Disclaimer: Kim Possible and related characters belong to Disney. I don't claim to own them and I'm not trying to profit from them. I'm just trying to entertain.
Chapter 1
Kim Possible woke to the sound of a phone ringing. It wasn't her ringtone. She was disoriented from waking up in the middle of a dream and for a moment she had no idea where she was or what was happening. The phone kept ringing, and Kim blearily groped towards it. Her hand encountered something soft and warm. The ringing finally stopped.
"What the heck is it, Dr. D?"
The sound of the husky female voice sent pleasant tingles along Kim's body. She opened her eyes to look at the other occupant of the bed. Shego was groggily holding a mobile phone to her ear, her eyes closed and her long black hair in disarray. Kim thought she looked absolutely enchanting.
"Shego, where are you?" Shego pulled the phone away from her ear as Dr. Drakken's disagreeable voice blared from the speaker.
"At my place. It's my day off."
"I need you here, Shego. The device is finished, and I'm ready to move on to phase two."
"Can't it wait until tomorrow?" Shego cracked her eyes open to look at Kim. She let her gaze roam Kim's sheet-covered body appreciatively.
"We must strike while the iron is hot. Get back here immediately."
"Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses. I'll be there in a couple of hours." Part of Kim's awakening mind started working out what constraints that placed on the possible locations of Dr. Drakken's lair. The rest of her mind was occupied in appreciating Shego's bare torso.
"You'd better not be late, Shego." Shego ended the call.
"Duty calls, huh?"
"Well, a blue annoyance called, but I'm afraid I need to go, all the same. He can get pretty intense when he thinks his plan is coming together." Shego trailed her hand on Kim's stomach and sighed. "I was kinda looking forwards to spending the day together."
"Yeah, me too." Kim offered Shego a coquettish smile. "I guess I'll hang out with Monique, instead. At least we can hash out the details of my supposed sleepover."
"As long as that's all you do."
"You know you're the only one for me, Shego."
"I'd better be."
A four-note tune sounded from the floor next to Kim's side of the bed.
"Hang on." Kim dug into her backpack and pulled out her Kimmunicator. "Go, Wade."
"Kim, I think I've managed to locate... why's the video not on?"
"I'm not exactly decent, Wade." She was naked, after all. Not to mention sharing a bed with a wanted criminal.
"At this hour? What have you been doing?"
"That's not important right now, Wade. What have you found out?"
"Sorry. I think I've located Dr. Drakken's hideout. Some very unusual energy readings popped up just minutes ago."
Kim looked at Shego, who looked back at her, shrugging her shoulders.
"I suppose we'd better look into it. Have you called Ron?"
"Yes. I figured he was still sleeping and it would save time if I woke him up, first."
"Good call." Kim would have preferred to be sleeping, too. She'd had a late, if pleasurable, night.
"I've arranged a ride. Uh, where are you, Kim? Your GPS is off."
"Really? I must have accidentally messed up the settings. I'll check it out. Send them to pick up Ron first, okay?"
"Fine. Where do you want them to meet you?"
Kim looked at Shego speculatively. "Just have them bring Ron to Dr. Drakken's lair. I'll arrange my own ride."
"Uh, if you're sure, Kim."
"I'm sure. Talk to you later, Wade." Kim signed off and turned towards Shego with an expectant look.
"We're both going to the same place," Kim pointed out very reasonably.
"Of course we are, but if you make your own way, at least I don't feel like I'm collaborating with my boss's arch-nemesis."
"But you're fine with sleeping with her."
"What I do on my off-time is my own business."
"Why can't you just give me a ride?"
"When we're on the clock, we're enemies, Kimmie. Enemies don't carpool."
"Please? That way we could spend a little more time together." Kim let herself pout a little.
"I'm not opposed to spending time with you, but when I'm supposed to be working I'm afraid it needs to be limited to fighting."
Kim thought Shego was being unnecessarily obstinate, but it hardly mattered; she had made up her mind, and she would not be denied. She decided it was time to break out the big guns. She pushed out her lower lip as her eyes grew large and watery. She hung her head and gave Shego a mournful sidewise stare.
"No. No, no, no. Don't do this to me, Kimmie."
"Pweeze?" Kim's lower lip quivered and her voice trembled pathetically.
Shego screwed her eyes shut. Kim maintained her puppy-dog pout. Shego cautiously opened one eye and looked at Kim. Kim saw the capitulation in her expression.
"Oh, fine. We can ride together. But just this once."
Kim's expression instantly turned joyful. She reached out to give Shego a hug. "Thank you, Shego."
"Yeah. Well." Shego scratched her head, a smile threatening to break out. "I guess we need to get up." Shego pulled off the sheet and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "I'm going to shower. Get your gear together, you can shower after me."
"No, I think I'm going to join you."
"Kimmie, much as I'd love to play with you, I need to get to work. You know what happens when we shower together."
"Mmm, but if I shower after you, will you still be here by the time I get out?"
"I already said I'd give you a ride. Don't you trust me?"
"Trust but verify, Shego. You are a villain."
"I guess you do know me. But I'm not kidding. If I let you into the shower with me, I'm going to be so late."
"So? You know I won't get there before you, and it's not like you'll have time to get to phase two, anyway." Kim had got on her knees behind Shego and was trailing her fingers along her shoulders and arms. "Being a little late won't hurt anyone."
"You make a convincing argument. Besides, it was supposed to be my day off."
Shego jumped off the bed, grabbed Kim's hand, and rushed towards the bathroom. Kim laughed happily as she was dragged along.
"Won't people notice you have this thing parked on the roof?" Kim said as she helped Shego pull the tarpaulin off Dr. Drakken's hover car.
"Nobody comes up here. Besides, I have an understanding with the janitor."
"What sort of an understanding?"
"The kind that involves naked greenbacks."
"I wish you wouldn't speak about naked green backs."
"Do I have reason to be?"
Shego dropped the tarp on the roof and swept Kim into a kiss. "Nope. Even I know better than to mess with a good thing."
"Aww, you're so sweet when you get all romantic."
Shego's expression grew harder for a second, then softened again. "Only for you. Now get on board."
Kim vaulted over the side of the flying machine and sank down to the seat next to Shego's.
"You know, I don't think I've ever been on one of these before."
"Why would you have? Dr. D's pretty protective of them. I don't blame him; these are some of his best work."
"He made these? I thought he stole them."
"Well, I'm not sure where the design came from. He had it before I signed on. Either way, they make for a handy commute."
"He could make a mint selling these, rather than trying to take over the world."
"Not everyone wants to be a productive member of the society, Kimmie. Besides, these things are not cheap to make or maintain. It helps if you don't have to pay for the parts."
Kim fell silent as Shego finished her preparations and lifted off. She didn't really like it when Shego reminded her of what she did for a living. They flew in silence for a while.
"I thought this would be faster."
"I'll speed up once we're out of the city limits. Here, you'll want to wear these when I do."
"Do you see a windshield?"
"Not much of a one. This is definitely Dr. Drakken's work."
"He never thinks things through. Hold on, I'm flooring it."
The hover car shot forwards, threatening to leave Kim's stomach behind. She was pushed into the seat and the force of the wind hitting her felt like running into a wall. She was glad for the goggles and wished she had a scarf as well. All these were minor annoyances compared to the exhilaration she felt in hurtling through the sky with Shego by her side. She turned to grin at the woman, wind whipping her ponytail around.
The onrushing air made conversation impossible. Kim settled on leaning against Shego, resting her head on her shoulder and laying her hand on her leg. She felt Shego subtly pressing back as she worked the controls. When she started stroking Shego's thigh, the older woman swatted her hand away and gave her an admonishing stare. Kim grinned at her again, but acquiesced; she probably shouldn't distract the driver. They flew on, content in each other's presence.
"Looks like your party."
Shego had slowed down as they approached their destination, making conversation possible again. Kim peered in the direction Shego had indicated, then pulled out binoculars from the glove compartment and took a closer look.
"Yep, it's Ron and I think Baxter with his donkeys." She decided not to mention that one of the donkeys was munching on Ron's pants.
Shego raised one elegant eyebrow, prompting Kim to elaborate. "I helped him out with one of his donkeys once. Emergency delivery. It was no big."
"Right. How about I set you down somewhere out of sight rather than right next to them."
"Sounds prudent."
Shego veered off and landed the craft behind a pile of rocks. Kim jumped off, then leaned back in to give Shego a kiss.
"Thanks for the lift, honey. Have a nice day at work."
"Very funny." Shego grumbled at her, but Kim could see the smile she tried to hide. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Try not to miss me too much."
"Oh, I won't miss." Shego activated her power for emphasis, letting the eerie green glow dance on her palm for a few seconds.
Kim waved at Shego as she took off again, then shouldered her backpack and walked over to meet up with Ron.
"Hi, KP. I didn't think I'd get here before you."
"Well, let's not waste any more time. We still need to locate Dr. Drakken's lair." Shego had very unreasonably refused to point out the entrance.
"Oh, I've already narrowed it down to somewhere in the Grand Canyon!" Ron shouted the last words as he thrust his arms towards the impressive landscape before them. "Who builds their lair in the Grand Canyon?"
"Dr. Drakken, apparently. I'm sure Wade can help us narrow it down." Kim pulled out the Kimmunicator as she walked towards the edge of the cliff. "Come on. Let's get this show on the road."