The Great Trip Debate

Summary: The Shield brothers are debating and arguing about a weekend family road trip.

As usual, it's Thursday morning and the three brothers are debating over ideas of a trip. Roman Reigns, the resident Big Dog of the WWE and oldest brother sits in his recliner. He runs his hand through his luscious black locks as Dean Ambrose, The Lunatic Fringe of the WWE and Middle brother walks around the living room. Dean stops dead in his tracks and pipes up, "How about we go cliff diving?" Seth Rollins, The King Slayer and youngest brother looks at Dean in shock before speaking, "Um… Hell no. Some of us want to live past the age of 31 and 32." Dean huffs and sits down as he pouts crossing his arms. "We never get to do anything I want to do!" He whines looking over to Roman. Roman lets out a sigh sipping his coffee before speaking, "Let's make a deal Dean. How about all three of us agree on an activity and you get to choose places to eat?" Dean's eyes light up and he nods before speaking, "I'll grab my cell phone!"

Seth rolls his eyes and puts his headset on before speaking, "You're on your own. I'd rather stay home and read my comics or play video games with The New Day." Seth returned to his Call of Duty match with The New Day and huffs forgetting that they are extremely annoying. Dean sits thinking to himself before speaking, "When you hear family road trip? What comes to mind?" Roman huff and sighs, "I'd Superman Punch my sister."

Dean giggles with wide eyes, "But Roman we don't have a sister. We only have a baby brother. That's Seth." Roman shrugs nonchalantly drinking his coffee, "I guess Seth will have to do. He can be a sister getting Superman punched. After all he can be a prissy man and a snob. He can also be a snob." Seth looks ups from his games looking the two in horror before arguing back, "You two do realize that I can hear your annoying plots? Right you goons? I can hear you loud and clear. I am the leader of this family and I was the leader of The Shield. I get final say in all this horror called a Thursday morning. We are going on the road trip. From here in Davenport Iowa to Dean's hometown of Cinci because Raw is in Cinci."

Dean smiles and jumps happily as Roman groans. Dean exclaims happily, "Chili! Rubens! Ice Cream! Pizza! Milkshakes! Sushi! Crepes! Finally, grilled cheese doughnuts! Small off the map diners included!" Roman groans rubbing his temples with his fingers, "Why must you encourage the Lunatic? He's going to eat himself sick again. Kurt isn't going to be happy with us again." Seth shrugs eating his leftover popcorn nonchalantly before speaking, "I guess you can say payback is a real bitch Rome. Payback for call me a prissy man and a snob. You are driving by the way." Roman groans getting up to pack, "I hate driving these road trips."