Title: Collision of Destiny

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: U/M

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon nor will I ever (sigh). It would be a sad world if I did. Really Sad. ;(

A/N: This is my first attempt at fan fiction but please don't be scared away! These ideas have been bouncing around in my head forever so trust me when I say I've had a long time to think them through. Oh btw I have very little knowledge on Japanese names and such but I am going to attempt to use some of the names and terms because they are important to the plot (you'll see later). Just forgive me during action scenes because I have no idea what they say in the Japanese anime or Manga. It would help me a lot if maybe someone could review or email me the names and terms. Thx.
The young silver haired girl peered over her shoulder yet again. Her silver-flecked blue eyes searching the shadows for movement. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. 'How stupid could I be walking the oldest part of Brooklyn alone at night. And I'm suppose to be a genius!'

She had been at one of her father's business parties yet again for the third time that week. He loved showing she and her brother off to all of his associates. 'His little genius's' he would say. Unfortunately these * gatherings * were often filled with men who had had a bit too much to drink. 'I love my father but is he blind!'

Eventually the stares directed her way had gotten too much for her. Knowing that no one else in her family would want to leave yet (after all it was free food) she had begged them to let her walk home assuring them it was only a few blocks and she'd be careful. She was now regretting that decision.

"Who's there?" she called as she spun around now not only angry with herself but pissed off at the world in general. She felt something cold encircle her waist before she was pulled off into a side ally. She tried desperately to fight him off... claw at anything but he was too strong. 'So strong......' she thought as she continued to struggle. He then started tearing at her dress as he kissed her harshly. "No...Stop!" She called still trying to break free. Abruptly a cold hand covered her face and she stared into his dark brown eyes. Her eyes widened as realization donned on her. * She knew him! * He leaned in close his frigid breath sweeping across her pale cheek. "Shhhhh....." he whispered.
Usagi shot -up panting heavily. Sweat glistened on her forehead as she covered her face with both hands praying silently for the images to go away. She looked over at the ball of fur at the edge of her bed that had not stirred. 'And she complains I can sleep through a tornado.' She thought as she padded softly to the washroom in her soft bunny slippers.

She reached he bathroom turning on the light and then faucet. As she waited for the water to get cold she stared at herself in the mirror. At her golden, sun-kissed hair and crystal blue eyes. She turned away disgusted only to then stare at her pink, fuzzy pajamas. 'What a fake.' She splashed some cold water on her face and as she was about to leave was again enraptured by her reflection. 'Why now...?' She thought she had gotten past all of this. She had been expecting the normal dreams of the prince she usually had. Not this.

'It's because * he's * back!' her mind screamed at her. She had seen * him * hiding around corners, following her when he thought she wasn't looking. He should of known that you couldn't stalk someone like her so easily. She knew what he wanted. 'No!' She had a new life now. Screw destiny! She wasn't going back. Ever. That was the last thought she had before letting a sleep filled with roses once again claim her.
Usagi ran to school effortlessly though to everyone else it looked like she was going in a blind panic. Suddenly an ugly green engulfed her vision. She reeled backwards only to be caught moments before hitting the ground. She slowly opened her clenched eyes to find herself peering into a stormy midnight blue. 'Damn it.'

All of her other klutz attacks were done intentionally but for some reason the ones around him just happened. 'Why does he do this to me?' She suddenly realized the position she was in and the ackward stares they were getting from bystanders whom had stopped to watch the unfolding drama.

He slowly set her upright. 'Is he actually going to be nice to me?' Unfortunately her hopes were dashed by the next words out of his mouth. "Hey Odango Atama, where's the fire?" he asked referring to her mindless running.

"How should I know Mamoru-Baka?" She mumbled as she brushed the dust off her uniform.

He gave her an incredulous stare, "Odango, you're probably the one that started it."

"My name is USAGI!" she screamed.

"ODANGO" he replied calmly.

Before she could answer she glanced at her watch. "Oh no, you made me late for school" she whined.

"You mean you actually go?" he asked.

"Of course I go Baka, why wouldn't I?" she asked. Outside steam was coming out of her ears, inside though she was scared. 'Does he know?'

"Well, I'm just amazed that someone that actually does go to school gets grades like yours." He replied before walking off whistling a slightly familiar tune. She glared holes in his disappearing back before she again remembered about school and raced off.
"Good morning Haruna-sensei. Gomen nasi (a/n is that right?) Haruna was already facing the chalkboard writing down the agenda when Usagi came in breathlessly.

"Tsukino-san!" she said still facing the chalkboard, "that is the third time this week. Detention!" No other students could see because her back was towards them but Haruna was grinning from ear to ear. Usagi however was still at the door and could see the smile.

"Hai, Haruna-sensei," Usagi said mocking disappointment as she trudged to her desk.

"Better luck next time Usa-chan," Naru whispered to her.

Usagi just nodded sullenly while she tried to keep up the charade with out bursting out laughing. Haruna at that moment turned around and Usagi could see she too was having trouble. 'Maybe it's the full moon tonight. Making it harder to pretend,' she thought as she looked out the window. * Slap! * Usagi looked at the ruler on her desk and then her eyes moved up to the person holding it. "Stop daydreaming!" Haruna snapped but Usagi could see the mirth twinkling in her eyes.

"Hai, Haruna-sensei." Usagi repeated in a dull voice with the mirth in her eyes mirroring Haruna's own.

'Definitely the full moon...'
"Usa-chan, you alright? You seem more tired then usual"

"Hai Patricia, I'm fine just had some bad sleep." (A/n Hee hee, you thought it was going to be one of the scouts or Naru didn't you? Anyway can someone plz tell me what Haruna's name in the Japanese version is. I'd really appreciate it.) They were the only two left in class and Usagi was currently marking some papers for her in the so-called detention.

This was the same deal that Usagi had cut with all her teachers. She was completing University classes over the Internet for her engineering degree and was also working on a medical. She had finished junior high long ago but needed to appear a normal teenager to the outside world.

To do this she asked her teachers to help her put on her ditzy act and in exchange she would help mark assignments and tests. The agreement was beneficial to both parties. "Usa-chan, why do you not want them to know your true self?" Haruna asked. The question had been nagging at her since this thing started. She had no idea why someone as brilliant as Usagi would want to hide.

"It's complicated. Sometimes I wish..."

"Hai, it's always complicated" Haruna closed her eyes as she sighed deeply.

"You mind if I leave now," Usagi said suddenly packing up, "I have to meet the girls."

"Don't worry, go ahead," Haruna suddenly smiled, "besides I have a hot date tonight,"

All she got as a reply from Usagi was a knowing smile
"You Baka, you're late again!"

Usagi sighed, "Gomen minna." She was starting to get tired of this whole charade. They were at the arcade and had all already ordered what they wanted before she arrived. She noted that mamoru was sitting in his usual spot at the counter sipping a coffee.

"Give her a break, Rei, she's not as late as usual."

Usagi gave Makoto a smile of thanks before sitting down. Then Motoki came up to take her order. He seemed to be giving her a strange look. "Hey Motoki-san," Usagi greeted him. She looked up only to have her gaze caught by his eyes. 'His brown eyes.' A sick feeling formed in her stomach.

"So, what will it be?" he asked taking out his pencil and pad expecting a long answer.

"Nothing, ...I don't feel hungry." She replied looking down. Motoki froze his pencil still in mid-air. The girls looked up sharply. Silence overtook the arcade and all that could be heard was a soft chuckle.

"Odango, the day your not hungry is the day pigs fly." Usagi looked up to meet his amused eyes with a cold glare.

"Why don't you go look out the window then," she replied icily, "one of them might recognize you as their own kind and take you in." She then picked up Minako's strawberry milkshake and proceeded to pour the * pink * fluid slowly over his shocked head. "There now you look even more like one. Your sure to make some friends." And with that comment hanging in the air she left the arcade behind.

Motoki broke the silence, "That was good."

"Yeah," Mamoru muttered staring at the door she had left from, "A little too good."

'What's wrong with you Usagi?'


"Quiet!" Rei said slapping Minako on the back of the head. "I swear if it's not one of them it's the other."

Mamoru said nothing as he still watched the doors. He was going to find out what was bothering her. One way or another.


Well, how was it. Plz all kinds of reviews are welcome. This is my first fic after all so I expect lots of flames. If you guys don't like it give me some suggestions and I'll revise the first chapter. PLZ I'm begging you out of the kindness of your hearts to review. I promise the action is going to pick up. And Mamoru will become a major character in this fic don't worry. BTW is this too short or too long?