First of all, I owe you all an apology for me being quiet for so long. I'm sorry. I truly am. I've been caught up in life affairs like school and stuff. Part of it is not only that, but I am lazy as hell by nature, and the other part is writer's block.

See, when I write a chapter, I go with whatever comes to mind. Therefore, I have a bit of a problem with story continuity. By that, I mean that once I set forward events in a story, I have a tough time finding a place to pick up. I have tons of ideas for my stories, but each of them contradicts the others or has absolutely no correlation with the others.

Which brings me to my next point: Optional/Joke chapters. I'm currently working on multiple optional silly chapters for my main story (Attack on Warframe). I plan to release them as filler chapters for those who just want me to upload something.

I'm not sure what to do for these optional chapters, so please submit your ideas to me either in a review or PM and you'll get the opportunity to directly influence what I write. You will also be credited for your ideas. Now I know what you're thinking at this point, and no, I'm not charging money for you to be part of this project thing or whatever. I started these stories for shits and giggles, and I intend to keep it that way. It's all free. All I ask for is your support in my future stories and honest feedback. If you don't like my stuff, oh well. Why are you still reading this, then?

Anyway, now that THAT'S out of the way, I'd like to take a moment to thank you all who follow the things I create. When I first joined Fanfiction, I was thinking people would be like "Wtf am I reading? What is dis weeb shit?" Turns out, this community is pretty great. It's a great place for people to express their ideas without fear of shame or bullying. The kind of stuff I've read is just…No. Never again.

Right then, I think that about covers it. Anything I'm missing…? No? Alright then. See ya! And happy New year!

This has been a CTRLV broadcast brought to you by Sir Fart.