Army Wife

Sorry I have been so absent. There was a tragedy and I lost my niece who was partially used in an inspiration for Everlee. My life has been insane but I'm hoping writing can be a positive outlet for me. If you're a religious type, all prayers would be so greatly appreciated loves. Thanks


now onto the story :)

The air was crisp, and the sun was settling softly the sound of crickets in the background wisped about and Bella Black leaned back into her husband. Jacob leaned forward kissing her forehead and pulling her to him, his arms around one shoulder and grabbing the other like a solid bar protecting her. In his other had he had a beer. The good life. One of the few months he wasn't deployed and got to enjoy life.

The bonfire crinkled in front of them and jasper, Jacobs best friend laughed. "You two are such an old married couple."

"Well we are married." Jacob grinned, he looked down at his wife proudly. Anyone could see he loved her with every bone in his body.

"But not old." Bella quickly retorted.

"Not old." Jacob agreed, taking a swig of his beer.

"Yeah whatever," Jasper laughed. He glanced at his friends one more time before shaking his head.

"I'm never gonna be like you two."

"Yeah keep saying that Jazz man. I know the way you look at that little Ally cat." Jacob grinned, his white teeth sparkling in the dark air.

"Shut up!" Jasper reported rolling his eyes. "Whatever I'm leaving. Y'all old people are probably going to bed soon anyway."

"Yeah beddddd," Jacob said in a hinting way, looking down Bella's shirt with a smirk. Bella reached up and hit him on the side of the head, none to gently either.

"I was just kidding!" Jacob scowled. But smiled despite himself.

Jasper laughed one more time before throwing up his hand, "See y'all later!"

"See ya!" Both Bella and Jacob yelled back, Bella climbed off Jacobs lap and stretched. Jacob just watched her. Taking in every inch of her body as he did so. He didn't get much time with his wife and valued when he did get to see her.

"Mommy!" A wail sounded from the back bedroom, Bella sighed in a tired way. She started to get up, but Jacob stood quickly and stopped her.

"Babe I got it. Go on and get to bed, I'll handle Ever."

"But Jacob she..."

"Bella." He cut her off. Putting his hands on either side of her head. "I love you and I know I'm absent a lot and I'm so sorry for that. But she's my kid too. She'll be okay with me."

Bella looked guilty up at her husband before biting her lip and nodding. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Jacob forced a smile and watched as she walked toward the bedroom.

He sighed and threw his beer can into the wood side in frustration. Sometimes coming home was the hardest part. He wanted every day just to be with both his girls then when he actually got there it seemed like he had missed so much.

He grabbed his head and shook it before sighing and walking into their house. Sliding the glass door shut as he did so and sliding the lock into place. He wasn't stupid he and Bella had a nice house he designed himself, and it was worth a pretty penny. They had put a lot of money into making it perfect.

He slid down the hall that led to his daughter's room and sighed before opening the door. Everlee was sitting up in bed, hugging her stuffed elephant to her stomach. "I wanted mommy." She said annoyed.

"And I want respect." Jacob said, hintingly at the almost 4-year-old. She was a pretty mature 3 and understood more than most. Maybe being in the life of the military does that to a kid, Jacob figured.

"Sorry daddy." She hung her little head in shame. Jacob crossed the room in two quick strides and squatted in front of her. Dwarfing his daughter. He lifted her chin, "Smile pretty girl." He said sadly and tucked a dark hair behind her ear.

Ever gave him a week little smile that looked more like a grimace. "Aw come on that's all you can give your dear old dad?"

Ever grinned but tried to hide it. "Ah! What was that!" Jacob said dramatically falling backwards. "Woah!" He gasped when she smiled a little more. "WOAH ITS SO PRETTY! I CAN'T I CAN'T!" He grabbed his heart dramatically, "My daughter is GORGEOUS."

Ever couldn't help it then and smiled wide, giggling hysterically. "Ah I love that sound." Jacob said aloud, there was a sadness there that Ever even picked up on. She slid out from under her blankets and motioned for her daddy to sit down, when he did she climbed in his lap.

"Why do you leave daddy?" Jacob's throat tightened, and he squeezed his daughter tight. Smelling the soft smell of lavender in her hair.

"Well," he started moving her, so she was looking at him, "That's daddies job honey. I go out and protect you and mommy, and the rest of the people in the country from bad guys."

"But how come Luca's dad doesn't haveta do that." Curse Luca and his chef father, Jacob thought to himself.

"Because Luca's daddy has a different job from me. My jobs really important sweetie. I make America safe for us. Me and hundreds of other men and women. We have the hardest job. And I'm sorry that means it's hard on you and mommy too."

"It's okay daddy." Everlee said softly reaching up and touching Jacobs face. "I just miss you, that's all."

Jacob hugged his daughter tight. "I always miss you too baby."



"Can I have a baby sister?"

"WHAT?" Jacob nearly dropped his daughter in shock. Where the hell did that come from?

"I want one." Ever said simply.

"No way Jose." Jacob chuckled, standing and plopping his daughter into her bed, their sweet moment ended.

"But whyyyy." A soft whined sounded. Jacob could sense the full-on melt down arise in his little girl's voice. It was 1am after all.

"Nope. None of that, it's bed time."


Jacob gave Ever the famous "dad look" he had perfected, and Ever quickly sighed rolling over.

"Night Bug."

"Night daddy."

Jacob reached over, making her face him. Then kissed his fist, Ever smiled and kissed her fist as well and they bumped knuckles, their signature thing.

"I love you Everlee Sarah Black." Jacob said, standing in her doorway, clicking on the nightlight and off the main light.

"I love you too Daddy Black."

Jacob chuckled softly and clicked the door shut. when he turned around the corner his wife was standing there, looking guilty. Jacob crossed his arms in a mock stern stance. Towering over Bella. "Mrs. Black. Were you eavesdropping?"

"Nooooo," Bella giggled, almost whiningly like Ever had. Jacob shook his head, that's where his kid gets it from.

"I think someone needs to be punished."

He darted forward to grab her and Bella tries to run squeaking in the process, but he was too fast. Jacob easily threw her over his shoulder. "Bad girl!" He teased, smacking her ass.

"Ouch!" She laughed. "Jacob Black put me down!"

"Nope!" Jacob laughed. "I've gotta teach you a lesson. Let's make a baby."

"That'll teach me." Bella played along.

Jacob growled and threw her done on their bed, ripping her shirt off and moaning at the site of her bare boobs in front of him. "No bra," he nearly moaned.

"Mhm. Wonder about the panties." Bella said cheekily.

Jacobs eyes widened, and he attacked his wife's lips.

*Current time*

"OUCH!" Bella growled woken up but two little fists pointing into her chest. "Mommy wake up! You was making funny noises in you sleep!" Bella blushed having been caught in the middle of a sex dream/memory by her 5-year-old.

"It's Saturday Bug." Bella growled, putting a pillow over her head in a desperate move to gain 5 more minutes of rest.

"We goin back to Daddies place today come on mommy!"

Bella rolled her eyes but threw the pillow off her, rolling to her side which sent Everlee falling onto the bed in a fit of giggles. "I guess we can get going baby girl. Where's Pops?" She asked referring to Charlie who usually was awake long before Bella.

"He went shopping with Ms. Sue." Everlee sang, while bouncing back and forth.

Bella's eyebrows rose, and she felt herself surprised. Her father had really taken an interest in this woman. "Hm." Bella mused to herself before throwing the covers off and climbing out of bed. She walked easily over to the closet holding her robe tightly to herself. She grabbed a sundress. Simple. And threw it on. In April in North Carolina it was pretty warm.

"I wanna dress mommy." Everlee said, admiring her mother's dress.

Bella smiled at her, "Alright Bug. We may have to pull some out you still have mostly your winter wardrobe out."

Bella quickly threw her hair up in a ponytail, and threw some sunglasses on top of her head. She then held out a hand to her daughter. Ever ran from the bed eagerly and held her mom's hand as they made their way to her bedroom.

"I wanna yellow one." Ah yellow the princesses favorite color.

"With flowers." She added.

Bella smirked, "Ever do you want one of your dresses you already own or are you imagining a new dress?"

Ever shrugged blushing slightly at being caught. Bella laughed and they searched for a while. There was some argument and whining and eventually Bella realized she wasn't going to be happy with anything that wasn't yellow floral print, so she decided on a new tactic, "Bug why don't we find you a dress to match mommies." Bella reached down and grabbed a blue and white one very similar to her own. "oooh this one! We can be twins!"

Ever's pout faded and a slow smile made its way to her lips. "With a blue bow?" She mumbled sheepishly.

"A blue bow!" Bella said excitedly.

Ever nodded eagerly and they finally got her dressed.

"Alright Bug, breakfast then we're outta here."


"Eggs and bacon." Bella smiled.

"And cereal?"

"Not happening kiddo. You had that two days in a row."

"Aw man." Everlee whined but easily was placated with her stuffed toy she found on the ground.

Bella made her way down stairs, pulling on the fridge door and in the process saw a note from her father


Went out with Sue. Seeya tonight.

Love, your dad.

Bella smirked slightly and rolled her eyes, after breakfast was over Bella pulled Ever's hair back and slapped a bow on top of her head, and they were off.

"Mommy!" Bella looked in the back rearview mirror at her daughter. "My song!"

Bella chuckled and grabbed her phone at a stop light. Playing "How Far I'll go" from Moana.

When they pulled up into the old plantation house Ever was passed out in the backseat, Bella couldn't help but snort at her daughter with her little sunglasses half on her face half off. Her bow half way down her head, and drool all over her face.

When Bella looked up to the porch Edward was sitting there, she couldn't help but feel her heartrate pick up.

He smiled at her which made the flutters intensify and he made his way toward her car. When she opened the door, he was already in front of her, "I uh, figured If she didn't run out she was asleep." Edward offered, motioning to the backseat. "You want me to carry her in?"

"That would be great." Bella stumbled out, smiling nervously. God, she felt like a teenager again.

Edward skillfully pulled Everlee out of her seat, Bella noted that it was almost too skillful not to have been done before. She followed after him as he lifted Ever up onto his big broad shoulders. The heavy sleeper didn't even stir.

He brought her up the stairs, "This room is free." He whispered to Bella, she nodded at him as he took off her tiny little boots and tucked her under the covers. Bella's heart was melting.

She easily swallowed her feelings and slid past Edward, to kiss her daughter on the head. When she past him her butt hit against his leg, and her thoughts instantly went to him grabbing her and pulling her close. She swallowed again, and gasped tripping slightly forward. She fell nearly hitting her head on the bedside table when he yanked her up by her arm. "BE CAREFUL!" He scolded, his eyes flashing with worry and anger.

She jumped, frightened by his outburst.

"I'm sorry." He instantly apologized. "I just... I would hate to see you hurt." He whispered in an effort to not wake Ever. She hadn't moved so far. Edward couldn't help but chuckle at her sleeping form.

"She's a rock." Bella smiled at her daughter in an attempt to end the awkward situation and let him know she forgave him.

Edward smiled at Bella. "Mario kart?" He asked guilty, still.

"For sure." Bella grinned, dancing past him. She could care less at his scolding. She was used to that from military men in her life. She was just glad he didn't mention her tripping over her own two feet because of her lust for him.

Bella led the way to the living room. She noted a few familiar faces and smiled at them, as she passed. The TV was luckily unoccupied. She opened the bottom cabinet knowing exactly where everything was.

"Come here often?" Edward chuckled

"Yeah..." Bella nodded at him. "My husband was here for a long time."

Edwards face dropped, "I'm so sorry. I should have thought before joking like that."

Bella shook her head, "It's fine you didn't know. Jacob died nearly 3 years ago."

"I'm so so so sorry." Edward truly looked pained as he said the words.

"Yes well, I'm blessed to have Bug." Bella said simply then held up a controller. "Ready?"

"Yeah of course." Edward smiled sympathetically.

"I'm Mario."

Edward snorted. "Most girls are Peach."

"Psssh Peach." Bella rolled her eyes. "I'm not a damsel in distress."

"Of course, you're not." Edward chuckled.

"Damn straight."

"Well then I guess I'm peach." Edward chuckled, picking out of all characters the pink princess.

Bella shook her head.

"I'll go easy and let you pick the location."

"Oh you will?" Edward snorted. Choosing the desert option on the screen. Slowly the other guys made their way in.

The game started and both Bella and Edward competitively played. As the game progressed Bella was in the lead. "Take that!" She screamed, letting a turtle shell fly behind her knocking off Edward and narrowly passing the finish line.

"Hah! In your face take that! You pretty little princess. Eat shit!" She screamed jumping up and down.

All the guys in the room that Bella hadn't noticed burst out laughing, some even falling over on the ground. Bella's cheeks reddened.

Edward however wasn't laughing he was merely mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. She was fun, competitive, a great mom, funny, outgoing, she was everything he could ever want in a woman. And somehow Mario kart showed him that. Which made the woman even better to him.

Chuckling Edward kneeled down in front of Bella, taking her hand and kissing it which made her cheeks flame red. "My queen." He teased. Bowing.

"Oh stop it!" Bella hushed, motioning for him to stand.

"Yes my Queen." He continued, playing along. All the guys were eating up the scene, laughing harder.

"Ugh." Bella rolled her eyes but smiled despite herself. "Told you I would kick your ass."

"That you did." Edward smiled charmingly.

"What? What's that little smile?" Bella asked accusingly.

"I have no idea what you're referring to."

"Yes you do! What!"

"Nothing nothing. Just... I couldn't play my hardest your beauty was too distracting."

Bella's mouth made an "O" shape. "Oh shut up! I beat you fair and square!"

"You did." Edward nodded. "I didn't say otherwise."

"So as a loser how about you help me make lunch for these heathens then?" Bella asked looking around at the men she so admired.

"Sure thing."

"Edward cooking? It must be love!" One of the guys teased while all the others laughed.

"Shut up!" Edward growled. Throwing a pillow at someone's head.

"Pillow fight!" a little voice yelled, Everlee came running in her eyes sparkling with excitement. Her hair was sticking straight up and she still had cute little sleepies in the corners of her yes.

"Uhhh," Bella started to say no when Edward hit her over the head with a pillow.

"Oh its on like Donkey Kong!" Bella grinned, jumping over the side of the couch and chucking a pillow back at his head.

"You wouldn't hit your baby girl!" Edward chuckled, grabbing Everlee and holding him in front of his body as a shield, Everlee was eating it up though she loved the attention.

"Get him Ever!" Bella laughed, and suddenly the little girl attacked him with tickles which sent him to the ground laughing. Before he knew it Bella was sitting on top of him tickling and Ever was on top of him as well. He couldn't help but worry about his little soldier making an appearance with how close Bella was on to it on his body. Noting that possibility, he easily rolled on his stomach and they both went flying.

Bella's laughed echoed off the walls of the large house.

In their own little world, neither Bella nor Edward noted the genuine smiles on the big men surrounding them. They hadn't seen Edward smile since he had arrived, and Bella hadn't laughed like that since Jacob died. They all noted this, and couldn't help but wish they would find love in each other.


I hoped you all would enjoy getting to know my Jacob. Again MY Edward and Bella may be different than the books, they're my versions for this story. I hope you all understand and like that.

Review for more :)