Star Wars: Rebels: World At War
Disclaimer: Star Wars Rebels and all Star Wars characters and Lore are not my property, as they are all owned by Lucasfilm and the Walt Disney Company.
A/N: Here we are, at the fifth installment of my ongoing series, and the second story in the middle trilogy. I'll warn you all right now, the first couple chapters will be more lighthearted compared to the rest of the story. We'll be getting into some serious, gritty war story-esque content further along, with the culmination of the Rebellion's campaign on Ryloth.
Once more, this story starts off with strong Ezrabine, but a greater focus on Kanera will return as the story progresses, including more with their daughter, Dawn. Of course I sincerely recommend any first time readers read over the previous installments in this series, first.
More familiar faces will be returning, and they alongside familiar favorites will each have a role to play. The Galactic Empire renews their efforts to secure Ryloth with vigor in the wake of the first Death Star's destruction. Our heroes will have their hands full as the true realities of war are laid bare and the lines between good and evil are blurred on both sides. All the while, mysterious forces plot and lurk just out of sight, closely guarding a set of ancient secrets far greater than the fate of one entire planet.
Chapter 1: On the Precipice
It was just before dawn on Dxun, the jungle moon of Onderon. The light of the multiple other moons continued to shine alongside the stars in the night sky over the ancient Mandalorian crusader compound. In the spare room they'd been given at the back of the officer's quarters, a certain couple comprised of a young Jedi and young Mandalorian had slept soundly and peacefully in each other's arms. To be more precise, Ezra lay with his back to the single sleeper, thin mattress on the cot he'd been loaned with Sabine resting snugly in his arms on top of him, her naked form splayed against his under the sheets and her head in the crook of his neck. Several more minutes passed in peaceful stillness, the only audible sound being the hum of the air conditioner blasting through the ceiling vent off in the corner. Several more minutes, and then the stillness was broken.
His mind was groggy from sleep when Ezra slowly cracked his eyelids open at a more sharp, unexpected sounds. Strained sobbing from his fiancé, short and choppy breathing. His senses gathered quickly once they met his ears; hearing the woman he loved in pain always cut strongly at him. She froze up when she felt his metallic, cybernetic arm and hand begin to rub her bare back gently, soothingly. She had still thought she could avoid waking him. Sabine berated herself at such thoughts instantly; of course he'd waste no time concerning himself with her no matter what.
"Sabine… what's wrong?" he whispered. She raised her head slowly and looked up at him, feeling her heart skip a beat at the depth in his deep blues. Even in the dim light of the other moons coming in through the narrow window, she felt her amber orbs become lost in them.
"Damn that big heart of yours, Ezra. You lay it bare for me and break my defenses every time," she mused without any real disdain. Never in her life had someone been quite as adept at seeing right through her, down into her soul, so easily. She knew she could read him with similar ease. Perhaps that's what true love really entailed?
Without uttering a word, she pulled herself up his body until her face was level above his. She didn't even bother trying to hide the swelling of liquid in her eyes, unshed tears, which he wasted no time wiping away gently. She chuckled meekly, knowingly, and lowered back down, capturing his lips with hers in a tender, loving kiss. She felt his affection and desire as he reciprocated, winding his organic right arm around her tightly. She did her best to convey the fact she felt the same as her heart fluttered madly. She could feel his own beat at an increased rate alongside hers with her chest pressed snugly to his.
"Don't worry about it. I'm sorry for waking you. Please, go back to sleep," she tried reassuring him as they separated, knowing it was in vain before the words left her lips.
"Don't do that Sabine, don't shut me out. You don't have to hide anymore, those days are over," he reminded her before kissing her again. He felt his desire building, but ignored it. She needed his emotional care and support right now. Still, the heat between them was obvious, and they practically melted into each other. She sighed weakly, collecting her thoughts while raising her head up again just enough to peer into his eyes once more.
"I should've told you before, but I was more worried about your safety at the time," she began, and he listened patiently, giving her his undivided attention. "When we were in that cursed Sith tomb, just before Mand'alor explained the real purpose of our being there, I saw something. It was like I was inside a dream: I couldn't do or say anything about what was happening around me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was like I was pulled into a separate space in time," she struggled to explain. She had a hunch what it was, but it still sounded so foreign to her. Then again, she was still getting used to letting her mask fall, something she didn't allow often, but had become all the more frequent since entering a more romantic relationship with her favorite Jedi.
"A Force vision. Kanan told me a while back that sometimes at focal points of Force energy, like that tomb, even people without a strong connection to the Force can be affected by the energies, there. Remember you experienced something similar at the Jedi ruins on Dantooine with us?" he explained and inquired gently, and she nodded with a smile. She remembered that more pleasant experience quite well. It faded a moment later. She knew she couldn't keep him in suspense, even as guilt gnawed away at her.
"I don't know how, but something, or someone, showed me all the times I overlooked you or brushed you aside those weeks and months after we first met. This voice, this freakish, disturbing voice explained the hurt I was feeling was your reaction to my treatment of you. It kept laughing and laughing through each one, and each moment was worse than the last, they hurt more and more," her voice cracked as she recalled the pain she felt, his pain. She held back a sob as she felt his back rub cease and instead his arms stilled, holding her securely and protectively to him. "Then it showed me… killing you, taunting that you had already been forced to watch this nightmare and experience the pain like it was real. Is… is that true?" she froze as he kissed her nose softly before answering.
"Yes, every word, unfortunately…" he admitted sadly. He never wanted her to share in that turmoil. Damn that dead Sith Lord!
"Ezra!" she sobbed freely now, "I'm sorry! Please, I never mean to- mmph!" he cut her off by sealing her lips in another kiss. Her amber eyes went wide, and softened as they saw his closed eyelids barely holding back tears. He surprised her though, with what he had to say when they pulled away.
"Sabine," now it was his turn to sigh, "don't worry about it. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. It was the ghost of that ancient Sith, he was feeding off my fear and wanted to hurt you as he did me." His watery eyes showed nothing but sincerity and love as she took her thumb and delicately wiped them clear. She held back a giggle when, this time, he kissed away the tears forming in her own eyelids. Still, she frowned at the thought of what she had to say in response.
"But the pain you felt was real, because the memories he showed you were real and caused you to hurt. I'm to blame for that part, Ezra, and I'm ashamed. I'm so ashamed," she paused and pressed an index finger to his lips, silencing his attempted protest. "No, please, let me say this. I need you to know." He nodded and waited for her to continue. "I guess what I'm saying is… I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ezra. I'm sorry that I ever doubted you, disregarded you, and took you for granted. Please believe me, you never have to doubt how much you mean to me. I love you, so very, very much, and nothing with my people or the Rebellion will ever change that." As if to accentuate her point, Sabine gently wound her arms up until her hands rest behind his head. Then, she brought his forehead to her lips, kissing it repeatedly with purpose. As her words sunk in, at this point, Ezra doubted his smile could grow any wider. She wanted to laugh at how adorable he looked right now.
"I know, Sabine. I love you, too. Always have, always will," he didn't dare take his eyes off her own as he told her the truth from within his heart. It wasn't anything new from him, but it still never ceased to make her feel weak in the knees even when snugly wrapped in his arms on the same bed. She surged in this time, firmly and resolutely claiming his lips once again, pouring every ounce of love and affection she had for him into the kiss. He reciprocated instantly with no trouble at all. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes in the insignia she designed, their flame wouldn't be extinguished.
Neither of them noticed, but it was at that exact moment when the first rays of the morning sun shined through at the crack of dawn. A new day had begun on Dxun, serenading a new life between two devoted, tortured young lives who finally found peace in each other's arms. This was a new beginning, even as, elsewhere amongst the stars, the war they'd soon rejoin continued without rest.
Several Months Later:
The sun was high in the sky with light clouds over the city of Lessu in the early afternoon for the life zone on Ryloth. Having functioned as the planetary capital since well into ancient times, these days, the streets and buildings were lined with Imperial flags and banners. Trooper patrols were a common sight around every corner. Travel in and out of the city limits was restricted through multiple security checkpoints, including at the iconic and foreboding energy bridge just outside the main gates. At monthly intervals, a TX-140 tank or two would parade down the main streets under escort from a full infantry company, just as an additional reminder where the authority resided these days. However, that authority was now being challenged on a scale not seen in decades.
While the majority of larger settlements remained firmly under the boot of the Empire, elsewhere in the life zone provinces, it was a different story. In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, the Rebellion had seen a groundswell of support from sympathizers eager to join in the fight against the Empire, and Ryloth was no exception. Cham Syndulla's resistance movement grew into a full-fledged army of volunteers almost overnight. The majority of the new Twi'lek rebels were largely inexperienced and given only rudimentary training and equipment, but they were resilient when it mattered most.
At the Imperial garrison in Lessu, a towering, dark spire lined with high walls, and inside a sparsely-furnished office overlooking the governor's mansion to the left and the city marketplace to the right, three gentlemen stepped inside to meet their host who stood up from his desk to greet them. The latter spoke first.
"Commander Volker Nostromo, Captain Oraneyius Slavin, and Specialist Operative Boba Fett, I thank you for your punctuality and your discretion. What is to be discussed here is, as you already know, designated top secret by those above High Command," the man was an aging Human with greying hair and light skin with a moderate tan. His rank plague signified his status as a colonel in the Imperial Army, and he stood stout with his officer's cap on straight and his hands clasped behind his back. The second highest-ranking officer in the room was the first to reply.
"Colonel Kosh, a pleasure as always," Volker Nostromo, recently promoted following his role as joint-field commander for the ground assault on Yavin 4, saluted in respect to his familiar superior officer. Clad from head to toe in pitch black, flexible armored plating with matching pants, undershirt, utility belt, and helmet, the younger Human male was also largely concealed beneath his familiar black cloak and a matching half-mask covering the scarred lower half of his face from under the bridge of his nose, an eerily similar ensemble choice to a certain foe of the Rebellion defeated a couple of years prior. He also wore matching combat boots and gloves with wrist devices, and a rank plaque signified his official status as a forward commander in the Imperial Army. Two Westar-34 blaster pistols were holstered at his hips, and a force pike, similar to those used by the Imperial Guardsmen, was strapped to his back. His own skin was light, less tanned than Kosh, with blue eyes and neatly trimmed and combed dark blonde hair.
"Shall we get started?" Slavin inquired with what sounded like a scoff, his tone hinting how irritated he was to have been summoned away from his routine. A glare from Kosh quickly forced him to mellow out his disposition, reminding him where he was. All the while, the son of Mandalore to his side observed with a bemused smirk beneath his helmet in silence. Kosh continued just a moment later.
"Our mutual superior is ready to speak with us. I trust each of you is capable of being mindful of your place in his presence."
The three visitors to the office waited as Kosh reached back to his desk to activate a holoreciever tied into the main comm array in the garrison. If either Volker or Boba were surprised at who waited them on the other line, they didn't show it. Slavin, however, took a step back with wide eyes before he caught himself. Kosh stood back with an impassive expression as he waited for Darth Vader to address them. Even though it was only a hologram, the unnerving, mechanized breathing echoed within the ears of everyone present and permeated the office.
"Lord Vader, we are ready to receive your instructions at once," Kosh bowed respectfully. Not only was the veteran colonel the ranking commander of Imperial forces on Ryloth, he was also a pseudo, part-time liaison to the menacing Sith Lord. Briefly looking over his shoulder at the older Imperial, Vader acknowledged him before shifting his focus back to the other three. His image towering over the four around him, the Dark Lord spoke between breaths.
"Very good, colonel. Now, gentlemen, I believe in light of the present situation we can forgo pleasantries and move on right to the matter at hand. The Emperor does not care how it is done or by what means are required, but Cham Syndulla and his meddlesome resistance must fall before the end of the next full cycle. Too many of our troops and resources have been bogged down, here. The greater rebellion must be contained, but a two-front war is no longer acceptable in the eyes of my master. See to it this is done within outlined parameters, by the book or otherwise. I'll be checking back for a progress report before the end of the week."
"We will not fail you or the Emperor, my lord," Volker affirmed in resolution and respect while bowing with a single arm crossed over his chestplate.
"Consider it done," Boba nodded with his words, spoken clear and evenly.
"L-Lord Vader, if I may?" Slavin stuttered out as he struggled to collect his bearings. Evidently, he wasn't as adept at keeping his composure in the face of the Dark Lord, even at such a distance over a holofrequency. The less-than accomplished officer gulped and felt a chill run down his spin as the lenses of Vader's mask focused squarely on him.
"You may speak, captain," despite the go ahead by the Sith, it took Slavin a couple moments to collect his thoughts and put them into words. He began after clearing his throat.
"I understand it seems like the situation with Syndulla has… dragged on longer than it should have, but surely if I'd been afforded more time and resources, I could have-," the captain didn't get to finish, as with a strangled gasp one of his hands was brought to his throat, Vader's own hand effortlessly wrapping the man's fingers around his throat. A brief look of concern flashed through the navy blue eyes of Volker before it vanished as he and the others watched in silence. Vader gave his response while slowly tightening his hold through the Force, only sputtering and garbled choking audible aside from his voice and his own breathing.
"I am not interested in your excuses, captain. Consider yourself fortunate you are being afforded this one last chance, because otherwise you'd not live to regret your mistakes any further," and with that said, the Sith Lord slackened his grip and dropped his arm, allowing Slavin to collapse to the floor, coughing and heaving in a struggle to regain his breath, "You should also consider yourself fortunate I've instructed the colonel to hand command of your occupation forces over to the commander, here, as it will significantly lessen your chances to mess things up in unbelievable incompetence, once again. Consider orders from him tantamount to orders from myself for the duration of this operation. Have I made myself clear, captain?" it took a moment for Slavin to collect his thoughts and his wits enough to formulate a coherent response and raise his head both slowly and cautiously.
"Perfectly, milord!" he wheezed while rubbing his neck delicately with one hand while keeping his other hand raised over it as well in a subconscious, still futile gesture to guard his throat. Shifting his focus to both Volker and Boba, Vader relayed his final instructions for the two of them, uninterested in whether Slavin would pick himself up off the floor or not.
"I leave the rest in your hands. I suggest you begin immediately."
"We will, my lord, the moment this meeting is adjourned," Volker didn't waste time reaffirming with another bow, and Boba did the same while nodding again.
"Of course, sir. Just make sure the rest of my payment is ready upon completion," as the Mandalorian finished, Kosh couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his words and Vader's lack of a reaction. It never ceased to amaze the colonel how informal the Dark Lord allowed this mercenary to be when addressing him.
"You will all be duly compensated for your successful service, that much I can assure you. I trust you also know expectations are to be met or exceeded, first. Now, the colonel will provide you with further instructions. I look forward to seeing how much headway you've made before the end of the week."
And with that, Darth Vader ceased his transmission to the garrison, leaving Kosh to complete the briefing for him. The aging officer stepped forward, speaking as he walked past the three, Slavin still on his knees while Volker and Boba's eyes followed the former.
"Meet me at the interplanetary launch bay in no later than ten minutes, gentlemen. A shuttle is being prepped for your departure to the Tann Province. I'll explain more upon your arrival," with hands still clasped behind his back, the doors flew open and Kosh left the office without another word.
After sharing a slight nod with his associate, Volker watched as Boba left the room, next. Shifting his focus to the floor on his right, the accomplished commander stepped forward and offered a hand to Slavin, who took it after a moment of hesitation, begrudgingly.
"Don't think this means I'm okay with any of this," Slavin spat dismissively, but Volker was unfazed.
"Irrelevant, as the Mandalorian and I are not here to appease your ego, but to bring an end to the conflict that has ravaged this world for far too long. Simply follow my orders to the letter as Lord Vader instructed, and we'll all come out of this ahead," disregarding the insulted and irritated look on the captain's face, the commander turned to leave without another word.
"As you say, commander," Slavin ground out through clenched teeth sarcastically. Volker heard the remark perfectly, but merely shot back a glare over his shoulder before continuing on his way.
Elsewhere, across the stars but still within the Outer Rim, the howling winds placating the aftermath of an all-too common blizzard on the icy, mountainous world of Hoth swept through the wide, expansive snowdrifts as well as the many cavernous ravines and crevices. In the primary command room, Brigadier General Hera Syndulla met with an ally she was reluctant to call upon at first over a holocall. The man in question was a middle-aged Arkanian naval officer. Typical of his species, his hair was white and his eyes were without visible pupils, though his left one was a cybernetic replacement.
His uniform was, not coincidentally, a naval blue longcoat adorned with yellow epaulets and numerous medal and rank decorations on both sides of the chest. He wore matching pants with black boots and utility belt, along with white gloves. A blaster pistol was holstered on his right hip, and he used a ball-topped cane made of oak wood with bronzium inlays and top. As his image came into view over the holotable, Hera cleared her throat and spoke up.
"Admiral Zalveniad, astute and accurate as usual. I thank you for receiving my call personally, and the gift you sent Dawn was… appreciated, even if unnecessary. It's time for us to finalize plans for the first phase of Operation: Spearhead," the Twi'lek pilot greeted and informed her ally respectfully. He nodded with a good-natured grin.
"Come now, your daughter only turns two once. It would've been rude of me to disregard the festivities, even in these trying times. I even took the liberty of making it easy for your staff to check the toy for explosives or espionage devices." Despite his independence from the Rebellion and his greater experience as a military commander, Ralon Zalveniad was first above all else a gentleman. "Now, onto business. What say you of the battle plan I submitted?"
"After consulting the rest of the command staff along with Princess Organa and Minister Mothma, we've decided to approve your strategy for the assault on the Imperial blockade over Ryloth," Hera affirmed, pausing briefly in thought before continuing, "You have the greenlight to use any and all naval forces you deem necessary alongside the task force led by our own naval commander for the operation, a Mon Calamari officer named Commander Ackbar."
"That's acceptable," Ralon nodded once more as he replied. "Please do extend my pleasantries to this officer of yours. No doubt with some mutual cooperation, we can keep the order of battle organized and smooth. Now, I can tell there's something you wish to say to me, general. Speak freely as you will." That caught Hera off-guard. Usually only Kanan or Thrawn, even, could read her over hologram that easily.
"Admiral, while we've agreed to your terms for an alliance, I believe I should reiterate: under no circumstances are you to land any of your droid forces on Ryloth unless they are approved for emergency intervention by Minister Mothma," she tried gauging his reaction, but his expression remained focused and neutral, "My people still have vivid memories of the last time Separatist warships arrived in orbit over our homeworld. Any move to deploy planetside would be met with confusion and panic, even if we were to persuade my father to see the possible merits."
"Ah yes, Cham Syndulla. I remember him. I can't imagine he'd take kindly to his only child 'conspiring' with the last remaining CIS holdout," Ralon chuckled lightly at the thought. "Nonetheless, rest assured, your conditions will be adhered to. I will keep my droid ground troops and armor on standby, but only as a precautionary measure."
"Thank you, admiral. Be ready in five daily rotations to ship out. Your fleet and the commander's task force will rendezvous at the provided coordinates near Destrillion before moving on to Ryloth," Hera instructed, and Ralon affirmed not a moment later.
"Thank you for your time, general. Strange times lead to strange alliances. Our mutual opposition to the Empire may prove our greatest advantage as we combine our efforts." And with that, the transmission ceased, and just in time, too. A Bothan lieutenant ran up behind her, saluting as she turned to face him. She returned the gesture and he spoke.
"General Syndulla! We've just received a status update from Captains Bridger, Wren, and Solo from their ships, currently over Boz Pity…"
Meanwhile, on the Far Rim at the edge of known space, the largest of the assembled holdouts of the Confederacy of the Independent Systems persisted beyond the eyes and ears of Imperial agents. It was now the final remnant of the Separatist revolt that sparked the Clone Wars twenty five years prior. The planet chosen to harbor these persistent survivors and their automated droid forces was Lola Sayu, a foreboding volcanic, sulfurous world almost universally overlooked by spacefarers. During the Clone Wars, the CIS maintained a remote outpost on the planet known as the Citadel, where the most dangerous of their POW's were housed. Only one Old Republic infiltration mission was successful.
At the end of the conflict, with the CIS defeated, the Old Republic overthrown, and the Galactic Empire rising to take their place, surviving Separatists who refused to surrender scattered. Most holdouts were quickly hunted down and purged, but others were more fortunate. The highest-ranking CIS military leader to avoid death or capture, Admiral Ralon Zalveniad, had used his experience and tactical cunning to give the Imperials the slip one time after the next. Eventually, after falsifying and erasing data that would've revealed their ploy, Zalveniad chose Lola Sayu as their permanent place of resettlement, refitting the Citadel to act as a fortified military base rather than a maximum security prison. An alliance of convenience with a criminal syndicate, rival to the Imperial-backed Hutt Cartel and Black Sun, enabled further resettlement and reactivation of the mining facilities and factories on Eos and Hypori respectively while maintaining obscurity. The gangsters happily acted as decoys for the Separatists on these two other worlds in exchange for a cut of the production.
A slim majority in the Rebellion were initially hesitant to accept the offer of an alliance from Zalveniad and his Separatists, likely due to the fact many Rebels were once staunch loyalists of the Old Republic. The Arkanian admiral had been contemplating reaching out to his fellow enemies of the Galactic Empire for some time, but it was their victory over the dreaded Death Star that finally persuaded him. In the end, more practical minds prevailed, and the Rebellion's leadership decided they couldn't be too picky with willing allies in this ever-escalating war. Besides, this particular admiral had a reputation for more honorable conduct than most of his former peers in CIS command.
After his transmission with Hera had ceased, Admiral Zalveniad summoned his top lieutenants to relay instructions to them, personally. The duo that arrived consisted of a younger Human, a blonde, light-skinned male with long, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes around Kanan's age, and a familiar Super Tactical Battle Droid, formerly the commander of the CIS holdout on Aggramar.
"General, I leave you in command of the base in my absence. I'm certain you'll find some way to keep busy," the middle-aged Arkanian officer informed the mechanized veteran.
"Affirmative, Admiral. All systems and personnel will be kept in functioning order," Kalani immediately replied in his mechanized, droll voice.
"Very good. Commander Stratus, you're with me," Zalveniad further ordered, shifting his gaze to the Human officer.
"Yes, sir! The Nimbus commandos are currently boarding their shuttle to the Intrepid," Cirro affirmed quickly with a nod.
He was the younger brother of Alto Stratus, the leader of the Jabiimi rebels who revolted against Old Republic rule to side with Count Dooku and the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Cirro was just fourteen years of age when he learned Alto had fallen in battle with the Jedi, just several weeks after losing his sister in a previous battle. The revolution his brother had started looked to him for leadership, and he sought out Admiral Zalveniad for aid against Imperial tyranny after the war ended, refusing to trade the corruption of the Republic for the oppression of the Empire. The Arkanian admiral gladly accepted Cirro and his soldiers as shocktroops, and in exchange allocated resources to set up a second mining operation on Jabiim as a means to buy off and trade with Imperials looking to bypass the red tape and dirty deals of working with the Outer Rim Mining Guild. As a result the local Imperial government was stuffed with cash and resources, and the people of Jabiim were left in relative peace.
Cirro had taken up the ancient ornate vibrosword and bronzium shield his brother had carried into battle. The blade had killed countless clone troopers and a few Jedi, and the shield had saved Alto's life more than once. He also maintained his brother's old blaster pistol and the same worn, deep red duster coat. In addition, a pair of the familiar black rocket boots used by the Nimbus commandos snugly covered his feet, as did a matching set of gloves. Unlike his brother, the younger Stratus also wore durasteel gauntlets, shinguards, open-front helmet, and chest armor. His olive-drab grey uniform shirt and pants fit loosely under this armor, held in place by his frame and brown leatheris utility belt.
"Almost poetic, that we'd return to Ryloth as potential liberators. My, how times change," Zalveniad mused aloud in thought, before gesturing for Cirro to follow him.
All the while, across the stars over the Mid Rim world of Boz Pity, the familiar, modified stock freighter known as the Millennium Falcon was approaching upper orbit, and the site of a brief but fierce fight between two larger starships. A Consular-class Clone Wars-era corvette under the banner of the Lok Revenant pirates had been ambushed by a larger Interceptor-class frigate, the latter bearing the ominous colors of the Black Sun criminal organization. The exterior battle appeared to be over, with the gangster frigate docked alongside the pirate corvette, securely linked at their starboard and port airlocks respectively.
Officially, the Lok Revenants operated as most criminal organizations did in times of war, and played both sides when it was convenient. Unofficially, the notorious pirate cartel harbored strong sympathies to the Rebellion thanks in part to their leader, who resented the totalitarian control over free trade practiced by the Galactic Empire. As a result, his crews typically operated as both suppliers and part-time informants to the Rebel cause, for a price of course. So when one of these crews came under attack by rival criminals, they naturally called on their Rebel allies for backup. It certainly helped this particular Revenant vessel was carrying a shipment destined for the Rebel outpost on Destrillion, its next stop after Boz Pity.
"What are you doing in here? You're supposed to be manning the top gun!" Captain Han Solo, former smuggler-turned hero of the Rebellion chastised Jedi Knight Ezra Bridger as the latter entered the cockpit on the Falcon. The Wookiee co-pilot, Chewbacca, continued attempting to hail the pirate vessel, the modified Consular corvette.
"It's alright, Captain Solo, I don't sense any imminent danger to us from either ship," the young Jedi explained as he moved closer to the front seats, peering out the viewscreen at their objective. Still, the skeptical pilot wasn't willing to take any chances.
"Lemme guess, your Force, right?" Han resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "More Jedi speak," he continued, "Chewie, take over for him, I got things handled up here for the moment." The grizzled Wookiee warrior growled a complaint in the language of his people as he stood to leave, and Ezra reflexively stepped aside to allow the hulking alien to pass. "Yeah, you and me both, pal," Han retorted to his co-pilot. Ezra was annoyed; Sabine had only recently begun to teach him Shyyriwook.
"He called me a name, didn't he?" the young Jedi quirked a brow.
"Yeah he did, now give me a minute of quiet, would ya? We finally got through to the Revenant ship," the Corellian declared upon inspecting the comm console to his right. "This is the Millennium Falcon hailing the Florrum Freetrader. Does anyone read? Copy." Several moments passed before a loud and familiar voice answered, the abruptness nearly causing Han to jump in his seat and Ezra to stumble back.
"At last! The brave and daring heroes of the Rebellion have come to our rescue!"
"Wait, Hondo?!" Ezra cut in over the channel, incredulous but recognizing who it was instantly.
"It seems my reputation precedes me! Of course it does, what did I tell you, gentlemen?" Hondo Ohnaka remarked to his crew around him in validation.
"I'm Captain Solo, and the other guy with me is Captain Bridger, what's your status?" Han attempted to get down to business, to little effect.
"Brigder? Hmm- oh yes! Ezra Bridger, my friend! I knew you would not abandon your old pal Hondo! And at last I meet the famous Han Solo?!"
"Ohnaka!" both Han and Ezra pressed in unison.
"Huh? Oh, yes! It was incredible!" the aging Weequay pirate captain began recounting, and exaggerating, dramatically, "The nefarious scoundrels of Black Sun were lying in wait as we emerged from hyperspace. With great courage, I knew we had to face them, and I inspired my ragtag crew of roustabouts to stand and fight with me!"
"That's a lie and he knows it," a new voice cut in on Hondo's end of the channel, "The captain ran to the escape pods the moment the enemy ship opened fire. I had to take over, I'm the first mate."
"Such slander! Hurtful however accurate it may be!" Hondo interrupted, but his reluctant subordinate continued.
"We tried to fight them off while calling in support from our associates on the surface. They told us an assist was inbound, but it looks like you got here first, rebels."
"I take it you managed to avoid capture if you're free to speak with us," Sabine chimed in as she too walked into the cockpit, her helmet clutched under her arm. Ezra's eyes noticeably lit up at the arrival of his wife, and she briefly flashed him a smile as well. Han, however, grumbled in frustration.
"You too? Doesn't anyone listen to me?!"
"The Black Sun disabled our shields, and our engines went next," Hondo's first officer continued, "Afterwards they simply pulled in alongside us and locked onto the airlock. They got as far as the cargo hold before we fought them back, but they did nab a few crates we were transporting. We're pretty sure some of them are meant for your comrades, rebels. My guess is they went to secure what they stole and plan their next attack. We got just about everyone in fighting condition with blasters trained on the airlock."
"I think with a little backup from us, we can reclaim what was taken no problem," Ezra retorted immediately. Sabine nodded, and Han sighed, but agreed a moment later.
"Permission to board, granted!" Hondo exclaimed with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"Prep your other airlock while I bring us around, and-" the former smuggler began, but was cut off by what happened next.
Without warning, the Interceptor frigate broke off from the pirate vessel, its engines and maneuvering thrusters flaring to life. Inexplicably, the thrusters flared in and out alongside the engines, as if a severe and sudden malfunction were taking place. Without any sense of control or direction, the Black Sun ship spun around and down into lower orbit before finally entering the atmosphere of the planet below, the blazing heat of re-entry enveloping the craft in the process.
"Well that was unexpected… but convenient! Never look a gift nerf in the mouth I always say!" Hondo commented at the sight over the comm. The other pirate quickly cut in.
"You literally never say that." A brief silence ensued, and it took about a minute, but Sabine was able to get an incomplete scan of the pirate frigate's status.
"Just enough of their shields were cranked up in time to prevent their ship from being incinerated on re-entry. It looks like any cargo meant for the Rebellion will survive their descent," her eyes darted back and forth between Ezra and Han as she explained. The latter soon turned back to the pilot controls.
"Well, here goes nothing," and with that, the Millennium Falcon began pursuing its prize.
"We'll be in touch, Revenants," Ezra informed their pirate allies over the comm.
The moment the Falcon entered the upper atmosphere of Boz Pity, a lone Venator-class Star Destroyer, another leftover vessel from the Clone Wars, dropped out of hyperspace in the distance. It was worn with a gunmetal grey finish on the hull, but a single distinction gave away who was at the helm: the Krayt Dragon skull insignia of the Great Dragon Society.
A/N: I'm sure those of you who are EU/Legends enthusiasts such as myself recognized the few bits of content from those good old days I've dropped off in this chapter. That particular theme in this series isn't going away anytime soon. Another thank you is due to my beta reader, Wikked Grin, for his tireless work on my behalf. He helps make this possible.
I expect the next chapter to be up in about 2-3 weeks. These next few weeks will be busy and hectic, but afterwards I anticipate I can return to my usual update schedule. I've begun work on a sort of prequel as well featuring Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri in addition to the next chapter, and I'll keep you all posted on that as well.
Once again, thank you all for reading and your support. It means so much to me, and you make this happen as well. I know I've said that before more than once, but I believe it deserves reiteration. Until next time, safe journeys! :)
Edit: I expanded the explanative transitions for Ryloth and Lola Sayu after receiving a helpful suggestion that I decided had merit.