
Somewhere in Chiba, an unassuming-looking government building has been operating for years. Even then, there was little in the way of human traffic inside and out. Most of the time familiar faces could be seen coming in and out.

Today, however, was an exception. Between the number of limousines and luxury cars coming in, along with the security that implied, it was pretty clear that something important was taking place.

Men in formal suits smiled and exchanged polite greetings with each other as they walked together toward a secured meeting room.

"Congratulations on the results of the election."

"Indeed. Who would have thought the result came in our favor."

"Unfortunate for Ozawa-san* and the LDP**, but perhaps God really is on our side this time around."

"A total sweep of the government for the first time in fifteen years; we need to make use of this as much as we can."

"Indeed. Indeed, Yukinoshita-san." One of them nodded in agreement, "But even if that's the case, the core activities of the Foundation remain unpopular. Perhaps it's up to the Tokyo Branch to deal with it."

"Perhaps. Rather than thinking about that, we need to make use of our time wisely. As a bedroom community, what happens in Chiba will also affect Tokyo."

"The funding provided to the Foundation following this victory shall be used wisely, then."

The men who had gathered picked their seats in the meeting room. It was well lit and roomy enough for everyone to have stretching room, but they kept themselves sitting tight in anticipation.

"Alright, let's review the results from top to bottom regarding our six month agenda."

"The most important goal we, or rather, what Kanto branch as a whole, have achieved is the reduction of the workforce's total hours. I believe the results have been overwhelmingly positive, though, we still have some issues that we desperately need to iron out. It will take time for us to fully enforce it."


"Yes, there was resistance from various corporations, especially those associated with the old ruling families."

"Shortsighted fools."

"There's no need to be rude, Kamihara-san. For better or worse they laid the ground for us to use. Without them, Japan won't survive and prosper." One of them called the man out.

"I'm just saying. Have they even thought what the future will be like?" Another came in the man's defense, "There will be no Japan left. Extinction is right on the table."

"There's no need for us to squabble among ourselves. Please proceed."

"Indeed, we managed to reduce effective hours of workers from 65 hours to 55 hours weekly."

"Still not enough. We need to shaft five hours." One of them said, "If Westerners can accomplish that, what's stopped us? Since when have we Japanese become the primitive and long-winded ones?"

"The artificial bloat of workload might be the case. Reformation of corporation managerial systems should be done, but it's not something that we as politicians can accomplish with our own hands."

"We're part of the bureaucracy after all. If we're not working from inside the system then we'd just be anarchist barbarians."

"That's true, perhaps we need to intensify social campaigns?"

"Komeito has eyes on us. Increasing our campaign right away would reveal our position."

"Then we shall lay groundwork for that as our next most important six-month agenda. Any interesting ideas have that come up recently?"

"Nissan Automobile is introducing telecommuting systems so their employees can maintain close communication with their home and families. We believe this would at least reduce the mental burden for overworked staff."


"Thirty thousand people die every year to suicide. Such a waste."

For a supposedly wealthy and orderly country, the Japanese have an extremely high suicide rate. That was because the Japanese were repressed, chained by their own obligations with absolutely no outlet.

"What about our agenda in the healthcare sector?"

"Still too much resistance. At best we can approach individuals and offer sponsorship."

"That's not cost efficient."

"Understatement of the year, Yukinoshita-san."

"Too many people still consider Psychiatrists as their enemies. The image of unchallenged mental fortitude is too ingrained in our culture."

"Two hundred million yen." Someone muttered.


"Two hundred million yen, that's the average economic value of a human life. If not for altruism and a sense of morality can't they see how much a waste it would be to burn that much potential in the name of short-term gain?" The man shouted in anger?

"That's ... unfortunately blunt but true. How can we change that?"

"Too much of a pipedream, we absolutely need to aim low."

"Speaking of aiming a little low ... what happened with Project Mirai?"

"It's still continuing as we speak. And, so far, it seems that Yukinoshita-san found himself an interesting test subject."

Representative Yukinoshita frowned with the callousness of some of his colleagues. Still, it wasn't the time to argue semantics.

"I think it's simply best for you gentleman to hear for yourself." He replied. "Hiratsuka-san, please come in."

Hiratsuka walked into the meeting room with an air of confidence and contentment. Each and every single man sitting here was important, both on a regional and national scale.

And yet, she showed little in the way of nervousness as she politely bowed. "Agent Hiratsuka at your service."

"Subject 108 was chosen directly under your tutelage. Last year, she underwent gender reassignment and altered her identity with our help." Yukinoshita asked, "Though far less than we prepared, we put quite an amount of effort and resources into her recovery. Kindly share your thoughts?"

"If I'm allowed to be rude, Sir." Hiratsuka smiled, "Tremendous results."

"Oh, do explain."

The projector showing statistics and data in front of the room was replaced by various photos and profiles of various teens. The one at the center was none other than Hikigaya Hachi.

However, the other kids on the screen surprised quite a few of them.

"Are those..."

"Those were the list of students who were involved with her directly, I believe some of you personally know them as well." Hiratsuka lightly smiled.

"That's your daughter isn't it?"

Yukinoshita answered coldly, "My second daughter to be precise."

"Why is Hayato-kun of all people there?" A man pointed.

Hiratsuka said, "Based on all information I've gathered as well as my personal observation, Hikigaya Hachi had proven herself capable of building an intense network of interpersonal relationships with high profile students. Each and every single student on the screen, they were special."

The picture focused on Yumiko.

"Miura Yumiko. She was originally hailed as a genius tennis player that managed to earn the Prefectural Junior Championship at the age of fourteen. In her first year at high school, she stopped playing. However, after she fought and lost to Hikigaya, she returned to competitive tennis. Currently, she and Hikigaya are training at the Paris Tennis Academy, funded by a certain corporation's sponsorship."

"Sponsorship? She's an amateur. That's quite a big deal I think." One of the men commented.

"Really big deal. I'm not sure if it would be wise. The Paris Tennis Academy is not cheap. Certainly, the average middle-class family wouldn't be able to afford the tuition without sponsorship."

The subsequent video showed Hachi smashing the ball hard enough that she caused her opponent's racket to fly.

"It could be said that after her physical rehabilitation, Hikigaya's body had turned into a superweapon." Hiratsuka joked subtly, "It's speculated that her physical abilities are on par with world-class players. An assessment that earned her the sponsorship, rather than her skill."

The men had uneasy looks but decided to stay quiet.

"The next one is Totsuka Saika."

"Totsuka Saika was a nobody. Or, rather, he was a mascot in his own team. However, through his repeated interaction with Hikigaya, he himself also turned out like this."

Saika's old photo, which showed him in his girly days, slowly changed multiple times, showing his growth and shift in appearance to something more masculine.

"And in two weeks managed to earn two championships."

Then the screen focused on Yukino.

"Yukinoshita Yukino was hardly a social person at school, but Hikigaya managed to get into her good graces as well." Hiratsuka showed the picture of Hachi and Yukino shaking hands right after the election, "It's strongly believed that Hikigaya was the first catalyst for Yukinoshita's involvement in Student Council and here..."

The pictures disappeared and replaced by a huge list of documents and articles.

"Those are school policy changes that happened within the last two months. All of them can be traced back to none other than the new Student Council President, Yukinoshita Yukino."

"That's quite a long list, did she accomplish that on her own?" Representative Yukinoshita asked with extreme disbelief.

"Well, she is your daughter after all." One of them scoffed.

"I don't see how that's even remotely related." Representative Yukinoshita frowned in response to the light jab from his colleagues.

Even Yukino's own father actually questioned her abilities. But he wasn't skeptical of Yukino being insufficiently good. It was rather that her achievements in just two months as Student Council President were rather unbelievable.

It was actually frightening. The student body as a whole might be completely oblivious to what was happening.

"Yukinoshita Yukino has always been closely connected with Soubu's teachers and staff." Hiratsuka scoffed, "I believe it would be safe to say that, in the long history of Soubu Municipal High, Yukinoshita Yukino would be the strongest student council president ever elected."

"And the catch is, she was never interested in running before." Hiratsuka then pointed back at Hachi's photo, "Hikigaya Hachi had been the catalyst that drove her forward. I have personally verified it with the other student council members."

Sawako's picture showed up. "Fujisawa Sawako is a member of the Juvenile Literature Club that Hikigaya Hachi established and also the Secretary of Soubu Student Council cabinet. Even though it was an informal club with no budget, their club activities have earned nothing but praise from various teachers. And, there has been a proposal to formalize their club even though they were short one member."

"Speaking of the literature club, I have included in my report the details of subject 1564, Zaimokuza Yoshiteru of Class 2-F."

"Zaimokuza suffered Social Anxiety Disorder and had become withdrawn from school activities after mid-term examinations."

"However, based on her own experience with the Foundation's direct support, Hikigaya Hachi encouraged him and his family to seek professional help. Through me as a counselor, Zaimokuza has successfully completed his seven-week Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is recovering at a rapid pace as we speak."

"And he won the Bodansha Summer Novel Award this year, a testament to his talent in literary works."

The men in the meeting nodded in approval. Bodansha was a major publisher that absolutely everyone in the world of politics and business would recognize.

Winning an award with such publisher is no small feat.

Hiratsuka closed her eyes as the screen turned blank again, "Based on the results gained from Hikigaya and the other subjects of Project Mirai, I believe the Foundation is treading the right path. It will be slow progress, but if we can spread the awareness of the importance of mental healthcare and social support for troubled children, Japan can be saved."

"I see. Good job." Representative Yukinoshita nodded, "You may resume your work as before, Hiratsuka-san. Maintain a close watch on Subject 108 and the other students under your supervision. You have our blessing."

"Thank you." Hiratsuka bowed, "Please excuse me."

"This pet project turned out to be profound at least. I'm almost impatient to push it forward."

"Please don't, the last thing we want is a backlash from Conservatives. We need to first secure our position, not just in politics, but in the eyes of the Japanese population as a whole."

"Indeed, the Foundation at the moment is still too weak." Representative Yukinoshita replied, "Because we're weak, we can't reveal our true nature just yet."


"What is it."

"We have an imminent report from Tokyo Branch. We have successfully signed a mutual agreement with his Majesty, Prince Naruhito. He will support The Foundation's activities as much as he can as the potential heir to the throne."

"That's good news, but this information should not leave this meeting room." Representative Yukinoshita warned, "The last thing we want would be the Imperial Household Agency to hear even a whisper of it."

"Yes, sir."

Representative Yukinoshita clasped his hands gently, yet his expression was tense and grim. "The future of Japan lies in our hands. Don't mess it up."

"As for the next topic of discussion..."

It's not yet the time for the Foundation to take the center stage. But in the future, the semblance of normalcy will be lifted. Hopefully by that point, the Foundation have secured a firm base of political power. Because money can only do so much without people driving it into functioning system.

Perhaps, he should talk with Yukino some other time about her future career choices.

* Ichiro Ozawa was an extremely influential politician in Japan, to the point that he was called Shadow Shogun.
** The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), historically has been the strongest political party in Japan with broadly conservative leanings. They suffered a crushing defeat in the 2009 Election following Ozawa's fundraising scandal.