BNHA is not my own, only the characters that are mine.

Aizawa's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in my arm chair, trying to get some paperwork done when I feel a tug on my pants. I hum before looking down and seeing my daughter smiling brightly at me. She reaches her arms out and I sigh, feeling my heart cry out for her, but my head telling me to get back to grading homework.
I lean down, moving her mop of hair out of the way as I give her a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but dads' gotta grade the rest of these papers. I'll be done in time to give you a kiss before bed, okay?" I say to her and she pulls her bottom lip out, pouting.

Shit. She knows me too well.

I sigh as I shake my head, "No honey. I'm not giving in this time, I need to work," I say, but her eyes start to get bigger and sadder. The more I stare at her, the more I realize that I'm gonna lose to that adorable face.

A smile breaks on my face as I reach over the chair and grab her as I say, "Fine, come here,"
She smiles triumphantly as she reaches her arms out again, grabbing onto my shirt as I bring up to my lap. I sit her down so that she's sitting on me and I stroke her soft cheek as I say, "Well, what are we doing today? Reading? Coloring?"

She stretches her arms out wide as she yells enthusiastically, "Hair!"

I mentally groan at this, but just nod and bite my tongue. I typically hate it when she plays hair dresser. She's not good at it, but what three year old is, and she always makes it feel so sticky because she always has her fingers in her mouth.

Regardless, I nod as I get up, putting her on my hip with one arm while I go to the bathroom. I turn on the light and find a hair brush next to the sink, three hair ties already wrapped around it. I open the cupboards above the sink and find the box of extra hair ties in a plastic box we got for her. I take the box and hair brush with me as I make my way back to the chair.

I never allow her to play with scissors when we play hair dresser because I'm too afraid she'll ACTUALLY cut my hair off.

I sit down and have her sit in my lap again, putting the hair ties and brush on the table beside her. I lean back and say, "Alright, do your worst,"

She giggles excitedly and turns to grab the hair brush first. I close my eyes as I prepare for the assault of the hair brush. Instead, I feel her place her hand on top of my head before she lightly brushes my hair. I open my eyes to see her looking focused, tongue slightly out as she watches her movements carefully.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she replies, "Mommy said this is a good way to make sure I don't hurt you, she let me do it to her,"

I blink in surprise.

She taught Chiharu how to do this? I'm honestly amazed, but I really shouldn't be. My wife is pretty amazing.

I smile fondly as Chiharu moves onto the next section of my hair, "Well you're doing a really good job, Chi," I say and she stops her work to look back at me.

"You mean it, Daddy?!" She asks enthusiastically and I nod, "Of course, I barely even feel you pulling on my hair," I say and her smile gets even wider, if that's possible.

She goes back to work with new found inspiration as I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of her brushing my hair.

Once she was done untangling my locks, she puts down the brush to start threading her fingers through it. I smile as her fingers gently rub against my scalp, pulling my hair in different directions, but not unruly. She even starts to scratch my scalp lightly and I sigh at the feeling.

Her mother DEFINETLY taught her how to do this. The way her fingers were being so soft and soothing was an instant reminder of her. She did the exact same thing to me when we had started dating. We would spend our alone time together like this. Me lying against her as she stroked my hair and even brushed it. It was a little too short to braid at the time, but one night she tried with all of her might to do it. I've never seen someome so Hell bent on a braid before.

Once she had pushed all of my hair away from my face, she grabs the hair ties from the table. She lifts up small sections of my hair and stands them in any direction she pleases. Some go off the side of my head, a few stand straight up and she even made a few go down by my neck, tickling me a little. She sits back and places her finger over her lips as she studies her work. I grin as I open my arms and ask,

"Well? Do I look beautiful?"

She giggles and nods, "You look perfect!" She exclaims and I pull her towards me, wrapping my arms around her as I kiss her cheek, "It's because I have the best hair stylist in the world,"

Her giggles increase as she tries to pull away, "Daddy! That tickles!"

"What? My stubble tickles?" I ask as I start scratching my face.

The prickles of my five o'clock shadow irritate me and I hum to myself as I make a mental note to shave tomorrow.

"What on earth are you two doing?"

Chiharu and I turn our heads to see my wife in her nightgown smiling fondly as us.

Her warm brown eyes look at the hilaruous scene in front of her, her blonde hair falling down her waist instead of up, like it normally is. She's leaning on the edge of the wall by the living room as she softly chuckles at us.

"I did Daddy's hair, Mommy! Doesn't he look beautiful?!" Chiharu exclaims and I laugh to myself before chimming in.

"Yeah, Suki, don't I look pretty?"

She covers her mouth as she giggles to herself, but walks over to us anyway. She picks up Chiharu, "Wow, Chi, I'm so proud of you! Maybe you could do Daddy's hair EVERY night!" She says as she bounces Chiharu on her hip, but Chiharu rolls her eyes, "No, that's too much work," she says bluntly and Suki and I burst out laughing.

These were the moments we agreed she got from me. Blunt and dead pan, just like me. Suki ruffles Chiharu's hair as she says, "Alright, I think that's enough excitement for one night, let's get you to bed now. Give Daddy a kiss because he has work to do,"

Chiharu reaches her arms out to me and I take her back as she places her hands on my cheeks with a loud smack. We lean in at the same time and give each other a small kiss as she says, "Night, Daddy,"

I nuzzle her nose with mine as I say, "Goodnight, Chi, I love you,"

"I love you too!" She screams and I laugh, "Oh yeah? How much?" I ask sarcastically and she leans back as she stretches her arms out as wide as they could go.

"I love you THIS much!"

I chuckle at her before giving her a kiss on her forehead and putting her down.

"Alright, off to bed," I say as I give her back a small pat. She waddles to Suki, taking her hand as they make their way up the stairs to her bedroom.

I smile as I wave to them, but turn back to my arm chair and sit down to get back to work. I give one last look at the staircase to catch my wife looking back at me and we smile at each other. She mouths an I love you to me as I nod, return her words, then turn back to my work, my red pen in hand.


Hey guys! Yeah, I'm back in the saddle with writing. Sorry for the long wait, but right now, I'm in a good place to start writing again! I know no one asked for this, but I have a lot of inspiration for this story and it's a good breather from the other one I'm working on which I know will be MUCH longer than this one. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!~