Disclaimer: Read my typing! I don't own YUGIOH!!!

AnimeFan: Good news, peeps! My keyboard is fixed now so I no longer have typing problems! Yeah!!!!!

Yami and Bakura: Noooo!!!!

AnimeFan: Why you! (whacks them on the head with a frying pan)

Seto: Ow...(was to smart to say anything)

Joey: Hee hee...(also to smart but enjoying Yami's pain)

AnimeFan: Anyway, character death this chapter people! Yep, and the rest of Joey's story is revieled...plus an OC makes an entrance. Don't worry though, this OC has an important role in the plot of this story but sticks to that role completely.

Joey: And then we get some action between me and my Seto-koi! ^__^

AnimeFan: Nice try, Wheeler, but not this chapter.

Joey: Kuso... -___-'

Bakura: Heh, stupid mutt. (snickers while adjusting his stick that has a marshmallow on the end of it)

AnimeFan: Bakura...Yami...why do you both have marshmallows? And where'd you get those flames.

Yami: (twirls his stick a bit) Well, I've been getting so many flames because of you making me a bad person in this story, (glares at her) that me and Bakura decided to put them to use.

Bakura: Yeah, good and productive use. (jerks his thumb to signal everyone to see the large pole coming out of the middle of the fire with a certain brunette, blue eyed female strapped to it screaming)

Anzu (aka Tea): Ahhhh!!! Someone help!!! X_x

AnimeFan: Yeah!! Bonfire! Yami-san! Throw me a franker weenie!

Yami: Ok! ^^ (throws her a hot dog and she puts it on the end of her stick)

Joey: Hey, can I have some marshmallows?

Bakura: Sure, here you go! (gives Joey marshmallows.)

Joey: Thanks, and not bad you two. Yami, I commend you! A guy can't be to bad if he roasts Tea alive with his own flames. ^_^ (puts his marshmallow on a stick and places it over the fire.)

Seto: Ummm, can I have an apple? (looks at them all with cute, innocent eyes)

Yami, AnimeFan, Bakura, and Joey: Awe, You bet!! (all offer him apples of different colors and brands)

Seto: Oh, thanks! ^^ (takes AnimeFan's, much to the other boys displeasure, and puts it on the end of his stick, placing that over the fire)

AnimeFan: Mmmm, cooked apple! The hot and mushy sweetness! I love apple roasted over a fire, I think I'll have one too! (eats her weenie then places her own apple on her stick)

Anzu: Hello! Can't you all see that I'm stuck on this stick burning!!

Seto: Hey...can apricots burn?

Joey: I don't know...why?

Seto: Nothing...I thought I heard Anzu's voice and that thought came to me. (shrugs)

Everyone but Seto: (glances up at the burning Anzu)

Animefan: Well, Seto. You must of imagined hearing her voice. Just enjoy the fire.

Seto: K! ~^___^~


Not A Moment To Soon
Red is the Color of Life

Yugi repeated what he had just heard.

They were all taking the bus to the Slums since Joey wasn't there to drive them and they all couldn't fit in Yami's car. After Triston had got Serenity's call, he had rushed over to Joey's apartment to her side, then under her wishes had called the rest of the gang up. They had all met up at the bus stop, having decided to go to the Slums and bring back Joey for Serenity's sake. Now they were all waiting about as the vehicle drove down the streets.

Yes, Joey ran away to the Slums, Serenity sighed, face pale from her fear. We didn't know where he went straight away, all we actually knew was that he had run away without a note or anything. We looked, but we never could find him. After four years, we finally received word about him. But not in the way we were hoping. The word came from a call, made to us. It was a police officer, and he was requesting us to attend a trial...Joey's trial. It seemed, Joey had gotten in real deep in the Slums. Part of a gang...dealing and doing drugs, abusing alcohol, stealing, participating in gang fights, he became so well known in the Slums that they called him HellRaiser Wheeler.

Was all anyone could say as this story of Joey's past deepened. Joey had never told them about this, nor had he even acted like he had ever participated in this sort of thing. It was, suddenly a lot to take in.

In fact, it was a gang fight that caused us to receive the call. It seemed, during the fight, Joey had shot and killed one of the other kids. The police were not far away by then, they heard the shot and saw Joey with the gun. It took some chasing, but they managed to catch him. He was then charged for murder and would have a chance for trail. That's why we were to go, cause we were his family. The trail commenced, but Joey was still to young to be convicted under the same laws as an adult. It was decided that he would be kept in jail till he was old enough. Things...looked pretty bad for Joey. People believed that he was to far into the criminal life of the Slums to be saved. But...me, mom, and dad...we refused to give up on Joey like that. We managed to talk the judge into an alternative. We were given three months. In those three months Joey was to return to school with C average grades, get himself half decent friends, clean up his slang and his style of clothing, avoid fighting as much as possible, give up drugs and alcohol, and never be seen in the Slums again.

Oh, Ra damnit... Yami silently cursed himself, resting his head in his hands.

Serenity looked at all their guilty faces,

It makes sense now, why Joey got so angry with us, Tea stated, looking around then to Serenity, We all listened to what Joey told us about Seto's condition. We decided, after hearing it, that Seto was to far into the Slums to have any hope of saving him. Then Joey got angry at us and accused us of betraying him. We didn't understand what he meant by that, but now with Joey's story out...

He must of thought that, if it had been in the past with him as the one who's life was on the line, that we would of said the same thing and given up on him, Triston spoke out, running his hand through his hair.

This...is all my fault.

Everyone looked over to Yami, who was still hiding his face with his hands, shaking his head sorrowfully, If only I hadn't dated Seto in the first place. If only I hadn't broken up with him. But what was I supposed to do? When I first started dating Seto, I truly loved him! I seriously thought that I'd never love anyone else and that we'd be together forever. Then suddenly my heart turned against me, and I found myself in love with Yugi.

Yugi placed a gentle hand on his dark, who shrugged it off violently.

No! Yugi, this is my fault! But I couldn't keep loving Seto for his sake! I could never give him the love he needed when I no longer had it, who would be able to live like that? I tried so hard to be gentle about our break up, I was honest to the end and even made double sure that he wasn't hurting to much. I couldn't tell how much pain he was in, he kept that stone-like expression and hid his true feelings about it from me. He told me to leave, but I wasn't sure if I should. I shouldn't have, I should have stayed and tried harder to make it easier and less painful on him. It's all my fault he ran away to the Slums, it's all my fault he's trapped there, and it's all my fault Joey's angry at us all.

Seeing that his attempts to comfort his dark weren't working, Yugi just straightened in his seat and clasped his hands together, staring down at his fingers sadly.

Triston frowned, shaking his head, No! Yami, it's not your fault. Falling in love with more then one person is only human, you did what was right and tried your best to not hurt him to much with it. Kaiba needs someone who can be there with him 24/7 and he shouldn't, no, no one should expect to find a person like that the first time.

Serenity just sat down next to Triston and rested her head on his shoulder. She hoped so much that Joey was ok, that he wouldn't get caught. If he was caught, then he'd be taken back to the court and this time he was old enough to receive adult charges for the murder he committed. It just wouldn't be right if that happened though, Joey had worked so hard to make them proud and happy that they hadn't given up on him. She felt sorry for Yami, who out of everyone else was taking these events of the past few days the hardest.

Well, well, if it isn't sweat Serenity! Haven't seen you for a long time, A scratchy but deep voice chided merrily towards the gang.

Serenity raised her head and looked to the voice's owner. A young man in his early twenties with a whiskered face and dirty looking clothes smiled at her. Triston glared and placed a protective arm over Serenity.

She just smiled at Triston and then gave the man a smile, Hey, Jaken. How's life been for you?

Jaken shrugged and took a seat next to them, smelling like beer, Like shit. So, why would you be on this bus? Don't tell me you're going to the Slums, little missy.

Serenity nodded sadly, noticing the weird looks from her friends, Oh, everybody, this is Jaken. He was a fellow friend and gang member of Joey's. Probably the only half-decent guy you'll find in all the Slums.

Jaken gave a raw laugh at this and bowed to them all,

the others greeted politely.

So, why you going to the Slums, Serenity? Last time you went there was to help my buddy Joey pack his stuff to leave. How is Wheeler doing anyway? Jaken smiled warmly, ignoring the other's stares.

Not good, Joey's back in the Slums again, Serenity whispered, her eyes tearing up.

You're kidding me! Is he suicidal or something? If the buzz catch him, it'll be death row you know.

Well that's a fine thing to say when she's upset, Triston snapped, obviously annoyed or jealous of this other guy who seemed to know HIS Serenity so well.

No, Triston it's ok. Joey's trying to save Seto.

Seto! You don't mean Seto Kaiba!! The Seto Kaiba! What's the billionaire boy doing in the Slums? Was he kidnapped or something? Jaken stared at them all, obviously waiting for an answer.

Serenity sighed and started to tell Jaken everything that had happened. If they were going to find Joey in the Slums, Jaken would be their best bet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(and the plot begins to thicken)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So, I managed to make it but I chose to keep living with my dad. Even if my mom didn't give up on me, I still can't forgive her for leaving me with dad. As for the goofy accent and whacked out attitude you've always known me by, those were just acts. I decided when I went to middle school to hide my real IQ and act like an idiot in hopes of finally making friends. And I did finally make friends, though you never seemed to really like the way I pretended to be, Joey sighed, finally having successfully spilled his whole story out to someone instead of keeping it all inside.

He glanced nervously over to Seto, who was still staring at the gum wrapper he had been staring at for the last thirty minutes. The brunette seemed deep in thought, swinging his feet lightly.

Joey stuttered slightly. What if Seto was disgusted with him, what if he turned and ran away and yelled that he wanted nothing to do with a...murderer?

Seto finally sighed and adverted his gaze from the wrapper to look Joey in the eyes, Whe-Joey, I want to go. I don't want to stay in this place anymore...but I don't want to go back home. Don't take me back to that mansion, to that job, and to that life. I don't think I can go back to my old life, not yet at least.

Joey smiled in relief and nodded, taking a chance and pulling the teary eyed brunette into a warm embrace. Seto tensed against him, but relaxed and just remained there. He was still a little unused to this sudden kindness and affection from Joey, but he really could use a hug right now...no matter who it was from.

What the fuck! I thought I said for you to stay away from my pet!! A dark, grumpy voice howled furiously from Joey's right.

Both boys jumped out of their seats, Seto pulling away and Joey turning to face the intruder. It was none other then Seto's fat bastard of a pimp. Joey scowled but never got far in it as a thick fat fist pounded into his face and sent him skidding a few feet on the ground. Seto shrieked and jumped behind the bar to hide. Cursing and wiping some blood from his nose, Joey struggled to his feet to try and defend himself. Another fist came flying and punched him right in the stomach, sending him falling down again. D-Damnit! This guy is fast for being so fat!! Standing up once again, Joey was able to dodge the third blow of the fist and send his own flying into the man's chest where it...sank.

Holly shit!! You're so fat you're absorbent!! Joey shrieked and dodged another swing from the bastard.

The man just howled some more, reminded Joey of a crazed and rabid bear, and came charging at the blonde. Joey turned and jumped to the side, but the fat idiot slipped on the gum wrapper still conveniently placed on the floor and landed on top of poor Wheeler. GAHH!!!! Can't...breath...

Seto, who had been watching this from behind the bar, jumped as he saw Joey get smothered under the fat bastard. Grabbing one of the chairs, he did the only thing he could think of and hit the pimp over the head with it. His head, not having as much fat as the rest of it, took the blow with a crack and the bastard rolled over off Joey with a pained yelp, rubbing where the chair had hit him. Joey gasped for the much needed air and struggled back up to his feet. Then a loud bang filled the air of the dance room and Seto stared wide eyed in horror as Joey fell down on the ground, lying almost completely still. The fat bastard rose from where he stood, a pistol held steady in his thick grimy hands while a smirk daunted his ugly features.

Joey groaned, sitting back up. Seto and the bastard stared at him in shock, while Joey stared down at himself in shock. Where the bullet had hit him, a dent was now in the dagger strapped to his waist. And oh god, was Joey ever happy to be carrying that thing!

You little street dog! Say goodbye my pet, this little mutt is going back to his pound in hell! The bastard yelled and aimed the gun right at Joey, pulling the trigger.

Desperate to defend himself, Joey drew his own gun and fired it at the same time as the bastard. Believe it or not, the two bullets collided with each other, the one from Joey's gun repelling up into the ceiling while the other bullet bouncing back and right into the fat bastard's forehead. Seto and Joey just stared in shock as the bore let out a cough, blood trickling down into his eyes, before falling to the floor with a loud splat. For a while, neither boys spoke, continuing to stare at the dead body of the manager of Hell's Night Club.

Then Joey placed his gun back in its holder and stood up, shaky slightly. Seto remained where he stood while Joey silently went to retrieve his clothes in the closet, then together they left the club. Neither looking back at the scene, neither saying anything.


AnimeFan: Yeah! The hardest part of the whole story has been done! And I'm proud of how I've typed this! ^_______^

Seto: My...god...

Joey: Nuh-uh, my god...great, now I'm responsible for two deaths! -__-'

Yami: Yeah...you're worse then Marik and Bakura.

Bakura: Hey! No one is worse then me! I'm the worst in this whole world! MUAHAHAHA!!!

Yugi: I've killed over 89 thousand people.

(Everyone just kinda stares at Yugi unnervingly...)

Anzu: HELLO!! Can't any of you hear me!! What's all wrong with you! AHHH!!!!

AnimeFan: Read and Review, people! ^_______^'

Anzu: HELLOOOO!!!!!!