Kiara blinked as she watch Kovu prance about.
Leave the Pridelands? Leave her home? Her father, her mother? They already lost one son. After Kion, Kiara's younger bother, and Fuli became mates, they left the Lion Guard to travel the lands, leaving the rest of the guard to go their separate ways. And Makini had left for the season to further her training.
Kovu frowned as he noticed the look upon the princess's face.
He sighed. "Look, I know it's seems kinda weird...maybe even scary," He said, hesitating. "But Kiara, they won't change. They'll never let us be together."
Kiara looked back across the grassy plain before turning to Kovu.
The dark maned lion stared at her, his bright green eyes looking hopefully in to her bright red ones.
Taking a deep breath, Kiara smiled. "Yes."
Kovu smiled as he nuzzled her.
"Come on, let's go!" He said, as he went a little ahead.
It only took him a second to realized that he was alone. Turning he saw Kiara looking over the kingdom she was destined to rule over one day.
"My parents, what will happen to them? The Pride?" She asked.
Kovu frowned as he walked beside her.
For years he was trained on how to kill. And the lion he was destined to kill was Kiara's father. But Simba wasn't like how his mother had described. He was kind and cared for his kingdom and his family. During the last few days Kovu had spent with the Pridelanders, he saw Simba was a nobel king and fair to all. Most importantly, Simba have him a chance.
"I'm sure they'll be fine." He said.
Kiara smiled as they started on their way.
Dawn was approaching as Kiara and Kovu walked. They had gone quite a ways, having passed the borders to Pridelands hours ago.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Kiara said, eyeing the sunrise, as they walked.
Kovu lifted his tired head and nodded.
"It's okay, I guess." He said.
"Haven't you ever enjoyed a sun rise before?" Kiara asked.
Kovu frowned. "Ah, well. I never really got the chance. I was always up with the sun. My mother worked me so hard, it, it was kinda hard to enjoy something when you feel like every bone in your body was broken."
Kiara stared at the young lion, the scar upon his face still fresh.
"How'd you get that scar?" She asked.
Kovu was silent for a moment. "My mother." He said softly.
Suddenly he stopped and faced Kiara. "Kiara, please believe me. I had nothing to do with your father's attack! We were talking and my mother, she and the rest of the Pride attacked him. I tried to help! She gave me this scar as a mark of betrayal."
Kiara stared at him, shocked by the information that was given to her, but also a bit relieved that he had nothing to do with the attack and happy that he had tried to help.
Kiara noticed that Movu had gone silent, his head hung low.
"Kovu, I'm sorry that you had a bad mother..." She said as she nuzzled him beneath his chin.
"Come on, let's enjoy the sunrise."
Kovu smiled as he followed her to a small grassy hill and sat with her.
"Ive never felt this way." Kovu said.
"Me either." Kiara replied.
"Ive never noticed how beautiful the sunrise was. At times I loathed it, because I knew I'd have to start training again." Kovu smiled as he breathed in the morning air. "I guess, love finds a way, huh?"
Kiara smiled as Kovu licked her nose and she blushed.
Once the the sun had risen, the two young lions traveled a little ways before settling in a small cave to rest.
Once Kiara had fallen alseep, Kovu smiled and settled beside her, till they were side by side.
The young Outlander smiled on the Pridelander and laid his head besides hers before closing his eyes.
And for the first time in his life, Kovu felt peace in his heart, the darkness that once covered it had washed away, all because one lioness showed him what life could really be about.