*Greeting, so after the reboot of this I want to say that I will be updating as often as I come up with ideas for this story. I can warn you now that this story will get dark at later points but then that is just my writing style at work, anyway enjoy.*

Chapter 2: The Broken Hero

Percy stood at the thrones of the Olypians. Many of them stunned at this statement the sclience was deffening.

"I know that it's not the most ideal thing for you," Percy said with a calm and distant voice. "I know that losing the hero that just saved your thrones is not the way you want to be seen," He took a deep quivering breath. " I don't want to fight anymore I can't not without," Percy trailed off and stood in silence.

The gods were in shock many of them not knowing what to say or do. In their melienia of living they had not delt with human emotion in this way, atleast most hadn't. The hero before them who had not to long ago stood in definence of them told them what, they the gods, should do and denied immortality. Now stands infront of them broken and wishing to end everything.

The first voice to speak was the one that no one expected. "Why should we?" The voice angry and hate filled. "Why should we let you die and why by our hand?" The voice belonged to the god of war Ares.

The other gods were stunned by this as was Percy.

"Ares that is enough," Zues sternly stated. "As loth as I am to ask as well young Persius why ask us to kill you why not," Zues sighed. Over the time he has know Percy he has grown in some way one of them is to be a bit less uncouth.

"Why no just take your own life?" Another voice blurted out. This one stern and angry, Athena with a scowl on her face. "Just as you did with Annabeth,"

As the words left her mouth all of the Olypians looked at Athena, most all glaring.

Posiden finally spoke up. "We all know if it was not for the curse of Achillies, Percy would have died along side her,"

This made Percy flinch, he took another quivering breath then spoke. "I just want this to end, I Just want it all to end,"

Posiden came down from his throne and grabbed Percy. He held Percy as tears began to flow. The brave Hero who looked death in the face and laughed, stood broken crying in his fathers arms, wanted to just give up. He was scared and didn't know what to do as mush as he wanted it all to end, the hero finally needed one himself.