Lucifer, Chloe, and Ella were all standing around the Lab Tech's office. Ella actually was busy getting work done taking notes while she was analyzing specimens under the microscope. As for Lucifer and Chloe, the two had been arguing like an old married couple over which vehicle they would take to the scene of the latest homicide. The discussion had been going on for the past ten minutes without either making much headway.
"I simply don't understand what you have against riding in style, Detective?" Lucifer questioned arms folded across his chest. He'd been in the same position since things had gotten a bit heated.
Same with Chloe, who had her hands resting on her hips like a mother getting ready to scold her child. She responded to Lucifer's inquiry, " I don't. My problem is that you drive like a maniac!"
Lucifer sighed, "And you drive like an old lady on her way to her weekly bingo get together. Your point?"
"Well, at least when I drive I know that we'll make it there in one piece," Chloe jabbed him in the center of his chest with her pointer finger as she spoke for added emphasis. His well-defined chest. "Besides…" she was searching for a decent argument something that would get through her partner's often thick skull. Lucifer, looked at his fingernails, bored, trying to patiently wait for her reply as she continued, "I believe it was you who said, 'The girl is dead, I'm fairly certain she won't be going anywhere any time soon.'" she finished her statement with a flourish mocking her partner as best she could, fake British accent, pompous air, and all.
He scoffed, "Making fun of me are you now?" he leaned toward her, mirroring her posture with his hands on his hips, pushing his suit jacket aside, staring her down as best he could, attempting to change her mind. It was the first moment of silence since the two had begun arguing. Fifteen seconds or so passed before he relented, in an odd role reversal he gave her the signature Chloe Decker eyeroll as he spoke, " win Detective. We'll take your car. But I must ask, what good is it to have a siren if you never use it?"
"Just shut up and let's go!" she said poking him in the forehead with her finger before walking around him to make her way to the room's door.
Lucifer lifted his hand to his forehead, resting it on the spot the Detective had touched. It was strange, all it was was a simple touch, yet it did something to him. It was like an electric shock that entered through his forehead and shot directly to his heart. He'd never experienced anything like it.
Once coming back to his senses he replied, "Right." Lucifer quickly turned to exchange a mutual glance with Ella prior to leaving with the Detective. Lucifer shrugged as Ella shook her head. It was as though they knew what the other was thinking. The two broke out into a fit of laughter.
When Chloe noticed Lucifer wasn't trailing closely behind her, as usual, she went back and popped her head through the doorway into the lab, "Are you coming or not?" The two stopped chortling as soon as Chloe had returned causing both to freeze in place making her pause a beat before asking, "Wait...what's so funny?" she asked narrowing her eyes and pointing from one to the other and back again.
He shifted his attention from Ella back to Chloe, "Nothing." he replied clearing his throat and adjusting his jacket making his way to the door, "And, yes, of course Detective. I'd never miss an opportunity to 'come' with you. In many different ways, multiple times might I add." he shot her a wicked grin, playfully wiggling his eyebrows at the statement. Biting the inside of her cheek Chloe did her best to stifle the strong urge she had to rip his face off coupled with wanting to jump his bones. Which she was able to keep in check but struggled to completely quell the faint pink hue gradually painting her cheeks. His comment earned an angry groan from her and such an extreme eye roll Lucifer figured the Detective's eyes would get stuck somewhere up there and would never return to their normal state.
She gave him a shove causing him to stumble back a step, "Lucifer! You know what I meant!" she got out through gritted teeth, Chloe knew she regretted the words the moment they'd escaped her lips. She felt she should have know better when talking with her 12-year-old, man-child of a partner. "Now are you going to join me or not? Because the train is leaving." she motioned behind her toward the door followed by a defensive folding of her arms across her chest. Before he could respond her cell phone started ringing, "Gah! Hang on," she grunted in frustration reaching for the offender. "Decker?" she answered the phone. A brief pause as the person on the other end spoke. Chloe placed her hand over the receiver. In an angry whisper she informed her partner, "It's the Lieutenant." He nodded, cocking his head to the side looking a bit concerned. "Yes, yes….right. We, we were just on our way." she began walking. This time Lucifer followed suit, "Yup, okay. Will see you there. Thanks. Bye." She hung up the phone and turned her head to look at Lucifer as he walked along side of her, "You're here! Good. That was the Lieutenant. Seems we were taking so long that everyone was wondering where we were."
He paused to think, "Detective! If we're lagging so far behind, now would be a great time if I drove, yes? Either that or we should definitely use the siren! Can we, Detective?" Lucifer the eternal child eagerly asked.
"No. Lucifer, we've discussed this. You're not driving, I am. And we are not using the siren."
"But, Detective?" he pouted as though she refused to give him something he truly had his heart set on. Not even needing to speak, she shot Lucifer a stare that could kill, "Very well." he replied with a sigh as they walked across the parking lot to her car.
Ella let out a relieved exhale. The tension in the room was so great one could have cut it with a knife. It was so bad that it was starting to bother Ella. Even though she adored both Lucifer and Chloe she was glad to be able to breath again. Multiple times she had wanted to interject but decided against it. She couldn't help but dwell on the display that had taken place in her office. It was clear since day one that Ella was Chloe and Lucifer's biggest fan. She had been rooting for them to get together since the beginning. Though still no dice. "Things would be so much quieter around here if they just would get it together and get a room already. For everyone's sanity at least." Why was it taking so long? They both had to be suffering. Couldn't they see it? They weren't blind! Wasn't Linda helping Lucifer with this? If they only realized that they both had feelings for each other... Just then, the Lab Tech was struck with an idea. A brilliant idea! "That's it! Ella you're a genius!" she acknowledge herself, "Thanks Ella. You're really great too Aww, you're so sweet!" she then proceeded to give herself a hug before running off to put the wheels in motion on her devilish scheme.