Today was going to be a long day.

I'd already gotten into two arguments today with the heads of other departments who were insistent on trying to make mine smaller. Just because we dealt with nonhuman creatures they were under the impression that we were a less important department but I'd show them. If they thought they could push me over because of how young I was then they had another thing coming. They were underestimating the wrath us badgers were capable of inflicting.

Helga, it was only time for my lunch break and I could already feel a headache coming on. Dropping my head into my hands I let out a loud sigh, trying to convince myself to get started on the rapidly growing pile of paperwork that had taken over the cluttered right-hand corner of my desk.

The timid knock on my office door was enough for me to lift my head. Straightening out random things on my desk, I called out, "Come in."

Sophie, my new assistant, peered into the room with a small smile. "I'm not disturbing, am I?"

"Course not Sophie," I assured the younger witch, ushering her into the room. My eyes instantly zeroed in on the pile of papers in her hand. I suppressed another sigh. "And you've brought my favourite thing with you; paperwork."

"Actually," she said shutting the door behind her and crossing the room. "This is McNeil's spending report."

"Helga help me," I muttered, taking the papers from her and flicking through them. "How many times do we need to tell the man that the ministry is not going to reimburse him for that holiday he went on, no matter how fervently he claims it was a business trip." Something caught my eye and I paused, looking at her in shock, "Tell me he isn't demanding a raise? For what! The man doesn't do anything. This is more than I get paid!"

"I don't think he's over you beating him for the promotion," Sophie said with a roll of her eyes. Merlin, I was so close to firing the man.

"Want me to have a word with him?" I looked to the door at the sound of Bill's voice and sure enough, standing there in the now open doorway there he was. He still had the habit of lurking.

"He doesn't respect my authority Bill," I muttered with rolled eyes, watching as Sophie decided to give us some alone time. "I don't think sticking my curse-breaker boyfriend on him is going to make him respect me anymore, now do you?"

"Someone's stressed," he said as he walked around my desk.

"Like you wouldn't believe," I let out another sigh, smiling instantly when a bouquet of flowers was held out to me. "What are these for?"

"Just," he said with a shrug, smiling when I took the flowers and stroked one of the petals gently with my thumb.

Bill walked around my chair, reaching out to rub the tension out of my shoulders. An automatic sigh left my lips as leaned further back in my seat. My eyes drifted shut as I let myself relax in his presence.

"Marry me."

My eyes opened at the statement. I pulled away from Bill's touch, turning in my seat to meet his earnest eyes. He smiled encouragingly at me and before he could repeat himself, I held up a hand to halt his words.

"I accepted the first time you asked me," I reminded him with furrowed brows.

"Marry me today," he proposed, leaning against the back of my chair with crossed arms. "Let's run away and do it today."

"Have you lost your mind?" I asked, eyes wide. "Not only is your mother going to kill us but we'd never hear the end of it. What's got you so desperate to marry me anyway, Weasley?"

"I just don't want to wait any longer," he protested innocently and I fought not to narrow my eyes at him. "Isn't the waiting driving you mad too?"

"Nice try," I scoffed, pushing his arms off from my chair. "Now how about you tell me truth?"

At first, he seemed reluctant to tell me the truth and I usually knew better to push because when you pushed Bill Weasley, that was when he got angry. And his sort of anger wasn't the loud kind, the kind where they screamed and shouted. No, Bill's anger was the quiet kind, the kind where he clammed up and clenched his jaw tight. I'd always found it much scarier

I knew better to push. But this was about our wedding. I couldn't just leave him to stew about whatever it was that was concerning him so much.

Except I didn't need to. He suddenly let it all out.

"Why are there so many types of flowers and who the hell is going to bother to look up the meaning of the flowers? And why do they all look the same?" he questioned fiercely. "How many details can there possibly be left to plan?"

"Flowers?" I repeated cautiously, "Is this about the centrepieces?"

He nodded, the word centrepieces making him shiver in repulsion. "This whole big wedding stuff isn't for me."

"I don't think it's for me either," I admitted honestly. "But I thought we agreed that this was more for your mother than for us?" Again, Bill nodded whilst sighing a little wearily. I couldn't help but ask, "So, which ones did you prefer then?"

"The red ones," he said after a moment's thought.

I tried not to snort; they were all red.

"Why don't we head out for lunch?" I suggested instead of bringing up anymore wedding talk. Pushing my seat away from my desk, I stood and grabbed my bag. "We can get your favourite to make up for you having to, Merlin forbid, help plan your own wedding."

"You're making fun of me, aren't you Irwin?"

"No, I wouldn't dare."