A\N: So after the news Designated Survivor was canceled I lost most of my inspiration to write for the show. I was really hoping it would be picked up by another network or Netflix but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I didn't want the story to end this way but unfortunately I have no more motivation to write. However don't worry I may get inspiration to write another Emron story one day.

Spoilers: None

Warinings: None

Chapter 9

Ten weeks later

Emily woke up to the sound of the alarm, a little surprised at first, as she was usually up earlier with morning sickness. "You can turn off the-" Emily begin to say to Aaron but as she turned over he realized he wasn't there. She figured she must have slept through Ramona or Elena waking up, and started to get ready for work.

In early December Aaron had moved into the new house and Emily had helped, or done all that he would allow her to do. As it got closer to Christmas and Aaron still hadn't mentioned it Emily decided she needed to ask. At first he was angry, but then he admitted that he didn't know how to celebrate the holiday. As Emily had learnt a few weeks before, Ramona had wondered why Santa couldn't bring her Mommy and Daddy back. Being Catholic her grandparents had explained they were with God in Heaven. She apparently understood that God couldn't bring them back but she wasn't sure about Santa. That question had caused Aaron a lot of worry and anxiety, as he didn't know how best to answer it. So, after talking things over with Emily Aaron had talked to Ramona. Explaining that Santa couldn't bring her Mom and Dad back either was hard for both of them. After comforting Ramona as she cried Aaron realized he needed to give the girls the best Christmas he could.

That being said, on top of the Presents Ramona and Elena had received from Aaron and Emily, they had been completely spoiled by their co-workers at the White House. At the White House Christmas party they were almost the guests of honour and Ramona enjoyed greeting all the Ambassadors in attendance in their Native Language. She'd really taken a liking to learning languages and was incredibly good at it. The Ambassador from Switzerland told Ramona she'd probably be working at the U.N when she was older. That led to the question and explanation of the United Nations, which for a four-year-old Ramona understood quite well.

Elena had gotten the hang of walking and was now even running a little. She was saying some English words, but nothing in Spanish yet (something Aaron hoped would change) Both Aaron and Emily couldn't believe she'd be tuning two in March.

Aaron and Emily's relationship was only growing stronger as their argument seemed to bring a new understanding to their relationship. When Emily's apartment had been rented and she officially moved into the house she and Aaron entered some kind of routine. On Monday's, Wednesdays and Friday's Emily went into work as Aaron got both girls ready and drove Ramona to school, and then picked her up in after school care by six o'clock. On Tuesday's and Thursdays they switched. If either one of them had conflicting meetings they'd switch.

After today though things would be easier as the nanny Aaron and Emily had hired from Argentina was arriving tomorrow morning. She would spend the weekend with Aaron and Emily and the girls getting to know the routine and more importantly the girls. On Monday Emily had an OBGYN appointment that Ramon had begged to go to, so Aaron and Emily were going to take her with them and then take her to school. After that Ana-Sofia would be taking over, picking her up from a bus stop in the neighbourhood. Even though Aaron and Emily knew the girls would be well taken care of, they knew it would still be hard for the firs couple of weeks. That was why they were planning on trying for at least one of them to get home at a reasonable hour.

As she got downstairs Emily saw Aaron sitting on the couch, with both girls still half asleep beside him. Deciding not to bother them she waved and blew kisses before heading off to work. She hoped that she'd be able to talk to Aaron later on about why they'd woken up early.

For both Aaron and Emily though work was more busy then usual. A major immigration dispute meant Emily was in meetings with the Mexican ambassador almost all morning, while Aaron was trying to ensure there were no casualties along the borderline. Border disputes always hit Aaron hard, as he still had some family living in Mexico. And his parents were immigrants who had to work hard to attain American citizenship.

It was nearing four o'clock by the time Aaron sat down for a very late lunch with Seth and Lyor. After talking over the latest days events Seth changed the subject.

"So, tomorrow they'll be another woman living in your house, you know if the twins are both girls then that'll make you completely outnumbered," He added with a chuckle, "Living in a house with six girls. And just imagine your life with Ramona, Elena and the twins are all teenagers," He shuddered.

"You better spend all the time you need in the bathroom now, you won't get it then," Lyor added.

"First of all Ana-Sofia is living in a mini apartment in the basement, she has her own bathroom. Second, I don't care if the twins are girls. I love Ramona and Elena."

"Yeah, but we know you want a son," Seth waved a hand as if indicating a point.

"Most men do want a son," Lyor added, "Just like most woman prefer to have a daughter. It's easier to relate to a baby of your own gender in fact-"

"Alright I want s son," Aaron told them, cutting Lyor off before he could rattle of stats and statistics, "But I'd be fine with daughters too."

"Yeah until they start dating."

"I've decided that Ramona and Elena won't date, so if the twins are girls then they won't either," Aaron spoke rather confidently, "Because Ramona and Elena are already beautiful and if the twins look even little but like Emily then they will be as well."

"You're screwed man," Seth admitted as he began to laugh.

The international baggage claim area was crowded, but it was nothing Aaron and Emily hadn't been expecting. They'd arrived to the airport early just in case Ana-Sofia's plane had arrived early, but upon checking the flight board they saw that it was in fact half an hour late, thanks to an incoming snowstorm from Canada. Keeping the girls entertaining in a busy airport was a challenge, especially for Elena as all she wanted to do was walk around. So Emily walked slowly with her around the baggage claim stopping to talk to some people who commented about her outfit or asked how old she was. Finally the arrivals board said Ana-Sofia's plane had landed and twenty minutes later the people started to come into the baggage claim area. Ramona was sitting on Aaron's shoulders, as she wanted to be the one to see her first.

"There she is!" Ramona yelled loudly as she spotted Ana-Sofia walking into the baggage claim area.

"Go and give her your card," Aaron set Ramona on the ground and watched her run off to great Ana-Sofia with a hug. The twenty year old was grinning happily and lifted Ramona into her arms as she carried her back over to Aaron and Emily. She set her down on the ground and took her hand.

"Thank you," Ana-Sofia said, speaking carefully in English, "That was very nice."

"You're welcome," Aaron smiled, "It's nice to meet you in person," He said, as they spoken lots times over Facetime, "I'm Aaron and this is my girlfriend Emily, my nieces Ramona and this is Elena," He nodded to Elena who was back in her stroller now.

"It's nice to meet all of you," Ana-Sofia spoke in Spanish, as it was easier for her. Then looking at Emily she reminder she didn't know Spanish, "I'm sorry," She apologized.

"That's alright," I think I'm going to learn Spanish, "I might as well, considering I'm the only one who doesn't speak it. I do know some by the way your English is very impressive," She complimented.

"Thank you," Ana-Sofia smiled, she had been studying a lot, wanting to be good before her arrival. She knew that she'd be speaking both English and Spanish, so she wanted to be able to know most of what was being said in English.

"Lets get your bags, you must be tired," Aaron spoke up as he went to get a luggage cart, "We have some of the things you shipped over in your basement apartment already."

"Can I use the big boxes?" Ramona jumped in and asked. Ana-Sofia's things had come in two huge cardboard boxes. Ramona had so many ideas on what she could use them for.

"Of course," Ana-Sofia grinned, "I'll unpack everything, then we can make them into anything you want."

"That's very generous, but you don't start until Monday remember?" Emily reminder her.

"I know but getting to know them is playing," Ana-Sofia smiled.

Aaron and Emily shared a look. So far they were very happy with Ana-Sofia, she had definitely made a good first impression. The rest of the day was more or less the same Ana-Sofia let Ramona help her unpack her things and set up her new apartment. After that she and Ramona created a huge castle with the boxes and played in it for a while. In between playing with Ramona and Elena Ana-Sofia listned as Aaron and Emily explained what she'd be expected to do and what the girls daily routine looked like. They took a walk to Ramona's new school; bus stop a well as a drive to her school. On Sunday Ana-Sofia spent more time with the girls and even made them lunch which made Aaron and Emily happy as they'd made the right choice for a nanny.

On Monday morning Emily walked into the kitchen and saw Ramona talking to Aaron as she ate her cereal. Elena sitting in her high chair babbling to herself as she picked at the food on her tray.

"Emily!" Ramona jumped out of her chair and ran to give her a hug, "And babies!" Ramona touched Emily's stomach and then kissed it. "I love you," She grinned happily.

"And your cousins love you too," Emily told Ramona. She was very impressed Ramona wasn't acting jealous of the twins yet. Although she guessed once they were born she would. That was why she was reading books on older siblings being jealous of new babies.

Ramona walked back to the table to finish her breakfast and began singing her current favourite song; it was a Russian children's song Alex had taught her and she just loved it.

"Em! Em!" Elena began kicking her feet in her high chair.

Emily walked over to Elena and bent down and kissed her on the cheek, "Did Tio Aaron already feed you?"

"Yeah," Aaron responded from the counter where he was making Ramona's lunch, "Now she's just eating some cheerio's. You get something to eat; I'll look after them. You look after the babies."

"Cute," Emily walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss.

Aaron kissed her back as he rubbed her baby bump. "Daddy and Mommy and your cousins love you."

"I want Mommy and Daddy," Ramona looked up from her cereal and began to cry.

"I know you do," Aaron walked over to her, "But you know Emily and I love you just as much as Mommy and Daddy did. And that'll never change alright?"

"Not even with the twins?" She asked.

"No, Tio Aaron and I have enough love for you Elena and your baby cousins," Emily assured her, "Now do you want to wear your doctor outfit to my appointment? That way maybe you can help out."

"Oh that sounds like a good idea," Aaron said once he saw Ramona still didn't look so sure, "You finish eating then you can go and get it."

"I'm done," Ramona jumped out of her chair and ran out of the kitchen.

"She's hardly eaten anything," Aaron shook his head, "Her fear of water is getting better. But I really think we need to talk to her doctor about the babies and all of the changes happening."

"I agree," Emily nodded her head.

"Good morning," Ana-Sofia walked into the kitchen. Her basement apartment had a separate entrance so she needed to come in the house from the backyard.

"Good morning," Aaron greeted. In Spanish he began to go over what Ramona had gone through so far in the morning he and Emily having already explained the girls history to her before. Ana-Sofia was looking after Elena for the day and then picking up Ramona at her new bus stop after school. After that she'd have both girls all night until Aaron and Emily got home.

An hour later Aaron and Emily arrived with the girls at the doctor's office. Ramona's doctor outfit was a big hit. She was giving a clipboard and crayons so she could take notes and they even called her 'doctor Ramona' when Emily was brought into a room Emily's doctor brought Ramon a step stool so she could more easily look at ultrasound machine. As the doctor told Aaron and Emily everything looked good Ramona copied with a huge smile.

"You know what," Dr. Sturgeon's just got a great idea, "I think I have something that you're going to like Ramona," She had heard a bit about what had happened to Ramona and Elena at Emily's check-ups. Other then that she could see how interested Ramona actually was in everything that was going on, she wanted to help focus on that so Ramona wouldn't get jealous when the babies were born. If she were able to help them, she'd feel go about herself. "Can I give her a present?" She asked Aaron and Emily.

"Oh you don't have to…" Aaron assured her.

"No, no these are just sitting in storage, we have new ones. The office participates in an empathy project for local elementary schools. We use baby dolls that look very life like. This past September we got new ones. Our old ones are just sitting in storage. I think Ramona would really benefit from them."

"Oh wow! That's very generous, Ramona what do you say?" Aaron prompted her.

"Thank you Ma'am," Ramona hugged the doctor.

"Oh you're very welcome sweetheart," Dr. Sturgeons told her. "We can get some later, right now I think Tio Aaron and Emily want to know if they're having boys or girls."

"Yeah we do. Can you tell?" Emily asked.

"I can," Dr. Sturgeons, confirmed, "It looks like you're going to have two little bay girls."

"Yay!" Ramona cheered happily, that was what she had wanted, "No boys."

Aaron and Emily smiled and shared a kiss; they were both happy with the news. Although Aaron knew that once Seth and Lyor found out about it they would bug him about living with so many girls.


A\N: Please review.