You guys probably hate me. But oh well. I shall rewrite the story a bit and try to give emphasis on Alex and everyone. Including on how he got there. I have made several rookie mistakes despite trying not to, I am hoping to NOT do that this time around. Including a somewhat different writng style. I unfortunately will not accept ocs. And I may or may not use the ones given to me in the last story. Depends.

I shall also not make another rewrite. This is the final product. I can promise you that.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own nor do I claim that Minecraft, Infamous, or the concept of the stories characters are mine. The only thing I own is my o.c Alex. I also do not own any ocs. Such as the oc a friend of mine sent me. A creeper princess named Flair who will also be with my friend's oc named Waytel.

Alex Bio

Name: Alex Diaz

Karamatic Level: Good

Age: 19

Symbol: Wolf/Dragon

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: Tan

Power: Fire

Weapon: Sword

Base Abilities: Fire Form, Spark Shot, Fire Rocket, Fire Wave, Fire ground pound, Fire Grenades

Ultimate Ability: Burning Retribution

"Words" Writing/Action

"Words *Action taken during words*" Writing/Action

'Thoughts' Writing/Action

"Seductive talk~~~" Writing/Action

Time: Early Morning

Place: Seattle

3rd P.O.V

Alex sighed softly as he walked through the streets of Seattle. The D.U.P had set up shop in the city a few days ago and it was very aggravating to the young adult. The sky was clear and blue. Almost not a single cloud in the sky. The birds were singing, the flowers blooming, and the light of day shining. It was such a beautiful day. But it was all a lie. People were getting worried, since the D.U.P had set up stations around the block to find conduits, or Bio-Terrorists as they were called. It was a grueling process, since if you were caught with the wrong genes, the'd send you to the hell hole known as Curden Cay. A prison place for the 'freaks of nature'. Kinda sounds racist doesn't it?

It wasn't easy, now a days. Alex had found out he was a conduit, blood test. Luckily, his doctor decided to keep tight lipped, despite the huge risks that came along with it. He felt the up most respect for his doctor, and even gave a lot of money. The doctor tried to refuse but Alex insisted.

It had been a few days after, and his powers activated. He learned his power was fire, and he and his doctor decided to test how good he could control it. He used it almost instinctively. Knowing how to form rockets, sparks, and the ability to turn corporeal or incorporeal at will. Now it did not make him a ghost, merely that he could turn into fire or normal at will. But he couldn't stay on fire forever. He would quickly burn out without a source to fuel him. While this wouldn't kill him, he would use up his fuel so he was unable to use his powers unless he absorbed a heat or fire source.

Using this form briefly, he learned, did not use up any of his 'fuel'.

He had also found out whether corporeal or not, heat and fire do not affect him. It took him a week to teach his body not to flinch when touching a hot stove. He was immune to such damage, but years of expecting pain was hard to condition out.

Alex sighed again as he saw another station had been opened. Why had he been so unlucky? He must have been horrifyingly cruel to kittens and puppies in a past life to deserve this kind of treatment now. Alex avoided the station and took a alley way to get past it. But he was promptly stopped by a hostile voice.

"Oi! Wes got a sumbodi who ain't got no right ta be ere'."

He nearly laughed at how the guy talked, like he was trying hard to sound like a old 19xx mobster.

"Bois? Want ta teach our trespasser here what we do?"

A man walked in front of Alex. He was a tall man with blonde hair and piercing gray eyes. He had a tooth pick in his mouth.

'Oh my god is this guy serious?!' Alex started laughing like crazy.

The guy had a fedora and a gray business suit on.

"OI! Wez gotz sombodi who finds us funni. Letz break es' legs. And show how 'fun' we cin be."

A grumble of noises seemed to like this idea, a couple of grown men and women dressed in suits came up with bats and crowbars. Alex just sighed and got ready to fight. Men and women ran to him and he easily dodged their hits and swings. He did not want to risk using his powers just in case the D.U.P link these idiots to him if he did use his powers. He gave a guy a good sucker punch (hehe) to the face. Being a conduit made him very strong and it easily made the guy fly out the alley way.

"Who's next?" He asked. A woman ran to him with a bat and he kicked her legs and roundhouse kicked her stomach, knocking her into the wall nearby.

The leader was getting nervous and so was his followers. But Alex punched another guy and threw him at a woman who was trying to sneak attack him. He did a cartwheel to the left to avoid a thrown pipe. It winded up hitting another person. And by the sound of extreme pain, it hit a guy right in the balls. A few guys including Alex shuddered. The boss was looking even more nervous. There was only himself and two more guys and one woman.

"One chance to walk away pal. Or I'm sending you and your buddies to the hospital."

Alex warned.

The man grinded his teeth and pulled out a gun. Alex shook his head and quickly threw a knife at the guy's arm.

"You had your chance to walk away."

He dropped the gun from pain and Alex drop kicked him into a trash can. The three goons immediately fled before he turned on them. Alex popped his bones and called the police then left. He left a note explaining what happened. He hummed softly as he walked around the neighborhood. It was a nice clear day. And it was warm. He sighed softly, looking around.

Of course, such a perfect day like this had to be ruined.

"Sir may you come with us?"

A D.U.P agent said.

"We have to test you for any sign of bio terrorist genes."

Alex sighed and shook his head.

"Screw off okay? I need to visit my mom."

His mother was actually visiting her family in Germany. But these people didn't need to know that.

"One last chance sir."

The guy said.

'Well. Time to become a criminal.' Alex thought and he fired a huge blast of blue flame at the agent. The shocked agent was sent back and crashed into a wall.

Almost immediately several guys ran over to him and fired a bunch of concrete at his location. He groaned and dodged their attacks, shooting sparks of his fire at them. They created walls of concrete to blocked his blue flames. But he simply fired fire rockets at the concrete walls, which broke. He raced forward and elbowed one of the agents in the face. A guy tried to trap his legs but he turned into flames and escaped, becoming corporeal once out. He threw several fire grenades that blasted away any person who decided to brace themselves against the flames.

He tackled one guy down and sent several sparks to his face, making the guy pass out. He rolled away as several concrete shards flew his way.

"Augustine we need support."

Alex heard a guy call on his phone. 'God dammit. I'm toast if she decides to join the battle.' He chose not to think of how ironic the thought was and so decided to escape. He started running as they gave chase, aiming to slow him down enough so reinforcements could come by. He turned into flames and quickly went through a chain fence, melting it slightly. 'Come on, run.' He strived to run faster then his pursuers.


He nearly tripped. A woman called out for help, since a D.U.P agent had somehow mistaken her for a conduit. He could either leave her to her fate or help her; but he would have a higher chance of being caught. He groaned and changed course to her location. He tackled the agent to the ground and trapped him in fire that didn't burn. But acted like chains.

"T-Thank you."

The woman said and immediately ran far away. He smiled but started running too.

"He's over there!"

He sighed and ran into a building. The D.U.P followed, and so ensued a hilarious chase between buildings and accidentally going the other way around so that he was chasing them.

He chased them around for like five seconds but then realized the awkward situation. They stopped and looked at each other. Before the D.U.P went back to them chasing him. After about a half hour of the chase, Augustine appeared to see what was taking so long for one single conduit, Alex could tell she wanted to strangle her men, if he actually was looking at her. The reason why she would want to do that was because it was actually these guys break time, and being the nice guy that Alex was, he offered to buy them a cup of coffee. Drinks on him.

They were drinking right now.

"So how long were you in this whole D.U.P thing?"

He asked, drinking coffee.

"Like around a few months actually."

One of the guys said.

"Really? Damn."

Alex stretched.

One of the guys looked at Augustine.

"Uh oh."

All the guys looked at her.

"Guys keep drinking. I gotta run from your boss now."

Alex said and started running. The guys waved at him and kept drinking.

"What? It's our break?"

One of the agents said. The woman sighed and gave chase to Alex.

"Oh god, yeah that coffee isn't sitting well."

Alex held his mouth as he ran.

"What is the matter Alex? Running disturbing your stomach?"

Augustine chuckled, somehow now in front of the male.

"How the hell did you know my name? Stalking me?"

He asked.

"I guess you can say that, since I have eyes and ears everywhere, Alex. Your medical records looked a little strang-" She was cut off bye Alex.

"Please tell me you didn't hurt my doctor."

He said, looking angry and frustrated.

"No need. But I can arrange for that to happen for being silent about you."

Augustine said with a dead serious tone.

Alex groaned.

"Alright... I see where this is going. What do I have to do to keep my friend safe. Tell me and I won't fight you."

He offered.

She laughed emptily.

"Good boy. Come with me to Curden Cay and your friend will be safe."

Alex sighed and nodded. Augustine chuckled and two shards of concrete stabbed into his calves. This caused the young fire conduit to yell out in pain.

"Jesus... This isn't necessary."

Alex grinded his teeth. The concrete was starting to build up and down his body, soon the entirety of his bottom half was cemented in concrete. The woman whose face was as emotionless as the stone she used just watched as concrete went onto his torso. Alex closed his eyes and tried to relax as it reached his head, noting that the pain in his legs were pretty numb by now. Then everything went black...

Time: Early Minecraftian Morning

Place: In a abandoned village

3rd person P.O.V

Flair walked along the blocky world known as Mincraftia. The girl wore a creeper hoodie that was zipped down to her waist. This exposed some skin, including a lot of her chest. Which while it lacked in pretty much everything regarding size, was still not exactly decent. If that mattered to the princesses of this world, who except for one lone prince, the world was barren of any particularly handsome young male. Or any male of this world. The exceptions being the kings that birthed the princesses and prince. Except those beings had no human form, only the humongous mob forms they were created in.

In this world the younger mob royalties, the princesses and prince, could alter between their mob and human form at will. They can chose to remain human for their entire existence, namely forever.

Flair in this case was in human form, and had glowing red eyes, the eyes of the creeper hood were also glowing. Connected to her, whenever she blinked, the light faded and reappeared as her eyes opened. The girl wasn't very tall, but it didn't matter. The mouth of the hood was also designed differently. Instead of perpetually always looking sad, the more bottom squares were horizontal and were connected to another horizontal top line of squares. Each line were two squares. Flair also wore black stockings and no gloves. Her skin was smooth and slightly pale, but it was healthy, ish.

She hummed softly as she walked to what looked like a abandoned village, there were no people, and the buildings were just slightly damaged, only missing a block or two. It is unknown why the village was abandoned, only that is was and probably would not be populated for some time in the future. This didn't matter to the creeper princess, since she just wanted to explore a bit.


She saw something fall from the distance, it was hard to tell from the distance it was at, but she could see that it was closing in on the beach nearby.

"Hm... Probably something important..."

She muttered to herself and started to run. The energetic girl slammed her feet hard and a explosion was heard beneath her. She was accelerated forward at a inhumanly quick pace. This was only possible because she exploded the ground beneath her, the resulting explosion didn't harm her, but anyone super close to her would have been hit with explosive damage.

With Alex

Time: Right after capture

3rd person P.O.V


A voice roared. Alex opened his eyes with a groan. But he only saw darkness. He couldn't feel his body.


He said. It was strange, he felt like he said it, but it also felt like he didn't.

"Where am I?"

He felt like he wasn't breathing.


That didn't help his confusion.

But suddenly he felt like he was falling.


Now it felt like he was talking, he could breath once more. But it was black to his vision still. After a few minutes, pain rocked his entire body when he crashed into the ground. The darkness was replaced with bright light, and it wasn't the fall that hurt him. It was the concrete that stabbed right into his body upon impact. He rolled from where he was and let his body heal the wounds that had appeared on him from the stone. He felt a little weak, so he burned the ground and drained the fire that had resulted.

"I... I think my bones are broken..."

He said to no one in particular.

He gasped out and breathed heavily. His body forced out the concrete from his body, and his bones started rapidly healing. Any wound he had on him was fixed in a matter of minutes.

"This sucks so much."

He panted and stood up, feeling a lot of his bones pop rather painfully.

'At least you aren't dead.'

"Who said that?!"

He looked around only to see no one.

'In your head moron.'


'I know the answer, but indulge me. Would you ever kill?'

"What?! Never."

'What does man have. What is every creature born with?'


Alex didn't like this.

'Just answer my question.'

Alex sighed.

"Killing instinct. Fight or flight."

'Correct. Now what am I?'

"Judging on the question you are the side of me that kills."

'Correct. Alex.'

"Why are you talking to me now though?"

'I've always existed. But I've laid dormant. But something woke me up. I'm the side you refused to let out. But now that I'm awake...'

Alex yelled out in pain. He looked at his arms and saw the blue flames change into red.

End of chapter

Cliff hanger I know. But I needed to show you guys I am not dead. Any questions either PM me or Review. Have a lovely day.