Episode 1: Not-So-Happy Campers, Part 1

Disclaimer- We, the Fanfiction authors, do not own Total Drama in any shape or form. All rights reserved for the true creators of Total Drama: Fresh TV, Teletoon, Cartoon Network (CN didn't make it, it premiered it to us, but yeah).

Note- This was written by many and by many I mean a lot of talented Fanfiction writers who decided to give TDI a taste of their own version complete with both the original cast and an all new cast of interesting yet strange characters. Tell us who you're rooting for! It's gonna be a doozy!

Anyway, let's get on with the show!

Special thanks to CoGreen 2.0 for inspiration...

An island. Out in somewhere. This was Camp Wawanakwa. And there, also stood a man in his 30s with a cleft chin and black wavy hair. He wore khaki pants and held a gleaming smile that can burn even the woodiest of trees. It can't actually. He wished though!

"Yo!" Chris greeted. "We're coming to you live at Camp Wawanakwa, somewhere, in Muskoka, Ontario. I'm your host, Chris McLean, dropping season 1 of the hottest new reality show, right now!"

"Here's the deal, 48 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp," Chris explained as he grinned. "They will compete in challenges against each other, then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers."

"Every three days, one team will either win a reward, or watch one of their team members walk down, the Dock of Shame, take a ride on the Loser Boat and leave Total Drama Island for good."

Chris then walked to a campfire area. With it were twelve tree stumps arranged in rows, torches stuck in the ground, and a marshmallow skewer lying on top of the campfire pit conveniently.

"Their fate will be decided here, at the dramatic Campfire Ceremony where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmallow," Chris explained as he grabbed the skewer and ate the marshmallow. "In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune which let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week."

"To survive, they'll have to battle black flies, grizzly bears, werewolves….I mean, hairy people, disgusting camp food, and each other," Chris said.

Chris continued on, showing them a camera, that was staring at a tree. What wonders would this camera capture?

"Every moment will be caught on one of hundreds of cameras situated all over camp," Chris grinned.

So who will crumble under the pressure?

Who will survive?

And who will di-ahem….get their butts kicked off the island.

Find out, right now, on….




Chris was now standing on a wooden dock. He was grinning as usual, excited to start the season.

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island!" Chris announced. "Alright, let's meet our campers. They were given brochures that promised a relaxing five-star resort so if they seem a bit TO'd, that's probably why. Our first boat is coming with…."

Chris pointed to a boat that arrived first. On the bow of the boat was a teenaged girl wearing dark blue fitness clothes. She had this angry glare plastered on her face. A mole was on her cheek as well.

"...Eva!" Chris grinned.

"What is this?" Eva asked looking at her surroundings.

"This is Camp Wawanakwa," Chris said gesturing towards the camp.

Eva gave off a sinister glare "Why wasn't I told this was happening at a camp?" If looks could kill, there wouldn't be a show.

"Didn't it say so on the brochure?" Chris asked, stifling a laugh.

"When I signed up, did it say I might break your jaw?" she asked crossing her arms, but they might not stay crossed for long.

Chris realized she meant business and to pass on her murdering him, as it's just the two of them right now, Chris needed an excuse. Luckily, an excuse arrived.

"Oh look, your competition!" Chris pointed at the second boat arriving. It carried a punk with a green mohawk and a skull T-shirt.[1]

"Duncan!" Chris grinned. Great, two possible murderers with poor me.

"I hate getting lied to," Duncan pounded his fists together, narrowing his eyes dangerously at Chris. He noticed the scam. The brochure was a lie. That's karma Chris.

"Your parole officer did mention that," Chris chuckled sheepishly as Duncan growled at him. Chris screamed a bit.

The third boat stopped and off came what appeared to be a little prairie kid. He wore a blue toque with an ugly green hoodie. His pants were also blue and besides from that, this kid didn't exactly strike as the kind of guy to be interesting. He went to say something but didn't even have a chance.

Chris immediately hid behind the boy with the ugly green hoodie and the blue toque, a sense of fear arising for the host who claims he's the best.

"Ezekiel, use your bow and arrow skills and protect me from these two monsters!" he cried. Like the idiot he was.

"I didn't bring my bow and arrow, eh," Ezekiel shrugged.

"Why did we accept you then?" Chris frowned.

"Oh cool, a punching bag," Duncan grinned, looking at Ezekiel.

"Can we get on with it?!" Eva growled. "I don't want to wait here all day!"

"Easy now Eva," Chris chuckled.

"What did you say to me?" Eva asked glaring into Chris' soul.

"Nothing!" Chris said quickly.

Some music could be heard, and that's when the fourth boat arrived. A teenager wearing an opened pink button-up shirt grinned, waving his cowboy hat around.

"TIME TO PARTAAAAY!" the teenager cheered.

"Finally, an enthusiastic guy," Chris sighed in relief. "Geoff! Welcome!"

"Yo, where's the hot tub dude?" Geoff looked around, confused. Oh, and the music stopped.

"Well, dude, the hot tub is at my trailer," Chris said grinning

"Do we get to be in it, dude?" Geoff asked.

"No we don't," Eva growled. "We get the crappy summer camp instead."

"Bummer," Geoff groaned.

The fifth boat arrived with a chubby male with blonde hair. He wore a Canadian shirt, because it has the maple leaf, the national symbol of Canada.

"WOOHOO" the boy grinned. "PARTYYYY!..."

He looked around with a disappointed frown.

"Where's the hot tub?"

"No hot tub, Owen," Chris sighed. "Hot tub's at my place."

"Where's the food?" Owen asked, looking around some more

"Later Owen," Chris said. Owen looked down with a sigh, moving to stand beside Geoff.

"What's with all the negativity, eh?" Ezekiel asked. "It feels like home here, eh."

The sixth boat arrived with a girl with a grass skirt. Her main color was green. The only thing that contrasted the green she wore was the red color of her hair

"Ooh ooh!" The girl cackled, pointing at Chris excitedly. "IT'S CHRIS! Are there hot tubs here?!"

"For the last time there are no hot tu-"

The girl tackled him to the ground; she was pissed.

"You lied to me!" The girl yelled.

"Someone, help!" Chris cried, a bit scared. Duncan was grinning as Owen and Geoff looked kind of terrified. Eva just didn't care, and Ezekiel just picked his nose...ew.

"Oops, did I attack someone viciously again?" the girl laughed. "Oopsies! Won't do it again! Swearsies!"

"This is Izzy everyone," Chris sighed.

"Oh yeah, that's right, that's my name!" Izzy laughed. "How'd you know?!"

Chris blankly stared at her. He got up, dusted himself off, and cleared his throat, ignoring her. He planned to say something, but someone fell on top of him.

"Why me?!" Chris groaned. A teenaged boy wearing a red track suit stood up, cleaning himself up.

"Wicked!" the boy grinned. His grin was dropped when he realized who he landed on. "Oops, sorry bro!"

"DUDE, THAT WAS AWESOME!" Geoff said excitedly.

"No it wasn't," Chris said, glaring at Geoff; cleaning himself off once more.

"Yes it was!" Izzy nodded rapidly, laughing.

"I have to agree with the crazy girl wearing the grass skirt," Duncan chuckled. "That was funny."

"Thanks guys!" the boy grinned.

"Anyway this is Tyler," Chris announced, annoyed

Geoff patted Tyler on the back, giving him an encouraging smile.

The eighth boat arrived with a raven-haired teenaged girl. She stepped out of the boat and gasped when she saw what was in front of her. A camp. Oh! The terror!

"Uh uh, I'm not staying here," the girl frowned.

"Oh but you are," Chris said grinning.

"Make me," the girl snarked.

"It's in the contract" Chris said, holding out the contract. "Sorry but not sorry Heather. Them's the rules."

The girl he called Heather saw this, scoffed and took the contract off his hands, throwing it in the water

"The good thing about lawyers is that they make lots, and lots of copies," Chris grinned, holding up another contract.

"How many, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"Umm….." Chris began to think about this.

There was a pile of contracts in a room. A lot…..

"Ignore," Chris shrugged. "Our next camper is here!"

The ninth boat arrived with a girl with braces. She had a brown ponytail with square glasses. All in all, she looked pretty nerdy. But she had a kind heart….or did she?!

"Beth!" Chris greeted. "As much as I like insanity, I think I would prefer a more sane person here."

"Aw, thanks Chris!" Beth lisped. That lisp caused her to spit at Chris. Disgusted, Chris backed away a bit.

"Keep your saliva to yourself Beth," Chris cringed.

"Oh, sorry!" Beth lisped.

The tenth boat arrived with a lanky redhead teenager with rectangular glasses and a complete nerdish look.

Chris blankly stared at the teenager.

"...Um, no hello?" the lanky teenager asked.

"This...is Harold" Chris said whilst everyone else just stared blankly at him.

Duncan bursted into laughter after that moment of silence.

"Oh, I can tell I will have loads of fun picking on you!" Duncan laughed.

"Go ahead and try." Harold got into his kung-fu pose. "I know the different martial art techniques like jujitsu, judo, taekwondo, and kung-fu!"

"Oh, you're in trouble!" Izzy gasped. "He knows tai kwon do! That's from Taiwan!"

"No it isn't, GOSH!" Harold said

Duncan walked behind Harold and gave him a wedgie. Harold started tearing up. Poor Harold, but better him than me.

The eleventh boat arrived with an Indian ethnic teenaged boy. He wore a sophisticated type of school clothing. Something like a vest of some sort. He stared at Duncan giving a wedgie at Harold.

"...Not gonna ask," the teenager rolled his eyes.

"Noah!" Chris grinned. "Perfect timing!"

"Yes, lucky me," Noah sarcastically said.

"I know right?" Owen said unaware of Noah's sarcasm

The twelfth boat had already arrived with a blonde girl with a blue bandana on her head. She wore cowboy boots and had this sweet innocent smile. 100% innocent. I'm sure of it!

"Wow she has a nice pair of -" Ezekiel started saying

"BOOTS!" Izzy yelled in excitement

"Aw, thank you," the innocent blonde girl smiled sweetly.

"Now that is one hot chick," Duncan smirked.

"Agreed," Tyler grinned.

"This is Lindsay everyone" Chris announced

"Thank you Chip," Lindsay smiled sweetly at the host. "Anyway, my name is Lindsay and–"

"Um sweetie, we already got a name," Noah told her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, um..." Lindsay began to look at Noah.

"...The name's Noah," Noah sighed as he began to read a book.

"Okay Noel!" Lindsay nodded with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah, like my last name is totally Batsworth," Noah retorted, rolling his eyes.

The next boat arrived with two contestants instead of one.

"Katie and Sadie!" Chris greeted.

"Oh my gosh," Katie gasped, staring at the camp. "Sadie, we've been scammed!"

"Oh my gosh, I always wanted to know what it felt like to be scammed!" Sadie gasped. "It feels terrible actually."

"I feel the same way!" Katie smiled at Sadie.

"Kill me now," Noah said.

"Gladly" Izzy said with a smile "Someone who doesn't appreciate yuri gets to be on my Death Note!"

"You're officially on my 'OK' list," Harold smiled at Izzy. Of course he knew what Death Note was.

After Katie and Sadie joined the rest of the campers, the next boat arrived with a teenager with gapped teeth. He began walking around, grinning at everyone….by everyone, we mean, the ladies.

"Cody!" Chris grinned. "Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa!"

"Nice to be here Chris, I see some nice looking ladies have arrived before me" Cody said grinning

"How can you tell?" Noah asked sarcastically. "I mean, you do have eyes, like all normal human beings."

"Are you suggesting he isn't human?!" Owen gasped.

"That's AWESOME!" Izzy grinned.

"Wait so if he isn't human" Lindsay said. "What is he?"

"Great, I started something," Noah sighed. "Good luck man."

"Aw, come on!" Cody groaned. His chances were ruined, gareat. [2]

The next boat arrived with a goth girl. Oops. Sorry, how rude. A pale girl that looked like a goth because she was a goth.

"Gwen!" Chris grinned.

"We're staying here?" Gwen asked looking around camp.

"Yes we are, weird goth girl, isn't it obvious?" Heather said scowling.

"Weird goth girl?" Gwen raised an eyebrow at Heather. She isn't gonna like her.

"Ladies, ladies," Cody squeezed between them, grinning. "Let's stop fighting and-"

"Back away weird non-human flirt," Heather crossed her arms.

Cody gave a look at Noah who ignored it.

Gwen looked at Cody weirdly before moving to the back of the crowd.

The next boat came and a girl was on the boat. She was of African-American ethnic and looked sassy. Don't judge my lack of description! She got off and landed onto the dock.

"Wassup y'all? Leshawna's in the house!" Leshawna said as she walked over to the rest of the campers

"What house, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"It's an expression you moron" Heather said.

"Yeah, you moron!" Izzy pointed at Ezekiel, laughing.

"Now what's wrong with you white girls?" Leshawna crossed her arms. "Picking on this poor defenseless white boy?"

"I'm not defenseless, eh," Ezekiel declared. "I'm a-"

"Oh look, next boat!" Chris grinned.

The next boat came and on it was a African American boy. He looked tough but nice at the same time. He got off the boat and went on the dock.

"Chris McLean!" The boy said holding out for a high five.

"Wassup DJ," Chris said "How are you doing dawg?"

He tried to look cool as he said it.

"Cool dog," DJ chuckled.

"Wassup my brother?" Leshawna asked, shaking DJ's hand. "How are ya doing?"

"Fine actually….man, the people are nice here," DJ smiled.

"Don't push it," Eva grumbled

The next boat came and another boy was on it. He looked cool with his raven black hair and had a guitar on him. He wore a navy green shirt and looked….cool.

He got off the boat and went on the dock.

"Trent, welcome to camp dude." Chris told him. Trent looked at the others campers.

"So this is it?" He asked.

"It sure is Trent" Chris said whilst grinning "Do you like it?"

"This doesn't look like how it was on the brochure," Trent said

"I wonder why?" Chris snickered.

"Kaaaay?" Trent raised an eyebrow.

Next boat to arrived had a girl on it. She had blonde hair with a ponytail and she had a bag and surfboard with her. She wore a light blue jacket and sandals.

She got on the dock and walked up to Chris.

"Hey what's up?" She asked

"Bridgette everyone," Chris grinned.

"Hubba...bubba," Geoff chuckled.

"You said it," Tyler grinned.

"You look so pretty!" Lindsay smiled.

"Why did you bring a surfboard for?" Heather asked scoffing.

"I thought we were going to be on a beach." Bridgette replied.

"We are," Chris grinned.

*Cue the beach being infested with trash and a bear chomping a seagull?!*

"Can't wait to be buried under the sand," Noah rolled his eyes.

"Can't wait to kick sand at this dweeb," Duncan jerked his thumb at Harold.

"Can't wait to bury some bodies" Izzy said with a grin.

"What?" Cody raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing to worry about non-human!" Izzy grinned.

Cody backed away from her. Like a sane person.

Another boat arrived with a well dressed brunette waving at the other campers. Chris helped her off.

"This is Courtney." Chris told the campers as he helped her.

"Thank you." Courtney said and walked to the others campers, "Hi, it's very nice to meet you all."

Izzy shook her hand.

"Wow, your hand is so smooth!" Izzy grinned.

"Um...thanks, I guess," Courtney raised an eyebrow. A bunch of losers. These guys will be easy to beat…

The next boat had most of the female campers drooling. As a handsome look man wearing a dark green shirt and jeans was making his way to the dock. Also, to be honest, I think the only reason he stands out is because he's the only one of these people to have actual pupils. He flashed a smile at the camera. All the girls and even Owen was looking at him . He got off the boat.

"This is Justin." Chris said and turned to him, "Justin, just so you know we picked you

based entirely on your looks."

"I can live with that." Justin replied.

"I like your shoes.' Owen told Justin as he walked past him.

"Thanks" Justin said

"Did your home just get you those?" Owen asked.

"No, just had them for a while." Justin told him

Owen gave him a thumbs up, "Oh cool."

He then slapped himself on the head. "Stupid."

"That's now twenty-two contestants," Chris grinned. "You know, originally, we wanted to stop there, but our producers thought it would be fun to see you guys try a little bit harder…"

The contestants were still staring at Justin as Chris frowned.

"That's right, glamour at my beauty," Justin chuckled.

"Wow, he's hot," Bridgette swooned.

"I know I am," Justin grinned.

"Why thank you senorita," a Spaniard arrived with a….devilish smirk.

"Alejandro!" Chris grinned. "Welcome to camp!"

Alejandro looked around.

"Is there a problem?" Chris asked Alejandro.

"Not at all Chris," Alejandro said "But I expected something different from what I see."

Justin glared at Alejandro. The girls were all looking at him.

"Next on our list of 48 campers, it's Sierra!" Chris grinned.

The first thing that was heard was an excited squeal before the boat appeared.

"Why is our next contestant a pig?" Tyler asked bluntly. Clap clap Tyler. Clap clap.

The boat arrived soon with an over enthusiastic girl with purple hair and she was pretty tall.

"OMG, I can't believe I'm on a show hosted by Chris McLean," Sierra said. "I'm super excited to be here!"

"Gee sure didn't figure that one out by myself," Noah said.

"Welcome to camp Sierra," Chris said, happy in seeing a fan.

"Me and my mom knows everything there is to know about you," Sierra said excitedly.

"Oh do you now?" Chris asked

"You know where Chris lives?" Duncan asked, grinning.

"I sure do he lives in-" Sierra started saying.

"I think that's enough of Sierra for now" Chris said quickly as he pushed her into the group

"Because our next boat is here."

The next boat to arrive had a boy with neat black hair standing in it. He wore nice clothes and had his initials in green on his white shirt that read, "D.C." He got off the boat and frowned.

"Darry!" Chris grinned, "Welcome to camp, dude."

Darry looked around at the others and back at Chris.

"I don't remember seeing this on the brochure."

"We all didn't," Duncan rolled his eyes.

Chris snickered. Darry then slapped him across the face with a glove much to his surprise.

"Ow," Chris frowned.

"You filthy man!" Darry exclaimed, "You promised me a five star hotel and you bring me to camp with a bunch of...peasants?!"

"Harsh much?" Noah raised an eyebrow.

"Silence!" Darry hissed and glared at Chris, "My father will have your head for this!"

"Your rich daddy can't exactly get you out of this one," Chris said holding up the contract, "Contracts."

"What is up with this white boy who thinks he is better than everyone?" Leshawna asked out loud.

Darry crossed his arms.

"Fine. But if they touch me with their filthy hands I will smack them silly with this."

He held up his glove, "This separates me from the animals. In this case them."

He pointed at the others.

"Hey, who are you calling animals?" Eva asked angrily

"Peasants." Darry scoffed walking towards them and standing next to Cody crossing his arms. Cody felt a little unnerved. "Always hard of hearing."

"Oh I'll show you how it feels to be hard of hearing," Eva said as she got ready to lunge at Darry.

Ezekiel looked at Eva and Darry with wide eyes, fearing that a fight was about to break out. Darry held his glove for defense.

"Shouldn't we keep calm and fight later, eh?" Ezekiel asked, raising his hands and backing away slowly. Darry looked at Ezekiel in disgust and moved away.

Ezekiel raised a confused eyebrow at Darry and scratched his chin.

Meanwhile DJ and Leshawna were trying to hold Eva in place.

"He's not worth it Eva" Courtney said trying to get Eva to calm down.

The next boat arrived before any more damage could be done, on it was a short girl with long auburn hair tied in twin tails. She wore pretty average clothes consisting of a black and white shirt, jeans and blue converses, with her hair being tied by two ribbons, one being red whilst the other being blue, Chris helped her off the boat

"Arianna, welcome to camp," Chris grinned.

"Hello Chris," Arianna said with a sweet smile before looking around "This sure looks different from the brochure."

Chris snickered. Never gets old….

Cody shot finger pistols at Arianna.

Arianna looked at Cody and smiled sweetly as she walked towards the campers

Ezekiel looked at the newcomer, Arianna, with an amused eyebrow raised.

Arianna passed by Ezekiel, there was a hint of disgust in her face for a brief moment but most of the campers didn't noticed it

Duncan wiggled his eyebrows at Arianna, though she didn't notice.

After looking around at the rest of the competition, she finally decided to speak up.

"Well everyone, I hope I make great friends here, just because we are competition doesn't mean we should all hate each other," Arianna said sweetly.

"Why do people look at me like that, eh?" Ezekiel thought, glancing around him.

"Well, the next boat is here" Chris announced, as all the campers eyes turned to the dock.

Arianna rolled her eyes when she noticed all eyes weren't on her anymore.

The new addition was on a girl with an eyepatch in the shape of a heart and wearing fishnet leggings. She looked seductive and had black hair.

"Alice!" Chris grinned. "Welcome to-"

"This is not from the brochure," Alice crossed her arms.

Duncan winked at her. "We all got that figured out, gorgeous."

"So did I," Alice crossed her arms. "But I joined anyway."

Heather looked at the new girl with slight interest.

"Wow that eyepatch is awesome," Izzy said excitedly "How did you get that?"

"None of your concern," Alice frowned.

"Hideous disfigured peasant," Darry muttered.

"But Izzy wants to knooooow," Izzy said. "If you tell me I won't tell anyone."

Alice ignored Izzy and walked off toward the end of the dock. Cody grinned at her but her glare made him stop.

Arianna simply rolled her eyes before smiling sweetly at Alice.

The next contestant wheeled off the boat. Quite literally, being she was on an unicycle. She was in clown clothes, and even had hearts painted on her face.

"Vikki, welcome to Camp Wawa-" Chris started saying

"Ew, great, another clown," Heather crossed her arms. "Didn't we have enough of those?"

"Aww, don't be like that!" Vikki gave off a smile, as she reached behind her back and started to make what appeared to be a balloon flower. "Trust me, I am NOT like those clowns you see on TV and under sewers.

"The circus is that way peasant." Darry pointed to where the boat left.

"But I like sewer clowns" Izzy said pouting

"Yeah!" Owen laughed. "I saw one and he offered me galores of floating food! I love floating food!"

Noah got this thought but said nothing.

Vikki blinked.

"You must know some pretty not-bad sewer clowns." She stated, as she walked over to the rest of the campers.

"Well, he did try to squeeze me through the sewer…" Owen began. "Oh wait, I think that was a dream."

"Thank goodness," Lindsay sighed. "I hate sewer clowns. They're like very scary cats."

"Eh?" Ezekiel said out loud, just confused.

"Well my sewer clown started talking about floating things like balloons and boats," Izzy cackled. "Before I kicked him back into the sewer."

"Enough talking about clowns!" Chris frowned. "Our next contestant is here!"

The next contestant to arrive had spiky hair, a white jacket with a blue shirt under. He grinned showing a gold tooth and jumped out of the boat.

"Bucky, welcome my man!" Chris said.

Arianna raised an eyebrow at the newcomer, she didn't know what to say.

Bucky looked around.

"Hey, what happened to the five star hotel?" Bucky asked. Darry rolled his eyes.

"That's what I'd like to know," Darry said.

"He promised hot tubs!" Geoff said. "But a summer camp is cool."

Bucky raised the knife he was carrying in his pocket towards Chris. "Man this is bull...but I'll roll with it for now."

"Um, Bucky, I'm gonna have to confiscate that knife," Chris said, a little unnerved.

"You got a problem with knives McLean?" Duncan grinned, holding his knife. "Or are you just too chicken?"

"Yeah, problem?" Bucky smirked at Chris.

"Well, he is obviously looking out for our safety," Arianna snapped unexpectedly before realizing what she said and smiling sweetly, "I mean, I think."

"Yeah, I agree with Arianna," Courtney nodded with a smirk.

"Thank you!" Chris smiled. "I'm finally loved!"

"No you're not peasant, no you're not.' Darry told Chris.

"Kill the mood Darry, kill the mood," Chris frowned.

The next boat arrived with a boy wielding a sheath. What was in the sheath was probably a sword. Which, may I add, is probably not legal to carry around. The boy was wearing a white shirt with four triangles of different colours on it. One was Blue, the other was a lighter blue, the third one was red, and last but not least, the fourth one was magenta. They were placed in a such a way that it looked like a reverse tri-force. His hair was a sort of brown and his eyes were dark blue. Like the colour of one of the triangles. He was about a little over 6 feet tall. He got off the boat and looked at Chris.

"Whoa, Arti, our contract stated you couldn't bring weapons," Chris showed him the contract. Duncan and Bucky coughed, wielding knives. "Forget what I just said."

Arti glanced over at the contract and then back at Chris. He put his hand on the handle of the sword.

"Oh? This, it's not real, it's just for the looks."

"Then that is acceptable for the viewers, anyway," Chris smiled. "Angry emails make me lose money."

"Let's all bring weapons next time then," Alice smirked.

"If I knew we could have brought weapons I would have brought my gun" Izzy said.

"Izzy has a license to wield a gun?" Harold asked. "You would have to be much older than you are right now to get a license."

"And we care why?" Gwen asked, bitterly.

"I'm just stating the facts," Harold said.

"Yeah but nobody cares," Heather said "Can we just move on now?"

Arti rolled his eyes. He walked over to the rest of the people, not bothering to say hi to any of them, none of them really peaked his interest that much.

Chris smiled at his cast that he will soon torture. Hehehehehe. Then suddenly he fell when a teenaged boy fell on top of him.

Darry laughed at Chris.

"WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!" the boy cried, interrogating Chris.

"It's my….wait what?" Chris asked, blinking. "Brian! Do you know how many copyright emails I will get?!"

"Who's this Brian?" Brian asked in a gruff, bad Batman voice. "I'm Batman."

"And I'm Superman," Noah rolled his eyes. "Fear me for I may destroy the earth with my laser beam powers.

"Wait, so Cory isn't the only non human around here?" Lindsay asked.

"I am human!" Cody groaned.

"Where'd you find this one?" Darry scoffed at Chris.

"In our mail," Chris replied.

"I have always wanted to meet Batman," Izzy said "Show me the batarangs!"

"I'm Batman….Batman doesn't show off," Brian said in a deep voice.

"Awww no fair," Izzy pouted.

"Now, isn't this just swell?," Duncan laughed.

The next boat docked, letting its next contestant out. He was rather tall, and wore what appeared to be a black jacket over a purple t-shirt, as well as a pair of faded red pants, and sandals as well. He looked shyly at the other campers, keeping a sketch pad close to him.

"Welcome to camp, Drake" Chris said with a grin.

Drake uneasily nodded. "...Hi."

"Hi!" Lindsay cheerfully greeted. "Oh my gosh! You will like it here! We have two non-humans here!"

Cody threw his arms up in defeat. Poor Cody.


"Girl, you some kind of crazy," Leshawna blinked at Izzy.

Drake looked back at the boat, but it already left. He sighed as he walked over to the rest of the campers.

"Doing it for my friends…" Drake whispered to himself, clutching his sketchbook close to him. "And for my family…"

"What was that?" Chris asked, awaiting the next boat.

Drake sighed.

The next boat arrived with a pretty short boy, he had brown hair and really light blue eyes that really stood out. He had a shirt that pictured a melting clock. The clock was white and black and the surrounding was the same colour as his eyes. He slowly walked off the boat.

"Nonam" Chris said grinning "Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa!"

He always says welcome, Courtney thought.

Nonam looked around the island and realized this was not what they promised.

He sighed, "Figured as much."

"Like what you see?" Chris asked.

"Not really, and judging by how everyone else's facial expression, not many other people like what they see," He walked by Chris and stopped beside Arianna.

Arianna looked at Noman and smiled sweetly at him.

"Hello there, I'm Arianna," she said sweetly. "Nice to meet you."

Nonam smiled back at her, "Hello Arianna, I'm Nonam."

He did not suspect anything.

"There really is an odd selection of contestants huh?" Arianna said.

He looked at everyone and slowly nodded, "It would appear so. However it was bound to happen with such a large amount of people"

"That is indeed true," Arianna said.

The next boat arrived with a girl with green eyes, black shoulder-length hair, and a black tank top. She also wore grey skinny jeans and converse shoes.

"Meet Sasha everyone!" Chris grinned.

"Seems like my kind of girl," Bucky grinned.

"Keep telling yourself that," Duncan snickered with Bucky.

Sasha looked around and gasped before groaning.

"What a scam," Sasha groaned, stomping the brochure on the ground. "I knew it was too good to be true."

"Well too bad, you're here," Heather said

"Oh, it's a b*tch," Sasha turned to Heather, smirking. "Didn't think they existed anymore."

Gwen laughed.

"The roast!" Tyler laughed.

"Dropped it like it was hot!" Leshawna laughed.

"I don't get it," Ezekiel said. "Is something burning?"

"Shut up peasant.' Darry told him.

"What's your deal eh?" Ezekiel asked.

Darry walked away from him. Filthy animal.

"Tension, I love it!" Chris exclaimed, as he looked towards the oncoming boat. "And here comes our next contestant!"

A boat containing another arrival was heading towards the dock. On it was a kinda tall, gangly seventeen year old with red hair, a pale face covered with thick nerdy glasses and scruffy facial hair. He wore a black t-shirt with the Camelot coat of arms on it.

"Hey, everybody. I'm Lance Knight, but I guess you can call me LK", the newcomer introduced himself, smiling civilly at the other contestants.

"Yeah, whatever. Tell your life story over there, dude." Chris said, pointing to the contestants.

LK stepped off the boat and walked towards the others.

"Great another weirdo, just what we needed" Heather said.

"I dunno; he looks kinda normal." Vikki responded back.

"What kind of name is Lance Knight? That sounds like something out of a game one of those dweebs would play," Duncan said gesturing towards Harold and Cody, who LK was now standing beside.

"So, how many more people are gonna turn up?" LK asked, looking around at who was already present.

"You'll find out soon" Chris said as he grinned. "In fact, another camper is on their way, right now!"

The next boat soon arrived, with the next contestant. He was a tall, slim, handsome yet sullen looking guy dressed in black leather with his hair dyed a shade darker than his natural colour. Looking extremely uninterested, he stepped off the boat and glanced around.

"Whatever guys, I'm Cole. What's the point of this, exactly?" Cole asked, sounding bored.

"Winning money" Chris said "And can you actually have me introduce you as host, it's getting annoying seeing people introduce themselves without permission".

Cole smirked. "I don't usually get 'permission' for stuff, dude. I do it my way, always have done, always will".

"What a loser," Heather scoffed.

Cole looked to see who made the comment and spotted Heather.

"Huh, typical!" he fake coughed, looking directly at Heather, no shame whatsoever.

"Anyway just go over to the rest of the campers" Chris said, sounding annoyed as he pushed Cole towards the other campers. Cole stood in front of LK, towering over him.

The next boat docked, letting off its next contestant. They were a girl, wearing what is assumed to be a bowler hat on her head, with her blonde hair hanging down. She also donned a pair of shades, and had a black t-shirt over a pink sweater, green pants, and purple sneakers.

"Omelette! Welcome!" Chris greeted out loud.

"Glad to be here, Chris!" Omelette chirped out loud, as she eyed Chris a bit, before taking out a piece of paper and scribbling it down.

"You've deserved this!" She said, handing over a paper with an 'A +' written on it.

"Thanks, I guess" Chris said looking at Omelette weirdly, as the others tried not to look amused, most of them failing miserably.

"I won't be needing one of those. I earn plenty of them", Noah bragged to the other campers.

"Yeah, moron the thing is, like, nobody cares," Heather said to Noah.

Omelette soon went over to the campers, as she stood by Ezekiel. "So, nice toque you have."

"Thank you, eh" Ezekiel said.

"Do you, uh, grade people often, then?" LK asked Omelette awkwardly, trying to make small talk.

"Well, kinda-sorta." Omelette shrugged, as she noticed Vikki. She gave off a smile to the clown.

"Izzy loves your hat," Izzy said as she walked next to Omelette.

"I'm DJ! Stoked to meet ya, Omelette", DJ smiled at the newcomer.

Omelette gave off a grin. "I love your attitudes, guys!"

"I love my looks," Justin looked at himself in the mirror.

"Of course you do." Noah rolled his eyes.

The next boat arrived with another contestant. She was petite, had blonde hair and looked young. Really, really young. Like seriously. Holy crap. So young.

"Um….what?" Alice raised an eyebrow.

"This is what happens when you're surrounded by peasants." Darry said, "You catch their stupidity."

"Watch your mouth, rich boy. We don't all have nicey nice parents or fancy stuff like you", Cole warned Darry. Eva grabbed Darry by the scruff of the neck and snarled, yes, snarled, in his face. Bucky went wide eyed and pulled Darry away along with Geoff.

"Chris, why is a kid competing?" Duncan asked.

"Um, Mr. McLean, why is there a bunch of teenagers here?" the girl gasped.

"I thought it would be fun if you hung out with cooler and funner teens," Chris laughed. "This is Lucy everyone!"

Cole turned his attention away from Darry and looked at Lucy.

"How old are you, kid? I'm fifteen", he said to her, sounding the friendliest he'd sounded since his arrival.

"...12," Lucy looked down.

Cole looked at her. "If there's one thing I hate, it's bullies. If anyone gives you a hard time because you're younger, tell me. I've dealt with a lot of bullies…".

"You tricked a kid into competing?" Courtney asked whilst gasping.

"Oh hell no!" Leshawna cried. "Leshawna ain't allowing this one bit!"

"Well Lucy is almost a teenager so there's no harm done" Chris said whilst grinning

Lucy gulped as she walked forth and bumped into Eva. She gasped as Eva growled at her.

"Don't worry little girl," Brian said in a Batman voice. "I'll make sure crime goes undone!"

Lucy gulped.

Noah rolled his eyes at the situation, he was definitely not amused. Courtney arched a stern eyebrow, having similar sentiments.

Beth sighed as she stood obscured and unnoticed at the back of the group. 'Maybe I'll have a bigger part in the next chapter…. she thought to herself.

The next boat arrived soon after, and from it emerged a teenage boy, he was tall and lean, he had brown eyes and jet black hair, he didn't look like anything special but he seemed to exude in confidence

"Our next camper is Gabriel!" Chris grinned.

"Good day to you McLean," Gabriel said with a confident smile "This sure looks different from what we were presented but I can live with that."

Duncan smirked, mentally making a note that Gabriel would be a good target for him.

"Finally!" Chris grinned turning to the others. "A guy who doesn't complain about what I do!"

"You want me to stick a knife in your ass McLean?" Bucky asked, his gold teeth gleaming. Darry watched this and grinned. Cole was glaring at Darry

I like this guy. Darry thought looking at Bucky.

Gabriel turned to Bucky and frowned, "Could you refrain from threatening the host? You do know he has the power to disqualify you."

"Thank you Gabriel," Chris smiled. "I can tell you and I will be great friends."

"Um, so are you Chris' second or something? If you don't know what a second is, I'll be happy to educate you, Gabriel, right?" LK asked.

"How about you explain what you mean?" Gabriel said "I have an idea but I want to make sure I'm right".

LK smirked. "If Chris dies, you'd take his place. That's basically what a second does, man. Haven't you ever played strategy "games?"

Arti glances at his sheath.

"I can have that arranged."

"Well you could argue that my father plays a strategy game," Gabriel said "And no I'm not Chris' second as you say, McLean is the last person I would associate myself with."

Meanwhile, Courtney examined Gabriel closely, carefully taking notes. He could be trouble.

Ezekiel was picking his nose, right when he was standing in front of Darry, who smacked him in the back of the head with his glove.

"Well, I hope we all are willing to play a fair game," Gabriel said "Otherwise, we might have some problems."

Lindsay smiled at Gabriel.

"Of course we're all gonna play fair, Trent!" she smiled at him, looking all innocent and unaware.

"Um, who is Trent?" Gabriel asked.

"I am," Trent said, strumming his guitar for effect.

"Oh my gosh! Could you do that again?! Like, Sadie, did you hear that?" Katie squealed after Trent played his guitar.

"I heard that Katie, that was so cool!" Sadie replied, looking awestruck.

Arti rolled his eyes. "I can do better."

"Earth to Chris! Isn't there a show you're supposed to be doing?" Heather asked, shaking the host irritably.

"Yeah, the boat's running kinda late, sorry 'bout that", Chris shrugged, not looking concerned.

Not too long after this exchange, yet another boat arrived with a brand new contestant to join the already eclectic group. With the interesting dynamic that already exists, it'll be interesting to see how they, a short, mischievous looking African-Canadian teen boy, only about a year or so older than Lucy, fit into the show.

He stepped off the boat, holding an old fashioned camera and immediately took a picture of the other campers.

"Jimmy, Lil Jim, Jim Boy welcome to Wawanakwa" Chris said.

Jimmy smiled. "Thanks, Chris. If you're deciding on a nickname, people like to call me Lil Jimmy, cos I'm the youngest of nine kids", he explained.

"Cool, thanks," Chris grinned.

Lil Jimmy looked sceptical. "For real? People warned me you were kinda a douche on that ice skating show…".

"Well, I'm feeling generous today," Chris said grinning "It is the first episode."

Looking pretty happy, Lil Jimmy joined the other contestants. He saw Lucy and smiled at her, almost instantly developing a crush on her, though he wouldn't be brave enough to admit it...yet. He quickly took her picture when she wasn't looking momentarily. Stalkerlicious. Ahem, anyway.

Lucy raised an eyebrow at Lil Jimmy. Aw…..sweet childhood romance. The friendzones were fun as well. Ahem.

The next boat arrived and as it arrived, Owen noticed a sandwich in Bucky's pocket. His mouth started to water….

Noah raised an eyebrow.

"Yo, Gold Tooth, you keep a sandwich in your pocket?" Noah asked.

Bucky raised an eyebrow.

"No why would you…." He then remembered something and face palmed. "Dammit Nutso! I told him I didn't want a snack for the road!"

"Oookay…." Noah still looked suspicious. He looked at Owen. "Sorry chubby buddy, but he doesn't have a sandwich."

"We're buddies?!" Owen gasped, hugging Noah, crushing his potential soul.

Bucky, noticing Noah's pain from the hug, tossed Owen the sandwich that was in a small bag.


Beth also threw him a cookie she didn't want, as she felt bad.

Noah gasped after Owen released him to eat the sandwich and cookie.

"That peasant needs carrots not a sandwich." Darry huffed.

Alejandro wrapped an arm around him, "Come on, Darry, is it? Don't be like that. It is with great pride that we need to feed the economy."

Darry raised an eyebrow. Smooth guy. Someone then gave him a wedgie as he thought about this.

"Um, if you guys are done exchanging food, our next camper has been standing here for about a minute!" Chris glared.

"I'm hungry, though!" Lindsay complained. "When are we gonna have lunch, Clark?"

"Shush!" Chris shushed.

The camper in question, who was a girl, was smiling excitedly, she had ruby red hair and a big smile on her face, she was wearing a dark blue sundress and a sunhat with the same color, she was holding out her phone as if she was recording something.

"Anyway, sorry Marisa," Chris cleared his throat.

"It's ok, the footage is great for my blog" Marisa said as she proudly showed of her phone

"I can tell you're going to be a nuisance," Chris said silently to himself. "Anyway, say 'hi' to the other campers!"

"Hello there, I'm Marisa Campbell," Marisa said. "Also known as Wifi Addict."

"Hi there, I'm Courtney," Courtney smiled as she walked up to Marisa and gave her a handshake. Might as well befriend her if I wish to win the game.

Marisa smiled happily at Courtney, but her excitement faded off as she noticed a certain camper.

"Oh, she's here," Marisa said with a frown.

"Hey, what's the matter, Marisa?" LK asked, noting her faded excitement.

"That..." Marisa said pointing at Sierra. "...is my biggest rival in the blogging community."

"Are we supposed to care?" Cole asked, looking thoroughly uninterested.

"Well the guy asked me so I responded, you jerk" Marisa said death glaring Cole.

"Who, me?" Sierra asked. "The only rival I had were the constant Chris fangirls and…."

She gasped.

"The Wifi Addict?!" Sierra gasped. Her gasp turned into a death glare. "I remember you…"

"Best we should step away dudes and dudettes," Geoff chuckled, hurrying off. He ran straight into Eva, who looked unimpressed. Tyler followed Geoff's lead, as did Owen and Cody.

"Well we finally meet without a computer screen blocking our death glares," Marisa said.

"You get away from my Chris!" Sierra growled.

"For the last time Sierra, I'm not interested in Chris," Marisa said.

"That's what they all say," Sierra glared.

"What is your guys' history?" Cody asked.

"Well little nerdy kid, Sierra over here USED to be my idol when I first started out blogging" Marisa said.

"Oh," Cody blinked.

"Then, she-" Marisa started saying before trailing off. "You know what I think Sierra could explain it better."

"She stole my Chris ideas!" Sierra glared.

"You know I never got that," Marisa said death glaring Sierra "Just what did I supposedly 'steal' as you so say it."

"Oh let's see, you stole my Chris coffee mug, my Chris chocolate bar, my Chris-"

"That's enough," Chris told Sierra. "As much as I like this conflict, we are in a tight schedule...as our next camper has arrived!"

The next boat arrived…..there was no one on it.

"Huh that's weird, I was sure the next boat there was-" Chris started saying.

Smoke started to appear on the dock and when it cleared a blonde appeared with a hat and wand. "Tada!"


"That's not a witch," Geoff said. "That's just a girl. With magic! AWESOME!"

"I am the amazing Penny." Penny told them. She took of her hat and took out a rabbit. She let it down and it hopped away.

"That's a cute bunny!" DJ grinned as he grabbed the bunny and started to pet it.

Penny bowed. "Thank you.".

"Is that another non-human?" Lindsay asked.

"I can be whatever you want me to be." Penny grinned.

"Really?" Lindsay asked "Can you turn yourself into a cute doggy?"

Penny snapped her fingers and smoke came up. When it cleared she was in a dog costume.

"She can become a dog," Lindsay said gasping in surprise.

"That's awesome!" Tyler grinned.

"Guys she is in a dog costume," Heather said "Can't you two idiots see that?!"

"Ruff!" Penny barked.

"No, most definitely a dog," Lindsay clapped her hands.

Noah rolled his eyes. Because that's the only thing he's able to do in this madness.

Ruining MY act?! I'll make you both suffer. Penny thought in her costume. She snapped her fingers and when the smoke cleared she wasn't in costume anymore.

"Great show Penny," Chris clapped his hands, pushing her away.

The next boat dropped a girl with frizzy blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She had an eyepatch, a captain's hat and a hook. On the other hand was a brown fingerless glove and the rest what she wore was all pirate nooks and cranny.

"YAAARRR!" the girl said. "Avast me maties!"

"Welcome Wendelle," Chris said whilst grinning.

"It's a PIRATE!" Izzy gasped in glee.

"Please don't feed me to the sharks!" Lindsay gasped in fear.

Noah rolled his eyes. AGAIN. He was joined by Cole this time as well. And Heather. And Gwen. Well let's just say a lot of people rolled their eyes.

"Where be the loot Cap'N McLean?!" Wendelle demanded.

"Hmm, Cap'N McLean, kind of liking that," Chris grinned.

"Where be the loot?!" Wendelle cried.

"It will be explained later," Chris told her.

"Great another weirdo" Heather said.

"Calm down Señorita, I think that is almost everyone," Alejandro said.

"You can't tell me what to do," Heather stood back in disgust.

"Señorita I'm just saying you should be patient" Alejandro said.

"That peasant?" Darry asked Alejandro, pointing to Heather. "Patient?! Hah!"

"You know, Darry was it? You should at least try not being a spoiled gentlemen," Gabriel said to Darry.

"Come talk to me when you're you know...valuable." Darry told Gabriel.

"You're mean," Lucy muttered at Darry.

Bucky slapped Darry on the head. "That's enough outta you."

"You've got funk!" Leshawna smiled proudly at Bucky.

Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"You should use your affluent origins to be a better person not put them down," He said as he walked away.

The next boat arrived. It dropped off a curvy figured girl with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a purple, halter neck crop top with a black leather mini skirt along with black knee high, high heeled boots. She grinned widely as she saw the rest of the people that had arrived.

"Veronica. Welcome to the island," Chris said grinning.

"It's going to be such a fun time here," Veronica stated with a content sigh, her British accent flowing through her words. "I can feel it!"

Bucky was speechless when he saw the girl. His jaw was dropped. Ezekiel waved a hand in his face.

"Interesting girl, huh, Buckster?" Duncan grinned.

"Y-Yeah….." Bucky said making his way over to the girl. He grinned at her. "Hey, I'm Bucky."

"Veronica," she greeted with a giggle. "Is that your real name? It's peculiar."

"Y-Yeah! Bucky's my real name!" Bucky smirked. He was not gonna say his real name.

"Alright then," Veronica replied with a head nod. "Pleasure to meet you, Bucky."

"Pleasure to meet you too." Bucky winked at her.

Veronica simply winked back before standing accordingly along the others and looked to Chris.

Izzy started sniffing the air.

"I feel love in the air" Izzy said "I wonder who is it from?"

"I think I feel it too" Marisa and Sierra said at the same time before glaring at each other.

"I think you guys need some space away from each other," Cody told Sierra and Marisa.

Sierra looked at Cody….his gapped teeth, his boyish looks, he was cute in her eyes…..

Oh no.

"Um, Sierra?" Cody asked. Sierra giggled to herself. Cody was seriously, confused.

"Cody," Marisa said in an urgent tone "Just run."

Cody backed away slowly. Sierra giggled. Oh boy.

The next boat arrived with another girl. She was Japanese. She wore the common Japanese schoolgirl outfit with the black skirt, long black knee socks, brown shoes and her black hair were tied in long pigtails.

"Konichiwa," the girl greeted in Japanese.

"What does that mean?" Tyler asked.

"'Hello'," Harold said, shaking his head. "Everyone knows that!"

Duncan gave Harold a wedgie. "Dweeb."

"That's the third time today!" Harold groaned.

"Yoshiko everybody!" Chris grinned.

"Arigatogozaimashita!" Yoshiko bowed happily.

"What did that mean?" Tyler asked.

"Thank you," Harold pointed out. "I understand that you don't know that."

Duncan gave Harold another wedgie.

"Ugh I'm so done with all these weirdos," Heather said as she stormed off towards the back of the crowd.

"Weirdos, eh?" Ezekiel looked around. "Where, eh?"

"Well I'm looking at one of them," Heather snarked.

"Is she always this mean?" Yoshiko jerked her thumb at Heather.

"She is, trust me sweetheart, we've been putting up with her for a long time," Duncan said.

Heather stuck her tongue out at Duncan. Real mature.

"Real mature," Gwen rolled her eyes. Thanks Gwen.

Heather huffed.

"This is taking FOREVER!" she said.

"48 people," Chris reminded with a grin. "And here's the 41st camper!"

The next boat came to a halt. On it, there was a teenager. Because of course there was. He wore a maroon shirt and black jeans. He had a scar across his left eye and had black hair that almost covered his eyes. Speaking of eyes, they brown, but you couldn't tell because he was wearing sunglasses. He stood up from his standing position. Once he stood up, he took off his sunglasses and threw them in the water. He walked over to Chris.

"David, you're finally here," Chris said grinning "Took you long enough."

"Sorry man, I had to navigate the boat myself," He smirked in a significantly sinister way.

"Why is that?" Chris asked.

David shrugged and started to whistle a tune as he walked away from Chris. He spotted Wendelle and Alice and checked them both out.

Alice raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" Alice raised an eyebrow. "Are you one of those guys that just check out the first girl they see, or is it the fact that me and pirate girl both wear eyepatches?"

"He has an eyepatch fetish?" Trent asked, snickering.

"Who knows? At this point that would actually sound sane," Noah said.

"You guys make it sound like everyone here is insane," Chris blinked.

"That's kinda the point Chris," Gwen crossed her arms.

David pretty much ignored Alice's comment and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hello there.."

Alice raised an eyebrow. She pushed his hand off, frowning.

"Aw, you guys would be cute together," Owen giggled.

"Indeed they would," Marisa added.

Sierra would have also probably agreed with Owen if she wasn't distracted watching Cody

Alice showed Owen and Marisa a card.

"See this?" Alice asked.

Marisa and Owen nodded excitedly.

"I will cut you up with this card," Alice threatened. "It's the three of spades after all."

"You can do that?" Izzy asked with a gasp "Teach me sensei I have to learn."

Alice flicked her card which ended up piercing through the dock.

"Rejected," Alice said.

Izzy looked at Alice angrily.

"You just made Izzy's list," she said as she walked away. "I recommend you sleep with one eye open!"

Alice looked at Izzy. Yeah, that eyepatch though.

David looked at the card and stared at it for a good few seconds.


"She's all yours" Duncan said chuckling.

A tall, lean male was next to arrive. His muscles were toned, perfectly defined by the black tank that he wore. Black denim jeans were snug around his hips and were accompanied by dark shoes on his feet. His jet black hair was swept back, revealing his dazzling, yet mischievous blue eyes.

"Damien welcome to-" Chris started.

"Will you stop that?!" Courtney cried.

"He is just trying to be nice to the newcomers, Courtney," Sierra scolded, glaring at Courtney

"Well maybe I would appreciate it if he actually stopped mentioning the fact that we're at a camp instead of a resort," Alice crossed her arms.

"With that hot tub!" Geoff said.

"And the buffet!" Owen drooled.

Sierra death-glared the four. Oh boy.

Damien simply saluted Chris, not paying any mind to the conversation before him.

"An honor to be here, sir," he said with a simple smirk. He took a stand next to the others and clasped his hands in front of him, whistling lowly.

"Hello my good sir I'm Gabriel," Gabriel said to Damien politely.

"Hello to you," Damien replied with a swift nod.

Gabriel smiled politely at Damien.

"So what are you supposed to be?" Cole asked.

"Excuse me?" Damien asked with a raised brow.

"You know, we got this punk here, and the b*tch with the sharpest cards in the world," Cole said. "So what are you?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Damien retorted. "If you must know, though you really don't, I've recently been released on leave from the army."

"Which part of the army?" Harold walked over. "Is it the Marines? The Navy? What about the-EEEHH."

Duncan gave him another wedgie.

"A person from the army how interesting," Gabriel said "My father served the army for three years before following his current career."

Omelette looked over at Damien.

"Psst, just ignore that punk who wedgied that ginger dude just now. Knowing him, he most likely plays some kinda shooter game." Omelette whispered over to the soldier.

Noah smirked at Omelette's comment. "Hey, maybe that's what he was in Juvie for?"

Omelette shrugged. "Heck if I knew. Punk-dude probably stuffed a banana in his Principal's car's tail pipe. And an apple. And probably a watermelon… Don't ask how he would stuff an entire watermelon up there."

Duncan shoved both Noah and Omelette into the lake.

"It was getting kinda crowded, anyway. McLean, how many people are coming? This thing's gonna collapse!" he warned, referring to the dock, which seemed to be crumbling underneath them. Hearing this, Cole pushed Darry into the lake, too.

Darry spat water out of his mouth and looked over at Noah and Omelette.

"Ugh, peasant love." He muttered.

Omelette passed by Duncan, backstroking in the process.

Various campers sighed, groaned, rolled their eyes, and saw the next camper.

She had light tanned-skin, freckles on her nose, short wavy blonde hair, a white crop-top, black sneakers, and ripped jean shorts.

"Our final camper is Carol everyone!" Chris introduced.

"This ain't the darn place!" Carol took another look at the brochure. Chris took it and crumbled it up.

"Heard it, lived it, yada yada," Chris tossed the piece of paper into the water.

"You littered!" Yoshiko gasped.

Darry snarled crossing his arms, "Darn peasants and there littering."

"Well sorry, jeez," Chris frowned.

"You should be McLean!" Carol spoke in her notable Southern accent. "Back where I came from, trash litterers like you get dealt by the whip…"

"Like Indiana Jones!" Izzy gasped.

"Naw, not like that!" Carol frowned. "We ain't afraid of no snakes!"

"Anyway campers, everyone head to the front of the dock," Chris said. "It's a picture for the promos."

Alice was thinking about something as the rest of the campers went to the end of the dock.

"What are you waiting for Alice?" Chris asked

"This is a trick right?" Alice asked.

"What are you talking about Alice, come over here," Chris said.

"I'm a gambler," Alice crossed her arms. "My deductions have never been wrong."

"What are you, some kind of detective?" Arti asked. "Just get over here."

"I agree, my legs need to sit," Jimmy groaned.

"Well Alice, if you don't come, you may as well say goodbye to the prize money" Chris said grinning.

"Touche," Alice said. "...Hey everyone, you guys are gonna get wet and stuff."

David slowly backed away towards Alice. Nonam did so as well.

"Hey, if she thinks it's going to happen. I trust her judgement"

"See, some people get it," Alice smirked.

"Ooh!" Lindsay clapped her hands. "Wet? I love being wet! Let me change into my-"

And that's when the floor beneath Lindsay and the others broke, drenching everyone in the lake except for Alice, Nonam and David.

"Everybody get dry and meet you by the campfire" Chris said. "And as for you three, since you ruined the moment we will have to arrange something to make up for it."

"You wanted a gambler on your show, you got a gambler," Alice blew her nails.

"You're lucky you weren't the only person who didn't follow through otherwise you would have been disqualified," Chris told Alice.

"Gambling," Alice winked.

Arianna glared at Alice, David and Nonam before following the rest of the campers to dry off

The campers were now all dry….somehow. F*ck logic.

"Welcome to your home for eight weeks" Chris announced with a grin.

"Eight weeks?" Jimmy asked. "With this many people?"

"Using mathematics, eight weeks won't be possible with 48 of us," Cody calculated everything on a calculator.

"He's even smart!" a voice cried. Cody turned to see who it was. All he saw was a purple-haired girl giggling at him. Definitely not Sierra.

"Maybe a little bit more than eight weeks but that doesn't matter," Chris said. "All that matters is that you are all here and you're going to have to deal with each other."

The campers glanced at everyone here. Alejandro blew a kiss at Heather.

Arianna looked around with slight disgust before that expression turned into a smile.

Noah rolled his eyes. Once again.

"How big are the cabins here?" Tyler asked.

Eva rolled her eyes. "Better be big enough so I get my own space."

"Well campers you'll be sleeping in the same way as traditional summer camps," Chris said grinning. "That also means the girls get one side of the cabin while the guys gets the other."

"I better get my own private cabin", Darry muttered.

"Shut up rich boy," David told him.

"Yeah we get it, you're rich now can we move on with our lives," Heather snapped at Darry.

"Am I correct in thinking that there will be teams? And if so, we are a large number of people for two teams," Alejandro told Chris.

"You are correct in both fronts," Chris said. "That's why you are all being divided into four teams."

"Yo Chris? Won't that get confusing eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"Not at all, we have a team list at the bottom of every chapter," Chris grinned. "Now, broken fourth walls aside, time for the teams!"

Izzy hopped up and down "Oh boy! Do we get to decide the teams? I hope we do!"

"No, you do not," Chris said. "Now, when I call your name, please stand over there! Arti…











...and Yoshiko," Chris announced

"You guys will be..." Chris said as he threw a green banner at them, which Harold grabbed.

"...The Screaming Gophers."

"Awesome." Harold said, "That's like...amazing."

"A Gopher?" Darry asked, "You have got to be kidding."

Bucky wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Come on Darry, it's not that bad."

"Exactly, Gophers are fierce animals," Gabriel said.

Darry sighed, "Fine. I'll take your word for it."

Bucky smirked. "Cool."

"Why have we got to be screaming?" Arti glared at Chris.

"Moving on," Chris said ignoring Arti's question "The next team will consist of...




















...and LK."

"You shall be known as…." Chris started saying as he threw a Red Banner who was grabbed by Noman. "The Killer Bass!"

Nonam looked at the banner and nodded hesitantly.

"Interesting name, let's see how well it fits our team when stuff commences," He looked over at Arianna and smiled.

Arianna smiled back at Noman.

"Well with a name like that I get the feeling we will do well," She said.

"That name makes us sound kinda ruthless...I like it!" LK declared.

"Hey guys, could you pose for a team photo?" Jimmy requested, readying his camera in the process.

"You got it!" Omelette sported a grin, as she started to pose. "Get my good side!"

Chris rolled his eyes at them. "Moving on! The next team will be made up of…












And… Wendelle…"

"You guys are the Raging Beavers!" Chris announced, tossing them a blue colored banner at the people called. Owen caught it.

"WOOHOO!" Owen grinned.

Noah looked at everyone else on his team. "Everyone besides Owen don't really seem to like that name. Could we try a different name?"

"All team names are finalized," Chris grinned. "Meaning no."

"Why are we raging, eh?" Ezekiel asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"Yaaarr, what be this beaver Cap'N McLean?" Wendelle asked.

"You be the beaver," He replied, mocking her.

"We are all beavers," Izzy said.

Cole looked at those who hadn't been called yet, including himself.

"I guess we're the fourth team, then?" he deadpanned. "So, McLean, what are we called?"

"Shush Cole, you need to wait patiently for the dramatic reveal of the teams" Chris said "Anyway the last team consists of...







"See, I said this would happen", Cole commented, sounding unsurprised.

"Shush Cole or you get disqualified" Chris said.

Cole glared. He didn't like being told what to do, but that money would sure come in handy.






























And Tyler"

"You guys will be known as The Savage Bunnies!" Chris announced as he threw an orange colored banner which was caught by Geoff.

Drake silently nodded.

"But Chris, I can't be on the same team as Sierra," Marisa complained.

"And why not?" Chris asked.

"Honestly for once I agree with her I can't be on the same team as my rival," Sierra said "Please change Marisa to another team for your biggest fan! I'm not letting her steal another man from me!"

"No way you're the one that's switching teams!" Marisa yelled.

"And that's why I'm going to not switch teams," Chris grinned. "Television prefers rivals on the same team."

The two bloggers death glared Chris. Oh boy. Chris looked uneased.

"Well Chris, I for one am honored to be on the same team as these two pretty ladies." Penny said taking out a couple of flowers from her hat and handing them to each blogger.

"Ten points for Gryffindor….or Slytherin...or wherever you're from," Chris told Penny.

Marisa and Sierra smiled at Penny before they started death glaring each other. Oh boy.

"Those girls must be related," Chris whispered to the camera. Then he spoke up. "Anyway, you all have your teams, so as such, get moving people!"

Arti looked around at his team, "So I got stuck with you assholes, huh…?"

"I don't like you either Mr. Mochacho," Duncan pounded his fist together.

He slowly put his hand on the sword handle, "You really want to go through with that?"

Courtney slipped between them.

"That's enough you two," she said. "We are a team, and it's best we act as a team."

"Whatever Princess," Duncan rolled his eyes.

Arti let go of the handle.

"Whatever you say," He rolled his eyes at her.

Harold walked over to them.

"If we are going to accomplish anything, we must do it as a team," he stated.

"That's what she just said nimrod," Eva rolled her eyes. Duncan gave Harold another wedgie.

"Quit it!" Harold groaned. "GOSH!"

On the Killer Bass, Alejandro was smirking to himself.

"It is with greatest pride and pleasure to be working with you lovely people," Alejandro charmed.

Justin, not wanting to let himself get outdone by Alejandro, tried to use some of his own charm.

"You can count on me to get this team far."

"Yes I can," Beth grinned, drooling at Justin's manliness.

"Of course, amigo," Alejandro placed a hand on Justin's shoulder, smiling, blinding Beth from Justin.

"I love the Spanish type," Beth chuckled.

Unfortunately this also blinded Justin and he was running around covering his eyes. "AAAHHH! MY eyes!"

"Are you alright?!" LK cried at Justin.

"Does he look alright?" Heather rolled her eyes.

Nonam remained silent during this entire thing before speaking, only Arianna could hear him.

"It would appear that we might not have had the best luck with our team. But we will need to prosper through these difficult times"

On the Raging Beavers, um, stuff happened as well.

"Hey guys, I'm Owen!" Owen greeted.

"We know dude," Noah rolled his eyes. "We all saw your introduction."

"I didn't," Lucy looked down, tracking her foot around nervously.

Izzy jumped onto Owen's back.

"And I loved your introduction. Then again I loved ALL the introductions. Except Alice, because she's a -"

A card zoomed past Izzy's nose by a millimeter and was stuck into a tree.

"That was the seven of hearts," Alice said. "You wanna continue that sentence?"

Izzy turned towards Alice and hissed at her, getting on all fours.

Noah looked down at Izzy. "Look out. We have a savage."

"That's awesome!" Owen grinned.

"Eep!" Lucy hid behind Leshawna.

"What's wrong with you fools?" Leshawna placed her hand by her hips. "Scaring a little girl like that. There there sugar baby, they don't mean no harm."

David opened his bag and removed a knife, playing around with a blade "If she didn't want to be scared, she shouldn't have signed up. Simple as that.

"Did you not hear the man?" Leshawna asked. "She was tricked. No worries sugar baby, stick with me, and you'll be fine."

"Tricked? Oh, my bad, didn't know she was so gullible," David rolled his eyes, his fingers rubbing against the edge of the blade.

"Why don't you just shut-up," Brian said in his Batman voice. Batman says shut-up? What? "Yeah, you heard me. I can say whatever I want….cause I'm Batman."

"Why don't you go get killed by a clown?" David smirked.

"WHY DID YOU SAY THAT WORD?!" Brian cried.

"We're a joyful team," Noah rolled his eyes.

Ezekiel looked back and forth, "This isn't how we should act as a team, eh!"

"Said no man ever," Noah stated.

The Savage Bunnies' turn. What joyous interactions will occur here? Find out….right now!


"...My name's Tyler," Tyler greeted. "...I'm a jock."

"Yeah dude!" Geoff yelled out. "High five."

Geoff went to give him a high- five but Tyler missed completely and Geoff ended up smacking him in the face "Oh, sorry dude."

How does one miss a high-five? Tyler. That's why we love Tyler.

"So, ladies," Cody grinned at Marisa, Sierra, Katie, Sadie, and Penny. "Name's Cody, and-"

Sierra hugged him.

"MY PRECIOUS!" Sierra cried.

Trent looked up at Sierra hugging Cody. "I think you're killing him…"

"No surprise there," Marisa crossed her arms grumbling.

"Help…...me….." Cody choked.

Drake came with a crowbar. He separated Sierra and Cody by using such a crowbar to squeeze through….wait, where did he get the crowbar?

Tyler appeared behind Drake. "Wait, where did you get a crowbar?"

Drake hid the crowbar behind his back and shrugged.

Thank you Tyler.

"Uh….from a pineapple under the sea?" Drake asked.

"Righteous!" Geoff gave a thumbs up. Okay. We're going with that.

Penny grabbed Cody by the cheek and giggled. "Hey Cody I just wanted to tell you that…" She whispered in his ear, "I think you're really cute."

"Huh?" Cody grinned, thinking, Wow! Sweet! That was really easy than expected!

Sierra looked pissed though. Like really pissed. Marisa couldn't help but snicker at her rival's letdown.

Penny ran a finger under his chin, "I was wondering if you wanted to eat with me later."

"We're on a TV show," Sierra glared at Penny, grabbing Cody and keeping him away from Penny. "And FYI, he's mine!"

"What?!" Cody was wide-eyed. First, he was accused of being a non-human, next he attracted a violent Chris-fan.

"It looks to me like Cody doesn't seem to know that," Penny replied.

Cody nodded in agreement.

"Wow man, already getting the chicks, huh?" Cole asked Cody. "Lucky you."

"Yeah, lucky me," Cody groaned as Sierra gripped him close to her breast.

Marisa rolled her eyes at her rival's actions.

Chris walked over to a confessional booth. "This, is the Confessional, where you can tell the world what you are thinking, your deepest darkest secret, your game strategies, and maybe just come sit there and take a dump once in awhile. And it should be made so no one from the outside can hear what you are saying. Probably."

Confessional: Gold lives for TDI AUs… [3]

Arianna: Great I'm stuck with 47 losers for god knows how long and I have to be nice to all of them; but that's okay because once I win it will be worth it.

Izzy: (starts flushing the toilet over and over again)

Brian: …(takes a deep breath)... I'm Batman….

David: (He starts playing with a knife and twirls it around) These suckers will be lucky to get out alive, before I leave… I'm going to make sure to kill one of them. Oh, but you'll never catch me…

Omelette: This show is gonna rock! And hey, I'm already developing some charts in the meantime! (She takes one out, as she looks at the camera) Nopers! These charts are totally a secret. (She then winks)

Penny: I'm liking the team I'm on. (Smirks) A team full of suckers who will get me where I need to be.

LK: A lot of the people here seem really nice and cool. It's early days, but I think we'll all get along just fine.

Chris coughed to get everyone's attention. "If everyone could follow me to the dining hall."

"Are we finally getting food?" Owen asked.

"If you can call it that," Chris grinned.

"Um Chris?" Beth lisped as she called him. "Where do we shower?"

"Communal washrooms over there," Chris pointed in a direction. "It won't be open until we assign you guys to your cabins…"

"And we didn't get cabins first because?" Noah asked.

"FOOD!" Owen groaned.

"That answer your question?" Chris asked.

Darry and Bucky were next in line to get food. Chef put slop on their plates.

"This is it?" Darry asked with a shocked look.

Chef nodded.

"B-But this is peasant food!" Darry exclaimed, "You can't expect me to eat this!"

Chef growled at Darry. Bucky pulled him away.

"Best make do with it." Bucky told Darry, "Or he'll end up messing you up."

Leshawna shook her head and looked at Eva.

"What's up girl?"

Eva just stared at her and walked off. Leshawna glared.

"Oh it's like that is it?" Leshawna asked.

"NEXT!" Chef cried.

Gabriel walked up to Chef to get his food.

"Thank you for taking the time to prepare this meal" he said with a charming smile

Courtney raised an eyebrow at Gabriel. What a stuck-up snob.

Brian just stared at his food.

"What is this, Joker Venom?" Brian asked in his rough Batman voice. "I'm Batman. I don't eat Joker faeces."

Chef glared deeply at Brian.

"You're on the next train to Arkham Asylum, Hatchet," Brian pointed his finger at him. He walked off.

Lucy looked at Chef and instantly her eyes turned to fear.

"Please don't eat me Mr. Chef Monster sir," Lucy stammered.

"Niñita," Alejandro smiled at Lucy, getting his food. "Mr. Chef Monster sir won't hurt you at all. That's a promise."

"I make no promises pretty boy…" Chef growled.

Nonam walked up to Chef "I don't want to be a burden, but judging by how this food looks and the texture it has, it's not made by any known food in this area. Digestion of this food could cause severe illness to any consumer."

"How about this," Chef growled. "You complain about my cooking, it's not an illness you gotta worry about! Now sit down and eat!"

Nonam took his food and walked away.

The campers were eating their 'food'. They all sat in separate tables based on teams. The Screaming Gophers were quite, disgusted at their food.

Courtney looked at her food in disgust. "It shouldn't be legal to feed us this."

"Contracts," Gabriel took out a sheet of contracts.

Darry rolled his eyes.

"Fucking contracts! Great, did any of us actually read them?"

There was silence in the room.

"I'll take that as a no."

"I read a little," Yoshiko said. "But then I fell asleep."

"I read most of the contract," Gabriel said. "But I didn't think they would actually use the loopholes."

"I don't read," Duncan frowned.

Bridgette bit her nails "We probably should have read it…"

Lindsay looked at her food worryingly, "I think my food is still rare. It moved."

"Don't you mean raw Lindsay?" Arianna asked sweetly.

"It moved?!" Lucy gasped.

"Let me take care of that honey," David smirked as he threw a knife at it, killing whatever was alive. "David, at your service."

Some of the food that was hit by the knife splattered on Heather.

"Ugh why did you do that for?" She asked angrily.

"Do not be angry senorita, it was an accident, you can wash it off," Alejandro nodded at Heather.

"I agree with Al," Carol nodded. "A little mush cause nobody trouble."

Alejandro shivered.

"Whatever losers," Heather said as she crossed her arms.

"Well this sucks," Noah said, looking at his food.

"I'm sure we can made the most of it," Owen tried to reassure his little buddy.

"Yeah!" Izzy grinned. She started gobbling her food messily.

"YAAAAARR!" Wendelle looked in wonder. "That be the work of Davy Jones Locker!"

"So when's the challenge, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"We haven't settled in our cabins yet," Noah rolled his eyes.

"Noah is right," Brian said in his Batman voice. "I'm getting my own….Batcave!"

"No, you fucking aren't," David said.

"Oh look who's back after attacking someone's food," Noah said to David while rolling his eyes.

Marisa and Sierra were glaring at each other not even touching their food. Oh boy.

Penny looked at her slop.


Smoke appeared and when it cleared nice plain oatmeal was where the slop used to be. Penny took a bite happily.

"How did you do that?" Cody asked, impressed.

"That, my cute friend is called magic." Penny smirked.

"Magic doesn't exist," Sierra glared at Penny. "Don't listen to a word she says Cody! She's all lies!"

"Oh my gosh Sadie, I have always wanted to do magic," Katie said.

"Oh my gosh Katie, me too!" Sadie clapped her hands.

Penny turned to them. "Well ladies I'd be happy to take you under my wing."

Katie and Sadie started squealing in unison.

Cole covered his ears.

"Jesus!" Cole cried. "How annoying can you two get?!"

"Don't be mean to them, Cole," Marisa scolded Cole momentarily distracting herself from Sierra.

"You're not sitting with them at least," Cole groaned.

"Yeah but I can hear it," Marisa said death glaring Cole.

Drake pulled out some ear plugs for Cole.

"Thanks," Cole nodded. "...You keep these in your pocket?"

"Found it in the Ghost Dimension," Drake nodded with a smile.

Cole looked at the ear plugs.

"I'm not that desperate," Cole said, a little weirded out.

"Well let me have them, then," Tyler said

Drake nodded and handed the ear plugs to Tyler.

Tyler placed the ear plugs and smiled. At last there was peace. For Tyler at least.

Chris walked in, smiling like the host he was.

"So, everyone enjoy lunch?" Chris asked.

"Will I break my promise to be kind to strangers if I said 'no'?" Lucy asked.

"Of course you will," Chris patted Lucy on the head. "Mr. Chef puts a lot of effort into feeding you guys. If he wasn't here, you guys will be starving and Chef will probably still be luring kids like yourself, in the back of a white- whoops, said too much."

Gabriel looked at Chris and Chef suspiciously, something wrong wasn't quite right.

Chris noticed Gabriel's suspicious look.

"Oh come on, we're not evil," Chris laughed. "Anyway, time for your cabin arrangements!"

"Please tell me I'm with Katie because if I'm not I may just die," Sadie said.

"You guys are on the same team, meaning you guys will be sharing the same cabin, thought it was obvious," Chris blinked.

"Some of us here are lacking education," Courtney eyed certain people.

"Courtney, don't be harsh on them," Gabriel scolded.

"Yes Courtney, listen to Gabriel," Chris nodded. "He's a good role model. Anyway, everyone, follow me!"

Chris led them to their cabins. Four cabins were there. Each wooden and looked exactly the same. The artists were probably lazy.

"I can't live in such a peasant-y place!" Darry complained. "I demand another cabin."

"There's no other cabin Darry," Chris said. "...Besides mine is reserved for 49 people. Sorry."

A lot of campers death glared Chris. Oh boy.

"Worry not dear amigos," Alejandro smiled at his competition. "We need no luxury, we still have a place to stay anyway."

"Alejandro is right," Arianna said seeming captivated by him.

Most of the girls also nodded in agreement whilst Justin glared at him.

Confessional - Does it get hot in Spain?

Alejandro: This is perfect most of the girls are falling for my good looks, this competition is mine.

Justin: I need to think of way to get these girls to notice me.

Arianna: As if I agree with Alejandro, he is obviously up to no good and his pretty face doesn't convince me.

Nonam: I highly doubt anything he does will work.

Darry: The nerve of that horrible man! Making first lying about a hotel, then feeding me peasant food, now he expects me to sleep in a peasant den?! Ugh! I guess I'll try to make the most of it. That Bucky guy is the only non peasant so far. I'll stay close to him.

"Question," Brian raised his hand at Chris whilst speaking in Batman accent. "Do I get a Batcave?"

"We have a bear cave if you want," Chris shrugged.

Brian looked the others and gave a salute.

"I'm Batman!" Brian said in his Batman voice, hurrying off.

"...Well, I guess that means more beds for us," David grinned.

"It would appear so," Damien nodded.

Confessional: Dunnundunnundunnundunun BATMAN!

Damien: Brian will be an odd person to work with. The guy wants to live in a bear cave, speaks in a deep voice, and thinks he's Batman!

Ezekiel: Who's Batman, Eh?

Arti: Please, he'll never be a hero. Nor do I see him making it far in this game whatsoever. Probably a very early boot.

Screaming Gophers (Boys Side)- Arti, Bucky, Darry, Duncan, Gabriel, Harold

"Alright gentlemen, let's figure out a way to select our sleeping arrangements fairly," Duncan grinned.

"How do you suppose we do that?" Darry huffed.

"Simple, Harold gets to choose last," Duncan grinned. "Gabriel here gets to choose first."

"I was thinking more of an alphabetical order or even the possibility that we randomly pick it" Gabriel suggested

Bucky wrapped an arm around Darry. "I can bunk with Darry here."

"Yes!" Darry said quickly, "We can do that!"

"I'm bunking with the dweeb over here," Duncan jerked his thumb at Harold.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Gabriel said.

"And why not?" Duncan asked Gabriel.

"To put this on simple terms," Gabriel said. "You are a brute who needs to use violence and pranks on people who you consider weaker and unfortunately Harold fits into that category."

"Thank you my dear sir," Harold nodded at Gabriel. He was quickly wedgied by Duncan. "Do you have to do that everytime I talk?!"

"Yeah," Duncan snickered.

"Harold why don't you pick between me and Arti," Gabriel said.

"I'm not sleeping with Mohawk," Arti said. "Harold, bunk with me."

Harold smiled but Arti leaned towards him.

"You touch my sword, it's gonna end up through your ass," Arti threatened. Harold nervously nodded.

"Very well I guess I'm bunking with the brute," Gabriel said.

Screaming Gophers (Girls Side)- Bridgette, Courtney, Eva, Sasha, Veronica, Yoshiko

Sasha stepped in the cabin.

Eva impatiently pushed Sasha out of the way. "I'm getting top bunk" She said

Sasha got up quickly and glared at Eva.

"You wanna go?" Sasha scowled.

"Do you wanna go?" Eva asked "Because honestly I think I can easily beat you"

Veronica got in between them, "Ladies, let's not fight."

"She's right." Bridgette said, "We shouldn't fight on our first day."

"I don't fight unless provoked," Sasha said, before pointing to Eva. "And she provoked me!"

"But that doesn't give you the excuse to fight," Courtney interjected. "By fighting we give the other teams an advantage against us."

"Courtney-san is right," Yoshiko nodded. "Chimu no tame no heiwa."

"Yeah, whatever she said!" Bridgette agreed.

"Peace for the team," Yoshiko translated.

"Yeah we need to work well together if we want to win every challenge," Courtney said.

"That's been overused a lot," Sasha raised an eyebrow. "But I'll get along. As for you Miss Brawn, push me down again, then not even Yoshiko's philosophical Japanese phrase will help you."

"And if you get in my way you might get severely injured," Eva said as she glared at Sasha.

"Glad we're in an agreement," Sasha glared.

Courtney sighed.

Killer Bass (Boys Side)- Alejandro, DJ, Jimmy, Justin, Nonam, LK

"So... this is what it's like to go camping," LK smiled.

"It's a quite exciting experience amigo," Alejandro said.

"So much nature to take pictures of," Jimmy grinned. "This is awesome!"

"Someone's happy," Justin frowned. "I'm not looking forward to the dirt that might get tracked onto my shoes or the fact that I might fall and get my face dirty."

"I'm excited to get some pictures that portray nature around here," Jimmy said.

"You have a photo album or something?" DJ asked, smiling.

"Of course I do," Jimmy said. "Unfortunately I left it at home"

"Such misfortune," Nonam shook his head, clearly not caring.

"Aren't you excited amigo?" Alejandro asked.

"Eh," Nonam shrugged. "I could care less. It would be rather intriguing to witness a bear for the first time in person, however."

"But bears can attack you and make you ugly," Justin said gasping.

"You're right!" LK gasped.

"I don't wanna meet a bear!" Jimmy gasped.

Nonam groaned. This was going to be a long summer.

Confessional: A very long summer…

Nonam: Can I just say how much I dislike my fellow campers. Just hearing them the first time has got me thinking. Justin isn't gonna be using his full potential in challenges, Jimmy and LK are both weak links, DJ seems tolerable for now, and Alejandro? Something's doesn't quite sit right with him.

Jimmy: My first day thoughts? Amazing! I met some really nice people, and I got a crush! (starts blushing) Lucy is really pretty…

Killer Bass (Girls Side)- Arianna, Beth, Carol, Heather, Lindsay, Omelette

"Ugh Bunk beds really? It's like we are in a crappy summer camp," Heather said in frustration.

"That's the idea silly!" Omelette giggled at Heather.

"Well look at the bright side everyone," Arianna said sweetly. "The cabin certainly has it's charm."

"Not as charming as Alejandro," Beth sighed happily, lisping.

"That man can cook a rat in its garments," Carol laughed.

"Rats have garments?" Lindsay asked.

"I don't see what you losers see in Alejandro" Heather said "He doesn't look that impressive."

"You totally like him!" Omelette giggled. "It's a common cliche. Girl says they don't like a guy. They end up dating, then getting married, then they have sex, then they make babies, lots and lots of babies and then-"

"You need to shut your mouth crazy gal," Carol chuckled, clamping her hand over Omelette's mouth. "We ain't needing that kind of info."

"Well girls, we shouldn't let Alejandro's good looks distract us from performing in challenges" Arianna interjected.

"I'll make it a part time thing," Beth lisped.

"Me too!" Lindsay smiled.

"Me three!" Carol laughed.

"Me want some of that butt, too!" Omelette giggled before getting awkward stares. "Oh come on, you all know you want some of that butt. Especially Heather!"

Heather simply rolled her eyes.

Confessional - Everyone wants a piece of Alejandro's ass.

Heather: Why do the girls think I like Alejandro? I don't like him at all, he is just a handsome jerk. (She covers her mouth) I didn't say anything.

Arianna: Wow these girls are incredibly idiotic, the guy isn't even all that and they are all fawning over the guy. (She grins) Manipulating them all myself will be as easy as ruining a girl's reputation in my school.

Omelette: Hehe, I totally ship AleHeather.

Raging Beavers (Boys Side)- Damien, David, Ezekiel, Noah, Owen

"You guys think that Brian guy will be okay, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"Eh, no one gives a rat's damn about him," David chuckled. "Can't wait to see him get mauled by a bear."

"As much as I don't like what David just said, I think it's plausible to say Brian's gonna get eliminated thanks to death," Damien said. "You never wander alone in war. Never."

"Whatever you say General Damien," Noah sarcastically replied.

"So…" Owen looked at the boys who chose all the bottom bunks. "...I guess I get top bunk?"

The boys immediately went wide-eyed and jumped off the bed.

"NO!" they cried simultaneously.

"Why not?" Owen asked.

"We're not looking forward to get crushed in our sleep," Noah blantly replied.

"Aw, it's not all that bad," Owen chuckled, climbing on a top bunk of a bunk bed and instantly breaking it. Only three bunk beds left.

"Good thing Brian isn't here, eh," Ezekiel said.

"Wonder how's he doing?" Damien asked.

"As I said, probably dead," David said chuckling.

In A Bear Cave…

Brian was currently fighting a bear.

"You found the Batcave Bear," Brian said in his Batman voice. "I don't know how, but you did. I'm taking you to Arkham Asylum!"

He got out a pair of….handcuffs? This guy came prepared!

Raging Beavers- Alice, Gwen, Izzy, Leshawna, Lucy, Wendelle

"IZZY GETS TOP BUNK," Izzy yelled as she entered the cabin.

"Whatever," Alice shrugged. She played with another card in her hand.

"And my mortal enemy takes my bottom," Izzy added.

"As I said, 'Whatever'," Alice shrugged.

"Um, can I take another top bunk?" Lucy asked, nervously.

"It's Canada," Gwen told Lucy. "We're free to pick our own choice in beds."

"Don't be harsh on her Gwen, she's really nervous" Leshawna said. "You can bunk with me sugar baby."

Lucy nodded at Leshawna.

"Then it's just me and...pirate girl," Gwen groaned when she realized who she was bunking with.

"AAAAAR I guess I have meself a new sailor," Wendelle said.

"Kill me now," Gwen groaned.

"My card is sharp enough to cut through flesh," Alice handed her a card. "It's the four of diamonds."

"I won't let mortal enemy kill Gwen," Izzy said.

"Girls, girls!" Leshawna frowned. "You are free to kill yourselves anytime you like, just not in front of Lucy alright?"

"Fine, I guess," Gwen shrugged.

"Izzy makes no promises!" Izzy said with a grin.

Confessional: Cross your heart and hope to not be killed by Izzy or Alice.

Lucy: I'm, actually kind of terrified of Izzy right now. She has those sharp teeth, and that red hair. (gasps) Mother warned me about the tales of the Boogeyman! Could the Boogeyman be Izzy? (gasps again) No! It's the Boogeyman's wife! The Boogeywoman! I'm absolutely terrified now!

Gwen: It's official. This place sucks.

Savage Bunnies (Boys Side)- Cody, Cole, Drake, Geoff, Trent, Tyler

"Well here we are," Cody said "Our cabin."

"Alright, sweet!" Tyler grinned. "This is awesome!"

"I just saw a cockroach come by," Cole pointed. "That's not awesome."

"Duuuude are you always this negative?" Geoff asked.

"Maybe," Cole shrugged.

Drake handed him bug spray.

"Oh cool, thanks," Cole nodded, before raising an eyebrow at him.

"Where do you keep getting these things?" Trent asked.

"...From Fairy World?" Drake answered.

"Makes sense," Tyler nodded. Really, Tyler?

Cole facepalmed.

"Eh heh, Drake," Cody chuckled. "You wouldn't happen to have...a...I don't know….a magazine...on girls, would ya?"

"I would, but Grim took it before I could even look at it," Drake said.

"I think you need pepper spray more than anything," Cole told Cody chuckling.

"Um, who's Grim?" Tyler asked.

"My friend," Drake nodded. "He's a grim reaper. He has friends named Billy and Mandy as well."

"That's awesome!" Tyler grinned.

"Correction Cole, maybe Drake needs that pepper spray?" Trent asked.

"Well Drake doesn't have a stalker so he will be fine without it," Cole said.

"Alright," Trent shrugged.

Savage Beavers (Girls Side)- Katie, Marisa, Penny, Sadie, Sierra, Vikki

"I get top bunk" Marisa and Sierra said simultaneously before glaring at each other.

"I get top…." Katie started.

"And I get bottom!" Sadie completed.

After that they squealed in unison.

"Aw, you two are adorable!" Vikki giggled.

"We should probably put the bloggers on separate bunks," Penny told Vikki. Vikki sprayed water into Penny's face using the flower clipped on her clown outfit.

"Sure thing Penny!" Vikki giggled.

Penny glared at Vikki.

"I bunk with Marisa while you bunk with Sierra," She said.

"Okey-dokey!" Vikki nodded, walking towards a bed; her shoes were squeaking.

Chris was on the intercom speaking to every camper.

"Campers, it's time for your first challenge!" Chris announced. "Please change into your swimsuits."

All the campers were outside their cabins about to get themselves ready.

"What do you think the first challenge will be?" Arianna whispered to Noman.

"It's probably gonna be something very life-threatening," Nonam said.

The campers were then dressed into their swimsuits and were standing on top of an 80-foot high cliff.

Below, a series of rings with the smallest one surrounded by buoys. Some sharks could be noticed as well as…other things.

"Called it," Nonam said.

[1] Duncan is Omakin's least favorite character.

[2] Gareat is Omakin's unique way of saying great.

[3] This story was suggested by fellow writer GoldEmblem.

Screaming Gophers

Arti - The Sword Wielder

Bridgette - The Surfer Chick

Bucky - The So-Called Best

Courtney - The Type A

Darry - The Rich Oddball

Duncan - The Juvenile Delinquent

Eva - The Female Bully

Gabriel - The Politician's Son

Harold - The Wiz Kid

Sasha - The Feisty Rebel

Veronica - The Bubbly Barbie

Yoshiko - The Sheepish Schoolgirl

Killer Bass

Alejandro - The Spanish Manipulator

Arianna - The Two-Faced Girl

Beth - The Wannabe

Carol - The Southern Belle

DJ - The Teddy Bear

Heather - The Queen Bee

Jimmy - The Teen Photographer

Justin - The Eye Candy

Lindsay - The Ditzy Blonde

Nonam - The Absolute Brainiac

Omelette - The Gal Pal

LK - The Chivalrous Nerd

Raging Beavers

Alice - The Supreme Gambler

Brian - The Batman Wannabe

Damien - The Smooth War Hero

David - The Psychopathic Brawn

Ezekiel - The Homeschooled Prairie Boy

Gwen - The Gothic Loner

Izzy - The Psycho Hose Beast

Leshawna - The Big Sista

Lucy - The Flower Child

Noah - The Witty Bookworm

Owen - The Jolly Giant

Wendelle - The Pseudo Pirate

Savage Bunnies

Cody - The Ladies Man

Cole - The Rebellious Orphan

Drake - The Cartoon Fanatic

Geoff - The Party Animal

Katie - The First BFFF

Marisa - The Genki Blogger

Penny - The 'Friendly' Magician

Sadie - The Second BFFF

Sierra - The Obsessive Fangirl

Trent - The Cool Guitarist

Tyler - The Accident-Prone Jock

Vikki - The Benevolent Clown

Contributors to Total Drama Island: Revision Chapter 1:


Dark Angel of Sorrow



Noel Batsworth




Author's Note:

GoldEmblem: The first episode/chapter of the series. What can I say? It's always the longest out of every chapter. It's also the starting point of a wonderful and colorful cast of unique characters and interactions.

Noel Batsworth: A very interesting, wonderful, unique collaborative experience. It was extremely fun to write and I hope it's just as fun to read!

Omakin: Oh my this was a long and enjoyable experience. And this officially marks the first time I'm doing something in relation to writing in this site. I'm super excited to be a part of this and I really hope you enjoyed this.

Otterplay: Hello, I am the famous (Not really) Otterplay. I have one fan. Anyways, as you noticed, this story is being posted on my account because I can and because no one else wanted to. End of story.

GoldEmblem: He called it first.

Otterplay: You wanna fight?

GoldEmblem: The kids are watching this.

Otterplay: Perfect. An audience.

GoldEmblem: Who's your favorite contestant so far? And don't say Nonam, Arti, or David.

Otterplay: Arianna and Alice. Anyways! That's it for now.