A/N: Here's a new TMNT story. I'm super blocked on my other tmnt story, but I'm working on it. I'm going to have the next chapter for Harry Hadrian Snape and the Chamber of Secrets within the next week or so. Well, I hope you enjoy this story. It's an idea I haven't been able to get out of my head for awhile. You find out who it's about in the first paragraph. Just let me know what you think.(TMNT is a scene break)

A/N(2): Made some revisions to the chapter. I changed a few things and made others clearer. Hope the changes are okay, even if there aren't a lot of them.

Also! This is before the space saga, Karai never gets mutated, and she is the Shredder's biological daughter.

Disclaimer: Don't own TMNT. Really wish I did though.

Wearing Black

Summary: He'd do anything for his family. Even betray them.

Put in a position that could endanger his family, he is given an ultimatum. One that has him making a deal with the devil. Facing the person they least expected, how do the Hamato family and their friends go about fixing this? And will they ever find out what is actually going on? Does it even matter? They'll do anything to get him back. And when things do start to make since, what will their decision be?

The ultimate betrayal. The breaking of their family. Its all one big plot to protect the ones he love.


He looked at them. His brothers, his father, his friends: Casey and April. He wished the mighty mutanimals were here, but he was thankful they weren't. They all had worried, curious, and confused looks on their faces after he dropped onto the roof they were all on. The roof they thought he told them to meet on at half-past midnight so he could tell them something important. Something urgent. He hadn't been the one to send that message. "Mikey? What's going on?" Leo was the first to ask. Worry and confusion in his voice. Of course there was.

"Are you okay Mike?" Raph asked, trying hard to keep the worry out of his voice. Though he ultimately failed.

No. He wasn't okay. He thought he would be, but faced as he was with them. It was more difficult than he had ever thought.

"My son, what is that?" Splinter asked, trepidation in his voice.

"What? This?" Mikey asked, picking up the end of the black bandana that was going over his shoulder, in place of his normal orange. Their eyes widened in horror. Mikey gave a soft smile. "Master Shredder has given me this chance to say good bye to all of you. I love you and I'm sorry that this has to happen." he told them.

"M-Master Shredder!?" Casey cried in shocked surprise.

"Mikey, what's gotten into you?" April cried.

"Nothing much, really." He shrugged. Oh how he wished he could tell them the truth. Tell them what was happening. But they wouldn't understand. Not right now.

"Michelangelo, please explain to us what's going on." Splinter tried. He knew there was something going on. But what? Mikey gave them his saddest smile.

"I'm sorry. Really." he said. "But I have my orders." he closed his eyes as a group of foot ninjas jumped onto the roof behind him.

"Ototo?" Don whispered in confusion.

"You three should no longer refer to me in such a term." Mikey said, before adding sorrowfully. "It might be easier for you if you don't."

"Michelangelo, please!" Splinter begged, raw hurt and pain in his voice. Mikey closed his eyes tightly for a moment. His father should never have to beg to him like that. It was wrong!

"Sorry, but I have orders Splinter." their eyes widened as Mikey unsheathed a sword they had only just noticed. "Remember, the objective is not to kill." Mikey said, confusing the group and making them tense up. "Attack!" with that word, the group of foot ninja rushed forward, intent on hurting their enemy if they couldn't kill them. Mikey watched on as the ninjas attacked his friends, his family. He couldn't stop it though.

The human teens were toe to toe with the ninjas, and they were doing good. His brothers were being more over whelmed than any thing. But it was an even match between them. He spotted his father. Splinter was heading for him, intent on talking to his youngest son. Mikey figured that would happen. He brought the sword down in a way that it would land on his father's walking cane. Splinter's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"Please my son. What is going on?" his father asked, desperation in his voice.

"I'm paying the price for my decision. That is all." with that, Mikey pushed the older mutant back. There was a great amount of strength that it surprised the rat. He brought his cane up to defend himself as another blow from his youngest son's sword. Never had he thought he'd see his bright, usually happy son with such a weapon as the one he now possessed.

Mikey and Splinter fought one and other. Mikey finally pushed his precious father into a group of ninjas before jumping away. His father was very good at fighting and it was wearing on him. He looked around and saw his brothers were now back to back and fighting with April and Casey, knowing Master Splinter could take care of him self. It was obvious to Mikey that his brothers were trying to get to him, but the foot ninja were keeping them back. He sighed. This was dragging on and he wanted to leave. This was taxing his nerves and emotions. When could they leave?

He looked back at his brothers and saw Leo aiming at one of his ninjas. If the hit landed, his ninja would be hurt. He couldn't have that. These ninjas were under his care, after all. The safety of those under his care were his top priority.

Leo was shocked as his katana was blocked by another sword. He looked into the baby blue eyes of his baby brother. "Why?" he asked painfully. That one word held so many questions.

"Because, they are under my care, And I will do what I can to protect them." Mikey replied. His eyes softened at his eldest brother. "I'm sorry, but I won't let you hurt them." Mikey kicked his eldest away from him and to the side where he crashed into Casey. Raph, Don, and April looked in the direction the blue banded turtle had come from. There Mikey stood, sword drawn and ready.

"Why are you doing this knucklehead?!" Raph growled anger and hurt filling his voice.

"I have too." he answered, kicking the surprised hot-head away.

"Is it a brain worm?" Casey asked, joining them with Leo.

"Is it a brain worm, April?" Mikey asked. "Go ahead and try to find out." April concentrated, gasping, she opened her eyes.

"Well Red?" Raph ground out. Hoping it was. All of them praying their baby brother hadn't just betrayed them. He was kicked away by a different ninja. Casey and Leo ran to help him as more ninjas were ganging up on the hot-head.

"No." she whispered sorrowfully. "It's being done by his own free-will." She was startled as she was forced away and into the fray with Splinter by a well placed kick from Mikey. Splinter immediately took her being there and worked to keep her safe.

"Mikey, why?" Don gasped out. Bringing his bow staff up, to knock down the ninjas that had come to him, then to protect himself from a kick from Mikey. "Were you forced into this? What did he do to force you into betraying us?" Don asked desperately. He felt guilt at Mikey's pained expression before the youngest turtle kicked him back. Don frowned as he stood, when the ninjas all jumped away from him and the others. They re-grouped as the ninjas surrounded either side of Mikey.

That was when they saw Rhazar and Fishface. "You did good twerp." Fishface said, Rhazar nodded.

"Mikey?" Don whispered, unsure. "Please tell me you're not doing this willingly. Please! Any excuse will do."

Mikey looked at his family. His friends. "I love you guys, I do." Mikey told them. "I was given a choice and this one is mine. As of this night, I am a foot ninja. I work under Master Shredder's orders. His will is my command from this moment forth. Until it isn't."

"NO!" Raph shouted. "I refuse to believe this!" he said.

"Me too!" Don added.

"Please Ototo. You belong at home with us. Please baby brother." Leo pleaded. Mikey gave them a soft smile once more.

"You were surprised we didn't attempt to kill you or capture any one, correct?" he asked. They nodded. "That's because those weren't my orders. Two things were being accomplished tonight, let's see if you can figure them out."

"Mikey!" "Michelangelo!" they all cried as the turtle threw down a smoke bomb down and the group disappeared. Splinter, Leo, Raph, Don, Casey, and April looked at where their youngest had just been.

"Wh-why? Mikey!" Don cried. Raph hugged his brother, too shocked to offer vocal comfort.

"It doesn't make sense!" Leo cried out angry and hurt. They all had tears in their eyes. Finally, Splinter spoke.

"My sons, I believe there is something more here than what we know." he said, getting the children's attention. "Michelangelo is not one to betray those he loves." the teens all looked at each other. It was true. He wouldn't do that, would he?

"Let us go home for the night. There is nothing we can do tonight but rest. And prepare for the fight that lays ahead of us. We won't give up our sunshine and light with out a real fight." he told them. The teens nodded, April and Casey would be staying in the lair that night.


Across the city, Mikey, Rhazar, and Fishface entered Shredders throne room. The ninjas that had been with Mikey that night were to the side. The main trio knelt in front of Shredder's throne where he sat. Tigerclaw and Karai were off to the side watching. "Well?" Shredder asked. "How did it go?"

"It went according to plan Master Shredder." Fishface answered seriously.

"And your family Michelangelo?" he asked.

"They won't give up. But things are moving as planned." he answered just as seriously.

"Very good. Bradford?" he asked.

"He fought them all off. Quite well, actually." he answered reluctantly.

"Only because they didn't want to go all out." Mikey protested.

"He also protected one of the ninjas that would have been greatly injured against Leonardo." Rhazar decided to add.

"The ninja were my responsibility during the fight. Of course I protected him." Mikey said, offended at the mutant wolf's words. He made sure the mutant knew it as he leveled the man with an intense glare. It caused Rhazar to flinch back from the boy.

"Very well, every one but Michelangelo may leave." Shredder said. Fishface, Rhazar, Tigerclaw, and Karai exited along with Mikey's ninjas. Once they were sure they were all gone, Shredder spoke up once more. "You have done a good job tonight, Michelangelo. I see now you are serious about this deal."

"Of course Master Shredder. When it comes to my promises I keep them, even if I have other options." Mikey said. Shredder couldn't help his amusement at that.

"But of course. Very well. You may leave Michelangelo."

"Very well. Good night Master Shredder." With that, Mikey was out of the throne room. He met up with Tigerclaw.

"Come along cub. Your room is right next to mine. The entrance to your room is through mine.'' Tigerclaw answered his questioning gaze. They started towards Tigerclaw's room.

"You mean he still doesn't trust me to keep to my side of the deal?" he asked, a bit peeved.

"Just wants to keep an eye on you incase any temptations come along." TC answered with a smirk.

"And you're the most responsible of the three of you, so he trusts you to keep an eye on me?" Mikey asked, changing the subject. Why was he placed in Tigerclaw's care rather than Rhazar's or Fishface's?

"I'm also the most competent." he replied. Mikey snorted in amusement as he followed the mutant tiger. It was quiet as they reached a door that had an orange and black symbol on it. "Inside." Tigerclaw said. Mikey nodded and followed him into the room. It was a soft green color. There was a large bed against one wall. There was a large table with papers and technological bits. There was a wardrobe and on the walls were different weapons.

'What Don wouldn't give to get his hands on these.' Mikey thought.

"Through here is your room." Tigerclaw indicated a plain door with an orange symbol. The room looked exactly like TC's only the bed was a single-probably because he was still small. There was a wardrobe, for some weird reason. A smaller desk and a door that presumably led to a restroom. "I will come and retrieve you in the morning." with that TC disappeared into his room.

Mikey knew the door was locked. It would be for awhile until he was fully trusted. Mikey looked out the window. It was dark, but he knew he was 3/4 the way up the building. Too far from the bottom to jump or make a ladder. To far from the roof for him to climb up. Not that the window opened anyways. He saw his reflection, and the black fabric around his blue eyes. He took it off, as well as the sword on his back. He placed the sword, mask, and his gear onto the desk that was close to his bed. He crawled into his bed. Mikey buried his head into his pillow as the tears he held back the entire night escaped. He made his choice, but that wouldn't stop his tears. He fell into an uneasy rest that night. He had no clue that his family and friends had done the same.

A/N: There we have it! I'll be continuing this as well and I hope for a lot of reviews. Reviews help give me motivation to get the next chapter posted. I don't remember if April can sense the brain worms, but in this story she can. And don't worry, in one of the upcoming chapters, you'll find out what happened. Well, until next time.