Hello my readers, Unknown entity328 here with a new fanfic! I was watching digimon frontier when I had this idea. For those of you who have read my other fanfic Yu-GI-OH! Zexal: Kazuki's Grand Adventure!, I am working on the next chapter and will be posted as soon as it's finished. But with me having focusing on my studying I'm not sure when I'll post it so I ask you to please be patient. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this prologue and I'll see you at the end of the chapter!


Everything was peaceful in the digital world after years of war between human digimon and beast digimon, the war ended due to the intervention of two angel digimon. One was a blue-eyed blond haired boy wrapped in white cloth, a modern depiction of an angel. He bears eight angelic wings on his back, two on his head, and two around his waist for a total of twelve wings. He also wears holy rings on each arm and leg, and has the symbol of the digital hazard on his hands. He also has purple tattoos on his left arm and leg, and on the left side if his chest and face. This digimon is Lucemon who brings order and harmony. The other was also a blue eyed and blond haired boy wrapped in white cloth like Lucemon, the only difference is that he doesn't have markings, holds a bow in his left hand, and had eight angelic wings on his back. This digimon is Guardiamon who brings peace and tranquility.

The two were flying through the sky playing a game of tag laughing and smiling with Guardiamon being 'it'.

"I'll get you this time!" Guardiamon yelled reaching to tag Lucemon as soon as he got within arms reach. However, Lucemon just smirked and made a sharp left turn causing Guardiamon to fly into a cloud and he let out a surprised yelp. "Hey, I thought we agreed on no flying near the clouds!"

"Sorry, but a wins a win." Lucemon said holding his sides laughing with a smile on his face. "And it looks like I tied things up."

"Yeah, thirty-two wins apiece." Guardiamon said coming out of the cloud a smile on his face and turned his head to face the digital world. "Feels nice that there's peace here now."

"Yeah." Lucemon nodded in agreement floating next to Guardiamon and looking over the digital world with him smiling. "And it was us that made it so my friend."

"I thought I was your best friend." Guardiamon said with a teasing grin lightly elbowing Lucemon in the side causing him to laugh.

"That's best friends forever." Lucemon held up a pinky and Guardiamon held one up too and they linked them together. "No matter what."

However, all good things must come to an end. Guardiamon was playing with a few Poyomon in the flame terminal when an explosion happened.

"What's going on?" Guardiamon asked seeing a bunch of digimon making a run for it. He stopped a Pagumon and asked. "Excuse me, what's going on?"

"It's Lucemon!" The Pagumon yelled fear evident in it's eyes. "He's attacking everything in sight and taking its fractal code!"

Guardiamon had a look of shock on his face and the Pagumon began to hop away. With a flap of his wings Guardiamon shot into the air and flew to where the explosion happened.

'Why Lucemon?' Guardiamon thought trying to understand his friends reason for his actions as he flew. 'Why are you doing this, what happened to you?'

When Guardiamon arrived he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lucemon just destroyed a small piece of land and took its fractal code before attacking the digimon. Guardiamon's arms began to shake before he clenched his fists and flew in front of Lucemon arms out protecting the digimon behind him.

"Guardiamon." Lucemon said looking at his friend with blank eyes.

"Lucemon, why are you doing this?" Guardiamon asked looking Lucemon in the eyes but got no response. "Answer me Lucemon!"
"Lord Guardiamon!" A Gazimon shouted getting Guardiamon's attention. "You have to get away, Lucemon isn't himself!"

"I'm not leaving you here!" Guardiamon shook his head and turned back to glare at Lucemon. "Why are you doing this Lucemon, didn't we stop the war to bring peace to the digital world?" Tears built up in his eyes. "Weren't we gonna maintain the peace we worked so hard to make happen together, what possessed you to attack the digimon?" The tears flowed down his face. "What happened to my friend that wanted peace and what's best for all digimon, when did you become selfish and be like this?" Lucemon just floated there. "Why won't you answer me Lucemon?!"

Suddenly, Guardiamon was struck by a spear of light in the chest and his eyes widened looking down at the spear then to Lucemon whose arm was outstretched as if he threw something.

"Luce...mon." Guardiamon began to fall as he didn't have the strength to keep flying and fall into the abyss that use to have the land of the flame terminal before vanishing.

In the human world

A woman with long burgundy hair and brown eyes wearing a yellow short sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes was on her way home holding a bag of groceries when a flash of light in an alley got her attention.

"What was that?" She wonders walking to the alley only to put an arm over her eyes to block the light but was still able to see a silhouette of a child with eight wings descending and wrapping itself with its wings to take on an egg shape. When the light vanished the woman lowered her arm to see the wings slowly turning into feathers and fall to the ground to show a baby boy using the feathers as a makeshift bed.

And that's it for the prologue. I hope you liked it and if you did please leave a review to tell me what you think and I'll see you all next time!