The Forgotten Hero Part II

10th June 1993

"It is an honour to present The Order Of Merlin First Class to Mr Harry Potter and Ms Daphne Greengrass for their efforts in defeating Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk and saving Hogwarts school from the threat posed by the Chamber Of Secrets, congratulations" said Cornelius Fudge dressed in his usual suit robes and bowler hat.

Harry and Daphne were stood either side of him with proud and excited looks on their face.

They both shook hands with Fudge.

Harry was dressed in black formal dress robes while Daphne was dressed in a dark blue dress.

They were stood on a large stage at the far end of the Ministry of Magic Atrium along with Amelia Bones and several other high ranking Ministry officials.

There were hundreds of people stood in the Atrium watching the podium with excitement and eagerness.

Amelia walked up to them and presented them with their medals.

The medal was circular in shape and pure gold. There was an engraved staff in the centre of the medal with sparks coming out of the tip. The medal was attached to a dark green ribbon and was contained in a smooth black leather box.

Harry and Daphne held their medals close to their chest as they posed for pictures with Fudge and Amelia. A great applause thundered through the Atrium as camera flashes could be seen from the stage.

Lily, Sirius, Beth, Tracey, Blaise, Cecilia Zabini, Dorea, Remus, James, Charles, Cyrus, Lucille, Astoria, the Tonks's and the Weasley's were sat in the front row clapping.

After posing for multiple photographs they stepped off the stage and made their way over the others. James gave him a firm handshake and congratulated him once again. Like his Father, Charles gave him a firm handshake but did not congratulate him. The Weasley's shook his and Daphne's hands and once again thanked them for rescuing Ginny.

The others congratulated the two and managed to get photographs with them before they all left the Ministry and returned home. Several reporters tried to stop them for interviews as they were leaving but Harry and Daphne politely declined every one of them before apparating back to Grimmauld Place with Lily, Sirius, Dorea, Blaise, Tracey, Beth, Cecilia, Cyrus, Lucille, Astoria and the Tonks's.

After a private celebration at Grimmauld Place the guests returned home with Harry, Lily and Dorea flooing to Lily's cottage in York.

The two story cottage had a tudor look to it with the white walls with black beams and dark brown thatched roof.

The inside of the cottage was fairly simple with a lounge, kitchen, dining room, study, four bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Harry went upstairs to get changed into some casual clothes as their House Elf Missy started cooking dinner.

While they were eating their dinner Lily told them that she was currently doing research into how Harry was able to pull the famed Sword Of Gryffindor out of the hat despite not being a Gryffindor which surprised Harry and Dorea as they ate their dinner.

After dinner the three stayed downstairs watching T.V before they all went to bed around 11.

His bedroom was quite simple and reflected his association with Slytherin house. His bedsheets and pillows were coloured in dark green and silver. There was a large A3 size photo of himself with the Slytherin Quidditch team and Snape. His room contained a double bed, large oak dresser, an old oak desk and a had a window that looked out onto the vast back garden.

Later that night Harry was laid in bed relaxing and thinking back to everything that had happened in the last two and half months.

27th March 1993

Harry, Daphne, Blaise and Tracey walked into the common room and sat down on two of the settee's. The common room was nearly empty with only a few of the older students remaining.

They were talking about how most of the students who had accused Harry of being the Heir Of Slytherin had been coming up to him thanking him for saving the school seemingly forgetting the accusations and whispers they aimed at him for weeks.

Suddenly a voice interrupted them from their conversation.

"Look here boys, its the saviour of Hogwarts" drawled Draco Malfoy who was stood next to Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson who laughed.

"What do you want this time Daddy's boy?" said Harry in a bored tone.

Daphne, Tracey and Blaise snickered as Draco went red in the face with anger.

"Don't call me that Potter" snarled Draco.

"You still haven't answered my question, what do you want?" said Harry.

"I want to know why you stopped Slytherin's monster, if you knew better you'd have let the Monster do its job and rid this school of all the riff raff" said Draco.

The four stood up and fixed glares at Draco who tried and failed to make himself look as intimidating as possible.

"Are you sure you want to repeat that Draco, one would think that you were hoping that these attacks would continue" said Daphne.

"This school has put up with these mudbloods for too long, your Mother incl-" said Draco.

"Careful Daddy's boy, if I were you I would think very carefully about the next words that come out of your mouth" said Harry.

"What are you going to do Potter, you filthy halfblood" said Crabbe.

"Such big words for a boy who's too dumb to think for himself, all you two do is follow the blonde ponce's every command" said Tracey pointing to Goyle as well which caused him to glare at her.

"Don't kid yourself Goyle, your about as intimidating as a kitten" said Blaise.

Harry and the others laughed.

"Now Mr Malfoy, as I said if you were smart you would reconsider what you were about to say about my Mother" said Harry slowly drawing his wand.

Draco looked at his friends deciding he didn't want to be shown up in front of them and momentarily forgetting how skilled Harry is as students began to walk into the common room.

"I wonder how many in this house would associate with you… once they find out your Mother is a Mud-" said Draco before Harry cut him off.

"Incarcerous" hissed Harry pointing his wand at Draco who looked shocked when he was suddenly bound against the wall with tight ropes.

"You know Parsalmagic" said Pansy who had a scared look on her face.

"Yes" said Harry.

Harry walked up to Draco who was looking at him in fear.

"I will only tell you once, if you insult my family again, a simple Incarcerous spell will be the least of your worries" said Harry.

Draco nodded rapidly.

Harry cast the counter curse releasing him from the ropes dropping him to the floor.

He put his wand away before going to sit back down on the settee's with his friends.

Draco never brought Harry's mother up again.

30th March 1993

Harry, Daphne, Tracey and Blaise entered the 2nd floor bathroom and walked over to the hidden entrance.

"Who'd have thought Slytherin's chamber was hidden in a girls bathroom" said Tracey.

"The easiest place to hide something is where no one would think to look for it, I mean how many people would've thought to look for the Chamber in a bathroom" said Daphne.

"Then again, if Dumbledore was working here 50 years ago, surely he knew that Moaning Myrtle was the student who was killed, yet he never thought to ask her about how she died, he might've found the chamber if he had" said Blaise.

"Who knows, but we know he can't enter the chamber without a parsalmouth, so at the moment I am the only one who can open the entrance" said Harry.

"What about your Brother, I mean if you're right and he is a parsalmouth, he can open the Chamber for Dumbledore" said Tracey.

"True, but they'd have to find it first, we might've have left the details on how to find the Chamber when we spoke to him" said Harry smirking as he approached the sink.

Tracey and Blasie laughed.

Harry focused on the engraved snake.

"Open says I" hissed Harry.

The entrance to the chamber opened.

Tracey and Blaise looked down the entrance.

"Do you really think Salazar Slytherin would have slid down a tunnel to enter his chamber?" said Blaise.

"Try asking for some stairs and torches Harry" said Tracey.

Harry nodded and looked down the hole holding the image of a snake in his mind.

"Stairs, torches" hissed Harry.

Stone steps appeared curling around the wall in a circular motion with flaming torches illuminating the tunnel.

Harry and the others started walking down the steps watching where they were walking the whole time. After about 10 minutes of careful walking they reached the bottom.

They set off walking through the cave leading to the main chamber. Tracey gasped when she saw the old Basilisk skin.

"If you think this is big, wait until you see the full thing" said Daphne as they walked past the skin.

Once they entered the main chamber they walked towards the Slytherin statue where the Basilisk lay still on its back with a dried pool of blood next to its head.

"Woah, how big is it, 50, 60 feet?" said Blaise.

"60, and very strong" said Harry.

"Damn, defeating that thing must have taken some doing" said Tracey.

Daphne was looking at the statue of Slytherin with curiosity.

"You know, if you were going to build a hidden chamber under your school, wouldn't you have other uses for it than just housing a Basilisk" said Daphne.

"You think there's another hidden part of this Chamber" said Blaise.

"Only one way to find out" said Harry walking towards the statue until he was directly opposite it. He held out his hand towards it.

"Speak to me Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four" hissed Harry.

The mouth of the statue opened revealing the dark tunnel. They walked towards it and climbed up the engraved beard part of the statue to the entrance.

"Lumos" said Harry illuminating his wand.

The others did the same as they entered the tunnel.

They walked through the tunnel for about 30 seconds before coming to a junction. Harry pointed his wand down the left tunnel revealing a large room with thousands of animal bones on the floor.

"This way Harry" said Daphne who had her wand pointing down the right tunnel revealing a thick oak door.

Harry walked over to the door.

"Open says I" hissed Harry.

Nothing happened.

"Try something else Harry" said Tracey.

Harry thought for a moment.

"Reveal your secret for those who are worthy of Salazar Slytherin's secrets" hissed Harry.

The door clicked before opening to reveal a secret chamber.

The room was roughly the same size of the Slytherin common room.

Lit torches basked the room in light. The room had been divided up into sections including a large oak cabinet filled with all kinds of potions ingredients including some the four did not recognise, a large bookshelf filled with books of varying categories, a large oak desk and chair along with fine leather settee's and chairs.

Harry and the others entered the room in shock and awe. Daphne made her way over to inspect the potions ingredients.

"Wow, this stuff looks brand new, they must be preserved with stasis charms" said Daphne in amazement.

"I've never even heard of some of these books, 1000 poisons for brewing, Morgana's guide to the Dark Arts, Advanced Parsalmagic" said Harry in amazement.

"What shall we do with all of this?" said Blaise.

"We'll leave it for now, I plan on bringing the Goblins here during the summer to harvest the Basilisk, Sirius is also coming with me so I'll have him check all of this for curses, then we can keep what we want" said Harry.

"We could have all of this between ourselves" said Tracey.

"No sense in letting it go to waste" said Daphne.

They spent a few minutes looking around the chamber making sure they didn't touch anything before returning to the main chamber.

Once they exited the statue Harry walked over to the Basilisk and took out his wand.

"I Harry James Potter, do hereby claim the body of this Basilisk by rite of conquest" said Harry.

The body of the Basilisk and Harry glowed gold for a few moments accepting his claim.

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, Sirius and Lily returned to Hogwarts with the goblins two days after term had ended to harvest the Basilisk and split the contents of the hidden chamber between themselves.

Dumbledore being his usual meddling self tried to get Harry to give the Basilisk and the items from Slytherins hidden chamber over to the school saying that it was on school grounds but Harry refused saying the Basilisk belonged to him and that the contents of the hidden chamber would be distributed as he saw fit.

Harry managed to sell the Basilisk for 12 million galleons.

He divided the profit up giving two and a half million galleons to the Goblins for their help.

He and Daphne pocketed two and a half million galleons each.

Despite Tracey and Blaise's initial reluctance they were given one million galleons each with the two being told by Daphne that they wouldn't have known the Monster was a basilisk without their help.

They decided to split the remaining money equally between the families of Justin Finch-Fletchley, Colin Creevey and Myrtle Warren's surviving sister Agatha who was enrolled at the Salem Witches Institute after Myrtle's death. They felt that this was due compensation for the victims of the Basilisk and was the least they deserved after what they went through.

Harry placed the money as well as the books he took from Slytherin's hidden chamber including Morgana's guide to the Dark Arts \and Advanced Parsalmagic in his personal vault.

Harry had given all of Salazar Slytherin's journals to his Mother knowing how fascinated she was by history and knowing she would be able to use them for something good.

30th May 1993

Harry was sat waiting in the main hall of Gringott's with Lily, Sirius, Tracey, Beth and Dorea.

An old Goblin dressed in a black suit shouted to them.

"Mr Potter, if you would come this way please"

Harry and the others stood up and followed the Goblin down a long corridor before coming to a halt outside of an old oak door.

The Goblin knocked on the door.

"Enter" said a hard voice from inside.

The Goblin opened the door and they all entered the office.

There was a Goblin who was about 300 years old sat at a desk containing several sheets of parchment and a large stone bowl which was half full of a clear liquid.

"I am Bloodaxe, I understand you are here for an Abilities test Mr Potter" said Bloodaxe.

"I am" said Harry confidently.

"This is a very expensive test Mr Potter, the price for this will be 30,000 galleons, are you sure you still wish to do this?" said Bloodaxe.

"I am" said Harry.

"The payment will be made from the Potter Family vault number 320" said Lily.

Bloodaxe nodded.

"Very well, step up here Mr Potter" said Bloodaxe.

Harry walked up to the desk where Bloodaxe handed him a sliver dagger.

"10 drops of blood into the bowl Mr Potter" said Bloodaxe.

Harry sliced the dagger across his left hand and dropped 10 drops of blood into the bowl before the cut healed itself.

The liquid in the bowl bubbled for about 10 seconds before a dry sheet of parchment emerged from it. Bloodaxe looked at the parchment before handing it to Harry.

Harry James Potter

Born: 31st July 1989

Magical Core strength: 98 (will increase until Wizard is of age)


Battle Magic (natural)

Occlumency (20% natural)

Basilisk venom and Phoenix tears (immunity to poisons)

Parsalmouth (inherited from absorbed soul fragment)

Parsalmagic (inherited from absorbed soul fragment)

Harry looked up in shock before showing the others.

"Absorbed soul fragment, what does that mean?" said Lily.

"I'm not sure, but if you would like I could get one of our Healer's to do some tests on your son to determine the cause of this" said Bloodaxe.

Harry nodded.

"How soon can these tests be done?" said Harry.

"They can be done right now if you want" said Bloodaxe.

"Very well" said Harry.

"These tests are of a private nature, I suggest you only be accompanied by your Mother" said Bloodaxe.

"Okay, only my Mother and Godfather will accompany me" said Harry.

Bloodaxe nodded and stood up from his chair. He rang a bell on his desk causing the Goblin who escorted them into the office to return.

"Take Lady Davis, Heiress Davis and Heiress Potter back to the atrium" said Bloodaxe.

Tracey, Dorea and Beth gave him a hug and wished him good luck before leaving the office.

Bloodaxe led Harry, Lily and Sirius out of the office and down the corridor before coming to a halt in a large chamber containing a large stone alter in the centre of it.

There was an old female Goblin dressed in a grey dress stood next to the alter looking at them.

"Mr Potter, please remove your shirt and lie down on the alter please" said the Goblin.

Harry slowly removed his shirt before lying down on the alter.

The Goblin conjured a blue flame with her hand and pressed it to Harry's chest.

He gasped in pain for about a minute before the Goblin removed her hand and turned to Lily and Sirius.

"It seems that a small fragment of another soul entered his body when he was around a year old, luckily since the fragment was small his Magical Core was able to absorb it and destroy it which in turn gave him him his Parsaltongue and Parsalmagic abilities" said the Goblin.

"Who's soul fragment was it?" said Sirius.

"I think I know" said Lily sounding worried.

"Voldemort" said Sirius.

"Yes" said Lily.

"There isn't any cause for concern with this Lady Potter, the soul fragment was destroyed almost immediately.

Harry paled.

"So the reason I can speak to snakes is because I absorbed part of Voldemort's soul, how did that happen?" thought Harry.

The others were shocked when he told them. Daphne, Tracey and Blaise did wonder if this was accidental or intentional on Voldemort's part.

Lily had wondered if the same thing had happened to Charles and wrote to James asking him to take Charles for an abilities test to find out but she never got a reply so she was unsure if the two ever went through with it.

18th June 1993

Harry, Lily and Dorea were sat in the sitting room of their cottage having their lunch.

Lily put her glass of coke down and looked at Harry who was sat next to Dorea still eating.

"Harry, you remember the other week when I told you I was doing research into how you got the Sword of Gryffindor" said Lily.

Harry looked at her with interest and put his sandwich down.

"Yes, have you found an answer?" said Harry.

"I think I have" said Lily.

"What have you found out?" said Dorea.

"It took a lot of reading into some of the old books on Godric Gryffindor before I started to get somewhere with it, but those journals you gave me really helped as well" said Lily.

Harry and Dorea looked at her eager to learn more.

"You know the old story about that sword, that only a true Gryffindor can pull it out of the hat?" said Lily.

"Yes" said Harry.

"That is only half true, a true Gryffindor can pull the sword out of the hat, but that doesn't mean others cannot do so" said Lily.

"What do you mean?" said Dorea.

"It wasn't until I read the journals that I was finally able to understand how you did this, you see one of Godric Gryffindor's most notable but forgotten traits was that he was entirely selfless, he would've given help to anyone no matter who they are or in this case which house they come from" said Lily.

Harry looked slightly puzzled.

"In his journals Slytherin talks in great detail about his close friendship with Godric Gryffindor, how selfless the man was and how he desired that in his students, unfortunately you don't see many Gryffindor's who are completely selfless anymore, in his journals Slytherin even goes as far to say that they are like brothers" said Lily.

"I had no idea they were that close, none of the books on Slytherin and Gryffindor mention that at all, they just say Gryffindor was kind and noble and that Slytherin was prejudiced and cruel" said Harry.

"No they were very close, Slytherin even saved his life when a group of muggles managed to poison Godric, but back to what I was saying about Gryffindor being selfless, you going to face the Basilisk without aid was completely selfless, you risked your life to save the school and its students, despite the way most of them treated you over the last few months" said Lily.

"But how does that explain how I got the sword?" said Harry.

"I'm getting there, another forgotten fact is that the Sorting Hat used to belong to Godric Gryffindor and is powered by his magic, the founders wanted something to sort the students for them after their deaths so Gryffindor enchanted his own hat to sort the students, like the hat, his sword also contains traces of his magic" said Lily.

"Are you saying that the Hat sent me the sword because I was selfless enough to save the school and its students despite everything that happened?" said Harry.

"That's half the reason yes, the other half is an old legend that Dumbledore told me about Hogwarts in my 6th year, one that again is widely forgotten by most, he told me that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those that deserve it, he then changed his statement to help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it" said Lily.

"So because I asked the Sorting Hat for help, it judged I was worthy of help" said Harry.

"Yes, it did not matter that you are not a Gryffindor, you were selfless and brave enough to risk your life to face the Basilisk, so when you asked the Hat for help, it sent you the sword to help you, you asked for help and deserved help, so you were given the sword for help, you don't have to be a true Gryffindor to get that sword, like Godric Gryffindor you are entirely selfless and brave that you risked your life to help others, even those who may not have deserved your help, not many people can be so selfless that they would help those who don't deserve it" said Lily.

"So when I asked the Sorting Hat" said Harry before pausing.

"It did what Godric Gryffindor would've done, it did everything thing it could do to help you, even sending Gryffindor's most prized possession, people think that to be as brave and selfless as that makes you a true Gryffindor, it doesn't it just makes you a truly kind, brave and selfless person" said Lily.

"So because I risked my life for others who wronged me I proved to whatever is left of Gryffindor's magic in the castle that I was worthy of receiving his most prized possession" said Harry.

"Yes, you may be a Slytherin, but Godric Gryffindor would not have let anything get in the way of helping those who deserve it, you asked for help, you received it" said Lily.

"Wow" said Dorea in amazement.

Harry was shocked by the answer his Mother gave him not expecting it to be something as complex as that.

The three stayed in the sitting room chatting before Harry and Dorea went over to Greengrass Manor to see Daphne and Astoria.

A/N: Okay guys that's the end of Part II. Hope you enjoyed it.


"And making his debut on the International Duelling Circuit… Harry Potter" shouted a male wizard.

"Third year already" said Blaise.

"And we get to go to Hogsmeade this year" said Daphne.

"Something I'm really looking forward too" said Harry.

"I can finally attend Hogwarts this year" said Dorea excitedly.

Screen flash.

"Wormtail's escaped" said Sirius in an angry voice.

"Do you think he'll go after Charles?" said Remus.

"Fudge seems to think so, he's placed the Dementor's at Hogwarts" said Lily.

"Don't you get it, Pettigrew is after you, you need to watch your back" said Harry to Charles who was doing his best to ignore him.

Flashes of Harry and his friends.

Flashes of Sirius charging towards the Shrieking Shack with his wand drawn.

A flash of a Dementor.

The Forgotten Hero Part III

Coming soon.