Bakugou was ready to kill and rage and he wanted to slaughter. The animal inside of him was gnawing at his throat again, urging him to explode. It was happening again, that familiar fog of fury washing over him. True heroes didn't behave like this – and yet, he did.

Was he really hero material? The villains didn't think so. As they took off his muzzle, Bakugou snapped at the villain's fingers.

"Why don't you behave and listen to our offer?" The one with the shit-ton of hands asked.

Bakugou ground his teeth together. "Why don't you blow your brains out?"

The lead villain didn't even flinch. "My name is Shigaraki, and I have a proposal for you."

"I refuse."

"You don't even know-"

"Like hell I'm gonna listen to what fuckers like you have to say," Bakugou snorted. "Fuck off."

Shigaraki paused. "How would you like to be a villain?"

"I'm a hero," Bakugou said pointedly, choosing to omit the student part.

"You don't have to be. Why bother?"

Bakugou's smirk promised hell on their heads. "I like the way All Might looks when he stands at the top."

"Is that all?"

Bakugou's smirk dropped. "The fuck?"

"There's more glory in being a villain, if that's what you want."

"No, there isn't. Heroes are the ones with the riches and the fame."

"There's a first for everything. They don't value you, not really."

Bakugou paused, hesitating. That was true, painfully so; the tournaments had proven how badly everyone viewed him, as some uncontrollable animal. But he wasn't, he knew that. Why could no one else see this?

"...What does your offer entail?"


How long had it been since he had rejected Kirishima's outstretched hand? How long since the others had tried to 'save' him? To shackle him once more to the imperialistic ideal of heroism. Even Deku, shitty, useless Deku, conspired against him. It made Bakugou's hands itch again.

"Bakugou," Shigaraki said, "Have you told us everything you can about UA?"

"Of course," Bakugou muttered. "That's everything." A sign of good faith; spill everything about UA, everything about the heroes. And Shigaraki wasn't disappointed. Bakugou had exceeded his expectations. The boy was a mine of information, yet another sign of how clever he was.

Bakugou greeted the world dressed in black, a blank mask covering his face. He flicked up the hood as he left, ready to make his name.

He hated his suit, he mused. Loose black clothing, with sleeves designed to fall away from his hands; slim trousers and heavy boots. He felt ridiculous, a child playing dress-up. But Shigaraki insisted. Wait until they managed to sort out his grenades, he said. You look fine, he said.

"Bakugou," one of the other villains said. "Can you get us into this place?"

Bakugou approached the door, then smirked. He easily blew it away.


"Kacchan is a villain?" Deku asked helplessly, staring up at the screen. The footage showed a familiar explosion tearing down a door, then villains entering the store to raid.

"Deku," Uraraka said, worried, "Is he being controlled?"

"I don't know," Deku replied, panic washing over him. He wanted to believe it, and yet he was sure this was Bakugou's own action.

Was he planning on bringing them down from the inside? If so, then Deku could easily forgive once this mess was over. But if he wasn't, if this was the path Bakugou chose-

-Was everything a lie? Did Bakugou lie when he said he wanted to be a hero?



"Kill her," Shigaraki said dismissively of the girl that stood in front of Bakugou. Said child whimpered, staring up at Bakugou.

"Mummy," she cried, turning to flee. Bakugou jumped forward, grabbing her – she was so delicate? Bakugou froze, hand set to explode, but his limbs refused to obey him any further.

"Bakugou. Kill her." Shigaraki was insistent.

Bakugou swallowed thickly. Now his hand was shaking, his grip tightening on her arm. "My arm won't move."

Shigaraki studied him. "Why not?" Was it her quirk, he meant. Fucking Shigaraki, why the fuck did he put with this shit.

Bakugou lowered his arm, suppressing the explosions. "I'm not killing her."

Shigaraki clicked his tongue. "Bakugou," he warned, "she saw what we did."

I need someone to erase her memories, Bakugou thought. He couldn't kill her. He couldn't, the very thought ruined him.

"Fuck off-"

Shigaraki slid past Bakugou. He pressed two fingers against her neck, and Bakugou could feel the haunting smile he gave. "Which death is more painful?" He said the question casually, like they were discussing the weather. "Bakugou?"

Bakugou tugged her closer to him, ignoring her cries. "Don't you-"

"I'm in charge," Shigaraki said softly, closing all five fingers around her neck. Bakugou was helpless to save her.


Bakugou abandoned the league of villains, regretting ever leaving UA in favour of them. In idle moments, his mouth twisted around and contorted as though attempting to consume him; in active moments Bakugou would battle with his rage.

So much anger inside of him. It made him want to curl over and cry, and yet – he was Bakugou Katsuki, he couldn't.

His dream of being a hero? Gone. He wasn't suited to be a villain. He wasn't suited for anything. Maybe he should just destroy everything-

Or maybe, just go vigilante.

first crack at a bnha fic. :S