Budo Masuta was known as the school hero, the guy every boy envied, and the boy every girl wanted to date. Until his whole world came crashing down. By. One. Sentence.

"Excuse me." That was the world crashing sentence. Well, the sentence itself wasn't really the important part, but the person who said the sentence was. A quiet, average looking girl with black hair and serene grey eyes. Wearing the school uniform. And not ogling him like he was some prize at an arcade. That was new.

"I said, excuse me. I need to get to my class. You're blocking my way." The girl tried to force past him, nearly shoving him out of the way. She barely moved him, though, so she gave up and just glared at him.

"What's your name, beautiful?" He smiled his most charming smile, expecting her to melt into a puddle of blushing goo.

Instead, this happened: "I don't have to tell you anything, asshole. Now let me into my classroom." She said all this in a completely even voice, but her eyes were full of malice. So, he stepped to the left just enough that she could pass. He then continued talking to his friend, Taro Yamada.

"Dude, you realize that's the first girl who has ever not swooned as soon as you talked to her. Curious as to why?" Taro was Budo's best friend, and was aware of his friend's (successful) attempts to stay the most popular guy/ most eligible bachelor/ most athletic boy/ ect...

Any who...

"Yep." Budo shook his head vigorously, trying to get her face out of his head.

"I just thought of something. Budo Masuta, I dare you to get her to fall for you before the second semester. If you do, I'll give you a hundred bucks. Deal?" Taro's parents were loaded, so he knew he could get the cash, and besides... Budo never turned down a challenge. Ever.

"Deal!" Budo made up his mind, right then and there.

"She'll be mine. She doesn't have a choice."