This is my first Percabeth fanfic so I hope you enjoy. I've recently been obsessed with Percabeth Fake Dating Aus and I couldn't resist.

Happy Reading, Panda1912

Annabeth Chase was not popular and she wasn't unpopular. She was one of those people who were perfectly happy where she was in the social hierarchy of her high school, Half-Blood Hill High, or HBH High for short. She was perfectly happy with her two best friends, Thalia and Piper. The closest she had become to 'popular' was having a locker next to the most popular guy at HBH High. So if there was one thing she could change about HBH High, it was the popular group.

There were three boys in particular that seemed to grate on her nerves in particular. Grover Underwood was probably the least annoying, according to Annabeth. Born with a muscular disease that left him unable to participate in PE, he was quiet and thoughtful but also mischievous and funny. Then came Jason Grace, Thalia's brother. Steady and dependable, he made a great Track Team Captain. For those who knew him though, knew that he was only slightly better than Percy for pranks and jokes. And then came Percy Jackson. Top of the food chain, he had it all. Annabeth had the misfortune of having her locker next to his and knew full well how he was chased by the girls in the school. He was also Swim Captain and given the title of Prank King by his closest friends.

The groups knew each other of course. How could they not with Thalia and Jason being siblings? But it was not only that. The two groups seemed to have a rivalry. I hadn't gone too bad recently but it had been worse in the earlier years. Pranks that went too far and often ended in detention or tears or sometimes both.

So it came as a surprise to Annabeth when Percy asked her a favour.

They were both at their lockers' at the same time, getting books for their next few classes when he spoke. It was low and quiet, despite the fact that the halls were almost empty and no one was listening to their conversation.

"I need you to do me a favour," was what he said.

Annabeth glanced around before realizing that he was talking to her.

"Me?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes," he replied impatiently.

"What do you want Jackson?" she sighed.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend," he spoke quickly, so fast in fact, that Annabeth was sure that she had misheard him.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend," he repeated, slightly slower.

"Absolutely not- "

Annabeth was cut off by Percy.

"Come to the Library at break and I'll explain."

With that, he shut his locker, locked it and rushed off down the hall.

Sorry, it's so short, it's more of a Prologue. Hopefully, the coming chapters will be longer and better. Hope you enjoyed it,

Happy Reading, Panda1912