Harry Potter is nearly fifteen. He was nearly killed at the end of the previous school year. Forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, he was transported, along with fellow Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory, to a graveyard. The Dark Lord Voldemort ordered Peter Pettigrew to kill Diggory, as he was deemed the spare. After Harry was restrained, his blood was used in a dark ritual which returned Voldemort to a human body, even if it was distinctly snake looking in a way. Now Voldemort is back, most likely regaining his power and consolidating his forces. And where is Harry? Why he is laying on the tiny bed in the nearly empty room in the house full of people that hate him.

He is laying own his stomach, as his back is still painful from the beating that his uncle had given him earlier that night. He was severely beaten, but the back was the worst, as his uncle had repeatedly struck him with the belt, making sure that the buckle landed. Now he was locked in the room again, and again, without food.

This summer had been the worst yet. More work, less food, more yelling, and worse beatings. It was made even worse as none of his supposed friends had sent him any letters. like hell he would send them letters.

Harry looked at the clock as it was nearing midnight, all he wanted is to go into a deep asleep. Usually, on this night, he would be awake, waiting until midnight came around and it was his birthday. But he didn't care anymore. So what was the point of staying awake? Three hours after midnight, Harry is awoken by a weird sensation in his chest. It feels like fire, and yet also feels like ice. It doesn't feel like he's burning or freezing, but a comfortable numbness. It starts to spread out until it encompassed his entire body. Tingles started to be felt along his entire body. He painfully sat up, but could not stay up. He fell onto his back and was going to cry out, but his throat wouldn't cooperate. He looked down and noticed that a blackness had encompassed his entire body. The blackness was denser than any fog, denser than the blackness of a dementor, and it was spreading from his chest. As he watched, the blackness crept up his body. It was terrifying and captivating all at the same time. He watched as it slid down his throat. It felt like the fire and ice from before, and he could still breath, if only barely. It continued up his face and covered his eyes. After that, he didn't see anything else. Hours went by, and all he knew was darkness. No light, no sound, no sensation of any kind, not even smell or taste.

After what seemed like an eternity, the light started to come back to him. He opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. His glasses weren't on, and yet he could see perfectly clear, better than clear. He could see so much detail. He could see the dust motes and the texture of the ceiling. He saw the smudges on the window and the cracks in the walls. His hearing was better too. He could hear his uncle and cousin snoring, his aunt breathing. His sense of smell was magnified as well. He could smell the dinner from the night before, the grass outside, even the ozone of the approaching storm.

He also noticed that he no longer hurt. All of the pain was gone. He sat up and lifted up his shirt. All of the marks from over the years had disappeared. He got up and quietly went to the bathroom. After closing the door, he went to turn on the lights. Harry looked into the mirror, he noticed many more changes.

His skin was now a fair, shade of Olive complexion, his face was different, the cheekbones were higher and sharp. His lips were slightly fuller. His nose was straight and sharp. His hair was no longer a wild mess, but instead was smooth and fell below his shoulders. After marveling over his new face, he turned his attention to the rest of his body. He removed his shirt and shorts and noticed that, while he was still slim, he was no longer skeletal looking. He seemed to have been transformed. His chest was smooth with defined pecs. His abdomen had eight pairs of bumps. His thighs were bigger, but not overly so, and his legs were muscled. His arms were muscled as well, and like the rest of his body were still slim. His entire body was lithe muscle, completely toned with no sight of fat anywhere. It was also completely smooth other than his head, eyebrows, and a dark trail from his belly button to his pelvic area.

After few minutes of just looking at the changes to his body, Harry comes to the realization that he was unable to take his relative's treatment anymore. Quickly getting dressed and started packing his belongings Into his new trunk that he kept hidden from the Dursleys that contain all his precious valuables. Harry walked over to Hedwig's cage and let her out as he looked at the barred window, using wandless magic and using a spell that he invented and said: "window, window paper thin open up I'm going in." And watched as his spell open the window and got rid of the bars Looking at Hedwig Harry told her not to come back, but to find somewhere safe and stay there until he could leave. Watching Hedwig go. Harry used wandless magic to shrink his trunk and place it into his pocket. Quickly pulling on his cloak and sneaking out of his room and walking quietly downstairs and walked to the door.

As soon as he got out of the house he started running and didn't stop. He had no idea where he was going he just knew he wanted to get as far away from there as fast as possible. He needed to get to Gringotts to see what was going on probably the Goblins knew what was happening to him. but it was midnight and Harry didn't think that Gringotts will be open at this time, he needed a place to stay. but he couldn't go to the Leaky cauldron knowing that Dumbledore had spies everywhere and send him straight back to the Dursleys.

So, the best thing he could do is go to knockturn Alley and stay In a pub there hoping things go as planned.

Time skip in the pub in knockturn Alley

Only just stepping into the pub, Harry froze when he was staring at his enemy not 10 feet in front of him. Realizing Voldemort hadn't seen him yet and wonder how in hell does he look like Tom Riddle from the diary but only he looks a lot older than the Diary version of Tom Riddle, Harry started backing away slowly. Just as he turned, however, his luck kicked in and Voldemort turned spotting him. "Excuse me?" Said a very husky in sexual tone voice. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat hard glancing back at the man looking at him smirking, right before he started running full sprint away from Voldemort. Before he ran five feet he felt something hit his back knocking him forward and his world turned black before he even hit the ground.

Before Harry enters the pub

Tom sat at a table for four inside a bar. It was older, but elegant inside. He had never been here before. While he did frequent the secret gatherings, attended by only Purebloods and Half-bloods of high standing, he was not the type to attend the after parties that followed.

He was here at the request of Lucius and Rodolphus. During the Pureblood meeting only an hour before, the heir to a very old, very wealthy, Russian bloodline had made it public that he supported the views of the Dark Lord. After speaking with him for a short amount of time, Rodolphus had been convinced the man would be a valuable asset. Lucius had agreed. Therefore, when they had been asked to accompany the Russian heir to the Pureblood after party, they had accepted without Tom's consent.

Tom now sat in a chair at the end of a table, bored and irate. The Russian heir had decided it was safe enough to drink far too much during their discussion and was hardly paying attention anymore.

Tom looked at the two of his Death Eaters that had set up this meeting. Lestrange, who sat on his right, and Malfoy, who sat on his left. He could see that they were not only displeased with the rude foreigner, but also pale with barely hidden fear. No one ever got drunk when in the presence of Lord Voldemort, so naturally, they were appalled. Their fear stemmed from knowing they were responsible for wasting their Master's time.

It didn't matter that he was in disguise and posing as just another Death Eater; Tom was not going to be forgiving. This man was a walking corpse. However, right now, Tom was not in the mood to deal with any of this. He looked around the room. It was bustling with people who were either laughing or scheming. None of it interested him, but, noting how nice it felt to be out of his office, he admitted to himself that he did, indeed, need something different from his boring daily routine.

This party, filled with annoying drunkards, and wasn't that something, made him decide that he would be taking a step back from his plots and war plans for a short time. Perhaps he would go—

All thoughts ceased. His mind shut down as his eyes focused on a figure that had just strode inside. The Stranger's skin was a fair, shade of Olive complexion, He has high cheekbones that bring out his Aristocratic looks. His lips full and plump. His nose was straight and sharp. And his silk smooth black and fell below his shoulders. But what captivated Tom is attention where his bright emerald green eyes the same shade as the killing curse.

This man was truly gorgeous!

Tom couldn't breathe. He had no idea how he had controlled himself enough to remember to check this man's age and get his name.

Voldemort's POV

When I saw The Stranger's back to me I called out cautiously to make sure that he heard me. When I saw his head turn to me I realized His eyes widened in fear. I cursed under my breath as he started to run. I sent a simple stunner at his back and watched with mirth as he fell to the ground and stopped moving. Luckily for me that no one was paying attention they were too busy drinking and Partying I flicked my wand and levitated him to me. Once he was close enough I grabbed hold of him and apparated back to my manor before anyone even had an idea of what was going on.

3rd POV

Harry suppressed a groan as he slowly took in what was going on before he opened his eyes. As far as he could tell he was on a bed, a big one and his hands were chained above his head. At least I know it wasn't a dream. Unless uncle Vernon is going to do something, he'll regret. Harry doubted it. He shivered feeling a cold wind brush over his skin. His eyes flew open when he realized he was naked and chained to a bed. Looking around he realized Whose room that he was currently chained down to the bed too was none other than Voldemort's bedroom fear quickly rows in him and he started to panic and pulling on the chains.

"Nice to see you're awake." Said a husky voice. Harry looked towards the sound of the voice Only to gulp in fear where he saw a naked Tom Riddle standing there at the doorway.

"Voldemort? What, not enough to chain me to a bed, what now are you going to blindfold me too?" Harry said as he shivered again when he heard Voldemort's chuckle echo through the room.

What do you want anyways?" Harry said as he tries to pull on the chains again.

"Why, Isn't it obvious love?" Harry stiffened swallowing when he saw Tom climbing onto the bed dipping by his feet. Harry tried pulling his legs up to his chest to get away from the man but ended up grunting as his legs were pulled back down forcefully. "That isn't a very good start love."

"F-fuck you."

"No, I plan on fucking you." Harry shuddered hard trying desperately to pull his hands-free as he felt the bed dipping closer to his hips. "D-don't." He let out a small gasp feeling a wet tongue on the tip of his cock.

"You really have no say here love." Harry let out a whimper as the tongue traveled down the bottom of his cock playing with a thick vein. He could feel his cock twitching and slowly getting harder as Voldemort kept up his ministrations. He let out a groan as he felt his cock pulled into a wet hot mouth and couldn't stop his hips from bucking as Voldemort started chuckling around his cock. He started panting hard as Voldemort slowly pulled off his cock and moved further up his body to start sucking on his hard nipples. Harry shut his eyes trying to think of anything to help him out of this situation. Without meaning to Harry did a spell that he heard from the boy's dormitory but the spell will only work for one night it was better than nothing. so, Harry concentrated on the spell only for him to hear Voldemort gasp.

"What did you do love?" Voldemort asked feeling his ass stretched and lubricated, his position putting it against Harry's hard cock. Harry lifted his hips slowly rubbing the tip against Voldemort's ass and paused hearing a low quiet moan. He pulled back and pushed up hearing it again, and feeling the ass press back against his cock. Gathering his confidence, he pulled back and thrust forward hard pushing his tip inside and hearing Voldemort let out a loud gasp and dig his nails into Harry's shoulders making him hiss in pain but not stop. He pressed further forcing himself into Voldemort's tight hole. The hold only got tighter the deeper he got until he felt himself completely sheathed in the tight hole and stopped all movement.

"You will pay for this love…later." He felt as Voldemort slowly began relaxing around him and slowly started to pull back. Feeling the body above him shiver, he thrust forward again hitting something that caused Voldemort to bend his back and let out a loud moan. Harry pulled back and thrust forward again aiming for that same spot and knowing he hit it when he heard the moan again. Tu aimes ça? {You like that? } Hearing French made Voldemort moan louder and reach down for his own hard length and start stroking it furiously. Harry pulled back and thrust forward hitting into that sweet spot harder. Dis-le. Dis-tu comme ma bite. {Say it. Say you like my cock.}

I..I l-like your c-cock. Harry chuckled hearing the moans escaping while he tried talking. After a few more thrusts Voldemort was releasing hard. Harry opened his mouth as the first shot hit his face most of it landing in his mouth the next few spurts hit his chest and stomach. He swallowed what was in his mouth moaning at the feel of the walls constricting his cock and after a few more thrusts he was releasing deep inside of his enemy.

Panting hard Voldemort slowly ran two fingers up Harry's stomach and chest collecting the cum and thrust his fingers into Harry's mouth not having seen him earlier and smirked wickedly. The smirk disappeared as Harry's tongue quickly started lapping at the fingers cleaning them happily and swallowing the sweet and salty mix down. Voldemort slowly leaned down while removing his fingers and chuckling at the whine he got for it. Slowly he pressed his lips to Harry's.

Voldemort started to jerk his head back but gasped himself as he felt hands pull his head back down and a tongue entering his mouth. When did he get free? Was all he could think before his mind went blank for the first time in his life as their tongues started to fight for dominance. Voldemort was certain he would not lose and started trying to push back into Harry's mouth. Somehow Harry won out and Voldemort couldn't help the whine that escaped into Harry's mouth causing him to pull back and chuckle.

Harry rolled over so he was on his side and pulled the covers over them. He wasn't sure what time it was but he was tired and he was almost sure Voldemort was too. He fell asleep with Voldemort in his arms and for once in his life didn't have any nightmares and even had a smile on his face all night long.