I should be concentrating on my other Sasuhina fic but I couldn't help writing this one…

Disclaimer – Naruto does not belong to me.

The first time Sasuke called, Itachi knew something was different when he was being more evasive than usual.

The second time Sasuke called, Itachi had tried to subtlety coax it out of him, but his little brother would not relent.

The third time Sasuke called, Itachi threatened to fly to America himself before Sasuke finally conceded.

Apparently a girl was the cause of Sasuke's problem, a Hyuuga to be exact. They met when she had fallen into his arms, after pulling back a senile old man from on-coming traffic. He had been smitten, she had not. Once she had finished apologising profusely and enquiring about his welfare, she had run off – without asking his name, or providing hers. But he knew those eyes and he knew the internet, thus Sasuke the stalker was borne.

He found out where she studied, so would casually visit the surrounding cafes in the hope of seeing her there. He found out where she worked, when said visits eventually led him to her shop. He found out who she didn't like after many, many, many (terrible) coffees later; when he finally asked her out. She said 'No'.

The fourth time Sasuke called, Itachi discovered that he was dating someone else. He was happy that his little brother had gotten over his one-sided crush. It was his first Christmas alone in America, so it was nice to know he wouldn't be completely by himself.


The first time Itachi called, Sasuke sensed something was wrong when he stuttered out his greeting. Itachi never stuttered. Sasuke put it down to too much alcohol over the festive period.

The second time Itachi called, Sasuke knew something was wrong when his tone was softer than normal.

The third time Itachi called, Sasuke threatened to leak his personal number to their fangirls if his celibate other brother didn't spill. He eventually yielded.

Apparently Itachi had met a girl. She was spending the Christmas holidays with her family and they locked eyes at a business function. It was love at first sight.

They had danced the night away and kissed under the mistletoe. Itachi had asked her to continue her studies in Japan, she had agreed. Hinata and him were now dating.

Sasuke told him it was fine, he was happy for his ni-san. Sasuke never told him that he still followed her and that him dating another girl was just an act to get Itachi off his case.

The fourth time Itachi called was to invite Sasuke to his wedding.


The first time she called Sasuke, it was to thank him for this wedding gift. It was the least he could do after work commitments kept him away.

The second time she called Sasuke, it was to thank him for her son's gift. He had spent a pretty penny but it was worth it to hear her beaming voice.

The third time she called Sasuke, was to congratulate him on his engagement. He had to move on after all.

The last time she called Sasuke, was to inform him of Itachi's illness. He had flown back the next day.


The first time he saw her was at the hospital, holding Itachi's hand. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, even with her red puffy eyes and weight loss.

The second time he saw her, was to inform her that he was coming home for good – without his fiancée.

The third time he saw her, was three months later, when he asked her out again. And again and again until she agreed.

The last time he saw her, he told her she would always be his first and last love. He would repeat those words until her eyes closed for the last time. She was just as beautiful in her old age as she was when they first met.

He would follow her a few days later because he was always following her.