Chapter Zero

Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
It's Season 7, The First attempt to take over the world again, it takes place between 7x16 and 7x17. All scoobies are living on Summer's house. Plus the Potential Slayers, several, the named ones, were dead, so we will concentrate on Amanda (Sunnydale Potential), Kennedy (Willow's new mate), Rona (the african-american one) and Molly (the french looking one?). Principal Woods, Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn, Andrew, Spike and Buffy will be here too. Wow! The First?

The X-Files:
9th Season is over, Scully and Mulder have been living together travelling over the country, get themselves hidden of any kind of danger, baby William was given to adoption and nobody knows where he is. Monica Reyes and John Doggett are still leading the X-Files, dealing with (weak) Monsters of the week.

Last time on Star Trek The Next Generation:

Sorry, none. (Damn, I missed Nemesis on theaters) Okay, wait and see.