Okay, so here we go, the very last chapter. Honestly, this story idea came out of nowhere but I really had a blast writing it and I'm so glad that so many of you appear to have enjoyed reading it. Hope this last installment is a worthy enough ending.

xXBalorBabeXx, Yay to you being cheered up a little. Long may it continue. Yep, I'm a great believer in punishment where it's due and the last chapter was a prime example of that! Thanks for all your support with this story.

Ohana1337, Aww, thank you for your comments on this and my other stories, really means a lot. Couple more cute brother/sister moments for you here. Could hardly let it end without a few more here and there!

Mandy, I'm glad you like Mox's big sister a little better. She's different but just enough like him to make it work I guess! I figured the only thing that would stop Mox punching would be Katie touching him some way, plus she was pretty scared poor kid. Anyway, I'm glad you've connected with this story so much. Thank you for always being so faithful and enthusiastic with your reviews!

Psion53, Yeah, Katie is safe now because would you want to risk going up against Mox's big sister? I wouldn't, that's for sure! Hope you enjoy this last installment and thank you for always being there with a review to make me smile and keep me posting.

Sammii Vega, Hi, not sure about a sequel yet (I ramble on about that a bit more at the bottom) but I do love the character of Katie a lot so it's certainly not impossible I'll revisit her. Thank you for stopping by every chapter to let me know what you're thinking and for cheering me on!

Skovko, Oh yeah, even Mox is scared of his big sister (sort of) so that's how you know she can kick ass. She reminds me of a lot of girls I went to school with actually. Thank goodness they all liked me is all I can say! As ever, thank you for reviewing every chapter, you can have a whole jar of cookies and all the broken ones in the bottom too! Thank you, thank you!

Irishfan62, Never fear, Catsup is addressed here, can't forget the pivotal stuffed toy character! Not sure about a sequel at this point (although very tempted) as I feel I caught something special here and I already know it will be difficult to recreate BUT I love this story so it's certainly something I'm thinking about. Thank you for always reviewing and letting me know I'm doing something right. Means a lot.

Final time then...

- 14 -

A Little Over One Year Later.

Mox hadn't told anybody he was coming because he wanted it to be a surprise. Well, okay, so that was part of the reason, the other reason was that he hadn't thought he actually could come.

For the past two months he'd been down in Florida which, for all intent and purposes, was now his new home. After many years of slogging he'd finally got his breakthrough but with it had come the loss of the freedom he'd once known. No longer could he pick and choose his wrestling match-ups or where he was based. He'd had to let those go. He had a contract but was tied to one location and he had an actual office to report to as well. To them, a child's birthday had seemed unimportant but Mox had made it clear it was not. They had dragged their heels and hemmed and hawed about it until almost the last minute, but the answer had been yes. He officially had two days to spend back home again. Not long but something, so it would simply have to do. Mox hadn't fought it. That would have been pointless. All he had wanted was the chance to see his girl.

It was why he was grinning as he sauntered up the driveway, heading for the porch of the neat suburban house. He was carrying a box – cardboard, with holes in – which he placed down on the step and then tucked just out of sight. His reasons for buying the present were two-fold. For Katie predominantly but their elder sister would be pissed. As her younger brother he would always revel in stressing her and so on that front the gift was the ultimate win-win.

"God damn it Jonny."

He could picture the shouting and the thought made him chuckle as he rapped on the door. It was opened swiftly by one of his nephews who then turned and bellowed back into the house.

"Uncle Jon's here."

The kid in question – he sometimes got them mixed up – didn't seem especially excited he was there but Mox pushed past him and ruffled his hair fondly, liking the mild apathy. The kid would go far.

Inside, the place looked immaculate as always with white walls and a runner softening up the hardwood floor. There was a mirror and a vase of fresh flowers on the dresser not to mention a row of neatly hung coats. It was a catalogue home for a normal stable family and the sort of house in which Katie deserved to be raised. Sometimes he still debated whether or not he should have kept her – wondered on what life would have been like now – but seeing where she was always made him feel better. His little baby sister was in the very best place.

In response to the shout of his disinterested nephew, Mox's elder sibling appeared in the door. Stepping out of the lounge in confusion and then blinking in astonishment,

"What're you doing here?"

Mox spread his arms wide,

"Didn't wanna miss the party."

"But you said you couldn't come."

"Yeah well, maybe I lied."

Her bafflement caught him in measures of amusement but then finally she sighed and moved in for a hug. The contact was brief and pretty functional like usual but was joined by a peck on the cheek to show some love. The women in their family were not great affection-wise and so by her standards that was akin to tearing up. It was also just another way that Katie defied their gene pool, because – like her older brother – she loved to hug and touch.

"You've no idea how happy this'll make her. She was crushed when she thought you couldn't come."

Mox snorted mildly,

"Yeah? Well that makes two of us. Wasn't givin' in though. Kinda think I drove 'em crazy with all the arguin' an' stuff. Pretty sure in the end they let me come to shut me up, y' know? Anyway, m' here an' I got the best present. Squeaker's gonna love it. Although you? Not so much."

He grinned a little and his sister's eyes narrowed, like the woman was part sparrowhawk,

"What does that mean?"

"Nothin', you'll see. So, where is she?"

"Out in the yard playing. You can go through and see her."

Mox let himself past, continuing to tread a boot-clad path across the hallway and out through the kitchen, with his sibling behind. Sitting on the counters were various party offerings and a host of balloons which bobbed in the wind. Beside the cooker there was a grand looking birthday cake. Some sort of princess with a big pink domed skirt. By the time he reached the door to the yard he could hear her and as he stepped onto the patio he could see her as well. Katie was dressed in a glittery outfit with her hair in French braids and tied in place with a bow. She was giggling and shrieking as she charged across the greenery, chasing bubbles that were being blown out of a machine. Their nephews were with her, but Mox barely saw them. He was there for one person and he called to her,


As his voice cut in gruffly across all the laughter, Katie ground to a sudden breathless halt. Her blue eyes slid over and then widened in astonishment and within a split second she was flying in on frantic feet.


He bent down slightly, preparing to catch her and then grunted just a little as she careered into his chest. His arms folded instinctively around the little body and he picked her up easily and spun her in the air. Her response was a giddy sounding squeal of excitement and a peal of happy giggling that lifted his soul. Fuck he'd missed her because phone calls were good and all – twice weekly if not more – but they were not the real thing and so once he'd stopped swinging he continued to hold her and she in turn did the exact same thing. She wasn't letting go. At some point during the two years since things had gone south – since their mother had imploded, for better or for worse – Katie had grown a couple of inches but she was still smaller than average and so he lifted her higher up, letting her wrap her legs around his waistline and pin herself in place, grinning fit to burst,

"Hey Squeaker."

"You came," she whispered in amazement, regarding her brother with a measure of awe,

"Course I did Kiddo, couldn't miss ya birthday."

"I thought you were too busy."

"Never for you."

Grinning like an idiot she dropped her head against him, pillowing his shoulder and winding her skinny arms in tight. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds – or maybe a minute, Mox wasn't sure – but at the sound of sudden snuffling he gently pried her face back, levering her chin up with one of his thumbs.

"Hey, what's goin' on?"

Her blue eyes were teary with fierce emotion and it actually struck Mox with instinctive alarm. His whole body tensed at the sight of the waterworks and his heart skipped a beat. What was wrong?

"Nothing," Katie offered, her tones a little breathy but accompanied by a lopsided smile, "I'm good. I'm just really really happy you're here Mox."

He patted her back,

"Me too Squeaks, me too. So does this mean – I'm assumin' here – you don't want your present?"

It was an obvious tactic but her face lit up on cue,

"You bought me something?"

"Of course I did Munchkin. Can't show up here without bringin' you the goods."

Turning, Mox carried her back into the kitchen, passing their sister who was dishing out chips. There was a vast array of drinks and finger foods, in preparation for the hordes of children due to come. She looked up suspiciously as her siblings wandered by her but didn't say anything as they headed for the door. Luckily the cardboard box was still out there and juggling Katie slightly, Mox stooped and picked it up.

"What's that Mox?"

He grinned,

"It's your present."

"Why are there holes in it?"

"You'll have to open it and find out."

For the sake of involving or informing their elder sister – or to heighten the whole point of pissing her off – Moxley sauntered back towards the kitchen and dropped Katie down before passing the gift across. Their elder sibling – still dishing up food stuffs – stopped with a frown as she regarded the box, a flicker of uncertainty gracing her expression before she seemed to clue into it.

"Tell me that's not – ,"

Unfortunately however she didn't get any further, as Katie gently lifted the flaps. A tiny little mewing noise pierced the space around them, eclipsed by the little girl's ear-piercing yell,

"Oh my god," Katie exploded in astonishment, her mouth hanging open, "Is it – is it for me?"

"Sure is."

In response to him, Katie squealed a second time then darted across the tiles to give him a hug,

"Thank you, thank you, it's my favourite present ever. I love it so much. You're the best. Oh my god."

As her brother laughed and hugged her back happily, their elder sibling stalked with deep dread around the sink, glancing suspiciously down into the cardboard and then looking up in horror.

"You bought her a cat?"

"Kitten," Mox corrected, to rile her further, "Tortoiseshell, girl. You like her then Munch?"

Katie nodded, her head rubbing up and down him but then quickly she was over on her knees beside her pet, reaching in and stroking the super soft body with the tips of her fingers like she was scared the thing might break. She still had Catsup – who lived on her pillow – but the kid had now outgrown taking it out. The stuffed toy represented a dark page in her history. A page when a plush cat had been pretty much her only friend. These days she was happy and confident and settled. She loved Catsup fiercely but didn't need him anymore. That was partly why Mox had bought the kitten. She was grown up now – sort of – she needed a grown up thing.

Their mother had been in contact sporadically across the two years and had occasionally turned up but their elder sister's lawyer had little trouble making things binding and the courts had agreed. She was no longer Katie's mom. Well, maybe in terms of blood and genetics but not in a legal sense. In that sense she was done. As far as it mattered, the three of them were the family. Their mother – and Doug – were no longer allowed in.

"Can I hold her?"

"Sure you can Squeaker," Mox answered quickly, shaking himself out of his sudden reverie, "Here, want me to get her outta the box for you?"

Katie nodded,

"But be careful, she's real small."

Grinning a little at her automatic mothering, Mox bent down and plucked the cat out, cradling the tiny warm body one handed and then passing it to Katie who was sitting, legs crossed. He placed it gently onto her outstretched fingers and then watched as she pulled the kitten in against her chest, tickling it lightly across its mottled forehead and babying it lovingly,

"It's alright, it's okay."

Glancing up, Mox chanced a look at his other sibling, drawing a sigh from her,

"Alright, it's cute but for god sakes Jon, you could have at least warned me. We're not exactly set up for a cat. I mean, what the hell are we meant to feed it? We need a litter tray, collar, toys, a bed – ,"

"Got all that stuff in the car."

"I – really?" his older sister grunted, "Okay that – that helps. But I'm still pretty mad at you."

Katie giggled,

"I'm not. Look, I think she likes me."

The kitten was in her lap, two tiny white-tipped paws on her kneecap as she balanced on the dress folds like an unsteady drunk. Mox smiled down at her,

"Sure she does Squeaker. You're her new buddy. How could she not?"


Taking a seat on the floor beside his sister and dropping his shoulders back against the wood, Mox grinned across at her, watching her elation and reaching out his own hand to stroke the tiny pet,

"Got some other news as well. They gave me my new name – like – my new ring name I mean."

"Which is?" his elder sister asked, still busy with the buffet but intrigued nonetheless,

"Dean Ambrose."


"I know, I guess it'll take some gettin' used to."

Beside him, Katie's face fell like she was frightened,

"No more Mox?"

Slinging out an arm, he drew her in closer, being careful not to crush the kitten in her arms. He dropped his head down and pressed his lips against her, inhaling her brown hair,

"M' always Mox to you."

Fortunately that little promise seemed to placate her and she puffed a pleased breath out.

"Maybe that should be her name?"

Mox blinked,


"No, I mean Moxley."

"For a girl? I dunno. How 'bout Moxie instead?"

"Moxie, okay," Katie bent across the kitten, "What do you think, is that your new name?"

In response the animal mewed at her shrilly and Mox snorted softly and pulled his sister back in close, towing her across the well-polished floor tiles and up onto his lap.

"I think that's a yes."

Katie sank into him, the two of them just sitting there.

"Thank you Mox."

He kissed her hair again, dropping his voice as he whispered against her forehead,

"Anythin' for you Squeaks, anythin' for you."

"Love you big brother."

Mox held her tighter, meaning every word of it,

"Love ya back kid."

So, that's it, the story of Katie and Mox is done. This actually kicked off from me originally wanting to write my own 'teenage sister' story but her age just kept dropping down. Maybe one day I will revisit that idea in a sequel, or else just revisit the character in some way, maybe go backwards to when she's even younger. Not sure. Let me know what you might want.

Anyway, rambling aside, thank you so much everyone. Your comments mean a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Until next time...