This is my first PJO and Voltron fanfic, so don't kill me if things are a bit off. Plus, the author doesn't own anything, just a lot of homework. And owls.


Annabeth leaned on Percy's shoulder gazing at the star-filled sky and the mirrored reflection of it on the lake that stretched out before them. It was only a bit after dinner, so the harpies weren't on the prowl yet, but it pained her to think this moment would have to end.

"You worry too much, you know that?" Percy smirked at her and she gazed back questioningly. "What? I didn't even say anything." she protested. His smirk only grew wider.

"You don't have to. That cute little expression says it all." her boyfriend said as he booped her nose and turned his gaze back to the sky. Normally, Annabeth would've ripped the arm off anyone who booped her nose, but she didn't want to maim her boyfriend, that might cause a few problems.

She turned her expression back towards the evening sky as well. The moon was at it's fullest point and the stars were shining brightly tonight. As if on cue, a shooting star flicked through the sky and her eyes widened in surprise.

Can shooting stars be purple? she wondered. Percy apparently noticed as well and pointed at the direction of the star with a concerned expression on his face. That's when Annabeth realized the "star" never disappeared. It kept falling down, down, down towards the earth. Straight in their direction.

"What in Zeus's name is that?" he asked. Annabeth shook her head and shrugged. By the looks of it, the shining purple object was going to fall straight into the lake. She rushed to the very edge of the shore and spotted the naiads immediately in the water. She waved frantically to them and they swam to the surface.

She told them the situation and to help in any way they could, especially if the object was a person. She turned back to Percy only to find that he wasn't standing on the patch of grass anymore, rather he was sprinting in the direction of the big house, most likely off to warn Chiron. That smart little seaweed brain.

Annabeth couldn't do much except wait for the object to fall, which wasn't long. The thing crashed straight into the water just as she predicted, much too fast to get a look at it, but she hoped it wasn't a person. She saw the water ripple violently in which she could only assume that the naiads were doing their work.

The child of Athena heard galloping hooves and found Chiron racing towards her with Percy, Will Solace, and Piper struggling to keep up behind him. She whirled around again and set her sights on the lake for any activity before she groaned.

Of course her night was ruined.

Shiro could distantly hear voices fading in and out of mind, but mostly everything was a blur. He remembered landing in a lot of water, but something brought him to the surface. He also remembered a lot of people talking shortly after he landed in the water, or was it even water? Most planets have strange liquids as a replacement of water. He just hoped it wasn't dangerous.

The black paladin slowly opened his eyes to see someone right up in face. He gasped and swung his now lit up cyborg arm at the person. However, an inch away from the stranger's face he stopped himself.

"Who are you?" he asked the person suspiciously. The stranger was no older than fifteen with light blonde hair and an almost perfect tan. They widened their eyes, obviously just now taking in the fact that he was in a precarious position.

"Whoa, dude, calm down. I'm just checking to see if you have any wounds. So if you could please put the arm down, that would be great." the blond boy said as he backed away from Shiro. He was obviously unarmed.

Shiro relaxed a little bit before replying with a short, "I'm fine." The boy's face hardened a bit. "Listen I'm a doctor. I'll say you're fine when I know you're fine." Shiro glared at the boy and his arm started to power up again. The boy 'eeped' and hastily replied, "You're fine, you're fine!" Shiro finally put his cyborg arm to his side and took in his surroundings.

He seemed to be in some sort of an infirmary and before he stood up, he was occupying one of the beds. Shiro turned back to the boy and asked again, "Who are you and where am I?" Blondie was still a little shocked but replied, "W-Will Solace. You're at Camp Halfblood, New York." Shiro frowned.

"You mean I'm on Earth?" Will shot him a puzzled look. "Of course, where else would you be?" Shiro restrained from saying, the Roulite System, but ended up not saying anything at all when a centaur came through the doorway, accompanied by a young blonde girl with striking grey eyes.

They stopped in surprise when they found he was awake and Will quickly darted out the door. Shiro stared expectantly at them, waiting for the inevitable interrogation to come.

"Who are you?" the girl finally asked, the hostility evident in her eyes. Her right hand gripped a white blade as her other hand was tightly clenched in a fist

"Takashi Shirogane. Who are you?" came his curt reply. She looked as if she were about to retort before the centaur reached his hand out to block the girl. "This is Annabeth and I am Chiron, the activities director at this camp. We welcome you here, but we would like to know where you're from." the centaur said nicely, while the girl fumed beside him.

They gazed at him expectantly as he scrambled for an answer. He couldn't just casually throw out that he was from space, that would raise a lot of questions, but he would need their help getting back to the Castle of Lions. Besides they probably saw his arm and from the last time he was on Earth, they didn't have this kind of technology.

"Okay, well, I can't remember much," he began deciding to leave out a few details, "But, I was on a spaceship and something went wrong, everything became a blur and somehow I ended up here." Chiron seemed to take that as an adequate answer and stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"Well Takashi, we'll have to let your comrades in space know that you're okay and hopefully relatively soon. In the meantime, you can stay here. I'm sure the Hephaestus Cabin can whip something up to send a signal to space quickly. They're all geniuses."

"Thank you Chiron, but it's just Shiro." he replied and Annabeth only frowned. "Now," Chiron began, "Since you're going to stay here, you'll eventually learn about our secret." Shiro gave him a confused look as Annabeth stepped forward to explain.

"We are all children of Greek gods and goddesses. Normally we wouldn't tell anyone otherwise they would think we were crazy, but you can see through the Mist, which is the veil of magic that configures the mortal's view on any magic. Anyways, everyone here is a demigod, half mortal and half god; we train her at this camp so when we enter the world, we can defend ourselves from monsters who are constantly trying to kill us. I am a daughter of Athena."

Shiro took a moment to process this new information, then shrugged. "I've seen weirder." he casually replied. She looked a little offended that he took it in so easily, but Chiron motioned for both of them to follow him. Annabeth shot him a suspicious glance before joining Chiron at his side. Shiro dutifully followed.

He promised to himself that he would figure out why she was so suspicious of him. He'd just have to be patient. After all, patience yields focus.


Eh, I didn't proofread this so if it's poor quality, well that's too bad. Anyways, leave a review if you want (that's my only form of motivation, so if you want more chapters, leave more reviews) and stay beautiful. Bye y'all.
