A\N 1: Okay so this is kind of like a re-write of my pervious story of the same name. But its going to be completely different and this time I plan on finishing it. I've been so inspired by all of the new Emron and other stories posted on here. They've all helped me write this story so much. A huge thank you to those authors.

A\N 2: This story is a little AU in that Aaron was never suspected of treason so he's still the COS. Also, Aaron and Emily have been dating for five months.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Spoilers: None

Warinings: None

Chapter 1

10 hours, 30 minutes and 5 seconds.

Aaron ran a hand over his face as he looked at his watch. Dropping his pen he finally decided to give up on trying to get any work done. Turning up the volume on the TV watched as the newscast continued to show live breaking news of the Hurricane in Houston. He had to tell himself not to cry as places he'd gone to as a child were ruined. His entire community flooded out, and quite possibly his entire family dead. Houston had, had lots of Hurricane before but this one was the worst one on record and it was getting the city, with astounding force.

"Any word on your family?" Emily asked as she walked into Aaron's office. Closing the door she walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. It wasn't a secret they were dating, but they didn't like to do anything at the White House.

"10 hour, 30 minutes and 10 seconds since I left the first set of messages to my parents and siblings." Aaron told her. He turned the volume down on the TV and stood up. "Did Seth tell you about-"

"The statement Kirkman wants to make tomorrow? Yes. He showed me the fist draft of the speech. We reviewed it together and ad some changes."

Aaron turned around and looked at her, "Emily! I'm Chief of Staff! That's my job!"

"I know," Emily didn't react to his hostile nature. She knew he wasn't thinking clearly "But The President sent you home this morning so I didn't think he'd appreciate it very much if you were helping out."

"I couldn't go home. At least here I'm pretending to do something," He shook his head. "Nadia hasn't heard from her parents or her sisters either. It's a mess in Texas and other states right now."

"I know, and we're already preparing food and aid to send out as soon as the worst part of the storm clears. "Emily reminded him. His usually gelled curly hair was dishelmed and he'd taken off his suit jacket. She'd never seen him look this worried or bad and she was worried about him.

"Emily, I'm not going to sit here and pretend my family isn't dead." He shook his head finally allowing himself to cry. "My hometown is underwater and the sixty miles per hour wind is blowing everything away! I mean, my school…. Places I grew up….."

Not knowing what else to do Emily knelt down and hugged him the best she could. They both knew, realistically the chance of any survival was very slim. Aaron's hometown was one of the poorest in the state of Texas. And as such the structures were very poorly bu9ild and marinated. It woukd be a miracle if people were able to survive that. On top of it all the residents were mostly illegal immigrants from Mexico and were afraid to go to shelters where rumour was they were checking to see if you were legalized. Nobody wanted to be deported. So they did the best they could with what they ha and tried to stay safe.

Aaron stood up and fell into Emily's waiting arms. He'd never felt so helpless in his life. The fact that he may never get to see his parents to his siblings again was eating him up inside. If they somehow got out of this mess he had promised himself he'd pay for the all to come to D.C. for a visit.

Watching the TV he almost felt as if he was going through the tragedy with his fellow Texans. He'd been in hurricane before, nasty ones too. But this one was the worst one in the history of the United States and one of the worst ones every recorded in the world. Relief centres were already jammed full and running out of supplies. And fast.

"Hey Man," Seth knocked on the walked into his best friend's office, "I found someone at the check in desk." He stepped aside to show Nadia. She looked just as worried as her older cousin. Her cell phone gripped tightly in her hands.

"Nadia," Aaron walked quickly over to her and engulfed her in a hug. He'd been on the phone with her a few times today but he'd never been so glad to actually see her. Nadia and him had always been very close. He considered her to be more like a littler sister then a cousin. Like him, she was very bright and had always had ambitions to get out of there small town. Growing up he'd held her with her homework and take her to places to Houston and Dallas to broaden her horizons. Places as a child he'd wished he'd been able to go too.

"My parents called me," Nadia didn't want to waste any time explained what she'd heard, "It was hard to make out but I think so far everyone's safe. I think they said something about your parents but I couldn't really make it out. It was really hard to hear. I'm sorry.

"That's alright," Aaron didn't want show how disappointed he was. He was, as well so glad Nadia's parents seemed to be safe. "Why don't you stay here with us? We can order in some food. You shouldn't be alone."

Nadia looked around the room, even after almost a year it still felt surreal that she was here. Involved in the runnings of the White House. The first time she'd met Emily and Seth she'd been blown away and a little star struck. Especially with Emily, She knew that sounded silly but Emily was one of the most powerful women in D.C. and talking to her was great. Nadia would love to be able to talk to her and get some input on things.

"I don't want to intrude. I don't have a high as clearance as you guys do."

"Then we won't talk about that," Emily spoke up, "You can tell us all about your job. I'd like to hear how things are going in Congress." Emily knew how important Nadia was to Aaron and so she wanted to make a very good impression on the younger woman. To be honest though it wasn't that hard. Nadia was bright and very likeable. Emily could see she was eager to lean and had potential to go far in this city.

"Congresswoman Yoshita is really helping a lot of people and getting things accomplished," Nadia smiled proudly, "I still can't thank Aaron enough for getting me the job."

"Well from what Aaron says you more then deserve it," Emily told her. "Should we just order some Chinese food? The usual place?" She looked at Aaron and Seth for conformation as they both nodded. "What about you Nadia?"

"That sounds good."

An hour later the food had arrived and Nadia and Aaron had almost forgotten about everything that was going on in there home state.

"Aaron, any word yet?" President Kirkman asked as he walked into the room. Everyone immediately standing up, "Please, please sit down." He turned and smiled at Nadia, "Nadia right. Aaron's cousin, you work for Congresswoman Yoshita." Kirkman walked towards Nadia with his hand out-stretched.

"Yes…yes sir…" Nadia tried to remind herself to talk as she shook the President's hand. She was blown away that he'd remember all of that. She'd only met him once before, and had said less then she was currently saying.

"Any word on your families yet?" He inquired.

"Nadia ha shear from her parents Sir," Aaron spoke for her cousin knowing she was still a little studded, "But I still haven't heard from my family, and unfortunately the damage is only getting worse."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do," Kirkman told them, "I'll let you get back to your dinner now. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Not a problem Mr. President, Thank you," Aaron smiled as his boss left the room with his Secret Service Guards.

2 AM

Aaron groggily opened his eyes as he reached in the dark for his cell phone. Turning on the lamp he grabbed the phone, "Go back to sleep," He leaned down to give Emily a quick kiss, "I'll let you know if its anything urgent."

Emily nodded her head and made a move to take her phone as well. "I haven't gotten any text messages yet," She said, "Hopefully is nothing to bad," She watched as Aaron left the bedroom.

"Aaron Shore," Aaron answered the phone running hand through his dark curls.


"Mom," Aaron had never been so relieved to hear his mother's voice, "I'm so glad you're alright. How…how is everyone?" He wanted to get to things straight away. He knew the phone line could go out any minutes.

"I'm on a phone…I think they called it a Satellite phone…" His mother spoke in Spanish. "I can't hear you very well. And I'm not sure how much time I have. We're all okay. Everyone's a little scared an spooked but…" She began to cry and that's when Aaron knew something bad had happened, "Your brother Javier and your sister in-law… they didn't make it. They stayed behind to make sure everyone got out. You know how he was always helping everyone."

"Yeah," Aaron nodded his head. His oldest brother was like that. He always made sure everyone else was safe before he took care of himself. He'd always been like that. Aaron couldn't count the number of times he gave him the last piece of bread or made sure he did his homework and got good grades, even though h himself didn't make it past grade eleven, He always had high hopes for Aaron and he, more then anyone else was the one that pushed him to be something more, to leave the small town and go out into the world.

"Ramona and Elena…how are they?" Aaron dared to ask about his four and one year old nieces.

"They were with their parents but someone was able to rescue them and bring them here. Ramona's terrified and scared….but Elena she doesn't know what'd going on. She just wants her parents back."

Aaron shook his head and began to pace the room. He hated not being able to do more for his family. He was raised better then this; you do all you can for your family. But thousands of miles away there wasn't much he could do and he hated it.

"You need to take them. I know Javier put down you as their guardian if anything were to happen. And you're their Godfather. It's chaos here and they need a safe place to stay. Just until your father and I can be in temporary housing and are stable. We know you have a big career down there and this wouldn't work out for long term.

Aaron was silent for a minute as he tried to process what his other was saying. "You want me to bring Ramona and Elena to D.C? How would they even get here? All of the airports are shut down."

"In a few days when everything starts up again. There are people here who can help us out. Other people are getting kids out as well." She explained, "Please Aaron you should see them. They can't stay here they need to get away from here for a while.

"I need to think about it," Aaron wasn't prepared to give any answers yet. There was a lot to think about. He hardly knew anything about looking after children. Plus there was his job and Emily that he needed to think about as well. If he took on his nieces they he'd need to cut back at work. And he'd basically be ending his relationship with Emily; there was no way he could as her to take on two young girls.

"There's a long wait for the phone. I'll call you in two days." His mother said and then the call cut out, leaving Aaron in silence and stunned.


A\N: So, what;s going to happen? Is Aaron going to take his nieces in?