Hello guys, i know I'm a horrible person, I do, but since I should be working on my Thesis, and I'm not, my brain decided to do the stupid thing again and thus a new story was born, this is something different (more or less) from my other stories and well Its Supernatural, cause ya'll know that the new season premiers in 4 days, I know crazy right? (we've made it to 13 seasons guys!) so anyways, this is the Prologue to my new story

Hope ya'll like it

Alex ;)

A gunshot rang through the silent night.

Policemen arrived ten minutes later, as did the concerned family. The body of the young woman looked to be asleep in the California king bed of the hotel room, if not for the bloody hole in her forehead, where the bullet had made its way in, the paramedics pushed the body out of the room, covered by a white sheet. Her parents watched with tears as they took their girl away.

A week later the investigation team had apprehended the shooter, a man in his late twenties, he had been paid in cash to kill the young woman, another dead end in the investigation. The policemen of the team exchanged worried glances as they told the superior what they had found, the man looked apprehensive as he made the phone call to the woman's parents.

A young woman watched from a distance as the shooter was put behind bars, she sighed and looked at her translucent hands, she watched then as her body was laid to rest in her family's mausoleum. She watched as her best friend cried over the casket at the service, she watched as her parents apologize over and over again for their mistakes, she watched as her cousins placed white roses on her tombstone, she watched as her brother observed everyone with interested eyes from under his umbrella.

She saw her little nephew, who was not really her nephew; place his favorite plush toy, a moose that she had gotten him for his third birthday as a personal joke she shared with his mother, in the casket so she wouldn't be alone or afraid. She ached for her family, her friends and everyone who had attended the funeral.

She had been at the top of her game, a young successful woman, and in one minute she was another corpse, another casualty of a faulty system, a mere memory of what once had been a glimmer of hope. She sat on the floor of the mausoleum reading the stone over and over.

Alexandra Jane Noir – Loving Daughter & Friend.

1993 – 2025

Alexandra felt empty inside as she watched the rain wash away the remnants of the funeral. She stayed in the mausoleum for what seemed years, she was a spirit, she didn't knew if this was the afterlife for everyone, but she felt scared and lonely, she wanted answers, she wanted to know what was going on, but most importantly she wanted to rest.

A Being observed the lonely spirit, it had almost ignored it if it hadn't been for the bright glow that the spirit had, it was a beautiful thing, a pure soul, lost. The Being stretched itself so it could appreciate the little soul better, it was a young thing, he noticed right away, it had been its first life cycle, the little soul hadn't been reincarnated before, it was new and shiny almost celestial, uncorrupted by not having lived lives before.

Had the Being had a mouth it would have smiled like certain Cheshire cat from a certain known story, but the Being didn't have any purpose for having a mouth or smiling. The being took the small soul, calming its little heart and wondered if it could absorb the soul, souls tended to give the Being something akin to indigestion, maybe a shiny new soul wouldn't do so. In a split second decision the Being decided against eating the soul, it would be much more interesting to see what the little soul could do on its own, but where to place the soul, he needed somewhere.

The Galaxy was vast, many universes aligned, some overlapped, some diverged from each other and some simply didn't touch, black holes were the tears in the universes, a way to travel, the doors that humans hadn't discovered because they were scared of the unknown. The Being observed the universes that had been born solely because of human creation and had taken their own shape in the cosmos, the Being adored those, full of wonders and new species that It hadn't created.

A particular universe caught its eye; it had monsters and celestials beings that matched the glow of the little soul that the Being was currently holding. The Being watched the universe play out like an old movie, he saw Death, Darkness and Lightness (who preferred to be called Father, then God and the Chuck) the Being watched as Lightness trapped the Darkness in a prison, never to be seen again and how Lightness gave a mark to his brightest son. It watched how that beloved son fell, how it all went to war and how Humans persevered.

The Being watched as Heaven plotted and created a match, a young blonde woman with a young dark haired man. The woman burned and the man took his two sons to be raised in a very peculiar way. It watched as the brothers defied both Heaven and Hell, and It watched as a wayward Angel fell for its humans. It saw and planned, and looked at its little soul, a soul that heaven hadn't claimed, nor hell, a soul that had defied its cycle, the Being looked at the little scared soul and took a decision.

Molding a body for the little soul was interesting, the Being had seen several humans' infants and decided that the little soul fitted what was known as an eighteen month old human infant. The Being was then mesmerized when it explored the wonders of DNA and the genetic aspects of the humans' life. It decided that the little soul would belong to the brothers then, the fiercest warriors of that universe to protect that little soul and so it took from the unsuspecting brothers and the body for its little soul took shape.

Freckles, green eyes and dark hair, the body for the Being's little soul looked adorable by human standards, not that the Being knew or cared about them, the Being took the little soul and looked at it again, it was still bright and it had a warmness to it, it reminded the Being of the substance of the Brightest Angel that belonged to Lightness. The soul had no gender, but the Being knew that the soul had liked being female, so the body instead of the androgynous form that it had, softened and became the body of a female human infant. The Being felt proudness of its work and decided to finally place the soul inside of the small body, a small body for Its small soul.

The Being observed as the brothers and another man made camp in a cottage in the woods, it seemed that the brothers were hiding from something, but the Being knew that they were more than capable to take care of the little soul, who was now a little girl and was sleeping peacefully in the Being's warmth. The Being materialized several bags filled with things that Its little soul would need, such as clothing and age appropriate food that would last for a while until the brothers got used to the little soul's presence in their lives, the Being also observed that Humans used green paper with numbers to acquire goods, so another bag filled with those appeared, the Being hoped that it would be enough.

The Being took one last look at the sleeping child and placed her and the bags on the porch of the cottage, the Being took a look into the soul's mind and locked away the painful memories, its little soul deserved better than that, it also, before parting ways with the little soul, gave her a gift, a gift that would become useful in the long way. The Being warmed up happily and left, knowing that it had done something good for a little soul, not knowing or caring what the brothers would think of their new addition. Honestly Beings of the high order didn't have the time for mortal complaints.