Hello, every sasuhina fans out there. Honestly speaking, I am not satisfied with the ending of Naruto but we must accept the fact. It's a bit difficult to read sasusaku moment but again I have to accept it. Since I don't follow the story anymore and I don't want to, I decided to create my own world where I can make everything favorable for me. So this is sasuhina story, if you don't like it please don't read because this story is mainly for sasuhina fans. Thanks.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 1

Hyuuga Hinata was known as a shy, well-mannered, very disciplined and diligent teacher by her students. Yet this diligent teacher didn't feel so diligent when she was laying on her side, under her thin comfortable blanket in the early morning in the middle of the summer. She planned to lie down and do nothing at least for the next ten minutes. Morning sun, finished marked papers, weekend; such a blissful life.

She almost fell asleep soon only to be awoken by a persistent ringing bell of her door. She frowned when she remembered that she didn't make any plans with either her family or friends yet the ringing didn't stop, which meant it was important. Hinata, the ever so polite woman didn't even cursed the person behind the door and went to the door hurriedly, her mind went to a big whirl of bad possibilities she might had at that moment.

"Wait, please.." she stated from the hall as she was tightening the tie of her lavender satin robe. "W-wait.." she said again while unlocking the door, the odd thing was there was no response from the person behind the door or any presence when she saw through the peeping hole.

The door was swung open toward apartment's hall, "Huh?" she mumbled lowly when her door was stuck, she couldn't open it as wide as she usually does. She pushed further and there was indeed something blocking the door. Hinata walked and looked behind the door and she gasped.

She looked around and found no one at the hallway. "It's impossible." she murmured and squatted down, "What are you doing here, little one?" she cooed.

In front of her was an ordinary medium size light brown basket but it was the content that drew Hinata's attention. It was a pretty black haired baby with pinkish cheek and lips, covered by dark blue blanket and a fluffy pillow with same color propped under his head. The baby smiled brightly to her when Hinata touched its plump cheeck. "Who are you little angel?" she looked around once again and found no one. "Someone must have left you here, huh?" she said again in higher and softer voice.

The baby swang its fist energetically and Hinata was entranced by the baby's dark charcoal eyes. "Where is your Mommy? Daddy?" The baby blinked and grumbled indecisively, "I wonder where they are."

Hinata scooted closer to the basket and found a small folded paper placed next to the baby, confined between the baby and the basket.

He is your son.

His name is Haruto.

I have enough with Uchiha.


"Oh, no." Hinata whispered sadly, her heart dropped, her body went rigid when she grasped the fact. "So, you are Haruto-kun, hm?" He mumbled as if he answered Hinata's question. "Such pretty boy but we are in a big problem, Haruto-kun." The baby was left by his mother, Hinata was sure after looking at the delicate written and curve of the letters all thanks to years teaching and reading her students' handwriting, and the mother obviously left the little boy at the wrong address. She wasn't an Uchiha and she undoubtedly wasn't a he. That meant Haruto-kun was alone, abandoned, -his mother left him and his father didn't even know his existence- and had to rely on Hinata now yet the baby still smiling brightly.

Seeing no other option, she decided to take Haruto in and was going to make a or several decisions regarding this little guy. "Don't worry little one, we will find your parents. I promise you that." There was no way she would leave the baby suffer alone, her upbringing wouldn't allow that, her profession wouldn't either. She closed the door with an ease and a bright smile, being positive that everything would be okay.

"Haruto is a smart boy, isn't he?" Hinata said happily while putting aside the worn clothes, she had just bathed the little soldier and he was ready to take his meal.

Hinata nudged the feeding bottle she found beneath the thick pillow Haruto had earlier, fortunately his mother was thoughtful enough to put several clean clothes and stuff Haruto would need in such short notice. Haruto took the nipple and refused to have it after a short sip, "Come on darling, it's your time to drink now." He kept refusing and started to cry. Hinata scooped Haruto into her arm and swayed her arms a little, "I know it's not like your mommy but it will help your tummy, okay?" she whispered softly to the baby and after a while Haruto seemed to accept whatever he had at that moment and started to suck the milk quickly. "That's a good boy." Hinata announced proudly when Haruto finished his milk in less than five minutes.

"It's time to sleep, huh?" she patted his back gently to help him to burp and put him back to his bed, a stack of thick towels which Hinata used as a makeshift bed for baby. She made a mental note to buy several things for the new member in her home, "That will wait. We will be okay for tonight." she mumbled sleepily and laid down next to the baby, following him to the lala-land.

Hinata enjoyed her weekend more after that, her little guest kept her entertained and very lovely. Haruto would laugh whenever Hinata played with him, he would returned Hinata's playful nudge on his small fist automatically and mumbled his abstract words to answer her questions. He was an angel.

On the next Monday, the reality slapped on her face, hard. Haruto was not hers and she had no right to take him in despite being so eager to do so. Haruto's mother wished Haruto to live a safe and happy life with his father, not a stranger like Hinata. She had to help Haruto to meet his father, someone who named Uchiha. She didn't know who an Uchiha was and that would be a long way to find him.

Hinata glanced at the big round white watch on her wall, it was almost time to go to school. She could neglect neither her work nor Haruto. Finally she got up from her small blue sofa and dialed a familiar number.

"Hinata-chan, where are you? Are you okay?" a soft voice said immediately after picking up her call.

"U..Um.. I'm okay, Kurenai-sensei." she glanced at Haruto who was playing with a small black raven plush doll which he insisted to have so much when Hinata brought him to baby shop yesterday and didn't let the toy go if he could help it.

"That's good, I will see you at the school?" she said.

"I..Um.. Actually, can you tell Headmaster Tsunade that I will take first period off today? I have something important to do."

"Sure, no problem but can you tell me what happens? Are you sick? Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, no. I'm fine, really. I just need to go to the police station first before go to school."

"Now I definitely need your explanation here, what happened? Did someone barge into your room? An accident? Or.. Don't tell me that jerk comes back to stalk you! If he is, I will make sure to hurt him in the most painful place and guarantee that he will regret it for the rest of his life!" her coworker said menacingly.

"N..no.. It's not about him, Kurenai-sensei."

"Hinata-chan.." she sighed. Two months ago a creepy man was following Hinata around and terrorized her apartment, it needed Kurenai-sensei's threats, the security warning and even Kiba's involvement to make him stop. Fortunately she didn't have to meet the stalker anymore after that.

"It's not him, it's something else. I will tell you later after I meet Kiba-kun." Hinata promised.

Seeing no other choice she answered, "Alright, just be careful, okay? I will tell Tsunade-san, she will understand."

"Okay.. Thank you, Kurenai-sensei." she sighed deeply.

"My, how many times should I tell you to call me Kurenai, Hinata-chan? I will take your class then, since I have no class for the first period."

"Thank you very much, Kurenai-sensei, er.. Kurenai-san."

Her coworker laughed lightly, "Alright, I will wait for you then. Be careful, okay?"


They said goodbye and Hinata went to Haruto. "Ready to go to an adventure, Haruto-kun?" The baby giggled as Hinata scooped him into her arms.


Kiba yawned and walked sluggishly to the main hall, his partner told him that a pretty woman was looking for him. He had to beat his own parter to stop his teasing, usually he wouldn't mind the teasing but after long night chasing a stupid robber and had to make a long report about damages at several shop and public instruments, not to mention a long apologize letter for the public relations department, to blame. It was really a pain in the ass.

Yet his lethargic disappeared when he saw his childhood friend at the big hall. "Hinata!" He grinned happily and ran toward her.

"Kiba-kun!" she replied and smiled at him. "Are you okay, Kiba-kun? You look pale." she asked after she saw his face.

Hinata, the angel. "Ah, nevermind it. I just had a long night, not a big deal." He answered honestly.

"You should take care of yourself well, Kiba-kun."

"Yeah, but we hardly get a chance and I can either crash at the station's quarter or go home for a while but well.." He shrugged. "What's the matter?" He asked quickly as he saw Hinata was carrying a small bundle in her arms, a bundle which was wriggling and creating funny voice.

He walked closer to her and took a peek, there was a small baby with a thick blanket wrapped around him. The baby had clear skin and black eyes and hair. "I have never seen this this baby before, who is it? Neji's friend's baby? The man with those silly green spandex jumpsuit?"

Hinata giggled at how Kiba described Neji's friend, Rock Lee. "No, it's not Lee-san's baby. Haruto is the reason why I come to see you, Kiba-kun."

The dark skinned man arched an eyebrow, "Haruto? This baby? After a stalker now a baby, huh? You are one busy girl, Hina."

"Well, I can't help it. His mother left Haruto in front of my door two days ago. He has no one to lean on and I can't and won't leave him alone. She left a memo telling that his father's name is Uchiha. Can you help me to find his parents?"

"Uchiha? Do you know which one?"

"I live here barely a year, Kiba-kun. Except for my cousin and his friends, you and Kurenai-sensei, I practically have no friends here."

Kiba groaned, "You are plainly right. You don't know about Uchiha, do you?" He put his hands into his jacket's pocket. Hinata shook her head softly. Hinata naturally didn't know since she spent almost all of her life at their hometown and decided to move to a big city permanently after gaining her certificate for teaching.

"The Uchiha is a big family who work in shadow, they rarely show themselves and prefer to pull the string from behind the scenes. There are lots of them, you can say that they are a big clan. With those conditions it would be difficult and taking more time than usual cases."

"I..I understand." Hinata bit her lower lip, "What if..what if Haruto-kun is not an Uchiha? That is possible, isn't it?" she added quickly.

"Well, I met one or two Uchiha years ago and they had same traits with this baby, despite this one is cuter, so I can say that this baby is one of them." He cocked his head to the baby.

"I see." Hinata said softly but Kiba could hear hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Maa.. Don't worry too much, I will do anything I can to find his parents."

That put a smile on Hinata's face, "Yes, that will be great. Haruto's mother must be worried sick about her son's wellbeing."

The brown haired man grimaced, "Doubt it. If she did worried, she wouldn't have dumped her son from the start." Hinata cringed, "Yes, you are right."

"Here, give me the baby." The tall detective stretched out his hands to take the baby. "Don't worry, I will make sure he will be fine and well feed." He added when he saw Hinata tightened her embrace.

Hinata shook her head, "Kiba-kun.."

"Hinata, you know the rules right? The unattended child will be sent to institution till we find the parents." Hinata nodded but she didn't move any limbs.

"Yes, but Kiba-kun.." she was pleading to her friend with her big doe eyes.

Both Kiba and Hinata knew that the man couldn't say no to her request. "Taking care of a baby is a big job, Hina."

"I know, we have been together since Saturday."

"You have to fill documents and it won't be easy."

"I will survive." Hinata said with determination.

Kiba scratched and tugged his hair in frustration, "Hinata, this is not a joke. You are going to work and take care of this baby at the same time; you are going to devide your attention to your work, the baby and your own life. It will be very tiring." He tried to explain again.

"I will manage, Kiba-kun." Hinata smiled solemnly to her friend.

Being with her for years he had learned that Hinata could be very stubborn and you couldn't change her after she decided something. Kiba threw his hands up as a defeat, "Fine. However, I will not help you to take care of the baby, though." With that Hinata beamed with happiness. "Oh! Thank you, Kiba-kun!"

"You will regret it." He warned her.

"No way!"

"And if I ever heard you regretting it, I will proudly tell you 'I told you so'." Hinata giggled.

One hour later Hinata stepped out of the station with a bright smile. At least she could have Haruto until he found his parents. She was selfish, she knew it but she couldn't leave him alone, Haruto needed her.

"Do you need a lift?"

Hinata shook her head, "I will be okay, it's not that far." she straightened her big slig bag filled with both her papers and Haruto's supply.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, fantastic." Kiba rolled his eyes, he could see beads of sweat formed at her temple but she was just too stubborn. "Don't say that I don't warn you." He repeated.

"Okay." she giggled again, "Bye, Kiba-kun. You should take your rest now."

"And don't expect me to help you with his diapers even if you beg!" He shouted to her which replied with a wave.

She wouldn't regret anything. Haruto was too precious.

Four days later Hinata started to feel the side effects; having long sleepless night, making and grading papers were very exhausting.

"You okay, Hinata-chan?" Kurenai's voice was seemed so far away. Hinata rubbed her eyes sleepily, "Yes, Kurenai-sensei. Just sleepy." she suppressed her yawn.

"Alright, just go to sleep. You can drop Haruto-kun at my house tomorrow."

"But.. I can't impose you more than this." she had left Haruto to Sarutobi's household for this past two days.

"Nonsense, Asuma loves Haruto so much and he has nothing to do after finishing his new book anyway." Kurenai assured. "Besides, he is a bit lonely since Mirai enters elementary school." she said wistfully.

Hinata played the hem of her lavender skirt nervously, "Umm.. Okay." Perhaps it was for the best, Haruto wouldn't be lonely, too.

She put her phone back to the low table in front of her. Haruto was sleeping next to Hinata. Truthfully, the intention to let Haruto go was occurred to her once but she had shook it away quickly, she mustn't, Haruto needed her.

She stared at the sleeping baby and his new bed Hinata bought for him on Monday and then concluded that her apartment changed into a family-like apartment; empty bottles, tins of milk powder on the kitchen counter, pile of both unused and used disposable diapers behind the sofa and next to the trashcan, was unusual view, at least for Hinata.

Everything will be okay. I'm sure. She thought.

Or as okay as it should be if only there was no loud music from next door. She didn't know who her neighbor was since they had never met, Hinata always thought that it was empty. However, two days ago the owner decided to go home and to enjoy their life by turning on the music player to its max, from evening till dawn.

It was always from a specific rock band with their heavy banging bass and electric guitar, from one track to another one. Endlessly.

That was the reason why Haruto was in bad mood and fussy recently.

A cute small frown was formed at the baby's face yet it wasn't a good news.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Suddenly she heard a loud thud from next door and a muffled scream or was it screeching? of a woman. That startled Haruto and he cried. Hinata had never felt so peeved and wanted to curse as she had at that moment. Just what they did there?

She picked Haruto up and went out of her apartment, she would like to leave Haruto at the apartment but it didn't sit well for her. Hinata pressed the doorbell two times, then four. There was no response, of course, given the loud and disturbing music, and Hinata had anticipated it (she even wonder why nobody filed a complain).

Haruto grumbled and moved against her hug so Hinata straightened him and put his head on the her shoulder, one hand propped on his bottom and one patting his back sofly while pushing no, punching the doorbell impatiently.

Just before she stretched her hand to push the bell again the door was opened quickly. "Damn it, Naruto. Can't you turn off that damn music?" A man with black Tshirt cursed someone behind him without looking at Hinata.

"I'm sorry about the noise. I will talk to them." Hinata could only stand stiffly with her jaw dropped, gapped at the man. His hair was as dark as the night with the identical colored eyes and a perfect shaped nose with just as perfect shaped lips. It was the dark hair and eyes that caught Hinata's attention. The remarkably features which she had accustomed and adored from a small little baby in her arms.

"What's wrong?" a bared chested blonde man with tanned skin appeared behind the quiet man.

"Naruto! I tell you to put on your shirt, you idiot!" a high pitch voice from a beautiful lady with short pink hair appeared soon after that.

"I..Uh.." unfortunately, Haruto picked up that right moment to wriggle and whine. Hinata had no other choice than to carry him laying on her arms.

"Holy shit! I don't know you have a kid, moreover you don't tell me, Teme!" The blonde said soon after he saw Haruto. He even pushed himself out of the room to look at the baby better, didn't even bother to put on a shirt or to mind that he was outside that everyone could see him half-naked, or that Hinata was a bit uncomfortable with his condition.

"Sasuke-kun?" The pink haired lad said softly with uncertainty next to him.

"You are an Uchiha, aren't you?" Hinata asked firmly. Now she was sure Haruto could get his good sleep back and perhaps his father, too.

That's it. This is the first chapter. May I know what you think about this? Thanks! :-)