Death and Rebirth: New Moon Reimagined

Disclaimer:I am not Stephenie Meyer and I do not own the rights to the Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any of the accouterments in the series.

AN:I became fascinated with Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined when it was released in September of 2015. I willingly admit that I read the entire book from start to finish within a matter of hours. On a political level, I agree with some of the critics that have come out by stating that the book defeated it purpose by some of the changes she made. But I still enjoy the book. To me, I read it as if it was it's own story, and I want to continue it, as if it is it's own story. Rather than rewriting the ending to Life and Death so Beau survives human and we can see the tragic and foolish human story unfold again through the eyes of a boy, I would much rather continue it right where it's been left off. I want to know what comes next. I will be using the same basic plot that was in New Moon for this tale, and here's why. Because I believe, that even though Beau is now a vampire, that Edythe would still find a reason to believe she isn't good enough and leave. Obviously, there will be some major differences, but the basic plot is in fact the same and it will be of a similar length. It will have a preface, 24 chapters, and an epilogue. I had been waiting on someone else to do this idea, but while I've seen some people continue Life and Death, I've seen nothing like this.


I felt like I was trapped in one of those horrifying nightmares – though it had been so long since the last time I'd slept, so long since I'd been human – one of those nightmares that no matter how hard you try, you can never get to where you desire. I kept on trying to fight my way through the crowd without using my strength as that would draw attention to me that I could not afford to garner, not if any of us wanted to survive this endeavor. The hands on the clock tower refused to slow though as they turned with relentless, uncaring force toward the end. The end of everything.

But this was no dream, and, unlike in the nightmare, the stakes were very real. I was trying to save her life, without whom, nothing would matter, but I wasn't getting there quick enough, no matter what I tried.

Archie had said that we would likely all die today. Perhaps the outcome would be different if the one we were trying to save wasn't too stubborn to listen. Our only chance was me, the mental mute, but I couldn't get there quick enough, not with all the humans pressed shoulder to shoulder in my way.

Another group of humans stepped right into the only path I'd so far been able to use.

So it didn't matter to me that we were surrounded by our extraordinarily dangerous enemies. As the clock began to toll out the hour, vibrating under the soles of my feet, I knew I was too late – and I was glad that my end waited in the wings. For in failing this, I forfeited any desire to live.

My only wish was that I could tell Archie to leave, as he did not have to share in our fate. The clock tolled again.