Once again Issei got stopped at the door to the Student Council room. The punk Saji once again stood against him. There was nothing to say, only through fists can they understand each other. At least, that was what Issei though went through Saji's head. He certainly didn't know any street brawling, let alone martial arts.

"Saji-san, I realize we got on the wrong foot. Let's be civil shall we," Issei asked. "I don't want me to incur Shitori-senpai's ire." Ouch, speaking formally was tiring.

"You had your monthly check yesterday, right? What do you need now? Kaichou is busy."

"And you're guarding the door instead of helping her? Really?" Issei looked at him skeptically.

Saji blushed red but quickly hide it before him. "It's not your business."

"It is my business when it involves whatever got you blushing," Issei grinned.

"Meh, whatever. It's not like you can compete with me after all," Saji shrugged his teasing. "And you still haven't answered my question, bastard. What are you doing here?"

"It doesn't concern you, punk… or it does, maybe? Does the word Devil means anything to you?"

Saji was too shocked to reply properly. "How the hell-"

"You see, last night I summoned Shitori-senpai by accident. We promised to discuss payment today so because I don't want to be indebted to a Devil longer than necessary I would like to speak to her now," Issei explained further when he saw a look of recognition in Saji's face.

"Oh…" Saji breathed out in relief. "You're just a contractor."

"So you're also…"

"If it's about that kind of business then I'm sure Kaichou wouldn't mind being interrupted, come in." Saji led him inside. It seemed like Saji wasn't lying when he said the Student Council was busy. Souna had a stack of paperwork on her desk, as she was typing things seriously onto her computer. The rest of the Student Council wasn't relaxing either, some of them running around giving paperwork upon paperwork while the others typing onto the computer. And yet despite seeing them so busy, Issei couldn't stop the smile on his face. As a slave of technological advancement, seeing them like this was so satisfying.

"Shitori-senpai, do you have time to talk?"

"Ah? Perfect timing Hyoudou-san. I am about to finish my part. Please wait." Souna typed some more before she shut down the computer. She then went to the sofa where he had been waiting for her.

"How are you today, Hyoudou-san, you had a good rest?"

"Yes." Not really. He was too happy to sleep peacefully thanks to her. "How about you, Shitori-senpai?"

"Peaceful night," she replied. "So to get to the point, is it about the payment?"

"Yes. No offense to you or anything, but being indebted to a Devil sounds ominous and I'd rather fulfill my part as quick as possible."

"I see. None taken, Hyoudou-san. Though I am still undecided about the payment."

Saji then glared at him. "What did he request, Kaichou?! If it's something inappropriate I am going to kill you, Hyoudou!"

"Nothing like that, Saji. Hyoudou just-"

"Noo! Shitori-senpai! You can talk to anyone but please not him!" Issei shouted as his face reddened in embarrassment.

"Kaichou! Please tell me!"

"Please no!"

"Shut up! Some of us are trying to finish our work!" Hanakai shouted at them. It shut them up.

"Let's just discuss the payment, then." Souna decided after a second of silence. "Speaking of which, Hyoudou. This is your first time meeting a non-human like me, why aren't you surprised?"

Issei blinked. "Do I look like I'm calm? Truthfully, I still think somehow you pulled a prank on me, but since it's you, Shitori-senpai, then I believe you."

"Is that so? Thank you. Ah, I suppose a fitting payment for my service last night is you do the same to me when I need it. With the upcoming mid-term exam, I feel like all the stress is getting to me."

"It's a deal, then. Do we have to shake hands? To 'seal the deal' or Devils do something else?"

"Just sign here," Souna handed him a sheet of paper. Issei did as he was told.

"Speaking of which, to appear from a paper like that, it is a magic, isn't it?"

"Yes. We spread our influence by giving the paper free to the mundane and some curious one with huge desire would summon us."

"Eh? Wouldn't that be a chore?"

"Yes. That is why the Student Council always so busy."

"I see. Can I see some magic now?" Issei's eyes sparkled in wonders.

"I can't exactly say no to that face, can I?" Souna sighed. She clicked her finger and a ball of water appeared above her palm, defying gravity because it was floating and rotating.


"This is an example of Devil Magic. We mainly use our imagination rather than the mathematical equations that human used."

"Wait wait wait, you mean human can also use magic? Cool! Do you have any magic book, Shitori-senpai?!"

"You're interested? I don't suggest you dabble yourself in the arcane arts. However, if you want, I can lend you some basic books."

"I want to try something, please lend me those books, Shitori-senpai!"

"Very well."

Issei exited the Student Council room with two basic books of beginner magic. He couldn't wait to read it at home! Today though, he would finish the eLearning system first!

Three months later, Issei was coding something at lunch break when Souna approached him and sat beside him.

"Hyoudou-san, how is the progress going?" she asked him.

Issei stopped typing and glanced at her. "Progress?"

"Basic magic book. Did you forget about it? As I thought, you are unsuited for that."

"Oh, the magic. I didn't forget," Issei brought out his smartphone, and pressed some things. "I practiced here," Issei showed the screen to Souna. "I gave up on creating the magic circle manually, so using some computational geometry, I code the magic circle digitally and saved it in my self-made mobile applications. The only problem is how to channel the magic here. I thought-"

Souna stared at him.

"Uh, Shitori-senpai? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Hyoudou-san. What were you about to say?" She shook her head and changed the subject back.

"The problem is how to channel the magic here. After I code the circle successfully, I once again tried to create the circle manually and inject some of my 'magic' according to the book. I succeed, but my attention was already on the digital circle that I didn't continue to sketch the circle manually. So yeah, for the past month I am stuck here. I theorized our magic is actually an electromagnetic pulse at a certain frequency but it opened a new can of science division that is applied physics which I have no interests."

As he finished his explanation, he saw Souna smiled at him. "I never thought you hate paper so much you tried to do it digitally and succeeded even."

"Only the magic circle, though."

"Still, this is not something that I have heard before. I can only do magic manually while you are trying to do it digitally. I can see the potential for it if you can successfully do it."

Issei scratched his cheek as he blushed lightly. "Yeah, actually I was inspired to do this because how Devils are summoned using paper and I thought why not summon Devils digitally like in SMT games, so I tried to code magic. If I can channel magic here, I will try to make the Devil Summoning App for you, Shitori-senpai."

"I will try to find any reference for you about how to channel magic to an electronic device because frankly, I don't want to miss this opportunity."

"Right, thank you, Shitori-senpai. I will also try to learn applied physics about electromagnetic pulse and its relationship with electronic devices."

"Just as usual, then?"

"Yes. You're the analyst and I am the programmer."

He and Souna smiled at each other.

"See you later, Hyoudou-san," Souna walked away.

After he looked at her back more time than necessary, Issei went back to continue typing on his laptop.

"Let's see… books about applied physics should be on the internet. Normally I don't like pirating but if it's too expensive then I have no choice."

A/N: And here's the last chapter I've already written. Sorry for the delay. Probably will switch to a new story after this so this will be on hold. To those who lurks Spacebattles dxd thread of course will know what I mean. So yeah, untill we met again.