressure just to make sure before I turned to see the Weequay, who was looking at me from the ground with utter horror in his eyes, hell, a slight bit of Empathy and I knew he was scared shitless. I wasn't really interested in drawing things out, hence why I just walked over to him as he tried to crawl away, muttering pleas of mercy all the way, before I did the same with him, slamming my armored boot down on his neck, killing him quickly and easily before I sighed to myself.

"So much for having a quiet drink..." I muttered to myself as I knelt down and started looking through pockets for anything of value.

It took a few minutes, but I found a few Credit chits, three more shitty Blaster pistols, some half-full power packs, a Holocomm and what looked like either a bunch of Death sticks or some Splice, wasn't sure about which since my implanted knowledge only went so far, especially since I had very little interest in drugs. Still, it was enough as I stood back up, grabbed my helmet and the left the cantina, dropping off a credit chit on the bar counter on the way out.

"For the mess..." I muttered to the Bar tender as he nodded back, another Duros as I moved on and left the place as a quick scan told me that it was almost midnight. For that reason, I figured it would be about damned time to find somewhere to sleep the rest of the night away, especially since I needed time to process what the hell had happened, along with my own feelings that I was only just managing to keep under control.


Waking up in a reasonably comfortable bed was, in my humble opinion, a hell of a lot better than waking up in the middle of a rubbish filled alleyway and half covered in Blue Milk. Groaning as my eyes opened enough for me to see the ceiling as the early rays of sunlight pierced through a set of blinds and into the room itself, one such ray catching my eye as I raised my hand to prevent myself from being blinded by the early morning sun.

Leaning up and forwards from the bed, I glanced around the room and frowned at what I saw, taking in the details as I remembered them from the previous day.

"So... It wasn't a dream..." I muttered to myself as I felt tears starting to fall. A part of me had been hoping, praying even, that this had all been just a dream so that I could wake up, finding myself in my bed in the morning and regarding the fact that I had just experienced one hell of a vivid dream. Of course, it appeared that I had no such luck as I fell backwards and glared up at the ceiling above me, I knew of Dimensional magics that might have gotten me back, but those were massive things, usually requiring that I had been to the other dimension before, but I had no idea if my own experience even counted as I continued to cry into the pillow on the motel bed I had slept on. Hell, for all I knew, the jackass that put me here had made it so that I couldn't go home, else I remove the fucker's new favorite source of entertainment.

I cried over that, cursing the world as I realized that, whatever happened after this, my friends and family were probably going to be well out of reach for me, with no real way of getting to them. Still, the scenarios played out in my head as I considered what might have happened to cause me to appear here, ranging from acts of providence, random chance, reincarnation bullshit and a few dozen other ideas before I finally decided to get the fuck up and get changed, pragmatism was something I felt I could subscribe to as, even thought it still seemed heartless to me, moping around gained me nothing as I needed to get the lay of the land and start making plans since I doubted I could live off of the credits taken from idiots in bars, not only that, but stealing money, while possible, wouldn't be something that I considered as viable in the long term, at least, not without being careful to hide any trails that might lead back to me. That, however, also caused me to pause while I was having the shower as I considered the implications of killing those two, I knew I should have been feeling something, but, at best, I felt nothing about them being killed. Annoyed about them ruining that drink, along with ruining my night, yeah, but anything related to their deaths was either muted or simply not there making me think I was some kind of high-functioning Sociopath of some description, as I had little problem fitting in with the world around me.

Still, that was something to ponder further down the line.

Ten minutes later and I was done in the shower, another fifteen minutes after that and I was fully dressed in my armor again and had left the building, having only paid for a single night's stay as I found it difficult to find a motel that was trustworthy even for that length of time.

Still, as I stood in the morning light, I couldn't help but smile under my visor.

This was a fresh start for me, something I looked forwards to, especially given the knowledge I had been gifted with, after all, if I knew one thing, it was this:

Knowledge is power.


A lot could happen in a few months, I certainly knew that for a fact, especially after the last three months I had experienced.

During said three months, I had managed to actually get a lot of things done, some were related to my abilities, some to the knowledge that had been jammed into my skull and others were to do with the new life that I was now starting for myself, things related to how I wasn't going to be arrested for stepping on to more 'civilized' worlds without any form of identification and then immediately deported for it. Not to mention finding ways of supporting myself since I was rightfully leery of handing over tech from the Megaverse to the people in Star Wars since I had little doubt that it would, given the chance, result in shit only getting worse. And, to be honest, that said a lot that my instinctual reaction to such an idea was to have two reactions at the same time, one saying 'Meh, we can take them' and the other saying 'No a chance in Hell!'

Anyway, moving onwards.

For the first point, I had discovered that I was, in fact, a Psionic. I had full use of the abilities that had been rammed into me, though it was rather weak at first since I could only use my abilities in bursts of a few seconds. Still, I had been working on it, since I had long since discovered that it worked just like any other muscle and, the more I used and trained it, the better I got with using it along with increasing the pool of energy with which I had to work with. Magic, likewise, was something I trained in even if the stuff was difficult to learn, though, I that didn't stop me from practicing a few of the spells, regardless of the fact that they were of little use beyond their sheer utility. I couldn't use magic inside of my armor, so I mainly focused on things that would help me outside of a combat situation, for one purpose or another. Still, I found that I had the best luck with common Invocations and Elemental magics, though I did have some ability with other things, such as for Biomancy, though I doubted I'd manage anything too impressive due to not embracing the lifestyle.

For the second point, I had found out a fair bit about the various pieces of information that were stored inside my head, mainly the fact that, unless I had a physical example of something, or knew the name of what I wanted to learn about, I couldn't find shit. If I knew general classifications, that made things both easier and harder, as if I searched for, say, 'Power Armor', it would show me a dozen different things about the different suits of power armor, but in a disjointed manner that made it difficult to figure anything out until I found a name. Once I had the name, I could remember it with perfect clarity, like drenching things up from a slowly shrinking pool of murky water, with each new article I discovered, I found the area I had left to search through shrinking. Of course, that still left me with one hell of a large area to look through, given how big and immersive Rifts was. Not only that, but the information on how to built advanced weapons and pieces of technology was hardly useful, mainly because, while it gave full and accurate blueprints, background theory and information along with the steps of manufacturing them, that was it. It didn't help me understand anything, nor did it help me figure out how to get there, like going from start to finish while skipping all the steps between in terms of technological advancement.

In essence, I had the knowledge on how to build everything, just not the knowledge to make the tools to make everything, which was rather annoying.

However, for the third point, I kind of tied a lot of things together into one solution that worked out rather well for me.

The first part of that solution came in the form of Psionics, after the first month and a half, I had developed sufficiently that I could use some of them more impressive abilities, though, my main focus was only on a select few abilities that I saw the most utility in. The list of powers varied to the point that I might as well have just practiced the whole list, but the ones that I went for straight off the bat were Telekinesis, Machine Ghost, Telepathy, Presence sense, Total recall, Telemechanic and Telemechanic operation. Those latter two have long since shown themselves to be immensely useful, especially in a Galactic civilization that had such wide spread computer networks.

With that in mind, I was able to make an identity for myself, being careful to keep it below attention as I made sure to have some kind of history behind the life I was fabricating for myself, crafting a history with a vast 'family' tree that ended with me being the sole survivor after some unspecified accident. I was half tempted to robe the Banking Clan and taken what money I could find and set myself up that way, but that would have been boring, not to mention risky since the Credits could be traced back to me easily enough. For that reason, I felt it was best to get something that would, at the very least, let me explain away my presence in any given area pretty damned quickly and without much fuss.

I applied to become a Bounty Hunter at the Bounty Hunter's Guild.

The process itself was rather easy, an application sheet where I filled in the details, got one of the older Hunters to sponsor me with a Hypnotic Suggestion in order to make it work before making him forget about it, something that was easily done since he was a rare one that had sponsored a few dozen young Hunters. Truthfully, I didn't really need to do much, just mention what I wanted and ask if he'd be interested after scoping things out for a bit, something that was rather easy given my abilities, the Hypnotic Suggestion just made the guy more willing to go through with it since he was teetering on the edge of indecision. Still, it probably helped that the Sponsors got a payment of about 25,000 Republic Credits after their candidate managed to become a full member, given by said candidate after they carried out either twenty bounties or reached a cash amount of fifty thousand Credits, whichever came first.

Once I applied, I was given a month to get that much from the local Bounty Board. With my powers, I managed to get all that, and a little extra for myself, within about two weeks.

Which, as a matter of fact, also tidally explained what I was currently doing...


"Oh come on already... We both know you ain't getting away from me, mate, so why don't you just make it easier on yourself and come quietly before I do something that you're gonna regret, how's that sound?" I commented as I looked ahead of me with my hands in the pockets of the overcoat built on to my armor, glancing upwards, I saw my latest mark. Said mark was currently trying to get away from me by climbing a chain link fence that blocked part of an alleyway on Nal Hutta, an overweight Mirialan wearing thick robes and who seemed to have at least three chins. Honestly, I had no idea how that even worked, but I wasn't going to comment on it as I watched with no small amount of amusement as the idiot tried to continue climbing, sweat dripping down into a puddle below him. Calmly, I glanced down as I checked the ammo in my Revolver, one of the first things I had reproduced from my knowledge of Rifts, a TX-6 Revolver, it was fully loaded, as it had been the last twelve times I had checked over the course of five minutes.

What made it even funnier was the fact that the idiot wasn't even halfway up the four metre tall fence yet, my eyes were about level with the fat fucker's ankles.

"Kriff that...! You'll never take me alive, you Bantha Poodoo...!" He bellowed out between pants for air, I was honestly half tempted to grant that request by just killing the stupid fucker as the temptation to blast his head and watch it explode like an overly-ripe melon was rather substantial. Then again, I decided against it, the Hutts wanted this idiot alive to punish him for, apparently, failing to pay back his gambling debts, not to mention the interest that they wanted on said depts.

Sighing to myself as I put the Revolver away in a holster under my arm, inside my overcoat, as I drew one of my DL-44s, lazily, I pointed it upwards before pulling the trigger, a halo of blue energy escaping the barrel of the gun as I watched it hit the fat fucker and then saw him drop to the ground a second later. I sneered as I saw him hit the ground, glad I was wearing a full environmentally sealed suit of armor since I knew from experience that those stun blasts caused people to stink of burnt hair, one such example being when I had to catch a Wookie where the hit had actually set the fucker on fire. I smiled at the memory before frowning again as I looked down at the barrel of lard.

"Well... This is going to be a pain in the ass..." I muttered to myself as I got to work, reaching into my overcoat as I pulled out a two stun cuffs, a length of chain and what could have passed for a hi-tech padlock, rather simple stuff, but remarkably useful. Securing the idiots arms and legs before hogtying them together with the chain, I smiled inside my helmet as I pulled the bastard up, aided by my Telekinesis to lift the fat fucker a bit more easily as I turned, the fucker hanging over my shoulder as I moved forwards. Honestly, it was rather easy to do, practically being like second nature as I had long since developed certain powers to the point that I could use them on instinct, telekinesis being but one of them.

It especially helped that I had plenty of practice doing as much, mainly through the same method that I had managed to make my nice Revolver.

Shaking my head as I walked, I couldn't help the amused smile as I continued walking on autopilot through the streets of Nal Hutta. Honestly, I had no idea why the hell no one else didn't do what I did, Telekinesis was a potent thing, able to move objects around with nothing more than a single thought, whether those objects be an entire gunship... Or a single atom. It took a while getting the skill to that level, but it was worth it, combined with the Create Steel spell, and I had a rather good base for making a few of the simpler technologies, such as my new revolver, but I knew that such things wouldn't help me in the long run. For the long run, I would need much more than that, especially as I knew what was coming with the Naboo Crisis, the Clone Wars, the Rebellion, the Vong and all the other shit thrown in for good measure.

Still, even as I arrived at my destination, dropping my mark off to face the tender mercies of Arok of the Hutt Besadii Kajidic, getting paid a rather handsome amount for handing in the idiot who hadn't even had the brains to try and escape off world. Admittedly, that wasn't going to happen, but it still made me wonder if his gambling, drinking and drug addictions had merely been exasperating the simple fact that he was a stupid fucker. I smirked at the thought as I walked out the door of the Hutt's Palace, the sounds of whimpering, screaming and begging coming through the blast doors behind me.

Another successful day in the life of a bounty hunter.


AN: Ok, there is the first chapter of this new story, hope you enjoyed it! Until next time!