A boy stood out in the cold, a singular bag over his shoulder. He looked down at the ground, tears clouding his eyes and spilling out to his chin. Snow circled down through the sky to add to the growing pile across the ground. In his hand he clutched at a small faded box, one of the last things his parents had given him beforeā€¦ He took a shuddering breath as another bout of sobs shook through him. He didn't want to think about what happened, but he didn't think he could ever forget it. There had been so much blood. Images flashed through his head and he didn't want to think of any of them up, yet they continued. An adult stopped beside him, a female who had been with him for the car ride over and had tried to calm him down, she had as much success in that as the police had.

"It's time to go in." She stated simply, though in a soft voice, seeming to try and comfort him again. It didn't help. He gave a small nod, knowing that he had to, that there was nowhere else to go. Looking up, he saw the orphanage. A place he had only heard of, but never seen, and had certainly never been to. She tried to take his hand, but he instantly shed away. Her eyebrows furrowed up, clearly concerned about him. He looked back at the building that looked so bleak, especially in the snow that seemed brighter than the old stone walls.

She didn't try to take his hand this time, just stepping forward slowly, clearly expecting him to follow. He didn't want to go to the orphanage, he didn't want his parents to be dead, he didn't want any of this. He wanted to be back home, curled up safe and warm with his parents. Yet he didn't voice his complaints, didn't say he didn't belong here, or that he wanted to go home. He knew better. Orphanages were for people with no parents, so he was an orphan. More than that though, he knew that he deserved to be here. He had been responsible for what had happened to his parents.

It was all his fault. He had killed them, and nothing he ever did could change that. He was the one who had shouted at them that he wished they were dead, and then they had died not even a day later. How could he have done such a thing? What was wrong with him, doing such a stupid thing? He had killed them, and he would never forgive himself for that. He could never go back, he belonged in prison. And if anyone found out, he'd be sent there. So, he would keep silent and not make another mistake. He would stay here, where all children without parents belonged.

So he gave a small nod, rubbing at his wet eyes as he started forward, walking a little behind the woman, the snow crunching under his feet as they walked to the front door.

Years had gone by since he first entered the orphanage. Not much had changed since the beginning. He was older now. Harry now had longer black hair then when he had arrived, though still short, he didn't want it to be yanked or pulled at. His eyes were still green, staring off in the distance in thought. He sat silently eating a small snack he had been given. It was rare to get snacks, but it was obvious that the caretaker Trina still felt sorry for him, which was uncommon. Most had stopped feeling sorry and just felt annoyed the longer he went without much 'progress'. Most didn't even try interacting with him, and when they did, it was usually negative. He wasn't sure how he felt about being pitied, he'd much rather be ignored.

He didn't need pity, he didn't deserve it. Anything he suffered, he deserved. "Oi!" Blinking, he looked around at the word, knowing he had been alone a moment before. He took a deeper breath when he saw Mason coming over to him, giving a glare. As Mason stood over him in an intimidating manner, he practically spit out, "Why the fuck do you get special treatment?" Mason's lip curled back in obvious anger. He didn't try taking the snack, but from previous encounters, he had stated he didn't like the idea of sharing germs. Or something like that.

Instead Mason grabbed the front of Harry's shirt, only to shove him over the rock he had been sitting on. Of course, he fell into a little rock bed, and his back hit a sharp rock, and he was forced into such an awkward position that he was sure he'd be sore from just that for the day. His back complained the most though. He rolled over and sat up once he was off the rocks, looking up at Mason. He did nothing else, just watching the other.

Apparently that was the wrong thing to do, because Mason let out an annoyed sound and took a step forward, pulling his hand back and all Harry could do was close his eyes right before the fist made impact with his face. That hurt, and would most definitely leave a bruise. At least he didn't bite his mouth, that would have made it worse. "Hey!" There was a voice he did recognize instantly, even with his body hurting in two areas and distracting him. Mason stopped, turning his gaze to look at the other boy who came storming over, looking just as stoic as ever, but Harry could tell by the hastened pace, the drawn back shoulders, and the slightly darker eye shade that the other was furious.

Mason didn't seem to notice, but he started away quickly. Nobody liked making Tom angry. He knew that Tom could easily punish him, and had no problems doing so. Unlike Harry, who just took the beating without lifting a finger in his defense. Tom stood beside him, staring after Mason's retreating back before facing towards Harry. "Why do you always let people hit you? They might actually seriously hurt you one day!" Tom stated, but Harry could tell he was still angry. Harry just shrugged, not making any excuse. He did hang his head a bit, feeling bad that Tom was angry at the situation, but really, he deserved the bullying, and so much more. Tom let out an obviously frustrated grunt, "Just, be more careful at the very least."

How often had he heard that from the other? Too many times. He gave a nod, recalling one time when he had been hurt badly and Tom's reaction to it. Tom seemed to accept his silent agreement, though he probably knew Harry would do nothing about it still, nothing more than he had been. He looked down at the snack that had fallen out of his hands while being shoved around, frowning a bit before moving to sit down again, holding his cheek. "Want me to help patch it up?" Tom questioned. Harry only shrugged at the question, not really caring. If it made Tom feel better, he wouldn't stop him, but he wasn't going to ask for it either. He still thought he deserved worse.

Tom just sat next to him, not making any move to do anything about the harsh bruise. "I leave for even a moment and this happens." Harry didn't respond to that, just watching the other silently. Tom sighed heavily, seeming to let go most of his anger before he asked, "You want to go to the library?" At that, Harry gave an eager nod. They weren't restricted to the orphanage every day after all. Especially when they were old enough not to get lost. Despite Harry's smaller frame, he was almost eleven now. He enjoyed going to the library, nobody expected anything from him, and he could sit and either get lost in another world far from this one, or learn things beyond what the schooling program the orphanage provided. Tom also enjoyed the library, and anything that Tom enjoyed Harry basked in as well. They were practically inseparable after all.

Tom stood up, holding his hand out, which Harry took as he was helped up. Intertwining their fingers, Tom started towards the orphanage back doors. Walking through the busy halls, nobody bothered him or Tom as they left through the front door. The helpers had long ago stopped trying to prevent Tom from leaving when he wanted to leave. Many people were afraid of Tom, but Harry never felt that around the other, not ever. He could scarcely imagine how his life would have been like without Tom there beside him. Harry knew he didn't deserve somebody as good as Tom, yet he clung to him desperately, and he didn't even entertain the thought of leaving the dark haired male. He doubted he ever would. He was just thankful Tom was there for him and while it was selfish, he was thrilled that Tom was only his.

The librarian was taken with Tom, who was charming to those he liked. Harry had seen enough times how the adults Tom needed or liked fawned over him. Most ignored Harry's presence, but he prefered that. The librarian said a bright hello to Tom and Harry, though again Harry felt like the one directed towards him was more to be polite. He gave a small wave back as Tom smiled and gave a wave of his own. After the greeting was done with, they went straight to the adult section. Anybody who recognized them didn't stop them or try and direct them to the teen or children section.

Once they were there, Harry detached from Tom so they could both find a few books that caught their eyes. They both usually spent the whole day in the library once there, and devoured any books they could find. It was a sizable library, and seemed to get new books monthly. When Harry came back to the table they usually sat at, Tom was already there with three books. Two were thick tomes on different historical periods, and another thinner book about more modern politics.

Harry took his usual seat beside Tom with a book on psychology - mainly one that talked about nature vs. nurture - a book on travel, one on more advanced mathematics, as well as a fantasy book for fun. He doubted he'd get through them all just today, but he liked jumping from book to book to give his mind time to absorb information and so he didn't get bored. If he ever did encounter a word he didn't understand, he showed it to Tom, but he hardly ever needed that anymore.

Starting with the mathematics book, figuring he would bore of that quicker than the other books he got, since it wasn't exactly a riveting subject. According to Tom though, he wouldn't have the chance to study it much longer, so he was determined to learn as much as he could for now. Other than a glance to see what Harry had picked up, Tom went back to reading. They spent most the day in amiable silence, other than showing each other things they found interesting.

The library sadly closed at eight, and while it was still summer, with the sun high in the sky Harry always thought it was earlier then it was. It wasn't until Tom stood to put away his own books, Harry figured it was time to go soon. Putting his own books away where he found them, he met Tom in the center of the room before Tom once again entwined their fingers and tugged him out of the building. "Your birthday's coming up." Tom said simply.

Harry nodded his head to show he knew and understood. Tom rolled his eyes, "If you see something you want, point it out." Smiling a bit, Harry knew what he already wanted. Tom stole most things he wanted, since they didn't really get an allowance, like some of the other children had. When they passed the candy store, Harry tugged on their connected arms, making Tom pause and looked towards him. In response, Harry pointed to the candy shop.

"Again, huh? I supposed I shouldn't be surprised. You always ask for sweets. Alright, if you're sure, I'll get your favorite." Harry smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically to show he was happy with this. Tom once again tugged Harry along, and they continued on to the orphanage. Even if it was where he belonged, Harry didn't like being there much. Tom was the only thing that made it bearable and prevented him from sinking into a pit of despair.

When they made it back, they got there just in time for dinner. The matron of the orphanage didn't seem pleased at their near tardiness, and if they had been out for another minute they probably would have had to answer to her, or probably be locked out. Tom glared at her, and she scoffed, telling them to get in before she locked the doors. She snapped at them to be on time. At least she didn't say anything about their entwined hands, as she used to make a point of doing. Making their way to the dining room, Tom walked tall and unashamed, quite opposite to Harry who hung his head silently and followed the tug of Tom's hand, trusting the other male to guide him. The matron didn't question where he'd gotten the bruise on his cheek either, but Harry hardly expected her to at this point.

The food was as bland as usual, but at least it was warm and somewhat filling. Once they were done eating in the noisy hall, Tom and Harry went to their room. It was common to share a room, though Tom had to 'convince' the Matron to allow them the room together. They had separate beds, but as often as Harry tried to sleep on his own, he would be plagued with horrible dreams, or just unable to sleep due to the chill and end up crawling into Tom's bed before the end of the night. Some days he didn't even bother trying to sleep in his own bed. Tom never seemed to mind, always opening the covers and inviting Harry inside before wrapping them both up against the chill.

It was comforting, sleeping with Tom. Harry wasn't sure why, but he didn't really care, as long as it soothed most his nightmares away. Besides, Tom was like a heater and comforting. Tonight he decided he'd try sleeping in his own bed, despite the fact they both knew how futile it would be. There were few belongings they could call their own. Some clothes, a couple books they had long since outgrown, and the like. Though Tom stole a lot of other things from the children if they annoyed him, and to give to Harry. He used them sometimes, like more fitting clothes, or sweets. He hadn't used to accept them at all to begin with, but his resolve wavered as he found the gesture endearing. Even if Tom stole them from others, which didn't sit well, he didn't steal them for himself, mostly for Harry.

Once he started feeling tired, he crawled into his own bed. Tom flicked off the lights before moving to his own bed and Harry heard him laying down. Closing his own eyes, he couldn't help but notice how big, cold and empty his own bed felt. He tried to push it away, but it only got worse as he slipped into dreams and was woken by horrific images. Startling awake with a shout. He shook his head, running a hand through his sweaty hair, feeling chilled at the same time. Shaking his head, he couldn't get the images out of his head and let out a small whimper. Getting out of the bed, his bare feet touched the cold floorboards as he traversed the small distance between the two beds.

He didn't have to even make much sound as Tom turned and lifted the blanket far enough to invite Harry, which he instantly took as he crawled under the blanket and curled up near Tom, who ran his hand through Harry's hair soothingly until Harry finally fell back into a much easier and restful sleep.

Days passed, as they usually did in summer until finally it was nearing Harry's birthday. With the approach of his eleventh birthday, came a visitor to the orphanage. He was an elderly man with long, silvery white hair and beard that were very long. He wore weird robe-like clothes. He drew a lot of attention coming in, being too old to be looking to adopt, and the strange clothes.

Harry only saw him from a distance when the man came in and asked one of the helpers to talk to the matron. Tom was beside him and leaned into whisper into his ear, even though they were nowhere near the man, "Don't look directly into his eyes. You can look at his face, but don't make eye contact." Harry nodded, not questioning it. Whatever Tom said was usually something to take seriously. Especially when said in the exact tone Tom was using, demanding attention and compliance.

Tom tugged him up and they went into the room that they called theirs. They sat on Harry's bed, and he knew they would wait there for the strange man. They waited in silence, their hands not entwined anymore, but they were sitting on the bed so close together that their shoulders and knees brushed against each other. Eventually, after what felt like perhaps half an hour, there was a knock on the door, making Harry's head jerk up. "Come in." Tom said smoothly.

The elder man came in and Harry was sure not to look in directly in the eyes as he entered. Though Harry noticed he had half rimmed glasses, and smiled kindly. "Harry, I assume?" Harry nodded his head, "Then you must be Tom." Tom gave a nod of his own. He stepped into the room, "Can I talk to Harry alone?" For some reason, even though he probably should have, Harry hadn't expected the request. He shook his head, moving his hand to grip at Tom's hand, as if terrified that Tom might take heed to the words.

"I'm not going anywhere Harry, don't worry." Tom assured.

"I know that you usually are inseparable, but I'm afraid that this is something for Harry only."

Harry shook his head again, panicked that the other would try and separate them. He was even tempted to talk just to tell the other man no. He didn't speak though, as he hadn't in years. "I'll handle this Harry. Perhaps you'd like to sit down?" Tom offered.

The man only smiled, "Oh, may I? I was a bit worried you'd see it as intruding." Like the man hadn't at his suggestion to separate them.

Tom's mouth became tighter too, obviously in displeasure. "Not at all." He said though.

The man sat down on the opposite bed - Tom's bed, "Now, I know this must be hard for you two, but there comes a time when we must do things on our own."

Shaking his head, Tom released Harry's hand and stood. Panic flew further into his mind, and he gripped Tom's sleeve desperately, but it was a loose grip, knowing he couldn't keep Tom from leaving, not if he wanted. Harry just felt despair that Tom was leaving. The older man looked pleased. "I'm staying." Tom said firmly. Harry felt relief that Tom had just stood to seem more intimidating and prove a point. The man however, didn't seem as impressed or pleased.

"Now Tom, maybe if I explain a bit. Harry here has been accepted into a school his parents went to, but you have not. You two will need to separate."

"I don't think you understand, so perhaps I should explain to you." Tom was clearly not happy with being talked down to, though he had yet to completely drop playing nice. Though Harry could tell it was a close thing, "I'm going with Harry wherever he goes because I'm his genie."

Whatever the man had expected, that wasn't it, his color drained and his mouth was agape for a moment before he closed it, clearing his throat. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me." Tom nearly hissed out, and Harry hardly saw the other so mad that he dropped his charming and stoic demeanors, "I'm not leaving my master and you should know there is no magic that can separate us. He is already well aware of the wizarding world. I don't see why you haven't contacted him before, but that's neither here nor there right now. We'll be taking the letter."

"I'd very much like to talk to Harry." The man was clearly not impressed with Tom's words.

"I'm sure you learned from the matron that Harry doesn't speak."

The man sighed, looking to Harry, who shifted uncomfortably. "Harry, do you know about the wizarding world?" He gave a nod. Tom had told him a lot about it, and he always looked forward to his letter. He didn't expect it to go quite like this though. He hoped Tom wasn't mad at him. The man seemed to debate something before saying, "Very well." He reached into his robes and produced a thick letter. Harry zeroed in on it, excitement rushing through him despite the hostility in the air. Tom took a step forward, but the man stood and walked to Harry and handed it over to him. Hesitating a moment, and realizing that he had bypassed Tom on purpose, Harry looked towards Tom, questioning with a look.

This seemed to soothe some of Tom's anger, and he nodded. The elder man seemed upset with Harry's request of approval. Harry took the letter, giving a smile and nod towards the man, which seemed to placate him as well, who stood at his full height, "Alright Harry. If you ever wish for help, I'm headmaster Dumbledore. Never feel too fearful to approach me about anything." Harry got the hint that it was if he ever wanted to talk about Tom. Harry knew he'd never do so. "Do you know how to get to Diagon Alley to fetch your school supplies?" Harry gave a nod to confirm he did. He hadn't ever been there, but he knew Tom would most likely know how to, since the other had spoken of it. "I'll take my leave then." Dumbledore gave a smile and without even a glance at Tom, left through the door.

Once Tom seemed sure that the man wasn't coming back did he sit back down. "The nerve of that man." Tom fumed. Harry didn't say anything - of course - and looked over the envelope, turning it in his hands to look at the seal that was on it. The Hogwarts crest shown back at him. Looking up, some of the excitement must have shown through, because Tom gave a small, slight smile and said, "Go ahead, it's not going to open by itself." He knew then that Tom wasn't angry at him, and smiled himself, looking down at the letter and opening it.

He read the introductory letter and then the list of supplies and couldn't help but feel some hope at the opportunity to go to Hogwarts with Tom. It would be nice to see the magical world that Tom had told him so much about.

To say Dumbledore was troubled would be a horrid under exaggeration. Genies were powerful beings and not to be trifled with. In fact, most genie objects were destroyed with the genie inside. It was just too dangerous to keep them around. Too tempting to make a wish, that the genie would always bend to their own desires and needs. For a child to hold a genie was terrifying. They were dangerous creatures that needed to be destroyed.

Unfortunately, when at the call of a wizard, they were tied in with the wizard's magic. Nothing too noticeable, but they could not answer the call of anybody else picking up the item that housed them, and if they were destroyed while still under a wizard or witch, their magic would be forcibly ripped from their body, usually causing instant death to the master of the genie. Dumbledore couldn't destroy the genie while it was attached to Harry. That was for certain, yet he feared what would become of the boy, if perhaps his fate would be worse than death if left with the creature. One could never tell with the monstrosities that were manipulative genies.

It worried him more because he didn't know how long Harry had the genie. Their interaction and from what the matron said, they had been together for a number of years. Nobody had ever been recorded to have had a genie for nearly that long. The longest recorded was six months, and even then that was astonishing. What side effects came from having their magic entangled for so long? Dumbledore shuddered to think. It didn't help when the matron of the orphanage had spoken about Harry getting hurt. He wouldn't put it past the genie to physically abuse another being.

He also had to take into account the common knowledge that every genie wanted to be set free. It was their goal, their longing in life. It was whispered in far, remote, and ancient texts that any world that this came to pass, the world would surely know it's complete and final end. A genie could do anything without the limit of a master. A reason they were so chained to another, and bound to begin with. Even bound as they were, their ability to manipulate words of a wizard to gain what they wanted was too much power. Such unimaginable power was not to be used lightly, and everybody knew genies had no morals to stop them. No knowledge of right or wrong. They were ancient beings, and Dumbledore was not at all fooled by 'Tom's' appearance of a mere child.

Dumbledore feared for Harry, almost as much as he feared for the world. He knew he had to get Harry away from the genie somehow, and hopefully without hurting the child.

Notes: (from most important to least)

This will take place in Harry's time period.

I will put warnings on the top of every chapter, should they apply.

I'm hoping not to have any bashing of characters. Dumbledore's not being evil here, he's genuinely concerned for Harry. That's not to say any of them are completely in the 'right' either.

Feel free to ask questions or point out mistakes! This being an AU things will be very different though. Please keep that in mind.

It's been some time since I've published a story here. Some grammar mistakes are most definitely there. I apologize in advance.

(Will cross publish on Ao3 when the wait period's up, probably under the same username if I'm able to get it)

I have a new tumblr under softlyhiss, I follow back and would appreciate more content on my dash.