"Good evening, everyone. I know you are all tired from all of the activities you did but let us give this opportunity to celebrate the success of our hardworking Family members. We all know that they studied harder and gave their best to pass the once in a lifetime Ascension Test. Now, let us call on the top five of in the exams."
Everybody clapped their hands as the said five came up to the front. They were called by Koro-sensei to the living room the moment they set foot on the Mansion after getting back from school. All of the twenty-six members of Class E Family, including Ritsu who already appeared in the flat screen TV, gathered around the large, cozy room. Others settled on the woolen carpet, some on the large sofa, the beanbag and the love seat. They were contented to watch their friends receive an honor of some sort for the achievement they worked so hard to attain. Their joy and excitement were palpable in the air especially when Koro-sensei announced that there will be a feast on the mess hall made for the occasion.
Manami sighed while clutching her glass of orange juice. She was on the balcony an hour after the celebration. Koro-sensei said she was free to stay and sleep in the Manor since they have a lot of spare rooms available and she could always shop for clothes anytime without spending her own money, to which Kanzaki and Kaede volunteered to help her. He told her not to worry because he already talked to her parents last night to convince them to give her the right to decide whether to stay at the Mafia or not.
They were all amazing. The members of E- Class and Koro-sensei behaved like the family she didn't have but longed to belong. It left a gaping hole in her chest to think of her own parents back home. They're probably too busy of their jobs to pay any attention to their daughter as usual.
"What are you thinking?"
Karma's voice broke her thoughts. She blinked then looked beside her to see him looking at her. "Oh! Karma, how long have you been standing there?"
"About…" he glanced at his watch, "… fifteen minutes already."
Blood rushed to her cheeks. It meant he had been staring at her face for a long time! She heard him chuckle.
"Relax! I'm just messing with you. Besides, you look cute you blush." He winked at her then went back to the room still chuckling, leaving an even more flustered and spluttering Manami at his wake.
The Reaper sat in the laboratory when a thought hit him. "Hey, Yanagisawa. How can you be so sure that it was the girl not the two competing for the top?"
The scientist stopped pouring the chemical halfway. "You mean the creator of Medicine X?"
"Yeah," he placed his arms behind his head.
"I disguised myself as a Chemistry teacher in their school to observe them one by one." Yanagisawa continued his work.
"So? That's not enough as an answer. Clarify it. What kind of tests did you made them do for you to be confident in the result?" He frowned.
"It's simple. I told them to copy the five concoctions I've made just by observing it. I never gave them any formula to follow nor told them what they are. Just let them on their own devices. They were squeamish about the idea but worked anyway. Akabane and Asano, looked like they were beating themselves in trying to think of the correct formula but the girl proceeded with caution then began to mixed chemicals with an air of accuracy." The mixture he was slowly shaking turned green. "The boys only managed to recreate the poison, stun and blind solution while she copied the four without breaking a sweat. The only one she hadn't made was the crude mixture of a medicine. I asked her why she didn't copy them, she told me that it feels wrong to make something so incomplete. And I know a skilled person when I see one. She's a natural at solution making, I can tell you that much."
"I see… So, when do you plan to attack them and retrieve her?" The Reaper asked.
"Patience, Reaper. We need time to plan out our move."
It was Saturday morning and Koro-sensei already woke them up in five am. They were still sleepy and some were even sleeping in the long table where they were gathered. Manami fought the urge to slumped and rest her head on the long table like Terasaka and Maehara. The scene was so comical that she would've laughed if she's not sleepy. All of them were in their pajamas saved for Karma, Nagisa and their Don.
"Hey, Koro-sensei. Can we please go back inside? I'm still tired." Kaede yawned for emphasis.
"Unfortunately Kaede, we can't because I decided to change some Family plans. As well as introduce our newest member." A yellow tentacle reached out to pat her head.
"Who is it?" She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"Children, let us welcome Ryunosuke Chiba." He gestured at the door.
A boy around their age with bangs covering his eyes entered the mess hall. His torso was covered in bandages. Everyone froze and stared wide-eyed, all of their drowsiness disappeared. Hayami broke the silence first, her voice filled with confusion.
"Chiba? I thought you were with the A Class Family?"
"I'm no longer their member." The boy, Chiba, replied.
"Wait, what exactly happened? Did they kick you out?" Maehara asked.
He shook his head, "They abandoned me on a mission five hours ago."
"Which is the same as disowning." Karma shoved his hands on his pockets.
"Koro-sensei, they all ran when they saw you. What do we do now?" Nagisa watched the made-men of the famous A Class ran away in fear at the sight of them.
"No, there's a sniper left in the rooftop aiming at us. I could feel their bloodlust from here. There was only one and they are currently moving, am I right, Ritsu?" Karma pressed his earpiece while looking at their Don/teacher.
They positioned in the alley after hearing the news of a shootout near their Mansion. Koro-sensei proposed to check it and both of them agreed.
"You're wrong, Akabane-san." The AI's voice answered on each of their earpiece. "There were two of them. One of which was Hayami-san's best friend, Chiba-san."
"Could you hack their system so that we could listen to their conversation?" Their teacher glanced at where the said snipers were positioned.
"I'm working on it."
Static crackled then harsh but fearful whispers can be heard.
"-but the Don's command was to shoot-" Karma could identify the owner of the voice as Chiba.
"Forget what he said! I don't want to stay here with these freaks! The made-men of that crazy Don, Yanagisawa was shooting randomly. I don't want to risk getting hit!" This time Tanaka, their coward classmate, spoke while running judging from the short pauses and rustling of clothes.
As if on cue, a gunshot rang out and they heard someone hissed in pain.
"Tanaka, call for help. I've been shot."
"What? What do you mean, no?"
"You're nothing but a lowly Section 2. Why would I help you? We're better without you. Good riddance, loser!" Tanaka cackled then turned off his earpiece.
Koro-sensei, Nagisa and Karma stared at each other. Disbelief was written on each of their faces. They can't believe that it was so easy for him to abandon a Family.
"Take care of Chiba while I'll look for the gunman." Koro-sensei commanded them before jumping on the alley wall with a superhuman ability.
They nod then climbed on the gutter to reach the rooftop without sparing a glance to their Don. The sniper already fainted when they arrived.
"We brought him here to treat his wound and gave him the chance to be our member or become a free student again." Koro-sensei explained to the E Class Family.
"What's your answer, Chiba?" Manami asked him. They were already friends before she found out that he was a member of their rival so speaking with him was easy.
All of them held their breaths in anticipation.
"I want to be a part of the E Class Family." His voice was gentle but firm.