Harry's Magical and Fun 6th Year, Chapter 1 Romilda Vane

Dumbledore picks Harry up from his aunt and uncle's house, intending to escort him to the Burrow, home of Harry's best friend Ron. On the way they make a detour to the temporary home of Horace Slughorn, former Potions teacher at Hogwarts, and Harry unwittingly helps persuade Slughorn to return to teach.

Harry and Dumbledore then apparate to the Burrow, where Hermione has already arrived. The next morning, Harry, Ron, and Hermione get their O.W.L. results, along with lists of school supplies. Hermione, Ron and Harry all read them and they are happy they passed, although Hermione is sad

Later on, Ron and Hermione follow Draco to a store known as Borgin and Burkes. Harry is instantly suspicious of Draco, whom he believes to be a Death Eater.

On the train ride to Hogwarts, Harry is alone as Ron and Hermione are now prefects, and sneaks up on Draco and other Slytherins, listening to him. Draco nearly sees a part of Harry's sneaker as he jumps up and hides where the luggage was. When the train arrives, Malfoy stays in the cabin, and paralyzes Harry by spell, then smashes his nose for revenge for causing his father being imprisoned.

The students return to school, where Dumbledore announces that Snape will be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts. This causes several students including Harry to get pissed off.

In the meantime, Horace Slughorn will resume his post as Potions teacher. Harry now excels in Potions, thanks to having received a used Potions textbook that once belonged to someone named "The Half-Blood Prince," a mysterious former student who wrote numerous tips and spells in his Potions textbook that Harry uses to achieve superb results.

The next day, Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived in Potions class, and they sat down. Slughorn announced that today and tomorrow they were going to be going over potions and what they did were.

After the classes that day, all the 6th years went to the Great Hall to see the tables were on the walls, and that they would be practicing Apparition.

According to Wilkie Twycross, Ministry of Magic official and Apparition Instructor, one has but to recall The Three D's:

One must be completely determined to reach one's destination, and move without haste, but with deliberation. The class went good except for one girl, Susan Bones splinched herself, and lost her leg. Her leg was reattached, but other than that, nothing else exciting happened.

The next day in Potions class, when Harry and Ron walked in, Hermione and all the other girls were surrounding a cauldron full of a pinkish liquid.

Harry still had Apparition on his mind and he set up his materials he needed on his desk. Slughorn walked in and announced everyone to gather around. They all gathered around the cauldrons, and Slughorn's went over the potions.

When they got to the cauldron with the pink liquid, Slughorn asked anybody if they knew what it was. Only one hand went up, out of Harry's peripheral vision, he saw it was Hermione.

Hermione said it was Amortentia is a love potion, that does not create actual love, but gives the drinker a powerful obsession and infatuation with the giver of the potion. It is usually either forced upon someone or covertly given.

One of the girls leaned closer and she bumped the table leg, causing the cauldron to spill toward Harry and the others. Harry who had been focusing on Apparition finally succeeded but the potion had already splattered onto him, and as his body mass changed the potion mixed with him, changing how his 6th Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would go.


For now guys...