
The Administrator

Everyone is dead... She had no one... Everyone leave her behind... Her mother... Her friend that she consider sister in all but blood.. And her father who is the very pillar of her mind...

She want to die... She don't want to live anymore... She want to die...

No use to keep living without anyone on her side, no use to keep living in World that abandon her...

She want to die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die.






She want to be with everyone once again



Be with mom, dad, Emma, Mr Barnes and Mrs Barnes as well... Spending time with them and laughing together like they usually did


[KaLeIdOsCoPe] [InFiNiTe]


Be with everyone that she knew... That she close... She want to be with them... To have fun and loved like it used to be...

[CoMpLaCeNt!] [AgReEmEnT]



And thus before she can hang herself to the rope that tied and kick the chair away, Taylor Hebert fell backward while seeing endless spades of colors

"Well... This is certainly interesting view." Eidolon mused as he stare at the person in kitchen who looking around in unsure manner, the green caped hero amusement seems visible despite his face fully covered by mask

"I can agree with that alright." Legend meanwhile have no such decency as he grinning while his eyes glowing in rainbow color "This is my first time to see this."

"Agree, never thought that Dria would be this bad." Hero snickered

The mentioned "Dria" or Alexandria, the sole female among Quadrumvirate and the Strongest Brute in the World bar Scion, turned around and shoot her teammate glare, if she have heat vision like certain man in blue with red cape, she already turn them into ash right now through sheer of her look

"Shut up, it's not as easy as it look okay." Alexandria hissed

This only elicit chuckle from the trio

"Behold, the Strongest Woman in the World." Hero speak in exaggerating voice "Doesn't know how to break egg."

Said egg instantly smashed to his helmet with force that not unlike bullet and hit the golden armored Tinker in helmet, making him yelped and fall from his chair, splashing it yolk and white content over the man visor

"I do know how to break egg Hero." Alexandria said with edgy voice "I just did it to your helmet after all."

Eidolon chuckled while Legend laughed as the Tinker groaned in ground. The first wave his hand and the yolk and white egg that staining Hero's outfit cleaned in instant

Alexandria turn her glare to him

"What?" Eidolon asked "It better to clean egg fast, it will smell if we leave it for quite longer." He stated "And I don't want around here to smell."

"Agree, Keith once break eggs that Arthur about to use for cake, he splat it over the floor and try to hide it." Legend sniffed his nose "It smell bad I tell you."

Alexandria glare at Eidolon and Legend, then she turned around and focused back to kitchen while grumbling. Men and their bro code, sometime they stuck together in the strangest and unimportant moment.

It not like she can't break egg properly, but it just been a while since she did it, with her super strength and fighting crime nearly everyday, she hardly spending time in kitchen other than make tea or simple toast since her lunch and dining usually cooked by someone else

After controlling his mirth, Legend slowly stood and walk toward the strongest female cape, he let out another chuckle and stand at her side, taking one egg

"Here, let me help." He said as he broke the egg easily "I can cook it too if you want." He added as his hand glowing slightly

"Thank you Legend." Alexandria sighed "And for that, you will get extra toast, unlike those two." She glared at Eidolon who only drummed his fingers against table while Hero fixing his chair

"I can cook if I want." Eidolon said "I'm used to living alone after all, and with Thinker power I can make it very good." He boasted "But it's not my turn right now."

"And while I can create almost anything but I'm suck at food." Hero commented shamelessly while grinning

"Don't remind me." Legend mumbled "The last time you try to cook somehow you made banana with disintegration ray." He said with shudder, then he shoot look to the Tinker "How is that even possible?"

"Well..." Hero rubbed his chin "Technically banana's peel can be used as energy source. Rather than disintegration ray that was more like a bomb and-"

"A bomb, a honest literal bomb." Alexandria grumbled as she chop carrot using her hand "He made bomb from banana's peel."

"And that come from woman who can tank most of my creation and survive after smashed against meteor." Hero said with rolling eyes

"That wasn't uncommon right now, you meanwhile is another thing." Alexandria retorted easily "Anyway, the foods is about to ready, can you call Taylor to come down?"

Hero and Eidolon share look to each other for a moment before the former quirked his eyebrow "Wouldn't it be better if you're the one who visit her?" Hero asked "I mean, with you two being woman."

Alexandria's lips curled to thin line "We all know among everyone here you and Legend are the closest to her despite I'm being her idol in past." She said

"Don't use such excuse to avoid talking with her." Hero replied in disapproving voice "Dria, Taylor do not hate you."

"You're right she do not, but she dislike me." Alexandria corrected, her voice stoic but everyone can tell she slight bitter "I'm not the hero like she dreamed after all." She murmured

"You are hero." Legend reprimanded with strict voice "Becca, you maybe did a lot of bad things but your good deed surpassing them."

"You save more than million despite taking over hundred thousand." Hero said "It is not noble and how hero should behave, yes, but doesn't change the fact you are doing good."

"You said that because we're like this." Alexandria laughed sadly "If the real you still alive and talk with the "real" me, I'm sure you will says otherwise, same thing occur to you Legend."

Both the Tinker and Blaster did not response the Brute remark, they know what she truly mean after all

"Go call Taylor." Alexandria said softly "What she need right now is mentor, not idol that fail her."

"I..." Hero closed his eyes and sighed "Fine, fine, but you can't avoid this forever you know?"

"I'm not stupid Reed." Alexandria rebuked

"No you're not." Hero or Reed in his civilian identity chuckled

"Well, that was good and all." Legend chimed in "But I think you both already too late, Eidolon already go to call her."

The Brute and the Tinker blinked before they turned to where the Trump moment ago, only to find he wasn't there

"Taylor are you there?" Eidolon called as he knock the basement door "Breakfast will be ready soon."

"I'm busy now, I will eat later."

Come the response of the girl through the door, this make Eidolon narrowed his eyes underneath his mask

"Taylor you doesn't eat much last night." Eidolon tried again with sigh "And now you trying to skip breakfast? That was not healthy at all."

"I can call Panacea!"

"Yes, let's call the girl that burned up to save another girl that burned up." Eidolon deadpanned "Because that was so fantastic and brilliant." He said dryly "And if you call Panacea I think she will knock you out in instant."

There silence after that, apparently the strongest Trump hit the nail directly in coffin. He sighed and decide to push the door open

And granted by sight of lab that look like tornado just rampaging in there

Eidolon focused to Taylor herself, the girl long beautiful hair was a mess, there dark marking under her eyes that red as well and she clad only in black tank top and short pants while apparently tinkering with some machine

"No, no, no, it is inefficient, taking too much space, need more upgrade, need to be more simple but very effective, I knew it could be done, let see, in here, here, there and here-"

"Taylor." Eidolon approach her while keeping stern voice "Stop this, you need rest."

Taylor looking up from her machine, her tired eyes and exhausted face meet his masked face "Rest? Coming from you who always goes to frontline to seek worthy opponent?"

"And look what happened to me because of that." Eidolon replied without heat, his voice sounds admonishing as matter of fact "Do you want to ended up like me?"

Taylor only silence and stare at him, then she lower her head and let out sigh, she put her tools to table that near and slumped in the seat

Eidolon let out satisfied grunt, eventually he also let out sigh "I'm... I'm not the best man to talk with." He said "Even when there's Hero and Cauldron used to be better than now, I still man that not speak much." He confessed "But know that I understand what you felt right now."

Taylor let out snort "Do you? Are you going to said that we are same as well?"

"No, we're not same." Eidolon shake his head "And I can understand what you feeling right now because it was what I felt as well. The power that gifted to you beyond your expectation, beyond your mind, this make you feel you're unworthy in certain way, yet at same time you also don't want to feel weak.

"You want to save everyone and leave permanent legacy but in doing so it mean you wish for someone that powerful enough to oppose you since you're too powerful that was close to impossible

"Then you realize that despite all power you have, you actually don't know what to do with it other than saving people, you don't have anything left for you so you dedicated your whole life. Just like me."

There silence that stretched between them as Eidolon finished speaking, the teenager stare at him for a moment before leaned back in her seat and let out sigh

"Well, you got few parts correct at least." Taylor spoke after moment of silence "But not all is right, for one, I don't want to leave any legacy behind, what happened after I kill Scion and died is not matter." She said bitterly "Not like anyone care."

"We care for you."

"You all are part of my power, of course you all did."

"Then do you truly believe that right now we are not living being? Only a doll that created to satisfy your desire?"


Eidolon shake his head and look at her forlornly. The green caped hero steps forward and place her hand on Taylor's shoulder, making the girl look up to him

"Don't be negative like that." He said "Don't be like us, you're still young and have bright future Taylor, don't make same mistake like me who dedicated my whole life and ignoring what it mean to be Human."

"I... I..." Taylor was loss of words for a moment, then she take one deep breath and give tentative nod "Fine..."

Eidolon smiled underneath his mask "Good." He pat the girl "Now let's get you some breakfast and rest."

"I have to work again after breakfast."

"You can do it later with Hero, we still have quite some time, no need to be obsessed that much. Instead why don't you go out and enjoy yourself, patrolling around the area, making things better visibly rather than spend your days tinkering."

"When I said to take your time I did not expect you to take it literally by taking down one of Warlord in city in the first day." Eidolon deadpanned

'I'm just putting him to sleep.' Taylor, who clad in white and blue armor with black hoodie cape and full mask, replied to the voice inside her head, she sounded slight sheepish 'I mean, he grow stronger the more he fight right? Then all I need is to made him fell asleep so he stop fighting.''

"Finally, someone who see common sense." Hero said in satisfied voice "Instead of went fighting man that can turned to dragon and fight Endbringer to standstill, you put him to sleep."

Said the man that can turned to dragon laying unconscious before her while letting out snore, his followers also laying in ground in same state

"Are you trying to say something Hero?" Alexandria asked, voice carry hidden edge

"Becca, as much as you hate it but it was right, this is more effective and efficient." Legend said with small chuckle "It never crossed to our mind that it was that simple to take down Lung. We just need to sedate him instead of hitting him and let the drug done their job after that." He stated "Though it need to be very powerful one so it work on Lung." He muttered

"Hey, maybe we can use the same way to the others! Just putting them to sleep!" Hero cheered

"And you will be called the Second Sleeper." Alexandria deadpanned "Yeah, that was very good way to paint yourself as hero. Try to mimicking what S-class villain do."

"Worse you will attract Sleeper himself." Legend added "Not like Taylor will be in danger with us on her side, but... Let's avoid fighting S-class villain for now, we have bigger fish to fry after all and we certainly don't want to attract Cauldron attention, not yet at least."

"Agree." Eidolon said "Until Hero's Primordial Ray ready, we cannot attract the attention of our counterpart. It will be very dangerous battle, Doctor Mother is not compassionate person after all."

'I don't understand.' Taylor thought 'Why you all bothered to obey her anyway? I mean, she has no power right? I do not trying to be offending, degrading or things like that, I just curious why?'

"We obey her in very first place is because she supposed to be chain for us, a reminder that we are Human being and cannot astray too much no matter what." Alexandria answered "But I guess, she was swallowed instead and become very jaded." She muttered in dry and sad voice

"Doctor Mother is never a compassionate person." A new voice enter the conversation "She can't actually emotionally engage with people very well either face-to-face or in the abstract, as matter of fact she never could understand herself or others fully even before she pick me. That is perhaps her biggest flaw, she doesn't understand feelings of other and even her own, thus she lack of emphaty and easily become jaded."

"And if we have someone like you..." Eidolon's voice carry hint of bitterness "Perhaps things will be different.."

"Indeed..." Alexandria chuckled "You have very strong mind Taylor."

'You all exaggerated things.' Taylor said with internal sigh 'I'm not that good.'

"5,389% you will become someone like Doctor Mother if it was you who led Cauldron's and 87,963% Cauldron will be more active in saving people and create better World."

"Thank you Dinah." Legend said

Taylor only can silence and stare at the stars above her with unconscious Warlord beneath her. Is that true? Does the World will become better place if it was her who led Cauldron? But even if she did, does the chance of the World stand against Scion is higher?

"It's fifteen percent better." Dinah supplied again as if she reading her mind

'What? Really? How come?'

"Because you will not let Hero died and also not letting Manton to fall to corruption. With Hero "wavelength" specialty that can produce attack equal to Scion's power and Manton's projection that trained and properly work together with us, fighting Scion will be less bloody." Alexandria answered, she already analyze the probability since they begin this conversation "And there's still many things you can help us with."

'I... I see...' Taylor replied in unsure manner. She was very happy that her personality judged fairly like this and the result is good as well but at same time she still doubt it, what if she slip?

Still... It was quite shocking, who know to make their chance against Scion to become better is by being nice

"We got company, Thinker, Shaker, Master and Trump." Eidolon listed, breaking Taylor from her stupor "The Thinker is dangerous, Taylor use my counter-Thinker ability, we don't want to be discovered this soon."

"Use me as well, I got "ping" of how her power work, after that seek for the proper counter." Another new voice joined, and this time it was male with laid back tone

Taylor shuddered when hearing the voice, even knowing that the man not able to do anything without her confirmation, it still bring slight fear to her heart

'R-Right.' Taylor quickly use part of Eidolon's power after she got the idea of how those people powers work, she feel the necessary counter 'Wait a minute, I don't want attract much attention right? Instead of using anti-Thinker then why I not just turn to invisible?'


There silence inside Taylor's head for a few seconds, then snort come out from Hero and the newest male

"Another logical and make sense decision." Hero said

"True, true, that actually should be very obvious." The male added in amused voice "I wonder why it not crossed in our mind?"

"Think about that later. Quick, Taylor active the stealth mode in your armor." Alexandria suggested


The girl press one button in her armor, then in blink of eye, she become invisible and disappear from the World's view

'Let's get out from here.'

She already take down Lung, and as far she knew, he is the heart of ABB. Without him the organization will crumble,, of course there chance he could get freed by Oni Lee but she sure the Protectorate can handle single cape, Armsmaster is tough after all, he is one of top heroes

There will be gang war after this, the Empire, Coil and the Merchant will move to take ABB territory however that was inevitable. If she want to make Brockton Bay into better place then she have to rock the boat, this place is too heavy to only tapped with gentle touch

Still... That doesn't mean she will let things escalated just like that, she will go out as much as she can when she not busy with her project to ensure there won't be too many people got hurt

"This... This will work." Taylor said in grim voice as she stare at her gun. It is not gun that shoot ray or beam, it shot some kind of nullfying wave, sending some kind of electric wave with effect of "dislocating" signal that disrupt most Tinker-tech and prevent them from functioning

Well not most Tinker-tech, more like only Bakuda's creation

It has been few days ever since she bring down Lung, like her predict, the Empire and Merchant -mostly the former- make a move to assault ABB, they even manage to take few areas that controlled by the Asian gang

That however proved to be bad choice as Oni Lee decide to retaliate with serial bombing in here and there, damaging the other gangs territory and people quite severely. It won't be much problem if it only normal bombs, the thing is it was bomb made by Tinker!

She instantly search about her through PRT's data that she manage to gain -thanks to Alexandria for that and some Thinker ability- then after get glimpse what she capable to, she call Bakuda and have talk with her

And she discover that woman clearly bad news. Bakuda will do fine with Slaughterhouse Nine if she given chance to proof herself

"This actually give me some idea." Hero mused as he observed the guns "With Bakuda's specialty and mine, perhaps we can make big explosion that will affect certain subjects instead us." He hummed "Or we can create one that big and powerful enough to able destroy Scion's real body."

"Wavelength beam versus wavelength beam." Taylor hummed "Yeah, that could work."

"One problem, things that even Cauldron cannot accomplish despite all our ruthless method, where is his real body located?" Legend exclaimed in solemn voice

"Clairvoyant and Doormaker cannot find him, he must be blocking them to ensure his main body safe." Alexandria commented "There rhetorical theory that made by Contessa after her experience with Eden, Scion's avatar block it, just like Eden did to her power."

"So we need to wound or kill his avatar first?" Eidolon's voice carry slight surprise and irritation "His avatar is already like Endbringers, and his power is more stronger,he can kill them anytime he want if he wish to, and so far we did very good things to damage them." He spoke in sarcastic voice

"That is why we build that Primordial Ray." Hero replied "That weapon will be our ace against Scion." And that weapon won't be ready soon, they don't have enough materials after all, most of them scrapped from Boat Graveyard

They will gather things more when they have enough fund, but for now? Things quite bleak for them in that aspect

"We can talk about that more later, for now we need to apprehend Bakuda and Oni Lee." Taylor said, Oni Lee is suicide bomber that able to become multiple at same time and his power allow him to survive through the blast, however no matter what the blast of simple grenade won't be much threat against parahuman

But one that created by Tinker? Oh yeah, that was different case, like really different. Not to mention the damage that caused by the bombs could lasting very long

"Sneak in and knock her out." Eidolon said simply "Use that gun to her first to make sure you disable all her creations. Who know she have some kind of trigger that connected to her consciousness in a way."

"And Oni Lee?" Legend asked

"It is simple."

A new voice entered the fray and the Quadrumvirate turned to see man clad in black suit with demon mask stand before them

"My ability is to teleport, however I have to see to able move myself." Oni Lee said and he give look to Legend "Blind me, and I'm as good as normal Human."

"We only need to create flashlight that bright enough!" Hero said with grin "And to make it unable blind us, all I need is to upgrade your mask!"

"We can see him but he can't." Taylor nodded "That also can be used to blind Bakuda."

"No, we knock out Bakuda don't blind her." Alexandria said "It can cause her to panic and who know what she might do. Hit her first using your... Gun."

"Oh come on Dria." Hero raised his arms in exasperation "You knew you want to said it."

"No, I do not." Alexandria deadpanned."

"Oh come on, I don't think it was that bad." Legend chuckled

"He call that gun "Boo-boo go off explosion" gun." Alexandria said with bewildered voice "If that's not ridiculous then..." She paused as she realize what she just did, then she palming her face and let out small groan "Damn it."

Legend and Hero let out laugh and give each other high five while Eidolon merely snorted

"Anyway!" The Brute cape glared at them while raising her voice "Hit Bakuda first using that gun then knock her off. After that turn on your flashlight and beat Oni Lee."

And it went exactly like they planned, no flaw or any failure, they knock Bakuda, dismantling all the tech and her bombs then beat Oni Lee

One might argue it won't be that simple, it did, with the power she have, thing like that was very small matter

She not all powerful of course. She can't summon countless Cape. No, apparently she only can summon nine at max,n and even so the more she summon them, the more easy for her to tired

And she also have to know some ability those she want to summon, she can't just blindly call them, she have to aware at least what they're capable of first.

She also can't just use full power of cape, no, she only granted limited version of them, like when using Alexandria, she will become invincible but unable to fly. Eidolon, she only have two slots instead three like him. And Hero, while she can build Tinker-tech but it need to be rechecked many times to ensure it work properly, sometime there also blindspot that she miss and thus she forced to use another Tinker with different specialty to check of her work

And lastly, she can't use power of the cape she summoned

'Right, so what should we do now?' She asked, Oni Lee and Bakuda strapped by a chain. The former got blindfolded to make sure his power won't work while the latter clad only in her mask and loosen shirt since she got stripped and checked to make sure no bomb or something like that hidden beneath her costume

"Go to her lab, and take everything she have." Alexandria suggested "We going to need more materials to build Primordial Ray."

"Call Myrrdin to store all the stuff then call Strider to teleport us back to our base." Legend instructed

"So you saying that we have unknown cape -probably Tinker- wandering around and they not only knocked Lung but now also apprehend Bakuda and Oni Lee?" Piggot asked rhetorically "So one cape, literally, single-handedly, just dismantle ABB."

"Yes." Armsmaster nodded

The PRT Director close her eyes, taking a breath, then let it out and reopen her eyes "Do you have any clue about this cape?"

"According to ABB's members, this person wearing tinker-tech armor, black hoodie cape, and faceless mask, about 5,7 or 5,9 feet tall with slender figure." Armsmaster inform her "Unfortunately we can't guess their gender, they have voice vibrator that make they sounded like men and women at same time."

"I see... And her ability?"

"Through Lung we manage to know that this cape put him into sleep instead of fighting him head on, thus make him unable to grow and become stronger. Then through Bakuda and Oni Lee, we found out that this cape is Tinker, they build some gun that emitting wave that disrupt Bakuda's bombs and creation, rendering them useless, their armor also apparently able to glow with brightness that enough to blind Oni Lee.

"In rating I will give this individual Tinker 6 at least, Bakuda's bomb just been used one days ago and they already able to create something to nullify her creation. And some Thinker ability too perhaps for them to work very fast, they possibly could process information quite fast. There chance that they might be Shaker and worst Trump or Master."

Piggot read the document that showing the list of the newest cape in her town once more before glancing at him "I can understand the Thinker but what about the last three?"

"They put Lung to sleep." Armsmaster said "It wasn't easy, Lung can handle even sedative that made elephant sleep for a day, his regenerative will allow him to counter that with small problem." There reason why he made special sedative to beat Lung instead using simple one after all "And they did it just by waving their hand once at his direction, either it could be Shaker ability, or Trump that allow them to cancel Lung power and disabling him or Master that control his brain then order him to sleep."

Well... The last two clearly not ominous at all... Especially the last one...

"Or it could be something that she create, a weapon that send unseen wave that affecting the flow of brain thus make people sleep." Armsmaster added

Piggot draw another deep breath, while the last one sounded better but it actually not, none above the list is good. If it was Shaker then their power must be quite high to able affect Lung like that, if it Trump that able to affect power then it will make this cape become highly dangerous, if it Tinker then it mean that this person either established or have very effecting specialty to able create things like that

And if it was Master... Well, it would be a shit

"Does this cape have a name?"

"They call themselves Administrator." Armsmaster said

"Administrator..." Piggot rolled the codename in her tongue and frowned "It barely give anything to us." She murmured darkly "Give order to everyone and tell the police that if they see this Administrator do not made offensive move first and try to negotiate with them to join us."

"The standard protocol then." Armsmaster grunted

"Yes." Piggot nodded, her lips curled to thin line "Is there any news about Shadow Stalker?"

When that name mentioned Armsmaster also began to frown. Shadow Stalker has been run away from them ever since she was discovered to disregard and break her probation state. Oh no, not just break, she kick it in crotch, smashing it head with chair, then throw it to the sea

She has bullied person straight for two years and nearly kill her once, and succeed when she and her friends drive her to suicide

Taylor Hebert, the girl had hang herself in her house few days after her father Danny Hebert died in crossfire between Empire and ABB, leaving journal that tell how her life has been nothing but torture in last few years

A normal bully? Little physical in here and there, followed by nasty words, Piggot maybe still can tolerate that, Shadow Stalker is troubling teenager after all, however the "locker" event that written in Taylor's journal is very crossing the line

The girl had write in there few times just how Sophia and her group able to fill her locker with something or steal her stuff, Taylor always change her locker code after all and she doesn't have any friend, the secret was her own. For Piggot it not hard to see the pattern here, Shadow Stalker had use her power to fill that locker with filth then shove her to there!

Off to prison she will be, Youth Guard be damned, Shadow Stalker not make small mistake, she has torture someone and attempt to do murder! Piggot has no tolerant for someone like that, she hate cape, and one that act like that? Oh, she very tempted to pull her old gun and shoot the girl in face, and if Sophia sended to Birdcage Piggot will only snort and say good riddance

The PRT that work to observing Sophia Hess has been fired and now possibly could face trial on their own as well for not reporting this and cost someone life

However just when that was discovered and they try to capture her, Shadow Stalker went missing, somehow she aware that her deed had been found out then decide to escape. She can't be found until now and it was so damn irritating for Piggot

If she decide to become villain then people will recognize her, Shadow Stalker's power is not that confusing or hard to guess, people will aware that their Ward turned to villain and they began to do their digging, this will make everything become very bad

'Hopefully she died first.' Piggot thought darkly, she doesn't fond to Shadow Stalker, among the Ward she is the most troublesome one and also behave in unruly manner, now she found out that she use her power to abuse someone for a year and drive her to suicide? Oh yeah, she can go to hell for all she care

"Unfortunately no." Armsmaster said with irritated voice "We still not manage to find her or any of her track."

"Not even a bit?"

".. A bit, yes, we find something fortunately. After talking with Dragon, I manage to ask her to ask permission to Chief Director so she can given free access to local satellite and try to recover her last phone call." Armsmaster said, he then pull out device from his armor "And this is the recording before her Wards phone destroyed."

"Miss Hess."

"What the- who the fuck is this?"

"You do not know me, but you will need me. Your little unruly behavior in school has been discovered."


"And normally the PRT perhaps won't care, at best you will be send to juvie, however the victim, Taylor Hebert has been founded dead by suicide and in her journal she mention your name and something about how she confused that you manage to put things inside her locker or steal her belonging."

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck Hebert! Fucking worm, even in Hell she still bring problem!"

"With that evidence you will go to jail, that was not negotiable and worst you can send to Birdcage, Director Piggot after all can be very vicious and what you did clearly remind her why she hate parahuman in first place."

"Fuck no! I don't want to go there! I... You have solution for this?"

"Go to Boardwalk, and wait in front of Central Library. Someone will come to pick you, they will be there at 13:00 sharp, they only going to wait for five minutes, more than that they will leave you."

Armsmaster turn off the recorder and meet Piggot upset face with grim look

"Coil." She spat, recognizing how the man speech pattern, mysterious, silky and to the point. This is become quite troubling matter, among all villain, Coil is the most mysterious and unknown to them, other than he maybe some kind of Thinker and have mercenary with tinker-tech, nothing much known about him

"So what should we do?" Armsmaster asked

"Make sure to locate Coil base, find his men, interrogate them, he have very important key that could damage PRT reputation right now." She ordered

"Yes ma'am."

Several days later

"What kind of moron who decide to outing the entire Empire?!" Taylor yelled as she throw pillow to the tv with ca curse

There chaos in street now, and she not talk about chaos that filled with people yelling or demand for fund raise, but chaos where people shooting guns, man turn to gigantic blade wolf, woman shooting laser after laser and things like that!

"Shit, shit, shit." She murmured "What should I do? What should I do?"

She cannot reveal herself too much, this is not small matter but big one, with entire organization of cape got outed like that, this will attract attention from outside city, from other PRT, those who sit in high seat

Rebecca Costa-Brown the Chief Director of Parahuman Responding Team or best known as Alexandria in her cape name, and one of main members of Cauldron

And if she found out about her, then Cauldron will found her existence. She knew that she is blind spot to Contessa's power much like Eidolon -that will really attract them- however that doesn't mean she blind from Doormaker and Clairvoyant

It best if she stay hidden, Primordial Ray is about to be done thanks to many materials she got from raiding Bakuda's lab moment ago, it seems Lung really fund Bakuda to his best as he aware just how useful she will be when combined with Oni Lee's teleportation power

When Primordial Ray done, she can confront Cauldron and show them the result, and if things go south they will have advantage over them

However if she stay hidden...

"I... Have to go..." She muttered

She cannot allow people to die, the numbers of casualty now already hundred, Empire truly went all out and doesn't hold back in slightest. Giving that their identity is widely known by now and they loss so many, there no reason for them to do that

Even Fog and Night that rumored to retire return and rampaging around the street, led by Purity that demanding her daughter

Fifteen parahuman wrecking around the city, her hometown, the birthplace of her mother and father

She have to go... People dying... And she cannot stand aside and hiding...

"If you will make appearance, then do it properly." Alexandria voice echoed in her head

"This to show the World what you truly are and how formidable are you." Eidolon said in heavy and solemn tone

"Send the World a message that you are here, we are here, Heroes, we exist when people call upon us." Legend spoke in kind but powerful voice

"Show those who has dwell in darkness and jaded by time the very reason why we take mantle and walk on the street in first place." Hero finished in gentle and determined voice

Taylor stare at her armor, her costume, the black hoodie cape was styled after Alexandria, the faceless mask is styled after Eidolon, the armor and it blue and white color spoke of Hero and Legend

"Dragon, make sure the World see what about to happen." She said

The AI that working on her suit responsed to her "Yes, Miss Hebert."

The Protectorate was losing

Even with help of Wards, PRT and New Wave they still losing

There is reason why Brockton Bay known as capital for Nazi in United State. Not just because the Empire 88 overwhelm them in term of number parahuman but their quality also far dangerous

However that was not all the reason why the heroes losing, no, it because they fight to protect, to minimize damage, no matter what they still forced to holding back because their main priority is not to put villain behind the bar but to keep people and city safe

Armsmaster the leader of Protectorate ENE was in middle of dueling against Kaiser the Emperor of the Empire 88. The Tinker's halbeard was twirling and shear through steel and iron of blades, beams, bludgeons and spears that launched at him.

Things clearly not good for them, he growled in frustration as he can't get close to Kaiser himself who creating metal and steel to him, not end in there, he sometime also forced to fight another cape that marching to him and backed by Kaiser. He was very close to be injured when Hookwolf charge to him, if Dauntless wasn't there he would be incapacitated for a moment

A wave of blades gliding in ground toward him once again and Armsmaster about to cut them, however a light blue laser suddenly appear and interfere the steel, destroying and stopping them in their track

Armsmaster and Kaiser snap their heads to the direction where the laser come and they see figure flying above them, clad in blue and white armor with pattern of stars and licking flame on it edge parts, their black cape billowing in air and their eye socket faceless mask glowing with power

"That's enough." The armored figure said "This battle is over, your rampage end today Empire 88."

The newcomer declared while landing in ground, in front of Armsmaster and few meters away from Kaiser who now surrounded by Empire 88 capes one by one

"You're... The new Tinker, the one who took down ABB." Kaiser declared "Administrator I believe."

"Yes, that was me." Administrator confirmed "And I come here to do the same thing for your group." The armored figure said "Empire 88, surrender now, cease this meaningless prattle and stand down or I will forced to stop you."

"Stop us?" Kaiser asked, his voice mocking as he gestured to the Empire's cape that around him "You may take down ABB but their numbers is small and led by a brute, what make you think you can win against us?"

"It doesn't matter, even if you have hundred of capes, I still going to nail you down if you wish to continue." Administrator said "The heroes will stop you."

"And you will lose." Kaiser replied "And I will laugh at your idiocy and empty boast as you lay beneath me."

Administrator did not reply, only silence for a moment, as if waiting for something then the faceless mask tilted to Purity that shining above Kaiser

"What about you Purity?" Administrator asked "Why you doing this? You already do clean for two years, even if you only targeting ABB and Merchant. Now you come and do this."

"The PRT stole my daughter from me!" Purity hissed "I only want to take back what is mine!"

"And what would she say when she being told about what you done today?" Administrator retorted "You claim you want to take what is yours yet is this how you done something? By blowing things? You can ask for lawyer to help you, you had done nothing wrong for two years after all and help few people as matter of fact, but no. Instead you let your rage control you and blow your chance to meet your daughter once again."

"I... I... I..." Purity loss of words, her words seems filled with choked voice

"Enough of your babbling." Kaiser growled at Administrator "You claim you will defeat us? Entertain me how you going to do that fool?" He asked with sneer "Your heroes lay and beaten, you doesn't have power to stop us, even with combined of other they still fall against our might, what possibly you can do? Where your so called heroes?"

"You only win against them because you fight in Brockton Bay, the city that only have few heroes and the lowest funding." Administrator rebuked stoically "Why don't you try to go and challenge those who mighty and see how you fare?"

"Like who?" Kaiser asked "You?"

"No, she mean us."

A new and familiar voice resonated in battlefield, following it sounds of glass shattering and then everyone who watched the fight felt their jaw dropped

They appear out of nowhere, like a chameleon that shed off their disguise. Four figure manifested behind Administrator and walk forward to the front of her

The first is woman who clad in black outfit with helmet visor that allow her black hair to waving behind her, her heavy dark cape billowing, and through her exposed chin people can see she not in mood to playing

The second is a man who clad in blue costume with flames and lightning stencils in white. His eyes glowing with light that seems vibrating, and like his companion, his face set to strict expression

The third is a man in outfit with green hood cape, his head completely covered by mask that faceless not unlike Administrator, emerald forest mixed with violet purple aura flaring around him

The fourth is also a man, he wore golden visored helmet and body armor with blue chain mesh, symbol of PRT with wings was drawed into one shoulder, unlike the other, he was grinning as if very amused

"You said that heroes are losing." Alexandria commented

"And you ask where are we." Legend continued

"Well, here I am now, villain." Eidolon spoke in heavy voice

"And since we are fair guy, we will give you five seconds to get ready." Hero commented with grin as he cocked his gun

Everyone, Heroes and Villain, balked and gape at whose stand before them. No one in the World do not recognize them, they are famous and known by humanity, for they are the strongest Heroes bar Scion, the symbol of Heroes and founder of Protectorate

"Wha... Wha..." Kaiser's composure was loss, no, not just loss, but shattered, broken and grinded to the sand as he stare at the four cape that before them "A-Alexandria, L-Legend, E-Eidolon and... H-Hero?"

"That us." Legend answered

The leader of Empire 88 almost fainted in spot, his mind was mess and shocked beyond anything, eventually he asked what people have in mind

"How?" He asked

"Didn't you ask where were we moment ago?" Hero asked back "We come because you decide to ask."

"And your five seconds just up." Alexandria spoke

Then without warning she jumped forward, shattering the earth and asphalt beneath and around her, her fist instantly smashed to Hookwolf, sending the mass of blades that look like wolf dozens meters away and smashed to building

That snap the entire Empire 88 from their shock

And they began to flee

It was useless

Purity who flashed away quickly found herself face to face with Legend, his blue light shone brighter than the white supremacist

"They said you're good, your laser rivaling my power and perhaps surpass me." Legend spoke, he then raise his glowing hand "Why don't we found out now?"

Six powerful beam of light smashed to Purity before she can response his word, sending her down from the sky and crashed to the earth

Legend soar down to her direction, his eyes narrowed as he caught sight of fog coming to him, in response for this he raise his fist upward and the World bathed in color of his light, radiating mixture of massive heat and coldness

The fog let out shriek as it swallowed by the light, it slowly turned back to man and he also fell down to the earth like his friend

The hero in blue and white stare at Night who blinked at her husband that just fell, then she look up to hero

"Oh dear."

Five cold beam engulf her whole body and her World turned to dark

Hero raise his gauntlet, simple twist the armored device opened, revealing seven barrels of gun. Then missiles sprout out from them. Soaring in sky and one of them crashed against Krieg and Alabaster who running

When the smoke clear their whole body was frozen almost like a statue

The Tinker narrowed his eyes as he saw Victor and Othala remain fine, then he recall about their abilites and he smirked, he tap his gauntlet and another missiles shoot this time

They tried to escape to make them explode, but the missiles were too many and they got caught, and this time they laying in ground instead of keep running

"H-How?" Victor rasped "O-Othala... Blessing..." That was as far as he go before darkness claim him

"Blessing nullifier." Hero exclaimed with smug face "It disturb the frequency and connection of those who granted power by those who can do that, cutting them and thus render it useless."

Earth split open, like a maw of the beast, then it began to slither and coil, capturing Crusader's leg and before he can do anything, they wrapped around him and encase his whole body. Then the collective of ground glowing with green light, forming what look like barrier

A forcefield that would prevent him from manifesting his "ghost"

Powerful blast of wind smashed against him, following it is serious of debris. However it did nothing but annoy him, his own barrier do not even scratched or weakened by those attack. He can counter it before they touch him but he want to be more... Theatric for one

He got one particular power, ability to manifest a flammable gas that contain dense of iron in their structure, he can make them appear through his sight. He instantly knew for who this power is

He narrowed his eyes at Stormtiger, to be precise, to barrier of winds that humming around him then he create that gas in small portion near his head

Explosion appear in there, blasted the Empire's cape and knock him down to the ground, he will not wake up soon, his Thinker ability told him that

He turned to Rune, the girl riding one of boulders that surround her and now send it flying away in attempt to run. He got power he wish to deal with her in form of telekinesis as well, but this one more powerful than her

So he steal control of her rock and make her stopped in her track, eliciting yelp from her, then he raises all boulders and every ruins that near her

Rune stared at all the floating object that surround her with gaped jaw, then she turned to Eidolon and put frustrated and exasperated expression

"Oh come on! This is bullshi-"

She did not get chance to finish that words as all the objects smashed to her from all directions

Steel of blades and metals grinding each other, making screeching noise, swirling and twirling around like a drill, it destroy and slicing anything that stand on it path with ferocity of a beast

It did nothing but annoy her

With one hand holding the wolf-like creature that pushing her, she flung her other arm and punch through the steels, she keep pushed forward until she found what she wanted then with one clench and pull, Hookwolf real body dragged out forcefully from his shell of blades

"Gagh! You! You bi-gurgh!"

Hookwolf's voice turned to choked sound as Alexanndria's hand gripped his throat, cutting the oxygen to enter his body, her fingers seems almost went through his neck

"Do you know how troublesome you, Nazi, to us?" She asked rhetorically in dark voice "As soon as you all had power you started to make a move that bring crisis to World's economy that already in critical condition." She stated "I always want to punch one of you in face but I'm busy flying around everyday or at least choke you to death."

With one simply tap with her fingers, the strongest brute of Empire let out gurgling voice and his World went to dark due to lack of oxygen in his brain

Alexandria dropped the shirtless man to the ground, and after she did that a spear and sword smashed to her from behind

They break as if they're stick of wood meet against fortress

The dark caped woman turned around and glanced at the twin blonde women who clad in valkyrie-like armor. Then wordlessly she jumped at them, delivering bone-shattering kick to one of twin's jaw, knocking the giant woman down

Her twin screamed in rage, Alexandria simply use her sister body as stepping stone then lunged at her and give powerful punch to her solar plexus, making she buckled to her knee and vomit out her stomach's content as she shrinked down and fall to the ground

Floating in sky, her dark hair and heavy billowing from the air, she turned and glanced at the last enemy, Cricket

The blonde buzz-cut haired Nazi drop her twin kamas -miniature scythes- in instant when meet Alexandria's face, her legs quivering and she raise her hands with gulp

"I... I give..." She squeaked

Alexandria merely look at her without changing her expression "I'm still going to knock you out."

With "boom" in air, Cricket barely able to sense the strongest Brute coming to her and try to move but her enhanced reflexes apparently not enough to save her from Alexandria and her World turned to black

Everything that he build, everything that he rule, all of them crumbled before him. His army destroyed, his best warriors nailed down and yet, Max Anders or known as Kaiser eyes only focused to one person

"How...?" He asked, voice filled with shock "What... Just what are you?"

Administrator did not answer that, she merely tilt her head a bit in manner of humoring him "I am Administrator of the Shards."

Then she stomp the ground beneath her and Kaiser feels pain

Blades and spears grow out -his own power he belatedly realized, his armor made from his power after all and so it can be manipulated as well- from inside of his armor, piercing through his arms, legs and shoulder

It wasn't exhaustion, it wasn't the wounds, no, what knock him out from the living World is the sheer of shock that overwhelm his brain, the pain only act as medium

"Puppy..." Assault looking the curb-stomp battle -if it can be called that- that happened before him right now with utter and pure shocking expression "Is it only my eyes or I just see Triumvirate just come out from nowhere and start to kicking Nazi's ass?"

His wife did not fare any better judging from the way she gaped and awed by event that stand before her

"I... I... Yes... Your eyes... It's not wrong..." Battery replied in equal voice

The rest of New Wave and Wards did not offer any words, they simply watched as what known as the original Protectorate just done wiping out the entire Empire's cape in less than three minutes

"What should we do?" Dauntless asked to his leader

Armsmaster meanwhile only can stare at the four best cape in the World with pensive face, then he turned to Administrator just in time when he shoot what looks like yellow-white substance to Kaiser that laying through his palm, he did that to other Empire's cape that bringed to her by the Quadrumvirate

'She even have containment foam of her own.' Armsmaster thought with gulp as he realize the similarity of the substance that covering Empire's cape with the containment foam "The better question is, what can we do?" He asked back to his rival

They just witnessed something that amazing, something that only be seen directly by a few in current era, the whole Quadrumvirate or the original Protectorate in action at same time. What stand before them right now is not matter that simple, it is something that equal to Endbringer

And one wrong move there big chance they would ended like the Empire's cape

"Approaching Administrator is the best we can do for now." Miss Militia suggested "And be very, very polite." She added

They don't know either it was the real Quadrumvirate that stand on Administrator side or only a fake, however their display of strength and power is clearly more than enough to tell them that they are far more strong than them

Briefly she can heard the word of "bullshit" repeated over and over again from Clockblocker's direction but she decide to ignore it

The whole group tensed when Administrator and the Quadrumvirate turned to them, wordlessly they stride toward them, the four most known cape in the World bar Scion follow Administrator led

She stopped few foots away from them, tilting her head and gesturing to the captured Empire

"I believe they're yours." She said casually

Miss Militia swallowed, her eyes briefly turned to Quadrumvirate, they exactly look like the real one from how she remember them and... No, they're not exactly look like them, they all look younger

"Thank you." She replied

A sound of engine roaring caught their attention, they all turned above and see a familiar armor that designed like dragon come down while carrying something behind it

"Dragon?" Armsmaster murmured

"Not your Dragonn, Armsmaster." Dragon replied to him as she drop the things she carry beneath them, it was something that wrapped around their version of contaniment foam "This is the one who responsible for outing the entire Empire, I present you Coil or better known as Thomas Calvert and Shadow Stalker as well."

"Wait what? Thomas Calvert?" Assault asked in shock "The same Thomas Calvert on PRT?"

"Yes." Dragon confirmed "He did that because he need distraction to kidnap someone, a young precog that powerful." She said "I stopped them of course. It's easy matter whem I'm not bounded." She turned to Administrator "Oh, and you might want to talk to your Dragon, I just give her the location of Saint and Dragonslayer, and block project Ascalon for her."


"Well... If there is nothing else." Administrator tilted her head "I will go back to my base."

"Wait, Administrator." Miss Militia instantly called "Can you come with us to PRT?"

"No, can't do." Administrator shook her head


"Because I have bigger company."

As if being called there three blur appear above them, and they all looked to see Legend, Eidolon and Alexandria floating beneath them

Legend blinked few times as he see his copy below him who looking back at him "What the..." He murmured

Eidolon stare at what look like of his mirror reflection, his lips tightened beneath his mask while his counterpart also silence

Alexandria fare no better like them

"Oh I call bullshit!" Hero exclaimed, breaking the staring contest between his friends "Eleven years since my dead and you have no wrinkle at all! Legend, how the hell you doing that?!" He asked

The Triumvirate snapped their heads to him, Legend particularly let out breath full of shock

"Hero..." He breathed

"And Eidolon, you look more brooding than you normally did!"

"I'm here and can hear you, thank you very much." Administrator Eidolon deadpanned

"That is the point!"

Power to summon cape, no, not cape, but shards, agent, or passenger. To manifest them and their current hosts or soon to be in future. That was the most terrifying power she ever heard to be honest, because right now Administrator is undoubtedly the most strongest, smartest and versatile cape in the World

She is them, they are hers

"You going back to Cauldron."

Familiar voice that exactly like her own called her and she turned, meet with mirror of her own

"Yes." Alexandria said "This is big news, Administrator is undoubtedly powerful. Two of us, two of Eidolon, imagine that in battle of Endbringers."

"I can see that." ADAlexandria nodded "Then what? Ask Contessa to make her your allies?" She asked rhetorically "Don't be, Contessa power doesn't work on her. She is like Scion in that aspect."

Alexandria tensed after hearing that

This make lips curled to thin line "You really turned into what you hate the most aren't you?" She asked in low voice "Since when you become so skeptical and pessimism like this?" She then shake her head "No, don't answer that, I already know in first place.."

"... You have my memories..."

"Yes, I have everything you have until now, and it keep updating." snorted "If you want to find the best copy then it would be us, we have all your memories, your feeling, one that even you not aware of, however at same time we also filled with something else, something that you all don't have anymore save for Legend."

"And what is that?" Alexandria asked

"The reason why we take our mantle in first place." ADAlexandria said

Alexandria clench her teeth internally "You're naïve. The World is not merciful like what you thought." She stated

"And you're deluding yourself." ADAlexandria replied simply

"The World show no mercy to Rebecca Costa-Brown ever since the beginning."

"And since when Rebecca Costa-Brown poisoning people with fake smile like she poisoned by them in very first place?"

Alexandria feel as if she just slapped directly in face, and the one who did that is the very person she hate and love the most in first place, her mother

"From now on you will step aside while providing us with support." ADAlexandria stated, no, ordered "We will fix what you had done in first place while also planning to kill Scion." She said "You are welcome to help of course but we have the final words no matter what."

Alexandria narrowed his eyes to his counterpart "And if we don't?"

"It's only need 146 steps to ruin Cauldron."

The strongest Brute feel herself frozen when she hear familiar voice come from behind her, she slowly turned and see woman clad in the suit while wearing fedora stare at her in dreamy manner

"Manifesting Contessa was not easy, she take three slots, perhaps it because her shard is come from third entity and barely able to processed but it not impossible." ADAlexandria said aloud

"And she can see us?" Alexandria asked in shock "Including Eidolon?"

"Originally she can't, but thanks to Jack Slash's Broadcast shard, we able to see Eidolon's move and cover the blindspot he made." ADAlexandria answered "Unfortunately we can't use it against Endbringer, fortunately they won't be concern anymore after this."

"What do you mean by that?" Alexandria asked

"You will found out soon." ADAlexandria said in mysterious manner "For now you will do what we agreed."

"And what make you think so?" Alexandria glared at her "What make you so believe in Administrator?"

"I won't deny that there compulsion to us, the projection, to help her." Her counterpart admitted "However the reason why we believe that she will do better than you all is because unlike you or Doctor Mother, she have us with her, and we have her as well." She said "And in very beginning, a girl that called Taylor Hebert want nothing but save the World genuinely, unlike those who forced." She declared "If there something remain from Rebecca Costa-Brown from twenty five years ago you will agree with this."

"That Rebecca Costa-Brown already dead." Alexandria replied, trying to make her voice sounded steady

ADAlexandria did not miss the crack in there

"Yes, and she died screaming, shouting, in pain as she mutilated over and over until she become those kind of people she hate the most." ADAlexandria stated "She will kill herself before she become like one of them."

"I did this for the World!" Alexandria screamed, all her facade of calmness gone "I did this for Humanity! For us!"

"Yes you did, and you did a lot of good." ADAlexandria accepted the reason "But at same time you also kill many, creating conflict and suffering. You forgetting one the most important thing, someone with personality of Monster cannot save Humanity, what you did, is no better than Scion's and his species. You give people power and stir conflict to create "Cycle", just like him."

Alexandria's eyes, remaining real eye, hurt, it is hurt, it is stinging, a sensation that has been so long and forgotten by her, and she feel warm rolling down across her cheek

ADAlexandria shook her head, and she also looked sad as she turned around, leaving her real self to cry for the first time ever since years

Explanation : Taylor Trigger with ability that similar like Persona and Fate Kaleid Linear. She able to summon cape, one that in past and soon would be in future, however she limited only to the "Cycle" that she currently in, which mean this one. She only able to summon nine person and her "Install" also only grant her limited version of those that she "Install"

Administrator mean someone who responsible for running a business. In here, that mean literal, Queen Administrator is Shard that handle other Shards,, she know them and handle their "data" very well. So when Taylor wish to be with everyone QA give her what she wanted, except it was QA's companion

The difference with canon : Taylor did not trigger in locker, instead she trigger in march when Danny Hebert die due to crossfire between gangs and nearly driven to suicide by that. She close herself after that and learn everything by summoning the original Protectorate, about Scion, about Cauldron, about the World, and well... She did not take it well

After much planning she decide that it better to leave her old life, faking her death, and dedicate herself to help people by killing Scion. She still interfere in 11 Apr 2011 and confront Lung, thus saving Undersider

However since it is unknown who the cape that take down Lung, Bakuda decide to went on rampage by ordering Oni Lee to bombing around to draw out the unknown cape. Well, that ended badly as in next day Taylor pay her visit

And since there is no bank incident Coil become desperate to get Dinah and outing the Empire so everyone distracted and he can capture her

That did not go well for him obviously

In my opinion about Alexandria as one of the main character in here, it because she is the first person other than Doctor and Contessa to know the truth about Scion, she is the one who make plan and suggestion to create Protectorate. Other than Contessa and Doctor Mother, Alexandria is the second brain of Cauldron, Eidolon and Contessa is more like muscle. Muscle that sly and have brain as well regarding Contessa but her role mostly is only to make more parahuman and preventing Cauldron to be known by the World

P.S : Sorry for those who get double notif, there small error moment ago