As a child you would wait

And watch from far away
But you always knew that you'd be the one that work while they all play

In youth you'd lay awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream

Here we are
Don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are
Don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town from dust

The time will come when you'll have to rise
Above the best, improve yourself
Your spirit never dies

Farewell, I've gone to take my throne above
Don't weep for me
Cause this will be

The labor of my love

Imagine Dragons: Warriors

^^This is the song the story got its name from.

The new chapter is up. I hope my readers are as excited as I am...

"My name's Kate. Kate Belfrey."

"I'm Lync. The freak over there is Shadow Prove. Always call him by his full name. Only Mylene calls him Shadow. And you don't wanna be like Mylene."

"And Mylene is...?"

"The girl over there."

"The one with the big earrings and the hair that doesn't fit her face shape at all?"

"You're learning. Good."

"And who...?"

Lync had no time to answer as Volt introduced himself.

"I'm Volt Luster. I'm a Haos brawler."

".. Kate. Your new Pyrus brawler. I mean, not your as in yours... ... I meant the Vexos' new Pyrus brawler."

"Nice to meet you, Kate." Volt said

Shadow whispered something into Mylene's ear and she responded by giving him one of those looks, you know one of those "keep going like that and I will burn you alive and then throw your body to the wolves" looks.

"Come on Kate. We're gonna be late for the meeting."
Kate followed Volt and Lync.

"You seem nervous." Volt pointed out

"You see, here's the deal. If you want to be a Vexos, you can't be afraid." Lync stated "you can act like a moron, you can be a huge bitch, but you can't be nervous and you can't be afraid. If you show any signs of weakness, Mylene's going to throw you out from the hole in the floor along with the Bakugan.

Some time after that...

Kate was in the room the Vexos used when they needed to rest. Lync, Mylene and Shadow were in the Beta City. Hydron and Volt were in the room, but Hydron soon left. Kate was staring at a wall like she wanted to make a hole in it.

"Kate. Is something-" Volt attempted to ask.

"He's gonna kill all these innocent people. He is planning to kill them. Just like that. Without any special reason. How are you okay with that?"
"You think I joined the Vexos because I wanted to?"

"You're saying you didn't?""

"You wanna hear the story how the kid from the poor neighborhood became a celebrity? Well, it all started one day. We were having a family dinner. When suddenly, someone knocked on the door."
"Prince Hydron. It's sad how he likes to rub it in my nose, how he "rescued" me from my miserable life. But I wasn't miserable. I was happy."
"You had a family."

"I had. All that Hydron did was take away the last moments I could have... should have spent with them."

"Then why did you come with him?"

"He threatened my family. He is the prince, he can do anything he want and no one would stop him."
"Life's just not fair." Kate pointed out "my grandma had a saying. She'd say that you should never mix up doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing for what you believe is a good purpose."

"I like to believe I am a man of honor. And I keep telling myself I did the right thing." Volt stater

"I always believed I'm a good person. You know, that kind that smiles at strangers and helps old ladies cross the street. Maybe we are really good people...but maybe we're just fooling ourselves to be able to sleep at night."