"Perseus Jackson. Would you like me to repeat?"
Being ADHD, all demigods could barely sit still. Especially one who loves blue soda and sugary cookies.
"I SAID, would you like to take our offer? Yes or no?"
Percy's heart thumped as he saw Annabeth, who was avoiding eye contact. The Grover, who anxiously chewed the metal lamp as he tapped his hooves nervously. Then Thalia, who seemed to understand, because she basically was offered the same choice he had to deal with. Chiron stood on the side, serious and folding his arms.
He wanted to yell, "I'm sorry!" He wanted to yell, "No way idiots!" Instead, he said the 2 words that would forever change his life.
"I accept."
Annabeth sobbed, Grover bleated, and even Chiron looked surprised. Athena put her hand on her daughter's shoulder as she glared at Percy.
"Alrighty then!" cheered Poseidon as he and the gods all summoned light in their hands. Athena reluctantly joined, summoning a gray orb in her hand. They all threw it at once and Percy felt stamina. Energy. More than he ever had in his life. Better than the battle of Olympus. More than the battle in the Labyrinth. More than the curse of holding up the sky. More than the Sea of Monsters, and holding Zeus' bolt.
Percy rose, and glanced at his friends with his sea green eyes. He was sure he would just lived out his life. After all, gods had forever happiness.
1 year later...
"Hey dude." Grover woke up Percy from the Poseidon cabin. Yes, he was immortal. But that didn't mean he wanted to leave camp.
"Hey..." Percy yawned.
"What are you the god of?"
"I dunno. I guess I have to claim a symbol or something first. Maybe blue food?"
"So, how does it feel? Don't you think there could've been a better bargain? The minor gods did feel angry."
"Well...it is weird. But cool. And I think I made the right choice. In fact, I feel stronger and ready to fight any minor gods!"
But Grover already left, clumps of weeds growing behind each of the Lord of the Wild's footsteps.
2 years later...
He slashed Riptide and a giant screamed as he fell into Tartarus. Percy stomped over to the doors slashing the chains and disintegrating all the terrified titans and monsters. He swung his sword again, and immediately decapitated a bunch of monsters in one strike.
"Aw come on man..." The puny Leo Valdez said, "Can..."
Percy snapped his fingers and the Argo II teleported to the Acropolis.
Jason jumped out, holding his spear, eager to prove himself. Percy snapped his fingers and water swirled, destroying all the onagers.
On the boat, Percy was not a friend to any of the demigods. Jason and Piper were jealous, Frank and Hazel thought he was weird, Leo hung out with Jason, and Annabeth turned away every time. They never had time to bond with the Gods or be friends.
But it was for the best, right?
3 years later...
Percy sighed as he walked through the forest near the camp.
Gaea had been defeated easily. Percy had to swoop in to stop the camps from fighting. But there had been to much casualties.
He had looked upon the face of Chiron, who lay on the floor bleeding. He saw Reyna, with an arrow through her heart. He saw the funny Stolls, both lying dead and looking peaceful. There was Katie Gardner, Dakota Washington, Leila Cerus, Mike Kahale, Harley Beacon, Jake Mason, and Will Solace. Little did he know that all of them could've lived if another path had been chosen.
Percy swung Riptide and cut down a tree in front of him, Thalia's old pine.
There, he saw cowering monsters and massacred them all.
The last monster was the minotaur. But it was boring.
Percy merely grabbed it's horns and with a burst of godly energy, flung it into the sky that it disintegrated from the pressure of the sky.
All monsters feared him, but Percy sometimes wondered if there could've been more.
5 years later...
"And Percy..."
Percy turned. Annabeth had walked over to the cabin. They had started talking more in the past few years...but...
She had told him their relationship would never work out today.
"You are a god. I am a mortal. I will die, and you are to weak to hand over some power to me."
Percy had choked, but knew it was true. He can't be caught on one dead mortal the whole time.
"I love you."
Annabeth stepped out, and Percy glanced at the floor. He couldn't argue or follow her.
This was his fault.
7 years later...
All the horses and sea cows huddled, trembling.
"Woah...um...God of the seas!"
"God of the seas? Blackjack...are you afraid of me?"
Percy's mind flashed to when he had rescued the horse on the Princess Andromeda. And flew on him and remembered all the times Blackjack and him shared a box of donuts. And the time they chuckled about, the "wine dude". The time he mounted Blackjack and flew over the Empire State building. The memories they shared together, fighting, trampling, and rescuing Bessie.
"Go!" cried Percy, "just leave me!"
Tears streamed down his face as one of his best friends glanced back and galloped to the sky, black wings flying in the night. Sure, he had been annoying, calling him "Boss" and the "Number One", but Blackjack had been always there. Like when he was sent to rescue Reyna and when they fought Jason and Tempest.
No one worshipped and praised the son of the seas anymore. There was just fear.
10 years later...
Percy stopped visiting the camp. When Annabeth broke up with him, she had moved back to her family's house. The kids always died and more kept coming. What was the point?
He sighed as he twirled the ballpoint pen that started his adventure. He had received it from Chiron, or Mr. Brunner. He had trained with it on Luke, Annabeth, Thalia, the Stoll Brothers and all of the campers, even Chiron. Most of the names just mentioned were dead.
Tears streaming down his face, he glanced at Riptipe,Anaklusmos. It had been a gift from Zoƫ Nightshade, also dead, to Hercules. Then, Chiron had passed it on to heroes, the latest being Percy.
Then, he grabbed the plastic pen, and broke it over his knees. It reappeared in his pocket. He broke and snapped it over and over, before chucking it as far as he can. The pen simply appeared. Then, with a blast of godly energy, he disintegrated it. Riptide was never seen again.
15 years later...
Percy talked to Thalia, discussing immortality. For the first time in a while, he felt the joy of being wanted. The gods had scorned him, and always turned away when he entered Mount Olympus. Gods were supposed to be with gods, but Percy had grown distant and cold.
Like Nico.
"I got to go." Thalia readied her bow, pulling down the silver crown, "The moon is full, and that is the signal for the hunt."
"If you must." Percy sighed.
Thalia gave one last encouraging look before she leaped into the bushes, brandishing her silver knives as her cloak flashed into the trees.
Percy just sat on the rocks as he read the Ancient Greek inscription flashing in morse code from the moon.
Remember, no matter how bad things are, just know that you chose this.
Percy cried and cried and cursed at the moon.
(Starts out with a happy story, plans to make a happy story, writes about cookies and coke, makes a really depressing one.)
I am such as monster.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this...I know I hate myself right now, but chapter 2 may start soon, if I actually stop yelling at the mirror.
Have a good day and please leave a review (as well as preferably read my other stories) :)